Mr Kushners woes

And Democrats had nothing to do with the policies that eventually led to the housing crash? That issue didn't START with George W. Bush, came to a HEAD during his administration but the policies that led to that were put in place by both Republicans and Democrats long before W. took office! If you had even a dollop of'd admit that! But you're one of the boards biggest that won't happen...will it?

Nope. Because Bush was president for 8 years. He had 8 years to address the problem, instead he made it worse.

You see, here's the thing. These things like the S&L Collapse in the 1990's and the HOusing crash in 2008. They happen when Republicans are in charge because the Banksters know they can get away with this shit. The regulatory agencies aren't watching because "Freedom" or some such shit, and they know the government will bail them out.

Not to worry, when Trump has a recession on his watch, you'll blame it on Obama.
See you show no respect. The party of "Intolerance", bitterness, &

You guys don't deserve respect. You steal elections and fuck it up for the rest of us and then show NOT AN OUNCE of responsibility.

It's not just that you make mistakes, it's that you don't learn from them.

The Orange Shitgibbon wants to privatize Air Traffic Control. Yeah, that won't turn into a cluster.
See you show no respect. The party of "Intolerance", bitterness, &

You guys don't deserve respect. You steal elections and fuck it up for the rest of us and then show NOT AN OUNCE of responsibility.

It's not just that you make mistakes, it's that you don't learn from them.

The Orange Shitgibbon wants to privatize Air Traffic Control. Yeah, that won't turn into a cluster.

Ok then, next time you guys ask me to Geocach or Geotrack find a villain I will say do it yourself and let you worry about the hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives at stake.

It sounds like you want your own country, that can be arranged, there's room for your king and queen at Guantanamo. Maybe you can share Cuba with other socialists stuck in the 50's.

By the way you deflected again, it was Hillary that tried to cheat the election and that was 100% confirmed proven.
Ok then, next time you guys ask me to Geocach or Geotrack find a villain I will say do it yourself and let you worry about the hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives at stake.

Somehow, guy, I don't think you are tracking any villains... I think you've been reading too many comic books.

It sounds like you want your own country, that can be arranged, there's room for your king and queen at Guantanamo. Maybe you can share Cuba with other socialists stuck in the 50's.

Naw, guy, I want the country you guys keep trying to steal. America in 2000 was wonderful. Low unemployment, booming stock market, the absolutely worst thing we had to worry about was did the president lie about playing hide the sausage with a chubby intern.

Then you guys stole an election, and we got underwater mortgages and busted 401K's and terrorist attacks and endless war and major cities getting wiped out by floods because you all had no idea what the fuck you were doing.

So we spent 8 years fixing that and in 2016, we were back to low unemployment and a booming stock market...

The Orange Shitgibbon will fuck that up, soon enough.

By the way you deflected again, it was Hillary that tried to cheat the election and that was 100% confirmed proven.

Okay, no, not really. I do think she ran an awful campaign, but the end of the day, it was Trump and the Russians who stole it.
Ok then, next time you guys ask me to Geocach or Geotrack find a villain I will say do it yourself and let you worry about the hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives at stake.

Somehow, guy, I don't think you are tracking any villains... I think you've been reading too many comic books.

It sounds like you want your own country, that can be arranged, there's room for your king and queen at Guantanamo. Maybe you can share Cuba with other socialists stuck in the 50's.

Naw, guy, I want the country you guys keep trying to steal. America in 2000 was wonderful. Low unemployment, booming stock market, the absolutely worst thing we had to worry about was did the president lie about playing hide the sausage with a chubby intern.

Then you guys stole an election, and we got underwater mortgages and busted 401K's and terrorist attacks and endless war and major cities getting wiped out by floods because you all had no idea what the fuck you were doing.

So we spent 8 years fixing that and in 2016, we were back to low unemployment and a booming stock market...

The Orange Shitgibbon will fuck that up, soon enough.

By the way you deflected again, it was Hillary that tried to cheat the election and that was 100% confirmed proven.

Okay, no, not really. I do think she ran an awful campaign, but the end of the day, it was Trump and the Russians who stole it.
*L* You just inadvertantly said Bill Clinton said in a speach that he regreted not taking out "a comic book villain". :)

You are denying and deflecting yet again.
And you are confused or lying.
You do realize that all 3 agencies and investigations by states show there was
NO ACTUAL MANIPULATION OF VOTES BY RUSSIA. There however was found evidence of Clinton and DNC manipulating of votes and attemps at phoney prefilled votes found stored in boxes. My instinct is those might be how illegal late votes miraculous changed the popular vote against the percentages that existed before these were mysteriously used. In other words after hours we heard the popular vote change from 2 hundred thousand to 1 million to 3 to 5 then back to 3 and now we hear 2.8 million.
Is this what it's intent was for phoney narrative or were they always meant to change any close state the Dems desperately needed to win the needed delegates?
And Democrats had nothing to do with the policies that eventually led to the housing crash? That issue didn't START with George W. Bush, came to a HEAD during his administration but the policies that led to that were put in place by both Republicans and Democrats long before W. took office! If you had even a dollop of'd admit that! But you're one of the boards biggest that won't happen...will it?

Nope. Because Bush was president for 8 years. He had 8 years to address the problem, instead he made it worse.

You see, here's the thing. These things like the S&L Collapse in the 1990's and the HOusing crash in 2008. They happen when Republicans are in charge because the Banksters know they can get away with this shit. The regulatory agencies aren't watching because "Freedom" or some such shit, and they know the government will bail them out.

Not to worry, when Trump has a recession on his watch, you'll blame it on Obama.[/QUOTE

So what you're basically saying, Joey is that Republicans have done everything bad that's happened for the past thirty years while the Democrats have done everything that's good for the past thirty years? And then you deny being the board's biggest partisan? Amusing stuff...
L* You just inadvertantly said Bill Clinton said in a speach that he regreted not taking out "a comic book villain".
Did the stroke damage your brain so badly you don't know what you are saying?

You do realize that all 3 agencies and investigations by states show there was

we don't know that at all, Stroke-boy. In fact, there is more and more evidence of their attempts to hack the election every day.

So what you're basically saying, Joey is that Republicans have done everything bad that's happened for the past thirty years while the Democrats have done everything that's good for the past thirty years? And then you deny being the board's biggest partisan? Amusing stuff...

Get back to me when you want to address what I actually said, and not what I 'basically" said.

Last three recessions and last three wars on Republican watches... Enough said.
L* You just inadvertantly said Bill Clinton said in a speach that he regreted not taking out "a comic book villain".
Did the stroke damage your brain so badly you don't know what you are saying?

You do realize that all 3 agencies and investigations by states show there was

we don't know that at all, Stroke-boy. In fact, there is more and more evidence of their attempts to hack the election every day.

So what you're basically saying, Joey is that Republicans have done everything bad that's happened for the past thirty years while the Democrats have done everything that's good for the past thirty years? And then you deny being the board's biggest partisan? Amusing stuff...

Get back to me when you want to address what I actually said, and not what I 'basically" said.

Last three recessions and last three wars on Republican watches... Enough said.
Awww more top posting full of bitter hate ad hominems.
Is there any other insults you wanna throw before Comey embarasses you?
I forgot to add;
You inadvertently said Obama took credit for capturing a "Comic Book Villain".
Why do you think Clinton & Obama read to many comic books? I always saw them as pop up book enthusiasts.

You seem to not understand what 'inadvertent' means:
not focusing the mind on a matter : inattentive - unintentional
The person you called a comic book villain was someone both Bill and Barack both spoke about hence you "inadvertently" put that narrative in their mouths.
So once again you deflected and blamed me when it was you who actually doesn't understand.
Signed-the guy you called retarded stroke victim, who just checkmated you again.
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Sessions was a Dem target because...

He is by the book, nobody is above the law, and can't be bought or compromised.
They won't stop till they get people who they can manipulate & have something on that they can use in doing so.
L* You just inadvertantly said Bill Clinton said in a speach that he regreted not taking out "a comic book villain".
Did the stroke damage your brain so badly you don't know what you are saying?

You do realize that all 3 agencies and investigations by states show there was

we don't know that at all, Stroke-boy. In fact, there is more and more evidence of their attempts to hack the election every day.

So what you're basically saying, Joey is that Republicans have done everything bad that's happened for the past thirty years while the Democrats have done everything that's good for the past thirty years? And then you deny being the board's biggest partisan? Amusing stuff...

Get back to me when you want to address what I actually said, and not what I 'basically" said.

Last three recessions and last three wars on Republican watches... Enough said.
L* You just inadvertantly said Bill Clinton said in a speach that he regreted not taking out "a comic book villain".
Did the stroke damage your brain so badly you don't know what you are saying?

You do realize that all 3 agencies and investigations by states show there was

we don't know that at all, Stroke-boy. In fact, there is more and more evidence of their attempts to hack the election every day.

So what you're basically saying, Joey is that Republicans have done everything bad that's happened for the past thirty years while the Democrats have done everything that's good for the past thirty years? And then you deny being the board's biggest partisan? Amusing stuff...

Get back to me when you want to address what I actually said, and not what I 'basically" said.

Last three recessions and last three wars on Republican watches... Enough said.

There was as much evidence the DNC manipulated that election as there was that Russia attempted to manipulate it, Joey! I have a sneaking suspicion that may just come out when that Special Prosecutor starts turning over rocks. Wouldn't that be a hoot if it turned out that the Democrats impaled themselves on their own petard?
MUELLER needs to expand his investigation OR set up another seperate investigation
FAIR & BALANCED into the KNOWN Mexico interference with our elections.
Investigate Clinton and her teams phone logs with Mexican officials they find involved in the
voting fraud scam they pulled. Did Mexico do that on their own or was the Clinton camp colluding or even financing the voter fraud influx of people told to come into the country to vote.
Also look into Obamas involvement.
Here we see Obama meeting with
"the Mexicans" here he's "conspiring" with Ambassador Basanez.
According to Dems own logic and standard:

"There's enough smoke to necessitate an investigation."

If they aren't investigating the Mexican interference and Dem collusion with the Mexicans then this Russian investigation is proven an abuse of power with a political agenda.
more info on what Mexico did is in my former report:
Trump Commission on Voter Fraud
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Awww more top posting full of bitter hate ad hominems.
Is there any other insults you wanna throw before Comey embarasses you?

Guy, Comey is going to be a disaster for you guys no matter what he says.
I forgot to add;

That you are an idiot who didn't understand what was said... yeah, we get that.

He is by the book, nobody is above the law, and can't be bought or compromised.
They won't stop till they get people who they can manipulate & have something on that they can use in doing so.

Sessions is a racist piece of shit who lied about talking to the Russians. Even Trump is annoyed with him.

There was as much evidence the DNC manipulated that election as there was that Russia attempted to manipulate it, Joey!

Guy, the DNC were participating in the election, they were supposed to manipulate it.

I have a sneaking suspicion that may just come out when that Special Prosecutor starts turning over rocks. Wouldn't that be a hoot if it turned out that the Democrats impaled themselves on their own petard?

Naw, you see, here's the thing. Republicans hate Trump even more than Democrats do. He stole their party. They are just waiting for his approval rating to go down low enough where they can convince him to retire.
Awww more top posting full of bitter hate ad hominems.
Is there any other insults you wanna throw before Comey embarasses you?

Guy, Comey is going to be a disaster for you guys no matter what he says.
I forgot to add;

That you are an idiot who didn't understand what was said... yeah, we get that.

He is by the book, nobody is above the law, and can't be bought or compromised.
They won't stop till they get people who they can manipulate & have something on that they can use in doing so.

Sessions is a racist piece of shit who lied about talking to the Russians. Even Trump is annoyed with him.

There was as much evidence the DNC manipulated that election as there was that Russia attempted to manipulate it, Joey!

Guy, the DNC were participating in the election, they were supposed to manipulate it.

I have a sneaking suspicion that may just come out when that Special Prosecutor starts turning over rocks. Wouldn't that be a hoot if it turned out that the Democrats impaled themselves on their own petard?

Naw, you see, here's the thing. Republicans hate Trump even more than Democrats do. He stole their party. They are just waiting for his approval rating to go down low enough where they can convince him to retire.

Once again non refutation, excuses, insults, no solutions, demonization deflecting racism onto Sessions when you keep going on about your color of skin predjudice.
*Yawn* Wake me up when you guys become tolerant and caring and compassionate again. As if you ever were.

As long as I got you tied up in here taking your angst out on me, you are not out kicking a dog, stealing a wheel chair, or taking tin foil out of a homeless person's shopping cart.


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Once again non refutation, excuses, insults, no solutions, demonization deflecting racism onto Sessions when you keep going on about your color of skin predjudice.
*Yawn* Wake me up when you guys become tolerant and caring and compassionate again. As if you ever were.

Stroke boy, try to keep up... YOu guys stepped in it.. now you are stuck with The Orange Shitgibbon and every stupid thing he does.
Once again non refutation, excuses, insults, no solutions, demonization deflecting racism onto Sessions when you keep going on about your color of skin predjudice.
*Yawn* Wake me up when you guys become tolerant and caring and compassionate again. As if you ever were.

Stroke boy, try to keep up... YOu guys stepped in it.. now you are stuck with The Orange Shitgibbon and every stupid thing he does.
See you couldn't go 2 seconds without a racist color joke.
Awww more top posting full of bitter hate ad hominems.
Is there any other insults you wanna throw before Comey embarasses you?

Guy, Comey is going to be a disaster for you guys no matter what he says.
I forgot to add;

That you are an idiot who didn't understand what was said... yeah, we get that.

He is by the book, nobody is above the law, and can't be bought or compromised.
They won't stop till they get people who they can manipulate & have something on that they can use in doing so.

Sessions is a racist piece of shit who lied about talking to the Russians. Even Trump is annoyed with him.

There was as much evidence the DNC manipulated that election as there was that Russia attempted to manipulate it, Joey!

Guy, the DNC were participating in the election, they were supposed to manipulate it.

I have a sneaking suspicion that may just come out when that Special Prosecutor starts turning over rocks. Wouldn't that be a hoot if it turned out that the Democrats impaled themselves on their own petard?

Naw, you see, here's the thing. Republicans hate Trump even more than Democrats do. He stole their party. They are just waiting for his approval rating to go down low enough where they can convince him to retire.[/QUOTE

What's amusing to me, that you actually think that Comey's testimony is going to "get" Trump! Can't wait to see what you rant about next when this turns out to be as anti climactic as Geraldo opening Al Capone's secret vault!
They've already opened a bunch of empty vaults.
It's like watching The Safecrackers Show or Storage Wars.
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What's amusing to me, that you actually think that Comey's testimony is going to "get" Trump! Can't wait to see what you rant about next when this turns out to be as anti climactic as Geraldo opening Al Capone's secret vault!

Will it get Trump? Probably not. Will it damage his credibility? Yup.

Trump is an impeachment looking for a place to happen.
What's amusing to me, that you actually think that Comey's testimony is going to "get" Trump! Can't wait to see what you rant about next when this turns out to be as anti climactic as Geraldo opening Al Capone's secret vault!

Will it get Trump? Probably not. Will it damage his credibility? Yup.

Trump is an impeachment looking for a place to happen.

Probably not? You know as well as I do that it won't, Joey! That's been obvious for months now. As for Trump's "credibilty"? In case you haven't figured it out yet...Trump could care less if the main stream media finds him "credible" because right now the American people don't find the main stream media credible in the slightest!
Probably not? You know as well as I do that it won't, Joey! That's been obvious for months now. As for Trump's "credibilty"? In case you haven't figured it out yet...Trump could care less if the main stream media finds him "credible" because right now the American people don't find the main stream media credible in the slightest!

Guy, beyond the 30% of the population that makes up the Orange Shitgibbon's core supporters, most of the country is horrified that we have this clown in charge.

Comey's initial remarks are pretty clear that Trump tried to obstruct the investigation into Russia. It's not the crime that gets you, it's the coverup.

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