Mueller Confirms Comey Assertions

The end is near for Trump...

The end is near for Trump...


That could only mean death threats, I am scared of you Lakhota...i think I might have to report this to the secret service.

I just reported you for another threat.

What threats?

I am not the one making threats against the presidents life that would be you.

Okay, enough of your childish stalking. You are now on electronic ignore. Bye...
no doubt the trumpeters will cry copious crocodile tears over this.

The special counsel has received handwritten notes from Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, showing that Mr. Trump talked to Mr. Priebus about how he had called Mr. Comey to urge him to say publicly that he was not under investigation. The president’s determination to fire Mr. Comey even led one White House lawyer to take the extraordinary step of misleading Mr. Trump about whether he had the authority to remove him.

The New York Times has also learned that four days before Mr. Comey was fired, one of Mr. Sessions’s aides asked a congressional staff member whether he had damaging information about Mr. Comey, part of an apparent effort to undermine the F.B.I. director. It was not clear whether Mr. Mueller’s investigators knew about this episode.

Mr. Mueller has also been examining a false statement that the president dictated on Air Force One in July in response to an article in The Times about a meeting that Trump campaign officials had with Russians in 2016. A new book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” by Michael Wolff, says that the president’s lawyers believed that the statement was “an explicit attempt to throw sand into the investigation’s gears,” and that it led one of Mr. Trump’s spokesmen to quit because he believed it was obstruction of justice.

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

Yep, Mueller is closing in...

To what a national embarrassment, when the Senate refuses to remove Trump?
It would be the House, Doofus, not the Senate.
If Trump is charged with serious crimes and the Congress shirks their responsibilities like they’ve been doing for the last year, you can wave bye bye to the Republican Party because the backlash will be swift and immense.

By whom?

Red states ? What alternative reality do you live in?

We are in a new age of politics where the republicans used the Harry Reid option to get gorsuch in as supreme court justice..

You are living in a fantasy once again no Republican will bow down to a CRY baby Democrat and impeach or remove Trump from office...

The republicans congressman's and women's seen how you behaved when Hillary lost..

Like little two year old children. The republicans will never give into you toddlers youre crazy..


Amateur hour.
no doubt the trumpeters will cry copious crocodile tears over this.

The special counsel has received handwritten notes from Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, showing that Mr. Trump talked to Mr. Priebus about how he had called Mr. Comey to urge him to say publicly that he was not under investigation. The president’s determination to fire Mr. Comey even led one White House lawyer to take the extraordinary step of misleading Mr. Trump about whether he had the authority to remove him.

The New York Times has also learned that four days before Mr. Comey was fired, one of Mr. Sessions’s aides asked a congressional staff member whether he had damaging information about Mr. Comey, part of an apparent effort to undermine the F.B.I. director. It was not clear whether Mr. Mueller’s investigators knew about this episode.

Mr. Mueller has also been examining a false statement that the president dictated on Air Force One in July in response to an article in The Times about a meeting that Trump campaign officials had with Russians in 2016. A new book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” by Michael Wolff, says that the president’s lawyers believed that the statement was “an explicit attempt to throw sand into the investigation’s gears,” and that it led one of Mr. Trump’s spokesmen to quit because he believed it was obstruction of justice.

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

we already knew why he fired comey

comey was a douche, trump wasnt under investigation, but he wouldn't publicly state it, so trump fired him.
so no guys really need to pay attention.
no doubt the trumpeters will cry copious crocodile tears over this.

The special counsel has received handwritten notes from Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, showing that Mr. Trump talked to Mr. Priebus about how he had called Mr. Comey to urge him to say publicly that he was not under investigation. The president’s determination to fire Mr. Comey even led one White House lawyer to take the extraordinary step of misleading Mr. Trump about whether he had the authority to remove him.

The New York Times has also learned that four days before Mr. Comey was fired, one of Mr. Sessions’s aides asked a congressional staff member whether he had damaging information about Mr. Comey, part of an apparent effort to undermine the F.B.I. director. It was not clear whether Mr. Mueller’s investigators knew about this episode.

Mr. Mueller has also been examining a false statement that the president dictated on Air Force One in July in response to an article in The Times about a meeting that Trump campaign officials had with Russians in 2016. A new book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” by Michael Wolff, says that the president’s lawyers believed that the statement was “an explicit attempt to throw sand into the investigation’s gears,” and that it led one of Mr. Trump’s spokesmen to quit because he believed it was obstruction of justice.

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

Yep, Mueller is closing in...

To what a national embarrassment, when the Senate refuses to remove Trump?
It would be the House, Doofus, not the Senate.
If Trump is charged with serious crimes and the Congress shirks their responsibilities like they’ve been doing for the last year, you can wave bye bye to the Republican Party because the backlash will be swift and immense.

By whom?

Red states ? What alternative reality do you live in?

We are in a new age of politics where the republicans used the Harry Reid option to get gorsuch in as supreme court justice..

You are living in a fantasy once again no Republican will bow down to a CRY baby Democrat and impeach or remove Trump from office...

The republicans congressman's and women's seen how you behaved when Hillary lost..

Like little two year old children. The republicans will never give into you toddlers youre crazy..


Amateur hour.

Debating you is like watching this ..

And you don't even know how pathetic you really are .
The president does not need a reason to fire Comey or anyone else in the DOJ and the FBI...he can do it just because...he can pick a new DOJ head that can fire Mueller if he libs are reaching again....

“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"
James Comey
You can bet your bottom dollar that Trump is now under investigation. Funny you’re going by news from 9 months ago
I'll bet you he is not....why would he be? can you tell us what crime he has committed?
no doubt the trumpeters will cry copious crocodile tears over this.

The special counsel has received handwritten notes from Mr. Trump’s former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, showing that Mr. Trump talked to Mr. Priebus about how he had called Mr. Comey to urge him to say publicly that he was not under investigation. The president’s determination to fire Mr. Comey even led one White House lawyer to take the extraordinary step of misleading Mr. Trump about whether he had the authority to remove him.

The New York Times has also learned that four days before Mr. Comey was fired, one of Mr. Sessions’s aides asked a congressional staff member whether he had damaging information about Mr. Comey, part of an apparent effort to undermine the F.B.I. director. It was not clear whether Mr. Mueller’s investigators knew about this episode.

Mr. Mueller has also been examining a false statement that the president dictated on Air Force One in July in response to an article in The Times about a meeting that Trump campaign officials had with Russians in 2016. A new book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” by Michael Wolff, says that the president’s lawyers believed that the statement was “an explicit attempt to throw sand into the investigation’s gears,” and that it led one of Mr. Trump’s spokesmen to quit because he believed it was obstruction of justice.

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trump’s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

This is what you get when someone is elected to the presidency who knows NOTHING about the law and has been given everything he wanted his entire life. All he has ever done his entire life is pick up the phone and call someone to make his wish come true...legally or illegally.

No, Benedict Donald, you are not above the law!
Poor Silly Jilly..

One, this is not news...

Two, this is perfectly legal as no crimes were committed...

Three, this is a Constitutionally correct action by a sitting US president..

What is news here?

No brother, this is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. And Mueller will prove intent on the part of this, so called, president.
If Trump dictated a false statement to his associates to be given to investigators, that is textbook obstruction. He, of course, did this. Once the investigators feel they have met the burden of proof of this, the countdown begins.
If Trump dictated a false statement to his associates to be given to investigators, that is textbook obstruction. He, of course, did this. Once the investigators feel they have met the burden of proof of this, the countdown begins.

I mean, just how stupid can this man be? He has given Mueller everything he needs to prove Obstruction of Justice. Forget the collusion, which will also probably be proven. The Obstruction of Justice will take down Benedict and man of his family and associates.

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