Mueller Confirms Comey Assertions


Now....focus like a laser:

Is it "his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win." as per Wolff....


"Russian collusion" to steal the election?


See why intelligent folks are amused by you morons?
Thinks sheā€™s intelligent.
Look at this fraud trying to change the subject and not focus like a laser beam on the dozens and dozens of White House Staffers that said Trump is ā€œ an idiot, dumb as shit, a moron, not fit for the job etc etc.

This is incredibly damning information because it doesnā€™t come from the left, or democrats or anyone else but the presidentā€™s OWN staff.

Now....focus like a laser:

Is it "his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win." as per Wolff....


"Russian collusion" to steal the election?


See why intelligent folks are amused by you morons?
Thinks sheā€™s intelligent.
Look at this fraud trying to change the subject and not focus like a laser beam on the dozens and dozens of White House Staffers that said Trump is ā€œ an idiot, dumb as shit, a moron, not fit for the job etc etc.

This is incredibly damning information because it doesnā€™t come from the left, or democrats or anyone else but the presidentā€™s OWN staff.

You'd best rush that to Mueller, Strzok and Ohr.
no doubt the trumpeters will cry copious crocodile tears over this.

The special counsel has received handwritten notes from Mr. Trumpā€™s former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, showing that Mr. Trump talked to Mr. Priebus about how he had called Mr. Comey to urge him to say publicly that he was not under investigation. The presidentā€™s determination to fire Mr. Comey even led one White House lawyer to take the extraordinary step of misleading Mr. Trump about whether he had the authority to remove him.

The New York Times has also learned that four days before Mr. Comey was fired, one of Mr. Sessionsā€™s aides asked a congressional staff member whether he had damaging information about Mr. Comey, part of an apparent effort to undermine the F.B.I. director. It was not clear whether Mr. Muellerā€™s investigators knew about this episode.

Mr. Mueller has also been examining a false statement that the president dictated on Air Force One in July in response to an article in The Times about a meeting that Trump campaign officials had with Russians in 2016. A new book, ā€œFire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,ā€ by Michael Wolff, says that the presidentā€™s lawyers believed that the statement was ā€œan explicit attempt to throw sand into the investigationā€™s gears,ā€ and that it led one of Mr. Trumpā€™s spokesmen to quit because he believed it was obstruction of justice.

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trumpā€™s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

This is what you get when someone is elected to the presidency who knows NOTHING about the law and has been given everything he wanted his entire life. All he has ever done his entire life is pick up the phone and call someone to make his wish come true...legally or illegally.

No, Benedict Donald, you are not above the law!

Spoken just like a snowflake moron who never had two nickels to rub together. You obviously have no fucking clue what it takes to build a multi-billion dollar real estate empire. Anyone who believes you do it just by making phone calls is a moron. You spend all day in here spewing insults about Trump, and none of them have any basis in fact whatsoever. I could go on all day about what a worthless dumbass you are, but I hae better things to do.

Now....focus like a laser:

Is it "his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win." as per Wolff....


"Russian collusion" to steal the election?


See why intelligent folks are amused by you morons?
Thinks sheā€™s intelligent.
Look at this fraud trying to change the subject and not focus like a laser beam on the dozens and dozens of White House Staffers that said Trump is ā€œ an idiot, dumb as shit, a moron, not fit for the job etc etc.

This is incredibly damning information because it doesnā€™t come from the left, or democrats or anyone else but the presidentā€™s OWN staff.

Of course, no names are given. Otherwise a lot of people would get canned. So what you have is fake news from anonymous sources.
no doubt the trumpeters will cry copious crocodile tears over this.

The special counsel has received handwritten notes from Mr. Trumpā€™s former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, showing that Mr. Trump talked to Mr. Priebus about how he had called Mr. Comey to urge him to say publicly that he was not under investigation. The presidentā€™s determination to fire Mr. Comey even led one White House lawyer to take the extraordinary step of misleading Mr. Trump about whether he had the authority to remove him.

The New York Times has also learned that four days before Mr. Comey was fired, one of Mr. Sessionsā€™s aides asked a congressional staff member whether he had damaging information about Mr. Comey, part of an apparent effort to undermine the F.B.I. director. It was not clear whether Mr. Muellerā€™s investigators knew about this episode.

Mr. Mueller has also been examining a false statement that the president dictated on Air Force One in July in response to an article in The Times about a meeting that Trump campaign officials had with Russians in 2016. A new book, ā€œFire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,ā€ by Michael Wolff, says that the presidentā€™s lawyers believed that the statement was ā€œan explicit attempt to throw sand into the investigationā€™s gears,ā€ and that it led one of Mr. Trumpā€™s spokesmen to quit because he believed it was obstruction of justice.

Obstruction Inquiry Shows Trumpā€™s Struggle to Keep Grip on Russia Investigation

Let's see. The old tome was that Trump would be out on his ear by the end of 2017! What's your guess now, Julian, that Trump will be out by the end of 2018?

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