Mueller Is Coming for Trump

Mm, he is still in there. Muller aint finding anything. Democrats keep getting smacked down in elections. Im thinking all is good.
Mueller is just getting started.

Na, he will be largely ineffectual. He knows there is nothing. His team shows that.

Nah, the reality is... You're talking out of your ass right now. You have no idea what Mueller is or is not finding. You know it, I know it, everyone here with functioning gray matter knows it.

Thats just the smarting you feel from just about every democrat losing an election since 2010. It will pass. You meant to say "YOU HOPE" but more and more it looks worse for you. Do tell us though, what top secret information are you all getting because even yalls half black messiah said there was nothing there? one year of investigation and even MSNBC disagrees with you. It looks like you be the one talking out yalls ass. Yall took losing ALL the special elections and yall are taking it really bad. Must suck to have to hang all your hopes on this. you will only have your heart broken again.
Aww, look at ^^^ that ^^^

I struck a nerve. Evidently since the poor sap lashes out with a non-sequitur about elections when We're talking about Trump shaping up to be the next Nixon. :mm:

mm. But it was supposed to be about him not having a mandate, but yall failed there again. This Russia thing is losing steam to. If there were something, it would have been leaked. Resistance is futile. Yall need to st in back and drink your slurpy.
You mean Ted Kennedy committed treason?

You are a special kind of idiot, RightWinger.

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.
maybe if we could get that chickenshit Trump to sit down under oath ...

Maybe you could water board him! Yeah, that's the ticket! (eye roll)

Tell you what, snowflakes...any time you want to subject Hillary, Barry, Harry or Nancy to the same tactics you advocate for Trump...then you might garner a modicum of respect here! You want a special prosecutor to go through Trump's life with a microscope looking for illegalities? I've got no problem with that but fair is fair...let's have special prosecutors investigate the Clinton's for pay for play...and the Russian uranium deal...and the Mark Rich pardon...and Hillary's cattle futures windfall...and...well you get the picture...

Let's start looking at EVERY Washington career politician that somehow got filthy rich through a career in "public service"! Deal?
Look Snowflakes......Trump is not being picked on

The Russians hacked the DNC Server to benefit Trump. Trump had key aides meeting with Russian agents at the time information was being released

If Trump is clean, he has nothing to worry about. If not.......he could go to jail


Trump had nothing to do with the hacking of the DNC Server. Did he benefit from the truth that it revealed about how sleazy Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille were in how they screwed over Bernie Sanders? Damn right he did. That isn't a crime despite your attempts to paint it as one for the better part of a year!

What were Trumps people meeting with the Russians about?
Why was he offering concessions to Russia at the time?
What financial dealings were Trump aides having with Russia?
Were Trump representatives coordinating the releases?

Let's find out

Oh, NOW you want an explanation? After a year of making allegations that weren't backed up by anything but your desire to see Trump removed from office?

I've got news for you...there never was "collusion" between Trump and the Russians! He didn't need to collude with anyone.

The truth is...there is more evidence that Hillary and Bill Clinton "colluded" with the Russians than there ever was that Donald Trump did!
Mueller is just getting started.

Na, he will be largely ineffectual. He knows there is nothing. His team shows that.

Nah, the reality is... You're talking out of your ass right now. You have no idea what Mueller is or is not finding. You know it, I know it, everyone here with functioning gray matter knows it.

Thats just the smarting you feel from just about every democrat losing an election since 2010. It will pass. You meant to say "YOU HOPE" but more and more it looks worse for you. Do tell us though, what top secret information are you all getting because even yalls half black messiah said there was nothing there? one year of investigation and even MSNBC disagrees with you. It looks like you be the one talking out yalls ass. Yall took losing ALL the special elections and yall are taking it really bad. Must suck to have to hang all your hopes on this. you will only have your heart broken again.
Aww, look at ^^^ that ^^^

I struck a nerve. Evidently since the poor sap lashes out with a non-sequitur about elections when We're talking about Trump shaping up to be the next Nixon. :mm:

mm. But it was supposed to be about him not having a mandate, but yall failed there again. This Russia thing is losing steam to. If there were something, it would have been leaked. Resistance is futile. Yall need to st in back and drink your slurpy.
Losing steam? Do you ever not talk out of your ass? There's a whole new investigation starting up now. On top of the one ongoing within the FBI. That's your idea of "losing steam??"

YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

Why does Kushner still have security clearance if he's under investigation??
YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

You're now claiming that someone from Trump's campaign hacked the DNC server? Dude...give it up...this stuff gets more ridiculous by the day!
YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

ROFL! No rational credible person believes Trump was involved. Only desperate snowflakes like you make such accusations.
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

Why does Kushner still have security clearance if he's under investigation??

Why do Hillary and Huma Abadin still have security clearances?
There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

Why does Kushner still have security clearance if he's under investigation??

Why do Hillary and Huma Abadin still have security clearances?
FU you pos answer why your scumbag kushner does or did your brain explode
That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?

maybe if we could get that chickenshit Trump to sit down under oath ...

Maybe you could water board him! Yeah, that's the ticket! (eye roll)

Tell you what, snowflakes...any time you want to subject Hillary, Barry, Harry or Nancy to the same tactics you advocate for Trump...then you might garner a modicum of respect here! You want a special prosecutor to go through Trump's life with a microscope looking for illegalities? I've got no problem with that but fair is fair...let's have special prosecutors investigate the Clinton's for pay for play...and the Russian uranium deal...and the Mark Rich pardon...and Hillary's cattle futures windfall...and...well you get the picture...

Let's start looking at EVERY Washington career politician that somehow got filthy rich through a career in "public service"! Deal?
Look Snowflakes......Trump is not being picked on

The Russians hacked the DNC Server to benefit Trump. Trump had key aides meeting with Russian agents at the time information was being released

If Trump is clean, he has nothing to worry about. If not.......he could go to jail


Trump had nothing to do with the hacking of the DNC Server. Did he benefit from the truth that it revealed about how sleazy Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille were in how they screwed over Bernie Sanders? Damn right he did. That isn't a crime despite your attempts to paint it as one for the better part of a year!

What were Trumps people meeting with the Russians about?
Why was he offering concessions to Russia at the time?
What financial dealings were Trump aides having with Russia?
Were Trump representatives coordinating the releases?

Let's find out
YOU MEAN TRUMP committed TREASON???????? Where is that proof?
So what do you call this if not a plea to help get re-elected?

"As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” —
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
“I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE:Isn't Obama asking Putin to hold off on doing anything that would hurt his re-election and that AFTER re-election,
Obama would be in a better position to help Putin!]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Talk about COLLUSION!!!
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

You said the crime was illegal computer hacking right?
OK let's assume the Russians did illegally hack the computer.
Then what? You want to go to war with Russia just because the DNC computers were hacked?
Now you said "collusion element IS IF ANYONE"....
Comey said and here is the Transcript: Full Transcript and Video: James Comey’s Testimony on Capitol Hill
COTTON: Let’s turn our attention to the underlying activity at issue here: Russia’s hacking into those e-mails and releasing them, and the allegations of collusion.
Do you believe Donald Trump colluded with Russia?

COMEY: That’s a question I don’t think I should answer in an open setting. As I said, that — we didn’t — that (ph) when I left, we did not have an investigation focused on President Trump. But that’s a question that’ll be answered by the investigation, I think.

So we have Comey's own words say there was not an investigation into Trump collusion with Russia.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

Why does Kushner still have security clearance if he's under investigation??

Why do Hillary and Huma Abadin still have security clearances?
FU you pos answer why your scumbag kushner does or did your brain explode

My, my, my. So sensitive. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. There have never been more egregious violators of our laws on security than Hillary and her goons.
maybe if we could get that chickenshit Trump to sit down under oath ...

Maybe you could water board him! Yeah, that's the ticket! (eye roll)

Tell you what, snowflakes...any time you want to subject Hillary, Barry, Harry or Nancy to the same tactics you advocate for Trump...then you might garner a modicum of respect here! You want a special prosecutor to go through Trump's life with a microscope looking for illegalities? I've got no problem with that but fair is fair...let's have special prosecutors investigate the Clinton's for pay for play...and the Russian uranium deal...and the Mark Rich pardon...and Hillary's cattle futures windfall...and...well you get the picture...

Let's start looking at EVERY Washington career politician that somehow got filthy rich through a career in "public service"! Deal?
Look Snowflakes......Trump is not being picked on

The Russians hacked the DNC Server to benefit Trump. Trump had key aides meeting with Russian agents at the time information was being released

If Trump is clean, he has nothing to worry about. If not.......he could go to jail


Trump had nothing to do with the hacking of the DNC Server. Did he benefit from the truth that it revealed about how sleazy Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille were in how they screwed over Bernie Sanders? Damn right he did. That isn't a crime despite your attempts to paint it as one for the better part of a year!

What were Trumps people meeting with the Russians about?
Why was he offering concessions to Russia at the time?
What financial dealings were Trump aides having with Russia?
Were Trump representatives coordinating the releases?

Let's find out
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

You said the crime was illegal computer hacking right?
OK let's assume the Russians did illegally hack the computer.
Then what? You want to go to war with Russia just because the DNC computers were hacked?
Now you said "collusion element IS IF ANYONE"....
Comey said and here is the Transcript: Full Transcript and Video: James Comey’s Testimony on Capitol Hill
COTTON: Let’s turn our attention to the underlying activity at issue here: Russia’s hacking into those e-mails and releasing them, and the allegations of collusion.
Do you believe Donald Trump colluded with Russia?

COMEY: That’s a question I don’t think I should answer in an open setting. As I said, that — we didn’t — that (ph) when I left, we did not have an investigation focused on President Trump. But that’s a question that’ll be answered by the investigation, I think.

So we have Comey's own words say there was not an investigation into Trump collusion with Russia.

no investigation focuses on the top guy first....the Trump campaign workers are under investigation for possible collusion with the Russian hacker's timing of and the dissemination of... the stolen emails/propaganda and possible money laundering for the payoff...

IF none of this pans out with his workers then nothing will even have a possibility of reaching him.....but if the Trump campaign workers DID coordinate the timing of the release of the stolen emails with wikileaks and or other related criminal activities etc, then the investigators start making plea deals with the accused campaign workers in order to get them to sing like a canary on the person ABOVE THEM, that is involved.

Comey's statement in no way definitively said trump was not or would not be, under investigation...he first said he could NOT say until in a closed session where it was classified, he then said not AS OF YET.... that as of yet is NOT saying he won't be once they work a plea deal that includes his knowledge of knowing what his trump campaign workers were doing with the Russians...

yes, this is simply speculation on what could happen...,

I do not know for certain how it will all turn out, AND neither do you! The investigation is on going, with all kinds of prosecutor hiring taking place this past week, so it appears to just be starting to rev up....not close to being near the end.
Last edited:
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

You're now claiming that someone from Trump's campaign hacked the DNC server? Dude...give it up...this stuff gets more ridiculous by the day!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I said the Russians did that.
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

ROFL! No rational credible person believes Trump was involved. Only desperate snowflakes like you make such accusations.
Another brain-dead con chimes in.

I say 'anyone associated with Trump's campaign,' ^^^ This one ^^^ hears, Trump himself.
maybe if we could get that chickenshit Trump to sit down under oath ...

Maybe you could water board him! Yeah, that's the ticket! (eye roll)

Tell you what, snowflakes...any time you want to subject Hillary, Barry, Harry or Nancy to the same tactics you advocate for Trump...then you might garner a modicum of respect here! You want a special prosecutor to go through Trump's life with a microscope looking for illegalities? I've got no problem with that but fair is fair...let's have special prosecutors investigate the Clinton's for pay for play...and the Russian uranium deal...and the Mark Rich pardon...and Hillary's cattle futures windfall...and...well you get the picture...

Let's start looking at EVERY Washington career politician that somehow got filthy rich through a career in "public service"! Deal?
Look Snowflakes......Trump is not being picked on

The Russians hacked the DNC Server to benefit Trump. Trump had key aides meeting with Russian agents at the time information was being released

If Trump is clean, he has nothing to worry about. If not.......he could go to jail


Trump had nothing to do with the hacking of the DNC Server. Did he benefit from the truth that it revealed about how sleazy Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille were in how they screwed over Bernie Sanders? Damn right he did. That isn't a crime despite your attempts to paint it as one for the better part of a year!

What were Trumps people meeting with the Russians about?
Why was he offering concessions to Russia at the time?
What financial dealings were Trump aides having with Russia?
Were Trump representatives coordinating the releases?

Let's find out
You have no understanding of collusion
Obama was talking the political realities of our election cycle

Collusion means you offered something in return for political assistance

There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

You said the crime was illegal computer hacking right?
OK let's assume the Russians did illegally hack the computer.
Then what? You want to go to war with Russia just because the DNC computers were hacked?
Now you said "collusion element IS IF ANYONE"....
Comey said and here is the Transcript: Full Transcript and Video: James Comey’s Testimony on Capitol Hill
COTTON: Let’s turn our attention to the underlying activity at issue here: Russia’s hacking into those e-mails and releasing them, and the allegations of collusion.
Do you believe Donald Trump colluded with Russia?

COMEY: That’s a question I don’t think I should answer in an open setting. As I said, that — we didn’t — that (ph) when I left, we did not have an investigation focused on President Trump. But that’s a question that’ll be answered by the investigation, I think.
You're demented. I never said we should go to war with Russia over this. Sanctions were appropriate. Kicking out their spies was appropriate. Inviting their spies into our White House was inappropriate. Exposing intelligence secrets with them was inappropriate.

So we have Comey's own words say there was not an investigation into Trump collusion with Russia.
Trump? No. People associated with his campaign? Yes.

And the investigation continues.
Brain dead is all of you liberals, We are not going to TOLERATE the shit your idols are doing much longer. You need to heed the Trump speech when he said you had better be glad WE DONT RIOT. That can change in a heartbeat I expect If they try to do ANYTHING at all to remove Trump WE WILL be in the streets, and you will all be fodder for the grinders.
Brain dead is all of you liberals, We are not going to TOLERATE the shit your idols are doing much longer. You need to heed the Trump speech when he said you had better be glad WE DONT RIOT. That can change in a heartbeat I expect If they try to do ANYTHING at all to remove Trump WE WILL be in the streets, and you will all be fodder for the grinders.

As if there's anything you can do about it.


Face reality, you're a hapless boob at a keyboard and you have no choice but tolerate it or blow an aneurysm.
Brain dead is all of you liberals, We are not going to TOLERATE the shit your idols are doing much longer. You need to heed the Trump speech when he said you had better be glad WE DONT RIOT. That can change in a heartbeat I expect If they try to do ANYTHING at all to remove Trump WE WILL be in the streets, and you will all be fodder for the grinders.
riot for what? an official investigation? get a grip!
maybe if we could get that chickenshit Trump to sit down under oath ...

Maybe you could water board him! Yeah, that's the ticket! (eye roll)

Tell you what, snowflakes...any time you want to subject Hillary, Barry, Harry or Nancy to the same tactics you advocate for Trump...then you might garner a modicum of respect here! You want a special prosecutor to go through Trump's life with a microscope looking for illegalities? I've got no problem with that but fair is fair...let's have special prosecutors investigate the Clinton's for pay for play...and the Russian uranium deal...and the Mark Rich pardon...and Hillary's cattle futures windfall...and...well you get the picture...

Let's start looking at EVERY Washington career politician that somehow got filthy rich through a career in "public service"! Deal?
Look Snowflakes......Trump is not being picked on

The Russians hacked the DNC Server to benefit Trump. Trump had key aides meeting with Russian agents at the time information was being released

If Trump is clean, he has nothing to worry about. If not.......he could go to jail

So we can have a special prosecutor investigate all the Democrats in Congress and you wouldn't have a problem with it?


Any Democrats in Congress who benefited from Russian hacking and were meeting with the Russians at the time....need to be investigated

You know that's never going to happen, douche bag.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Let me see Mr Douche bag

You are claiming that a REPUBLICAN Congress and a REPUBLICAN Justice Department would not investigate the Democrats?
There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

You're now claiming that someone from Trump's campaign hacked the DNC server? Dude...give it up...this stuff gets more ridiculous by the day!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I said the Russians did that.

So what did anyone in the Trump administration do?

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