Mueller Report as early as next week.

So be the first person to explain how Putin helped Trump.


Fact not Satire

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

1. Who was president during the 2016 election? Obama
2. Who ran the FBI during the 2016 election? Comey
3. Who ran the CIA during the 2016 election? Komrad Brennan
4. Who ran the NSA during the 2016 election? Gen. Keith Alexander
5. Who was DNI during the 2016 election? Clapper

Whose job was it to protect the US election?
Saying Russia swung the election when they paid Google $1,300 for ads is insane.

You get that number from Putin did ya?

What a Doofus...
Nope. It was the CEO of Google, have you always been ignorant? Watch the video and learn...
Google CEO on Russian ads, no political bias

Russian trolls found it easy to make stupid trumpettes to spread their lies...

Facebook: Russian-linked accounts bought $150,000 in ads during 2016 race
And the Russians were aided by campaign polling data provided by Manafort so they could better target the parroting rubes.

1. Who was president during the 2016 election? Obama
2. Who ran the FBI during the 2016 election? Comey
3. Who ran the CIA during the 2016 election? Komrad Brennan
4. Who ran the NSA during the 2016 election? Gen. Keith Alexander
5. Who was DNI during the 2016 election? Clapper

Whose job was it to protect the US election?
Saying Russia swung the election when they paid Google $1,300 for ads is insane.

Your dishonesty and lack of concern for the security of our elections can be illustrated very simply.
You point out google...when you KNOW that what the Russians did was FAR more than that
Party over country for Republicans

Riddle me this:
1. The Russians hacked Hillary's illegal server and have the 33,000 missing subpoenaed emails
Nope. They ATTEMPTED to hack Clinton's server. They were unsuccessful.

You MFers are all over the place.

Facts are Facts....Putin wanted trump as his man in the WH....The Kremlin celebrated after he was installed...
From Flynn to Manifort to Kushner to Clapper to Comey to Stone.....

How many times have progressives bit the big one in the past two years?

Places like AliExpress and late night cable marketing would not exist but for you fucking dummies!

Epic suckers all!!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::flirtysmile4:

1. Who was president during the 2016 election? Obama
2. Who ran the FBI during the 2016 election? Comey
3. Who ran the CIA during the 2016 election? Komrad Brennan
4. Who ran the NSA during the 2016 election? Gen. Keith Alexander
5. Who was DNI during the 2016 election? Clapper

Whose job was it to protect the US election?
Saying Russia swung the election when they paid Google $1,300 for ads is insane.

You get that number from Putin did ya?

What a Doofus...
Nope. It was the CEO of Google, have you always been ignorant? Watch the video and learn...
Google CEO on Russian ads, no political bias

Russian trolls found it easy to make stupid trumpettes to spread their lies...

Facebook: Russian-linked accounts bought $150,000 in ads during 2016 race
And the Russians were aided by campaign polling data provided by Manafort so they could better target the parroting rubes.

Exactly! There WAS a criminal conspiracy....and we all know who was calling the shots.
So be the first person to explain how Putin helped Trump.


Fact not Satire

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

1. Who was president during the 2016 election? Obama
2. Who ran the FBI during the 2016 election? Comey
3. Who ran the CIA during the 2016 election? Komrad Brennan
4. Who ran the NSA during the 2016 election? Gen. Keith Alexander
5. Who was DNI during the 2016 election? Clapper

Whose job was it to protect the US election?
Saying Russia swung the election when they paid Google $1,300 for ads is insane.

Your dishonesty and lack of concern for the security of our elections can be illustrated very simply.
You point out google...when you KNOW that what the Russians did was FAR more than that
Party over country for Republicans

Riddle me this:
1. The Russians hacked Hillary's illegal server and have the 33,000 missing subpoenaed emails
Nope. They ATTEMPTED to hack Clinton's server. They were unsuccessful.

Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta computers, the FBI even warned them.
You're also correct, Hillary destroyed her illegal servers' subpoenaed emails, they were not hacked.

2016 Election Hacking Fast Facts - CNN

Russia then published the hacked DNC & Podesta emails
How the Russians hacked the Hillary Clinton campaign and passed its e-mails to WikiLeaks
"...It includes details on how the Russians, using an encrypted file with instructions, delivered their trove of hacked e-mails to WikiLeaks, the online anti-secrecy organisation led by Julian Assange that became the main platform for the Russians to display their trove of hacked e-mails."
So be the first person to explain how Putin helped Trump.


Fact not Satire

How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump

1. Who was president during the 2016 election? Obama
2. Who ran the FBI during the 2016 election? Comey
3. Who ran the CIA during the 2016 election? Komrad Brennan
4. Who ran the NSA during the 2016 election? Gen. Keith Alexander
5. Who was DNI during the 2016 election? Clapper

Whose job was it to protect the US election?
Saying Russia swung the election when they paid Google $1,300 for ads is insane.

You get that number from Putin did ya?

What a Doofus...
Nope. It was the CEO of Google, have you always been ignorant? Watch the video and learn...
Google CEO on Russian ads, no political bias

Russian trolls found it easy to make stupid trumpettes to spread their lies...

Facebook: Russian-linked accounts bought $150,000 in ads during 2016 race

After all that s0n.....two get to take a bow in front of a billboard nobody cares about! Are ya proud?:2up:
1. Who was president during the 2016 election? Obama
2. Who ran the FBI during the 2016 election? Comey
3. Who ran the CIA during the 2016 election? Komrad Brennan
4. Who ran the NSA during the 2016 election? Gen. Keith Alexander
5. Who was DNI during the 2016 election? Clapper

Whose job was it to protect the US election?
Saying Russia swung the election when they paid Google $1,300 for ads is insane.

Your dishonesty and lack of concern for the security of our elections can be illustrated very simply.
You point out google...when you KNOW that what the Russians did was FAR more than that
Party over country for Republicans

Riddle me this:
1. The Russians hacked Hillary's illegal server and have the 33,000 missing subpoenaed emails
Nope. They ATTEMPTED to hack Clinton's server. They were unsuccessful.

You MFers are all over the place.

Facts are Facts....Putin wanted trump as his man in the WH....The Kremlin celebrated after he was installed...

I don't blame them. I celebrated as well. I am not sure what is better, seeing Trump win or seeing Clinton lose.

1. Who was president during the 2016 election? Obama
2. Who ran the FBI during the 2016 election? Comey
3. Who ran the CIA during the 2016 election? Komrad Brennan
4. Who ran the NSA during the 2016 election? Gen. Keith Alexander
5. Who was DNI during the 2016 election? Clapper

Whose job was it to protect the US election?
Saying Russia swung the election when they paid Google $1,300 for ads is insane.

Your dishonesty and lack of concern for the security of our elections can be illustrated very simply.
You point out google...when you KNOW that what the Russians did was FAR more than that
Party over country for Republicans

Riddle me this:
1. The Russians hacked Hillary's illegal server and have the 33,000 missing subpoenaed emails
Nope. They ATTEMPTED to hack Clinton's server. They were unsuccessful.

Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta computers, the FBI even warned them.
You're also correct, Hillary destroyed her illegal servers' subpoenaed emails, they were not hacked.

2016 Election Hacking Fast Facts - CNN

Russia then published the hacked DNC & Podesta emails
How the Russians hacked the Hillary Clinton campaign and passed its e-mails to WikiLeaks
"...It includes details on how the Russians, using an encrypted file with instructions, delivered their trove of hacked e-mails to WikiLeaks, the online anti-secrecy organisation led by Julian Assange that became the main platform for the Russians to display their trove of hacked e-mails."

Quote: Hillary destroyed her illegal servers' subpoenaed emails, they were not hacked.​

So did Hillary obstruct an FBI investigation after receiving a subpoena or what? Where do they put women offenders?

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