Name something constuctive Libs have done


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Land a man on the moon? Cure cancer? Make up imaginary genders? Then racism is bad we need reparations to people we never harmed for things that were never done to them?
Racism is bad. So exactly WHAT has Liberal Progressive democrats DONE? Do they build dams? Do they feed the poor? Do they create renewable energy sources? Beside bitch about nothing is being done to stop aforesaid things? BITCH BITCH BITCH. Fix it, or shut up.
Founded this nation. Conservatives in 1776 wanted to remain with the Status Quo, the idea that we were Englishmen.

Liberals saw a new world and went for the impossible. They were dreamers, fanatics in some cases. And they risked everything for the founding of the nation.

Liberals declared war in 1812. Among the issues they believed were worth fighting for were the sanctity of American flagged vessels. The decision of that war would protect American flagged ships for nearly a century from harassment.

They haven’t always done things that were admirable. The repressive policies towards Indians as one example.

To keep this post manageable let’s look at today. Right now Liberals are helping Ukraine have a fighting chance of defending themselves. It is the Conservatives who are embracing the propaganda from Putin to justify his imperial ambitions.

Liberals helped electrify the nation. They helped build the Atomic Bomb. They enforced Civil Rights. They eradicated Polio for nearly a century. I know. It’s back.

Liberals are not always right. They aren’t always doing the good they want to. And often their efforts end in failure. But it is a question of vision and dreams.

Conservatives dream of a stagnant nation. Where nothing changes. Where things for their Grandchildren are essentially the same as existed for their Grandparents.

Liberals see a future where the air is clean, water is safe to drink, and people are treated equally. Able to pursue their own happiness. Where diseases are eradicated. Where suffering is minimized where it can’t be eliminated. Where collectively the people are better educated for a better future.

Conservatives embrace an every man for himself mentality. And that is at odds with every successful organization in history.

Today. On day one of Infantry Training in the Military. The platoons compete in events to show the recruits that teamwork and collective actions are the only path to success. Teamwork. That is another term for collective action. Which is denounced by Conservatives as Socialist Propaganda.

Yet the Military has been training soldiers to do just that for centuries. Training the people to move as one. To act as one. To submit themselves to something larger.

The great Military that Conservatives claim to love operates on the very socialist principles that the Conservatives claim to fight against. Everyone gets medical care for free. Everyone gets food for free. And when they get VA benefits that is tax free.

The right path for this nation is probably a mix of the two. Neither is 100% correct. Both have some truth to their ideals. But the secret is moderation. As with all things moderation is the key.

Both can and will lead to totalitarian regimes. And that is where todays extremists want us to go. Totalitarian regimes. They merely disagree with who should be in charge, and who should be the scapegoat to justify the abuses.
Land a man on the moon? Cure cancer? Make up imaginary genders? Then racism is bad we need reparations to people we never harmed for things that were never done to them?
Well republicans sure as fuck didn’t land a man on the moon. They are too fucking useless and stupid to cure cancer.

Democrats in office did not make up imaginary genders. Morons on Twitter did. You all just choose to believe all liberal think the same way as those morons on Twitter.

Democrats in office have had many legislative accomplishments. All republicans can muster are destructive tax cuts and whining.
Every step away from the caves and a short and brutal hunter-gatherer life was made by someone very much like a liberal. Someone who said to themselves "we gotta do better than this". Most of them were probably killed for their scary new idea that eventually became treasured tradition.
Founded this nation. Conservatives in 1776 wanted to remain with the Status Quo, the idea that we were Englishmen.

Liberals saw a new world and went for the impossible. They were dreamers, fanatics in some cases. And they risked everything for the founding of the nation.

Liberals declared war in 1812. Among the issues they believed were worth fighting for were the sanctity of American flagged vessels. The decision of that war would protect American flagged ships for nearly a century from harassment.

They haven’t always done things that were admirable. The repressive policies towards Indians as one example.

To keep this post manageable let’s look at today. Right now Liberals are helping Ukraine have a fighting chance of defending themselves. It is the Conservatives who are embracing the propaganda from Putin to justify his imperial ambitions.

Liberals helped electrify the nation. They helped build the Atomic Bomb. They enforced Civil Rights. They eradicated Polio for nearly a century. I know. It’s back.

Liberals are not always right. They aren’t always doing the good they want to. And often their efforts end in failure. But it is a question of vision and dreams.

Conservatives dream of a stagnant nation. Where nothing changes. Where things for their Grandchildren are essentially the same as existed for their Grandparents.

Liberals see a future where the air is clean, water is safe to drink, and people are treated equally. Able to pursue their own happiness. Where diseases are eradicated. Where suffering is minimized where it can’t be eliminated. Where collectively the people are better educated for a better future.

Conservatives embrace an every man for himself mentality. And that is at odds with every successful organization in history.

Today. On day one of Infantry Training in the Military. The platoons compete in events to show the recruits that teamwork and collective actions are the only path to success. Teamwork. That is another term for collective action. Which is denounced by Conservatives as Socialist Propaganda.

Yet the Military has been training soldiers to do just that for centuries. Training the people to move as one. To act as one. To submit themselves to something larger.

The great Military that Conservatives claim to love operates on the very socialist principles that the Conservatives claim to fight against. Everyone gets medical care for free. Everyone gets food for free. And when they get VA benefits that is tax free.

The right path for this nation is probably a mix of the two. Neither is 100% correct. Both have some truth to their ideals. But the secret is moderation. As with all things moderation is the key.

Both can and will lead to totalitarian regimes. And that is where todays extremists want us to go. Totalitarian regimes. They merely disagree with who should be in charge, and who should be the scapegoat to justify the abuses.

Land a man on the moon? Cure cancer? Make up imaginary genders? Then racism is bad we need reparations to people we never harmed for things that were never done to them?
Turn on and Kill each other ?

Thats always my favorite part


Well republicans sure as fuck didn’t land a man on the moon. They are too fucking useless and stupid to cure cancer.

Democrats in office did not make up imaginary genders. Morons on Twitter did. You all just choose to believe all liberal think the same way as those morons on Twitter.

Democrats in office have had many legislative accomplishments. All republicans can muster are destructive tax cuts and whining.
so billy you dont think there was conservative engineers working in NASA? dont think any were researchers working on cancer? sound as stupid as those who post useless shit on twitter.....
Land a man on the moon? Cure cancer? Make up imaginary genders? Then racism is bad we need reparations to people we never harmed for things that were never done to them?
One of the biggest things Libs do is constantly rail against income inequality so, to answer your question, I think it is rather obvious that one of the best things Libs have ever done is to, well, rail against income inequality because, well, the more you rail against it, well, let me put it this way, one of the best things Libs have ever done regarding income inequality getting worse and worse is to, well, talk about it, and by talking about it, well, things happen and, well, when things happen, they happen and, well, when things happen that is addressing the problem of, well, income inequality getting worse, well, which is what they want to talk about because, well, if you talk about it then the problem should get better because, well when it gets better they can claim that they, well, are responsible for income inequality getting, well, better, even though it hasn't done that yet, well, because so far it hasn't happened but, well, it's never going to happen if we don't harp on it because, well, it will get better if we harp on it, even though it hasn't gotten better yet, well, because, well, let me put it this way, orange man bad, well because, just well, orange man bad, and well, Libs are responsible for talking about income inequality because, well, if we don't talk about it, it will get worse, well, even though it is getting worse anyway even as we talk about it but well, we need to talk about it, well, because if we don't then we can't, well claim that we are for improving income inequality even if it does get worse under Lib policies, but, well, we are going to talk about it anyway because, well, talking about it is what Libs do. Did I mention that orange man bad? I think all of this explains it very well what Libs have done for this country.

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