National Archives Say Biden Is a Liar

2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
We have a woman coming out saying Biden sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Not looking too good.

I just read a USA article that claims 25% of Sanders supporters are not going to vote for creepy Joe. They say they'll either not vote, vote third party, or vote for Trump.
Yep and if Biden is forced out and they screw Bernie again. None of them will vote or vote for Trump.
No one screwed Bernie. He is a great guy but he doesn’t have appeal across a diverse swath of Americans.

Irrelevant. What matters is if Bernie and his supporters believe he was screwed.
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
We have a woman coming out saying Biden sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Not looking too good.

I just read a USA article that claims 25% of Sanders supporters are not going to vote for creepy Joe. They say they'll either not vote, vote third party, or vote for Trump.
Yep and if Biden is forced out and they screw Bernie again. None of them will vote or vote for Trump.
No one screwed Bernie. He is a great guy but he doesn’t have appeal across a diverse swath of Americans.

Irrelevant. What matters is if Bernie and his supporters believe he was screwed.
This is soo good. Biden is getting nailed by reporting he sexually assaulted women and a child. You have the believe all women hyped up big time by liberals, now saying not all women should be heard. There goes a voting block. Then if Biden drops out, anld they screw Bernie again. There goes a huge voting block. Then them ruining the economy to make Trump look bad, is back firing. There goes another voting block. Lol, they are going to hand Trump reelection.
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
We have a woman coming out saying Biden sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Not looking too good.

I just read a USA article that claims 25% of Sanders supporters are not going to vote for creepy Joe. They say they'll either not vote, vote third party, or vote for Trump.
Yep and if Biden is forced out and they screw Bernie again. None of them will vote or vote for Trump.
No one screwed Bernie. He is a great guy but he doesn’t have appeal across a diverse swath of Americans.

Irrelevant. What matters is if Bernie and his supporters believe he was screwed.

So truth and facts are irrelevant? THAT I believe coming from Trumpists.

It's a politics thread
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
We have a woman coming out saying Biden sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Not looking too good.
Which woman is that?
She claims there was a report...that no one can find.

She claims she spoke to three staffers..and they deny it

Her first claim was that Biden touched her "in a way that made her feel uncomfortable"

And later changed her story to claim he "penetrated her with his fingers"

Ahhhh...the first could be anything but the second is sexual assault.

You would think that she would have lead with the sexual assault charge...but she didn't

You seem to be more intent on defending and defining his level of sexual assault and trying to shift the blame to the woman. Typical for a democrat apologist.
You'll note I put NO blame on whatshername.

Why would you lie about that?
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
We have a woman coming out saying Biden sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Not looking too good.
Which woman is that?
Turn off cnn and you will find out.
You trump supporters just don't seem to understand the grave you are putting trump in.

While you demand every word be heard from Reade, you don't seem to understand that means every word from the women trump assaulted and raped must be heard. In public, given the same amount of time as Reade.

You want a full investigation of Biden, that means we get full investigations of every case from trump accusers

You guys don't want that.
She claims there was a report...that no one can find.

She claims she spoke to three staffers..and they deny it

Her first claim was that Biden touched her "in a way that made her feel uncomfortable"

And later changed her story to claim he "penetrated her with his fingers"

Ahhhh...the first could be anything but the second is sexual assault.

You would think that she would have lead with the sexual assault charge...but she didn't

You seem to be more intent on defending and defining his level of sexual assault and trying to shift the blame to the woman. Typical for a democrat apologist.
You'll note I put NO blame on whatshername.

Why would you lie about that?

You claim to put no blame or even name his accuser yet defend him against this charge. The blame goes squarely on Biden and his long history o0f this type of action, but you are afraid to say this. Bought and paid for by the democrats?
You trump supporters just don't seem to understand the grave you are putting trump in.

While you demand every word be heard from Reade, you don't seem to understand that means every word from the women trump assaulted and raped must be heard. In public, given the same amount of time as Reade.

You want a full investigation of Biden, that means we get full investigations of every case from trump accusers

You guys don't want that.

Oh please. There is a huge difference between women coming out of the woodwork who probably never met Donald Trump yet alone had any interaction with him, and a woman who worked for Biden. There is also solid corroboration of witnesses who stated Reade told them about the assault at the time. Then there is the phone call from Reade's mother to the Larry King show.

Ford had an agenda. She was a pussy hat wearing Democrat activist, who loved the ability to kill babies. Kavanaugh was a serious threat to her ideology. So the Democrats got her to make up this phony story to try and keep Kavanaugh off the courts.

In this instance, this woman is also a Democrat, and likely hates Donald Trump. Even her neighbor, who told the media that Reade told her about the attack, admitted in spite of all that, she's still voting for Biden.
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
I bought a pallet of popcorn kernels at Sam’s Club for Trumps debates with Biden.
/——/ The networks and the DNC will never let Biden debate. No way he can last 2 hours on his feet battling Trump.
You trump supporters just don't seem to understand the grave you are putting trump in.

While you demand every word be heard from Reade, you don't seem to understand that means every word from the women trump assaulted and raped must be heard. In public, given the same amount of time as Reade.

You want a full investigation of Biden, that means we get full investigations of every case from trump accusers

You guys don't want that.

Oh please. There is a huge difference between women coming out of the woodwork who probably never met Donald Trump yet alone had any interaction with him, and a woman who worked for Biden. There is also solid corroboration of witnesses who stated Reade told them about the assault at the time. Then there is the phone call from Reade's mother to the Larry King show.

Ford had an agenda. She was a pussy hat wearing Democrat activist, who loved the ability to kill babies. Kavanaugh was a serious threat to her ideology. So the Democrats got her to make up this phony story to try and keep Kavanaugh off the courts.

In this instance, this woman is also a Democrat, and likely hates Donald Trump. Even her neighbor, who told the media that Reade told her about the attack, admitted in spite of all that, she's still voting for Biden.
There is no difference and you guys are digging trumps grave. There are at least 19 women who say trump assaulted or raped them, all 19 are not lying. This woman was a Sanders supporter who has articles published whereby she praised Putin. It doesn't matter who she is voting for, what I am saying is that if you want to see Biden investigated, then we investigate all of the accusations against trump. You don't want to see that. And Kavanaugh has nothing to do with this.
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
I bought a pallet of popcorn kernels at Sam’s Club for Trumps debates with Biden.
/——/ The networks and the DNC will never let Biden debate. No way he can last 2 hours on his feet battling Trump.
trump is dead meat in a debate against Biden. When you have a man who actually thought you could end a virus by injecting disinfectant, you don't want him on a stage with a former vice president experienced in all manners of state and public policy.
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
We have a woman coming out saying Biden sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Not looking too good.
Actually no. You don’t. You have a woman saying he made an inappropriate comment.
You voted for a man with over 20 women claiming
sexual harassment, assault and even rape, and one was 13 years old. And he won. What does that say?
It says they were proven to be false, as with Kavanaugh. The media couldn't prove anything on Trump with reporting and investigating it 24/7. Now with Biden, they ignore it. Oh yeah, all women have to be heard, remember?
So the allegations against Kavanaugh couldn't be proven, but they can be proven against your skidmark?
Trump was investigated more than any president in our history and you got nothing. Biden should also be investigated the same. Anyway it was you loons a few years back, claiming all women should be heard. We're you lying?
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
We have a woman coming out saying Biden sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Not looking too good.
Which woman is that?
Turn off cnn and you will find out.
Avoiding the question?
Look it up, it won't phase you anyway. You loons see pictures of Biden's hands all over little girls.
You trump supporters just don't seem to understand the grave you are putting trump in.

While you demand every word be heard from Reade, you don't seem to understand that means every word from the women trump assaulted and raped must be heard. In public, given the same amount of time as Reade.

You want a full investigation of Biden, that means we get full investigations of every case from trump accusers

You guys don't want that.

Oh please. There is a huge difference between women coming out of the woodwork who probably never met Donald Trump yet alone had any interaction with him, and a woman who worked for Biden. There is also solid corroboration of witnesses who stated Reade told them about the assault at the time. Then there is the phone call from Reade's mother to the Larry King show.

Ford had an agenda. She was a pussy hat wearing Democrat activist, who loved the ability to kill babies. Kavanaugh was a serious threat to her ideology. So the Democrats got her to make up this phony story to try and keep Kavanaugh off the courts.

In this instance, this woman is also a Democrat, and likely hates Donald Trump. Even her neighbor, who told the media that Reade told her about the attack, admitted in spite of all that, she's still voting for Biden.
The basis of your post is based on "probably?"
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2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Democrats have no choice. If they bring back Hillary, Sander's supporters leave.

If they bring in Cuomo, Sanders supporters leave.

If they keep Biden, hoo boy, they got problems. Sander's supporters leave.

That is why you are so desperate for them to dump Biden (despite no evidence they will do so) that you start thread after thread about it.
We have a woman coming out saying Biden sexually assaulted her when she was 14. Not looking too good.
Which woman is that?
Turn off cnn and you will find out.
Avoiding the question?
Look it up, it won't phase you anyway. You loons see pictures of Biden's hands all over little girls.
We see a lot of photoshopped things. We also see accusations of rape against trump and at least one legal filing from a girl when she was 14 against trump for rape.
You trump supporters just don't seem to understand the grave you are putting trump in.

While you demand every word be heard from Reade, you don't seem to understand that means every word from the women trump assaulted and raped must be heard. In public, given the same amount of time as Reade.

You want a full investigation of Biden, that means we get full investigations of every case from trump accusers

You guys don't want that.

Oh please. There is a huge difference between women coming out of the woodwork who probably never met Donald Trump yet alone had any interaction with him, and a woman who worked for Biden. There is also solid corroboration of witnesses who stated Reade told them about the assault at the time. Then there is the phone call from Reade's mother to the Larry King show.

Ford had an agenda. She was a pussy hat wearing Democrat activist, who loved the ability to kill babies. Kavanaugh was a serious threat to her ideology. So the Democrats got her to make up this phony story to try and keep Kavanaugh off the courts.

In this instance, this woman is also a Democrat, and likely hates Donald Trump. Even her neighbor, who told the media that Reade told her about the attack, admitted in spite of all that, she's still voting for Biden.
The basis of your post is based on "probably?"
Biden is a liar and a rapist. Have a nice day.
2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Friday morning that the National Archives would hold his personnel records, but the National Archives have denied this.

He’s trying to bullshit his way thru this. But he won’t survive until June.

Uncle Milty knows where the records are. The one place he refuses to look and keeps sealed up.
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You trump supporters just don't seem to understand the grave you are putting trump in.

While you demand every word be heard from Reade, you don't seem to understand that means every word from the women trump assaulted and raped must be heard. In public, given the same amount of time as Reade.

You want a full investigation of Biden, that means we get full investigations of every case from trump accusers

You guys don't want that.

Oh please. There is a huge difference between women coming out of the woodwork who probably never met Donald Trump yet alone had any interaction with him, and a woman who worked for Biden. There is also solid corroboration of witnesses who stated Reade told them about the assault at the time. Then there is the phone call from Reade's mother to the Larry King show.

Ford had an agenda. She was a pussy hat wearing Democrat activist, who loved the ability to kill babies. Kavanaugh was a serious threat to her ideology. So the Democrats got her to make up this phony story to try and keep Kavanaugh off the courts.

In this instance, this woman is also a Democrat, and likely hates Donald Trump. Even her neighbor, who told the media that Reade told her about the attack, admitted in spite of all that, she's still voting for Biden.

Double standards. Many of those women met Trump. You are willing to pick apart inconsistencies if the accused is an R but you believe it wholesale if the accused is a D.

You keep bringing up the Larry King call as if it’s proof. Look at wording and tell me she it actually said? The only person identifying it is Reade. If this was an R would you say the same? Doubtful.
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National Archives did not say Biden "is a liar" they said they have no record of a complaint. Senate closed fair employment for 50 years. guess they got tired of paying out all the money to cover our so called leaders butts.

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