New AZ law - Welfare ends after 12 months

Oh good, homeless people desperate and destitute are MUCH better than housed and fed ones. Not like people turn to crime or anything when situations become dire.

$30,000 a year in welfare is not destitute. You can live very well in america on half that esp if you're childless and poor people should not have kids. THINK
"lol! the better question would be when have I not gotten laid...30 years in show you'd have to have no dick not to.
(place false assumption comment about sexuality here)
all assholes are self made you a fine example of the craft.
meaning what makes up an asshole is completely subjective."

Please, you're either black or a recent immigrant idiot to write like that. Whatever, just pray any kids you have, if you ever get laid, does better.
love the desperate false assumption > I'm neither black or a recent immigrant ,matter of fact half of my ancestors were here long before Columbus spread disease and Christianity on this continent.
the never got laid line is just pure jealousy.
Yeah, it's crazy. Arizona is going to be a toilet of crime.
So we should force the taxpayers to provide them with an income so they won't commit crimes? Sounds like extortion.
What do you think the purpose of welfare is, dope?

It's to give people a hand up until they can take care of themselves. Not a lifetime support system allowing people to be slothful.
sloths don't have a problem with it.
funny thing is, working Americans collect welfare too.

Depends on the type of welfare.
wow! that was irrelevant..
Anyone thought to audit state expenses to see where the deficit came from?

We know where it came from. From all the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens the fed forces AZ to provide with free health care and free k-12 . THINK
you can always tell when one of SS's" fits" in coming on .
the word think pops up in unnecessary places in his post.
btw the initials SS remind me of something, I just can't place it......?
So we should force the taxpayers to provide them with an income so they won't commit crimes? Sounds like extortion.
What do you think the purpose of welfare is, dope?

It's to give people a hand up until they can take care of themselves. Not a lifetime support system allowing people to be slothful.
sloths don't have a problem with it.
funny thing is, working Americans collect welfare too.

Depends on the type of welfare.
wow! that was irrelevant..

About as irrelevant as you r comment.

Some welfare benefits like TANF requires recipients to work at a minimum 30 hours a week. But out of the 126 separate programs targeted towards low-income people not all have mandated work requirements.

But you probably knew that and just wanted to mouth off anyway.
What do you think the purpose of welfare is, dope?

It's to give people a hand up until they can take care of themselves. Not a lifetime support system allowing people to be slothful.
sloths don't have a problem with it.
funny thing is, working Americans collect welfare too.

Depends on the type of welfare.
wow! that was irrelevant..

About as irrelevant as you r comment.

Some welfare benefits like TANF requires recipients to work at a minimum 30 hours a week. But out of the 126 separate programs targeted towards low-income people not all have mandated work requirements.

But you probably knew that and just wanted to mouth off anyway.
I couldn't help myself ... yes I did know that, my wife is a counselor for our neighboring county's Department of Public Social Services.
that's why I get a good laugh when certain poster spew bullshit about welfare and who collects it.
It's to give people a hand up until they can take care of themselves. Not a lifetime support system allowing people to be slothful.
sloths don't have a problem with it.
funny thing is, working Americans collect welfare too.

Depends on the type of welfare.
wow! that was irrelevant..

About as irrelevant as you r comment.

Some welfare benefits like TANF requires recipients to work at a minimum 30 hours a week. But out of the 126 separate programs targeted towards low-income people not all have mandated work requirements.

But you probably knew that and just wanted to mouth off anyway.
I couldn't help myself ... yes I did know that, my wife is a counselor for our neighboring county's Department of Public Social Services.
that's why I get a good laugh when certain poster spew bullshit about welfare and who collects it.

NOW we understand ... you have a vested personal interest in continuing the welfare oligarchy.

Always good to know one's motivations.
sloths don't have a problem with it.
funny thing is, working Americans collect welfare too.

Depends on the type of welfare.
wow! that was irrelevant..

About as irrelevant as you r comment.

Some welfare benefits like TANF requires recipients to work at a minimum 30 hours a week. But out of the 126 separate programs targeted towards low-income people not all have mandated work requirements.

But you probably knew that and just wanted to mouth off anyway.
I couldn't help myself ... yes I did know that, my wife is a counselor for our neighboring county's Department of Public Social Services.
that's why I get a good laugh when certain poster spew bullshit about welfare and who collects it.

NOW we understand ... you have a vested personal interest in continuing the welfare oligarchy.

Always good to know one's motivations.
paranoid and wrong much?
Poor people need to stop having kids. With the ready availability of birth control and abortion there is no excuse for it
Mexicans love having babies, they're not interested in birth control.

Republicans should love that. They're not interested in birth control either. Let me rephrase that - they're not interested in letting women have access to it.
I believe they should pay for their own birth control. Not me, I paid for my ex's $30.00 a month till we were ready to have a child.
Poor people need to stop having kids. With the ready availability of birth control and abortion there is no excuse for it
Mexicans love having babies, they're not interested in birth control.

Republicans should love that. They're not interested in birth control either. Let me rephrase that - they're not interested in letting women have access to it.
I believe they should pay for their own birth control. Not me, I paid for my ex's $30.00 a month till we were ready to have a child.
it was in your own self-interest to do so?
but you won't grant the government that same right .?
Poor people need to stop having kids. With the ready availability of birth control and abortion there is no excuse for it
For his sake, I hope your son's wishes have not come to fruition.
I have no children another false assertion crashes and burns....
True, you would have to get laid first. Never-the-less, if you were to have a child, I would hope he would not have the misfortune suggested in your post. Your fate is clear, yet any child has a chance not to be an asshole.
Two queers cannot have kids naturally. So therefore the reason daws don't have kids.
Poor people need to stop having kids. With the ready availability of birth control and abortion there is no excuse for it
Mexicans love having babies, they're not interested in birth control.

Republicans should love that. They're not interested in birth control either. Let me rephrase that - they're not interested in letting women have access to it.
I believe they should pay for their own birth control. Not me, I paid for my ex's $30.00 a month till we were ready to have a child.
it was in your own self-interest to do so?
but you won't grant the government that same right .?
Government is funded by the people, so no it's none of governments business.
love the desperate false assumption > I'm neither black or a recent immigrant ,matter of fact half of my ancestors were here long before Columbus spread disease and Christianity on this continent.
the never got laid line is just pure jealousy.
OK, if you were drunk just say so.
Poor people need to stop having kids. With the ready availability of birth control and abortion there is no excuse for it
For his sake, I hope your son's wishes have not come to fruition.
I have no children another false assertion crashes and burns....
True, you would have to get laid first. Never-the-less, if you were to have a child, I would hope he would not have the misfortune suggested in your post. Your fate is clear, yet any child has a chance not to be an asshole.
Two queers cannot have kids naturally. So therefore the reason daws don't have kids.
that would be true if I was gay but I'm not....more desperate straw grabbing.
If they'd toss out all the illegal aliens collecting benefits there'd be money for poor CITIZENS.

Facing 1 Billion Deficit Arizona Sharply Limits Welfare - US News

may 18 2015
PHOENIX (AP) — Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Arizona's Republican-led Legislature has reduced the lifetime limit for welfare recipients to the shortest window in the nation.

Low-income families on welfare will now have their benefits cut off after just 12 months.

As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state's federally funded welfare program on July 1, 2016.

The cuts of at least $4 million reflect a prevailing mood among the lawmakers in control in Arizona that welfare, Medicaid and other public assistance programs are crutches that keep the poor from getting back on their feet and achieving their potential

Most states impose a five-year limit on welfare benefits. Thirteen states limit it to two years or less, and Texas has a tiered time limit that can be as little as 12 months but allows children to continue to receive funding even after the parents have been cut, welfare policy analyst Liz Schott said.

Oh good, homeless people desperate and destitute are MUCH better than housed and fed ones. Not like people turn to crime or anything when situations become dire.
They will find work. I can promise that. You liberals need to learn what motivates people to work. Starvation is a chief motivator. Trust us, they will get jobs even washing dishes. You have to know that if you keep paying out welfare checks, they won't get off welfare. I assume you work? Why doesn't it piss you off knowing there are welfare cheats gaming the system while you bust your ass 9 to 5?
If they'd toss out all the illegal aliens collecting benefits there'd be money for poor CITIZENS.

Facing 1 Billion Deficit Arizona Sharply Limits Welfare - US News

may 18 2015
PHOENIX (AP) — Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Arizona's Republican-led Legislature has reduced the lifetime limit for welfare recipients to the shortest window in the nation.

Low-income families on welfare will now have their benefits cut off after just 12 months.

As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state's federally funded welfare program on July 1, 2016.

The cuts of at least $4 million reflect a prevailing mood among the lawmakers in control in Arizona that welfare, Medicaid and other public assistance programs are crutches that keep the poor from getting back on their feet and achieving their potential

Most states impose a five-year limit on welfare benefits. Thirteen states limit it to two years or less, and Texas has a tiered time limit that can be as little as 12 months but allows children to continue to receive funding even after the parents have been cut, welfare policy analyst Liz Schott said.

Oh good, homeless people desperate and destitute are MUCH better than housed and fed ones. Not like people turn to crime or anything when situations become dire.
They will find work. I can promise that. You liberals need to learn what motivates people to work. Starvation is a chief motivator. Trust us, they will get jobs even washing dishes. You have to know that if you keep paying out welfare checks, they won't get off welfare. I assume you work? Why doesn't it piss you off knowing there are welfare cheats gaming the system while you bust your ass 9 to 5?
best bullshit of the day... there are not enough low skill or no skill jobs available .
you can tell that lie to yourself but in reality it aint happening.
If they'd toss out all the illegal aliens collecting benefits there'd be money for poor CITIZENS.

Facing 1 Billion Deficit Arizona Sharply Limits Welfare - US News

may 18 2015
PHOENIX (AP) — Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Arizona's Republican-led Legislature has reduced the lifetime limit for welfare recipients to the shortest window in the nation.

Low-income families on welfare will now have their benefits cut off after just 12 months.

As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state's federally funded welfare program on July 1, 2016.

The cuts of at least $4 million reflect a prevailing mood among the lawmakers in control in Arizona that welfare, Medicaid and other public assistance programs are crutches that keep the poor from getting back on their feet and achieving their potential

Most states impose a five-year limit on welfare benefits. Thirteen states limit it to two years or less, and Texas has a tiered time limit that can be as little as 12 months but allows children to continue to receive funding even after the parents have been cut, welfare policy analyst Liz Schott said.

Oh good, homeless people desperate and destitute are MUCH better than housed and fed ones. Not like people turn to crime or anything when situations become dire.
They will find work. I can promise that. You liberals need to learn what motivates people to work. Starvation is a chief motivator. Trust us, they will get jobs even washing dishes. You have to know that if you keep paying out welfare checks, they won't get off welfare. I assume you work? Why doesn't it piss you off knowing there are welfare cheats gaming the system while you bust your ass 9 to 5?
best bullshit of the day... there are not enough low skill or no skill jobs available .
you can tell that lie to yourself but in reality it aint happening.

Reality doesn't live on your block?

What makes you think that illegal immigrants only take low-skill jobs? The average income, in 2007, for an illegal immigrant was $36,000 ... SOMEBODY is making more than $8/hour. A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States Pew Research Center

I do like how you use stereotyping as some kind of proofing of invalid observations.
If they'd toss out all the illegal aliens collecting benefits there'd be money for poor CITIZENS.

Facing 1 Billion Deficit Arizona Sharply Limits Welfare - US News

may 18 2015
PHOENIX (AP) — Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Arizona's Republican-led Legislature has reduced the lifetime limit for welfare recipients to the shortest window in the nation.

Low-income families on welfare will now have their benefits cut off after just 12 months.

As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families — including more than 2,700 children — from the state's federally funded welfare program on July 1, 2016.

The cuts of at least $4 million reflect a prevailing mood among the lawmakers in control in Arizona that welfare, Medicaid and other public assistance programs are crutches that keep the poor from getting back on their feet and achieving their potential

Most states impose a five-year limit on welfare benefits. Thirteen states limit it to two years or less, and Texas has a tiered time limit that can be as little as 12 months but allows children to continue to receive funding even after the parents have been cut, welfare policy analyst Liz Schott said.

Oh good, homeless people desperate and destitute are MUCH better than housed and fed ones. Not like people turn to crime or anything when situations become dire.
They will find work. I can promise that. You liberals need to learn what motivates people to work. Starvation is a chief motivator. Trust us, they will get jobs even washing dishes. You have to know that if you keep paying out welfare checks, they won't get off welfare. I assume you work? Why doesn't it piss you off knowing there are welfare cheats gaming the system while you bust your ass 9 to 5?
best bullshit of the day... there are not enough low skill or no skill jobs available .
you can tell that lie to yourself but in reality it aint happening.

Reality doesn't live on your block?

What makes you think that illegal immigrants only take low-skill jobs? The average income, in 2007, for an illegal immigrant was $36,000 ... SOMEBODY is making more than $8/hour. A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States Pew Research Center

I do like how you use stereotyping as some kind of proofing of invalid observations.
it's a certainty it des not live in yours.
$36.000 is chump change
Rent Per Month [Edit] Avg.
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 975.01 $

Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre 764.69 $

Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre 1,688.51 $

Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre 1,293.77 $

Cost of Living in United States. Prices in United States. Updated May 2015

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