New NY gun law, did you notice.........

If the NY law is as stated in the OP, it is in the running for the most stupid law in recent time.

It does no good unless it also limits the number of clips a gun owner can have at one time. Even then, the criminals will pay no attention to either requirement...making the law ineffective in reducing the likelihood of another mass killing.

It is laughable that despite the existing NY gun laws, gun crime in New York far exceeds that in areas where there are no bans.

New York follows closely behind California in being replete with idiotic lawmakers.

Like you. You obviously need someone to guide you and lead you, in most aspects of daily life, from hygiene to, how to dress, prepare meals, chew before you swallow. ;) Do us a favor and leave us out of it. You may find comfort in having the important decisions in your life made for you, but not all of feel about things the way you do. Just a thought. :)

Duh, it's called democracy... State your objections at the ballot box...
It's not called democracy; it's called constitutional republic. We don't amend the CONUS by referendum. Moron.
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Like you. You obviously need someone to guide you and lead you, in most aspects of daily life, from hygiene to, how to dress, prepare meals, chew before you swallow. ;) Do us a favor and leave us out of it. You may find comfort in having the important decisions in your life made for you, but not all of feel about things the way you do. Just a thought. :)

Duh, it's called democracy... State your objections at the ballot box...
It's not called democracy; it's called constitutional republic. We don't amend the CONUS by referendum. Moron.
Collectivists have great difficulty with that truth!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I'll go with the Supreme Court over tinfoilers thanks.

And I'm a great believer in rifles and shotguns.
I am not sure how long this law in NY will last. It will get taken to court by not only the gun groups, but expect NY media to take it to court to. The media sources like the Journal News will take it to court based on violation of the 1st Amendment, given that it bans them from printing the names of gun owners.

New N.Y. Law Prohibits Newspapers From Disclosing Gun Owners' Names

I agree with the banning of printing the names and addresses of gun owners, but this law will be most likely attacked in the courts from multiple sources.
Under previous laws pistol magazines were limited to 10 rounds, did you notice the new NY law reduces that to 7 rounds? You know why they did that, the new law requires anyone who posses a weapon that conformed to previous laws will now have to register those weapons, and reducing the magazine count casts a much wider net for registration. I doubt this law will withstand a court challenge but they want to know everyone that has a gun.

IN NYC all legal are Individually Registered. What would be interesting is seeing All Police Officers, Federal, State, and Local, forced to comply with the Regulations they impose on the Free People, of NY. ...... Wait, we aren't exactly free now are we. In spite of the Grand Illusion, I think All Law Enforcement should be limited to Fire Arms with 7 round capacity. Further, Politicians should all give up the Special Privilege of Armed Security. After all, it is so much safer here now. So I hear, anyway. From the Governor, to the Mayor of NYC, an example needs to be set.

I believe that no elected official should have the right to armed security that has any more fire power than what the average citizen can have. What's good for the goose and all that.
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Under previous laws pistol magazines were limited to 10 rounds, did you notice the new NY law reduces that to 7 rounds? You know why they did that, the new law requires anyone who posses a weapon that conformed to previous laws will now have to register those weapons, and reducing the magazine count casts a much wider net for registration. I doubt this law will withstand a court challenge but they want to know everyone that has a gun.

IN NYC all legal are Individually Registered. What would be interesting is seeing All Police Officers, Federal, State, and Local, forced to comply with the Regulations they impose on the Free People, of NY. ...... Wait, we aren't exactly free now are we. In spite of the Grand Illusion, I think All Law Enforcement should be limited to Fire Arms with 7 round capacity. Further, Politicians should all give up the Special Privilege of Armed Security. After all, it is so much safer here now. So I hear, anyway. From the Governor, to the Mayor of NYC, an example needs to be set.

I believe that no elected official should have the right to armed security that has any more fire power than what the average citizen can have. What's good for the goose and all that.

THIS. if its good enough for the plebes, it good enough for the proletariat,
IN NYC all legal are Individually Registered. What would be interesting is seeing All Police Officers, Federal, State, and Local, forced to comply with the Regulations they impose on the Free People, of NY. ...... Wait, we aren't exactly free now are we. In spite of the Grand Illusion, I think All Law Enforcement should be limited to Fire Arms with 7 round capacity. Further, Politicians should all give up the Special Privilege of Armed Security. After all, it is so much safer here now. So I hear, anyway. From the Governor, to the Mayor of NYC, an example needs to be set.

I believe that no elected official should have the right to armed security that has any more fire power than what the average citizen can have. What's good for the goose and all that.

THIS. if its good enough for the plebes, it good enough for the proletariat,
Obamacare does not apply to the politicians that forced it upon us. They have their own healthcare.
Under previous laws pistol magazines were limited to 10 rounds, did you notice the new NY law reduces that to 7 rounds? You know why they did that, the new law requires anyone who posses a weapon that conformed to previous laws will now have to register those weapons, and reducing the magazine count casts a much wider net for registration. I doubt this law will withstand a court challenge but they want to know everyone that has a gun.
The Governor of NY flat out stated that the previous assault weapon ban is in effect, and if you have any of these weapons, even if you did not register them before, you WILL REGISTER THEM NOW.......

And so it begins.
A magazine is a box with a spring in it. Right now people are making them at the kitchen tables and garage work benches all over the state.
Calls for a lot of skill, experience, and the proper tools to do it right.

Like you. You obviously need someone to guide you and lead you, in most aspects of daily life, from hygiene to, how to dress, prepare meals, chew before you swallow. ;) Do us a favor and leave us out of it. You may find comfort in having the important decisions in your life made for you, but not all of us feel about things the way you do. Just a thought. :)

Duh, it's called democracy... State your objections at the ballot box...

There are many roads to Totalitarianism. Misusing Democracy, to attain that goal is not exactly a virtue. You might want to recheck your position.
In addition to outlawing a broader array of military-style weapons, the measure restricts ammunition magazines to seven rounds, down from the current 10, creates a more comprehensive database of people barred from owning guns, and makes New York the first state to require background checks to buy bullets. The system will also help flag customers who buy large amounts of ammo.

New York State Gun Laws The First In Country Since Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting In Newtown

Assuming this applies to both rifles and handguns, one can not newly acquire an M1, and current owners have a year to register their examples.

Interesting, in New York a classic battle rifle is now an ‘assault weapon.’

Revolvers and bolt action rifles are good to go, as the latter usually have a capacity of 5 + 1 rounds.

Otherwise the New York law is a ‘good’ law, in that is will indeed provoke a court challenge, where it might eventually get to the Supreme Court.

This could finally result in specific criteria as to what constitutes a weapon considered ‘dangerous and unusual’ and one ‘in common use at the time,’ providing guidance to lawmakers as how to constitutionally proceed with firearms regulation.

Common use can not be the standard, technological advances can't automatically rule out ownership by the people. The 2nd Amendment is about maintaining a free state and giving the people the ability to do so by revolt if necessary. Using these 2nd Amendment principles, there are no interest the state could have that would be more compelling than the interest of the people. This is what should be argued before the courts, nothing else.

People have to be allowed to have whatever weapons they need to revolt against the U.S. government ?????

Yeah ... run with THAT one.
Assuming this applies to both rifles and handguns, one can not newly acquire an M1, and current owners have a year to register their examples.

Interesting, in New York a classic battle rifle is now an ‘assault weapon.’

Revolvers and bolt action rifles are good to go, as the latter usually have a capacity of 5 + 1 rounds.

Otherwise the New York law is a ‘good’ law, in that is will indeed provoke a court challenge, where it might eventually get to the Supreme Court.

This could finally result in specific criteria as to what constitutes a weapon considered ‘dangerous and unusual’ and one ‘in common use at the time,’ providing guidance to lawmakers as how to constitutionally proceed with firearms regulation.

Common use can not be the standard, technological advances can't automatically rule out ownership by the people. The 2nd Amendment is about maintaining a free state and giving the people the ability to do so by revolt if necessary. Using these 2nd Amendment principles, there are no interest the state could have that would be more compelling than the interest of the people. This is what should be argued before the courts, nothing else.

People have to be allowed to have whatever weapons they need to revolt against the U.S. government ?????

Yeah ... run with THAT one.
Alexander Hamilton did: "if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens."
Assuming this applies to both rifles and handguns, one can not newly acquire an M1, and current owners have a year to register their examples.

Interesting, in New York a classic battle rifle is now an ‘assault weapon.’

Revolvers and bolt action rifles are good to go, as the latter usually have a capacity of 5 + 1 rounds.

Otherwise the New York law is a ‘good’ law, in that is will indeed provoke a court challenge, where it might eventually get to the Supreme Court.

This could finally result in specific criteria as to what constitutes a weapon considered ‘dangerous and unusual’ and one ‘in common use at the time,’ providing guidance to lawmakers as how to constitutionally proceed with firearms regulation.

Common use can not be the standard, technological advances can't automatically rule out ownership by the people. The 2nd Amendment is about maintaining a free state and giving the people the ability to do so by revolt if necessary. Using these 2nd Amendment principles, there are no interest the state could have that would be more compelling than the interest of the people. This is what should be argued before the courts, nothing else.

People have to be allowed to have whatever weapons they need to revolt against the U.S. government ?????

Yeah ... run with THAT one.

You clearly don't understand the intent of the 2nd Amendment, you might want to educate yourself instead of making foolish statements. So far no one has had the balls to argue the true intent of the 2nd Amendment before the courts, it's time it was done, then we will know if the courts will defend the founding principles as they are sworn to do, or not.
So NYers shop in PA to get accessories and ammo. I knnow many hunters in upstate NY. If you actually think these people are going to register their firearms, I can tell you this with certainty.


It's not going to happen, and people will take the risk of skirting these rules and they will be challeneged.
Under previous laws pistol magazines were limited to 10 rounds, did you notice the new NY law reduces that to 7 rounds? You know why they did that, the new law requires anyone who posses a weapon that conformed to previous laws will now have to register those weapons, and reducing the magazine count casts a much wider net for registration. I doubt this law will withstand a court challenge but they want to know everyone that has a gun.

along with 90 % of the population
So NYers shop in PA to get accessories and ammo. I knnow many hunters in upstate NY. If you actually think these people are going to register their firearms, I can tell you this with certainty.


It's not going to happen, and people will take the risk of skirting these rules and they will be challeneged.

Law breakers are criminals

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