New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
Which descision are you talking about exactly? The one that Trump also made about full withdrawal before September?

“I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.”

- Trump one month ago.

The difference would have been how the final withdrawal would have taken place under Trump. Biden is a threat to the overall national security of this sovereign nation called the USA. I said if before, and I'll keep saying it everyday as we watch the circus go forward.
And Trump has proven himself an excellent president who kept illegals out, got our economy rolling again, actually had the average household income increased, record unemployment, beat back and killed terrorists, made the whole fucking world a safer place, cut taxes, made our deadbeat allies help cover their security costs instead of mooching off us so much, funded our military, and cut taxes. Why the hell do we have bribe taking Biden in office---he just ensured tens of thousands of people being murdered and raped by the taliban along with flooding our borders with thousands of infected illegals while jacking up the crimes rates all over the place.

Wow cool story bro...but REALITY is that Trump is rated by historians among the worst presidents. He was a twice impeached pathological liar who promissed the moon and accomplished very little aside from a new round of tax-cuts on the back of already exploding deficits. His failure to lead country during Covid-19 pandemic cemented his place there.

You fantasize about Biden bribery and Trump not letting people slaughtered? Well maybe instead you should ask Kurds how Trump ACTUALLY protected them when he sold them out to Turkey where, according to Trump himself, and his ex-top foreign policy advisor, Trump has personal conflicts of interest.

This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Don’t need F-15’s and nukes to overthrow a government, do we?
I will claim the election was stolen because it was.

That wasn't the question.

It's a given that idiots like you live on wishful fantasies, not established facts.

But you claimed that "stolen" claims will be PROVEN and the question is WHEN - when will your predictions either come true, or be proven false.

Pillow Guy made some predictions and a specific date when it would happen. Date came and his prediction was proven false.

So come on, man up and make an actual falsifiable prediction. Double fucking dare you nutter.
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That wasn't the question.

It's a given that idiots like you live on wishful fantasies, not established facts.

But you claimed that "stolen" claims will be PROVEN and the question is WHEN - when will your predictions either come true, or be proven false.

Pillow Guy made some predictions and a specific date when it would happen. Date came and his prediction was proven false.

So come on, man up and make an actual falsifiable prediction. Double fucking dare you nutter.
Why have all the states in question tried to block forensic audits? Why has there been no transparency? Why hasn't Congress investigated an election one third of the population know was stolen? Why won't Dominion cooperate?

You know why? Because there was massive fraud. Period.
Why have all the states in question tried to block forensic audits? Why has there been no transparency? Why hasn't Congress investigated an election one third of the population know was stolen? Why won't Dominion cooperate?

You know why? Because there was massive fraud. Period.

Everything you have just said is half baked bullshit.

There were many audits and found nothing in terms of massive fraud. Republican administrators in places like Georgia told you as much.

There were also alot of follow up by enforcement offices, and even by the DOJ, where Barr changed the gidelines re. election investigations specifically so it could take place. Again, you told in no uncertain terms that there was nothing serious found.

There were also 60+ lawsuits brought by Trump&Co that were all ruled to be bs garbage, including by Republican judges put in place by Trump himself.

What was objected to was PARTISAN AUDITS. Conducted not by election professionals, but by some obscure Qanon quacks who have never done any sort of election auditing before.
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Why have all the states in question tried to block forensic audits? Why has there been no transparency? Why hasn't Congress investigated an election one third of the population know was stolen? Why won't Dominion cooperate?

You know why? Because there was massive fraud. Period.
For those of you wishing for Trump to be reinstated need to understand this. As I said before, the Constitution DOES NOT provide for reinstatement whatsoever. Our focus should be on the upcoming midterms and how vulnerable the Democrats are. Especially after the Afghan debacle unfolding before our eyes. The GOP should milk this for everything it's worth.

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