New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
Trump&Co took a total shit on our elections because he is too damaged to admit a loss and you dupe Trumpsters went right along without ANY serious evidence.....and now you want to talk about confidence in elections lacking?

The perceived cover up was grand with the deep state, otherwise by not allowing fair and public hearings in order to clear the air for the American voter's as far as they saw it, and so it ultimately put stuttering Joe with his (I'm gonna pick her because she's black and female, even though no one really likes her, she's not black, and she has no real presidential qualifications), into the VP slot..........So Kamala Harris goes into the vp slot for crap's and giggle's in which is being found prevalent out in the American public now....Meanwhile Biden struggles to make sentences, and the world is literally on fire because of it all.

Way to go Joe Dufus and the "I hate America first" leftist Looney tune's crowd.
The perceived cover up was grand with the deep state
There was no cover up, there was Trump and dupes like you claiming bullshit that kept getting fact checked as such.

You can't keep blaming someone else for that - go look in the mirror.
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We need Trump reinstated so he can cleanup Biden's mess in Afghanistan. What a stupid decision by Biden.

Which descision are you talking about exactly? The one that Trump also made about full withdrawal before September?

“I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.”

- Trump one month ago.

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For the past 56 months the Democrat Party and MSM have made dozens of baseless accusations and desperately searched for a crime/any crime to pin on Donald Trump.

And as of one minute ago all you Trump-Haters have come up with absolutely no evidence of guilt or even a crime to charge Trump with.....nothing. nada, zilch, zip, zero!

First an actual crime must be committed before Trump can even be indicted and then there must be sufficient evidence to convict him "beyond a reasonable doubt" in a court of law.

Your idiot Dems can't even get Trump indicted much less convicted, so exactly who is the "brainwashed dumb fucks" who keep believing this same ole big lie that Trump is going to prison?
You guys have bought into every single bullshit Trump investigation that's came down the pike.

Even the Dem Party and MSM know all these phony investigations are desperate attempts to sabotage MAGA.

Russia collusion, Ukraine, impeachments, income tax, 01/06/2021, and a gazillion other big fat nothing-burgers.

The only thing these Marxist tactics have done is incite hate and division in a once peaceful and prosperous nation.

These leftist radicals are scared to death of Donald Trump and will say or do anything that might cost him a vote.

Keep following your pied piper, while laughing and dancing, as he plays his beautiful poor gullible suckers.
Oh. So when is the actual reinstatement going to be?

Are we getting those fireworks any time soon?
I have no idea. As long as fraud is proven, which it will be. If our justice system fails to act it is because they are not about justice or our Constitution. But, you knew that already.
I have no idea. As long as fraud is proven, which it will be. If our justice system fails to act it is because they are not about justice or our Constitution. But, you knew that already.

I understand why you wouldn’t a specific date to your tinfoil hat bullshit. :)

Weren’t there supposed to be fireworks a while ago? I guess you were stupid enough to fall for that one.
Trump has spent his whole life being an outrageous public figure... lying. cheating, bragging and flagging media.
And Trump has proven himself an excellent president who kept illegals out, got our economy rolling again, actually had the average household income increased, record unemployment, beat back and killed terrorists, made the whole fucking world a safer place, cut taxes, made our deadbeat allies help cover their security costs instead of mooching off us so much, funded our military, and cut taxes. Why the hell do we have bribe taking Biden in office---he just ensured tens of thousands of people being murdered and raped by the taliban along with flooding our borders with thousands of infected illegals while jacking up the crimes rates all over the place.
There is no Constitutional provision for reinstatement, regardless of any evidence that may or may not be present. That being said, Trump is damaged goods at this point and I think the GOP needs to bring someone in who shares the "America First" vision and political statement that Trump had, but doesn't have the abrasiveness that he had. I do believe, however, that 2022 and 2024 will be a bloodbath for the Democrats (thankfully) as their mishandling of Afghanistan and the US have become painfully obvious.

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