New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
Keep watching "Weekend at Biden's", fool.

You mean this guy...


... the guy who single handedly beat Trump in the debates and then schlonged him in the election?

Doesn't say much for the last guy, does it?

Fraud happened. Biden did not win AZ. Audits in other states will show the same proof of illegal ballots being counted.

Same proof of what, nutcase? Need you be reminded yet again ... ? You've got no proof of any of your bullshit claims about the election being stolen.

Wanna know how insane you are? It's measurable ... Normal people have figured out by now the election wasn't stolen.

Same proof of what, nutcase? Need you be reminded yet again ... ? You've got no proof of any of your bullshit claims about the election being stolen.

Wanna know how insane you are? It's measurable ... Normal people have figured out by now the election wasn't stolen.
Illegal ballots are the proof and they have plenty. That is why there is petition going to decertify the election. Try to be informed.
Everything you have just said is half baked bullshit.

There were many audits and found nothing in terms of massive fraud. Republican administrators in places like Georgia told you as much.

There were also alot of follow up by enforcement offices, and even by the DOJ, where Barr changed the gidelines re. election investigations specifically so it could take place. Again, you told in no uncertain terms that there was nothing serious found.

There were also 60+ lawsuits brought by Trump&Co that were all ruled to be bs garbage, including by Republican judges put in place by Trump himself.

What was objected to was PARTISAN AUDITS. Conducted not by election professionals, but by some obscure Qanon quacks who have never done any sort of election auditing before.
At this point 80% of America wish Joe hadn’t stolen the election.
Biden has added 1.9 trillion to the debt and his green shit will cost us up the ass.

Oh yeah. I'd love Trump back in the WH.
When Trump doubled the federal budget in his first two years and submitted the largest budgets in history (long before the pandemic), you didn't say fuck-all.

So you can shove your attitude up your hypocritical ass.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

Republicans have carefully cultivated a conspiracy mentality for decades. Trump managed to take over the party because he understood their base better than GOP leadership did: Trump out batshitted them.

From Vance Foster to the Birther Conspiracy to 'The Storm', to the Big Lie......these aren't critical thinkers. They are oversensitive and emotional souls who genuinely believe that the world must be as they wish it is......or its a vast conspiracy against them.
When Trump doubled the federal budget in his first two years and submitted the largest budgets in history (long before the pandemic), you didn't say fuck-all.

So you can shove your attitude up your hypocritical ass.
Trump did that to get money for the military. Tell the whole truth. He would not be signing any of this garbage now.
Why are the ballots illegal?

Because the Big Liars said so.

No court has ever found them to be so. But like Sovereign Citizens everywhere, the Big Liars insist that they are the law. And the courts are bound to whatever meaningless pseudo-legal horseshit they make up.

You're not dealing with our best and brightest here. These are snowflakes of the highest order, who insist that the election, the laws, the constitution, reality itself..... whatever they *feel* it is.
Yeah, Republican election officials, and Republican and Trump-appointed judges conspired with the Democrats to steal the election from Trump.


Yup. Its the mantra of conspiracy dipshits everywhere:

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy, must be part of it.
Because the Big Liars said so.

No court has ever found them to be so. But like Sovereign Citizens everywhere, the Big Liars insist that they are the law. And the courts are bound to whatever meaningless pseudo-legal horseshit they make up.

You're not dealing with our best and brightest here. These are snowflakes of the highest order, who insist that the election, the laws, the constitution, reality itself..... whatever they *feel* it is.
Wait until the report comes out. Republicans in AZ, know it. Again, that is why there is a statewide petition to decertify the election. Biden did not win AZ. legally if illegal votes were counted.
Wait until the report comes out. Republicans in AZ, know it. Again, that is why there is a statewide petition to decertify the election. Biden did not win AZ. legally if illegal votes were counted.

Uh-huh. Even the Arizona Republican senate liaison has washed his hands of that cluster fuck.

You've been changing conspiracies like most people change underwear. And it all amounted to the same as the Birthers, the Truthers, the Flat Earthers, the Moon Land Hoaxers and the Q Army.

Jack shit. The record of failure in court of your ilk has been perfect for a reason.
That is why there is petition going to decertify the election. Try to be informed.
A petition! Golly! Where is it? I know a whole bunch of people waiting to sign, including ...

Seymour Butts
I.P. Daily
Amanda Hugandkis
Hugh G Rection
Craven Moorehead
Ben Dover
Robin Banks
Peter File
Willie Makeit
Betty Wont

And of course, Mike Hunt.
A petition! Golly! Where is it? I know a whole bunch of people waiting to sign, including ...

Seymour Butts
I.P. Daily
Amanda Hugandkis
Hugh G Rection
Craven Moorehead
Ben Dover
Robin Banks
Peter File
Willie Makeit
Betty Wont

And of course, Mike Hunt.
There's a petition going around to make Levar Burton the new host of Jeopardy. And?

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