New Poll: 3 in 10 Republicans believe Trump will be reinstated

Will Trump be reinstated to Office this year?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • No

    Votes: 54 69.2%
  • Koolaid

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
The reason they did not hear the evidence is because it would have proven fraud. The system is corrupt and you idiots think that is somehow good for this country. You are dishonest awful people.
Dumbfuck, that's not a state-wide petition. It's open to anyone to sign.
Please identify the statute, rule or, Constitutional article or amendment , or court decision that provides for the decertification of an election-by petition or any other means- after it has been certified by the electoral college and congress
Here is another poll. Zero in 10 don't give a damn.

TDS man, get some help, will ya?

This fucker has had his hand in over 600,000 people dying, needlessly. America leads the world in COVID deaths because of him.
He incited an insurrection at the Capitol and new details are coming out about how this coup was carefully planned. With his blessing.
Take your TDS and shove it up your fat ass.
Please identify the statute, rule or, Constitutional article or amendment , or court decision that provides for the decertification of an election-by petition or any other means- after it has been certified by the electoral college and congress
Does not change the fact Biden won AZ. because illegal votes were counted. Now we know Trump actually won the state.
AND...Trump is in deep legal trouble but the cool news is his kids are involved, especially Trump's real wife, Ivanka.

This fucker has had his hand in over 600,000 people dying, needlessly. America leads the world in COVID deaths because of him.
He incited an insurrection at the Capitol and new details are coming out about how this coup was carefully planned. With his blessing.
Take your TDS and shove it up your fat ass.
China is responsible for the deaths. People like you are responsible for the hate.
It is a petition to decertify the election. Period.
No, its not. I know you think it is but there is nothing in Arizona law which allows for a certified election to be decertified after Congress accepts their certified results. Even if there were such a law which allowed for people to voice decertification, it wouldn't include non-voters and it certainly wouldn't include people from other states -- which this idiotic petition allows.

All this is, is yet another stunt by the moron who's already tried (and failed) multiple times to decertify their election or even cancel it outright and even tried calling for a new election. All she's doing is making noise to support crafting laws to allow the state legislation to have the ability to override a certified election in the future. A bill that was already proposed and rejected. She will accomplish absolutely nothing with this other than to get nutcases like you to shake your pom-poms for her.
Please identify the statute, rule or, Constitutional article or amendment , or court decision that provides for the decertification of an election-by petition or any other means- after it has been certified by the electoral college and congress
There is none. That's why this isn't a petition to decertify the Arizona election results -- it's just a publicity stunt to keep the rubes strung along.

Seems to be accomplishing that goal.
No, its not. I know you think it is but there is nothing in Arizona law which allows for a certified election to be decertified after Congress accepts their certified results. Even if there were such a law which allowed for people to voice decertification, it wouldn't include non-voters and it certainly wouldn't include people from other states -- which this idiotic petition allows.

All this is, is yet another stunt by the moron who's already tried (and failed) multiple times to decertify their election or even cancel it outright and even tried calling for a new election. All she's doing is making noise to support crafting laws to allow the state legislation to have the ability to override a certified election in the future. A bill that was already proposed and rejected. She will accomplish absolutely nothing with this other than to get nutcases like you to shake your pom-poms for her.
Blow it out of your ass. Audits in other staates will find enough illegal ballots to show Biden's win was illegal. Kiss the Democratic party good-bye.
Does not change the fact Biden won AZ. because illegal votes were counted. Now we know Trump actually won the state.

Demented nutcase -- that's not a fact. A fact is something proven. You have failed to prove any of the nonsense you spout.
Blow it out of your ass. Audits in other staates will find enough illegal ballots to show Biden's win was illegal. Kiss the Democratic party good-bye.
You should stop fantasizing about my ass. That aside, there is no law in place which can decertify the election. She can get half a billion signatures, she still won't be able to decertify Arizona's election results.

Again, it's not a petition to decertify their election. It can't be since they can't decertify their election. All this is, is a publicity stunt to string rubes like you along.

The good news for you is you're too stupid to know you're being duped. But as they say, ignorance is bliss and there maybe no one here more blissful than you.
This really isn't funny any more.

Trump supporters: Do you think this is intellectually and emotionally healthy? Do you think this is good for America?

No; Joe Biden is definitely the better choice
Blow it out of your ass. Audits in other staates will find enough illegal ballots to show Biden's win was illegal. Kiss the Democratic party good-bye.
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Blow it out of your ass. Audits in other staates will find enough illegal ballots to show Biden's win was illegal. Kiss the Democratic party good-bye.
From that same probobly will believe this too

Blow it out of your ass. Audits in other staates will find enough illegal ballots to show Biden's win was illegal. Kiss the Democratic party good-bye.
This is the real Az. petition


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