Nice people can choose to reject god and go to hell

Live by my rules (that I believe are GOD's rules, meaning basically that me and GOD are the same thing) otherwise you will suffer in hell after you die!


Amazing how many spokespersons for GOD there is on this board, isn't it?

And even though they do not all say the same thing(even though they are often are in direct disagreement with each other), they are all somehow official spokesperson for the supreme diety.

What hubris.
Live by my rules (that I believe are GOD's rules, meaning basically that me and GOD are the same thing) otherwise you will suffer in hell after you die!


Amazing how many spokespersons for GOD there is on this board, isn't it?

And even though they do not all say the same thing(even though they are often are in direct disagreement with each other), they are all somehow official spokesperson for the supreme diety.

What hubris.

And how many people do you have following you? Yourself?

I see Churches with 80 people and I think that is a feat. There are other churches with 50,000 or more.
Live by my rules (that I believe are GOD's rules, meaning basically that me and GOD are the same thing) otherwise you will suffer in hell after you die!


Amazing how many spokespersons for GOD there is on this board, isn't it?

And even though they do not all say the same thing(even though they are often are in direct disagreement with each other), they are all somehow official spokesperson for the supreme diety.

What hubris.

And how many people do you have following you? Yourself?

I see Churches with 80 people and I think that is a feat. There are other churches with 50,000 or more.

...and this has what to do with the price of rice in China?
Live by my rules (that I believe are GOD's rules, meaning basically that me and GOD are the same thing) otherwise you will suffer in hell after you die!


Amazing how many spokespersons for GOD there is on this board, isn't it?

And even though they do not all say the same thing(even though they are often are in direct disagreement with each other), they are all somehow official spokesperson for the supreme diety.

What hubris.

Quite reminds me of 2012, when God told everybody in the GOP clown car that they were meant to run.
Live by my rules (that I believe are GOD's rules, meaning basically that me and GOD are the same thing) otherwise you will suffer in hell after you die!


Amazing how many spokespersons for GOD there is on this board, isn't it?

And even though they do not all say the same thing(even though they are often are in direct disagreement with each other), they are all somehow official spokesperson for the supreme diety.

What hubris.

And how many people do you have following you? Yourself?

I see Churches with 80 people and I think that is a feat. There are other churches with 50,000 or more.

...and this has what to do with the price of rice in China?

Yeah, I'm not getting it. I mean how many people did Jim Jones have following him. And why was that a good thing.
I am the archbishop for the church of Elvis, and he wants everyone to know that his will is, "Don't be cruel", or else you may spend eternity in 'Heartbreak Hotel", where you will be 'All shook up". To his way of thinking, "hell" is eternity listening to the Beatles or, worse, Disco, but he would not wish that on anybody, so the worst that he would do to you is force you to listen to Patty Page sing 'How Much is that Doggy in the Window" , and "Throw Momma from the Train, a Kiss"
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Live by my rules (that I believe are GOD's rules, meaning basically that me and GOD are the same thing) otherwise you will suffer in hell after you die!


Amazing how many spokespersons for GOD there is on this board, isn't it?

And even though they do not all say the same thing(even though they are often are in direct disagreement with each other), they are all somehow official spokesperson for the supreme diety.

What hubris.

The Word of God speaks for itself, Editec. Read it and if the scriptures confirm what the person is saying then go one step further.. take the John 7: 17 challenge. What is that?

Now about the the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. And the Jews marveled, saying How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. ( G-d the Father )


So there it is. Jesus said, test what he says. Try him on this!

If you will tell G-d that you are willing to do His Will ( once you know the truth of whether or not this teaching of Jesus comes from Him ) then God will be willing to reveal to you whether or not the doctrine comes from God himself. The question is this, Editec: Are you willing to do the will of God once you know it? That is the question for all men who do not know whether or not Jesus is the Son of God and the One sent by Him to redeem ALL MANKIND. - Jeri
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Nice people can choose to reject the Bible....and still believe in and love God. The bible was written by man. Non perfect.

And I don't believe in hell. I believe hell is just silence. Death permanent. Absence from God. The God I believe in does not torture people.

Every culture has a flood story.

11 feet wide fossilized oyster shells can be found on top the mountains in Peru.
Fossilized shells are found on Mt. Everest.

If God destroyed the earth once, He can do it again.
And how many people do you have following you? Yourself?

I see Churches with 80 people and I think that is a feat. There are other churches with 50,000 or more.

...and this has what to do with the price of rice in China?

Yeah, I'm not getting it. I mean how many people did Jim Jones have following him. And why was that a good thing.

Jim Jones deceived those people because they didn't know what the bible said, BDBoop. Had they known what the Word of God declares - they could never have been deceived like that.

The scriptures declare that God said, My people perish for lack of knowledge. What was he speaking of? He was speaking of their lack of knowledge concerning what the scriptures say. For instance - I believe there are over 400 scriptures in the Word of God that identify or refer to hell and describe it in vivid detail.. Mainly in the Torah which is also known today as the Old Testament... yet the Jews do not believe in hell. Why?

Because they haven't studied the scriptures as G-d commanded them to. They let a man do it for them which is what many Christians do as well.

So when the Beast shows up as identified in the book of revelation - and they see fire called down from heaven - other miracles performed by this Deceiver ( Revelation 13: 2,3 ) when he receives a mortal wound to the head and recovers.... - they will be deceived thinking it is a miracle because they do not know the scriptures that warned of what he would do.

The one thing they do know is that if someone claims to be G-d they are dealing with a false prophet. So when he declares himself to be G-d Almighty they will reject him and realize their mistake. Meanwhile he will go on an unprecedented slaughter of christians, demanding they take his mark ( this mark required for every man, woman and child upon the earth - you will not be able to buy, sell or trade without it ) and demanding they be beheaded because they refuse to bow down and worship him. That is the one world religion coming that Abrahams adopted children - the Christians will reject and choose to be put to death instead. I wonder how my Jewish friends will feel about this so called "Messiah" then?

Why can't the Jews see the truth about hell?

They only see what they want to see out of the scriptures. Being right is more important than seeking to know the truth. Being "accepted" rather than "rejected" by man is more important to some also.. John 12: 42, 43 ) then there are those who do not know but will.... Jesus said, You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. So the problem is not on His end - it is on the end of those who reject him and end up with folks such as Jim Jones or this future Messiah they are now waiting for!

We must take in the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD on a matter - not pick and choose what fits what "we want" to believe. You see? Jesus makes clear in John 7:18 that he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory which is why you see religions with prophets who elevated themselves to God status - you see false teachers abounding claiming "they are" the Messiah.. and soon you shall see One come on the scene who will deceive even the very elect if it were possible! Scriptures warn us of this anti - Christ and the day is fast approaching that Deceiver will reveal himself on the earth. I won't be bowing down to any man, any prophet, any false god - My knee is bowed to Jesus Christ - King of Kings and Lord of Lords and my tongue confesses Him as Lord. Have a nice day. - Jeri

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. People should be pointing others to JESUS. He holds the answers and the Holy Spirit who is the author and revelator of the scriptures is the one who reveals scripture and will teach you. The bible says the Holy Spirit is our teacher - if a pastor teaches something that cannot be found in the word of God you have no duty to believe him or listen. Instead you should leave. Listening to a lie leads to believing a lie... that is how people end up in cults and with lunatics such as Jim Jones. Do not marvel over it. Jesus warned us these things would happen. Read the bible.
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...and this has what to do with the price of rice in China?

Yeah, I'm not getting it. I mean how many people did Jim Jones have following him. And why was that a good thing.

Jim Jones deceived those people because they didn't know what the bible said, BDBoop. Had they known what the Word of God declares - they could never have been deceived like that.

The scriptures declare that God said, My people perish for lack of knowledge. What was he speaking of? He was speaking of their lack of knowledge concerning what the scriptures say. For instance - I believe there are over 400 scriptures in the Word of God that identify or refer to hell and describe it in vivid detail.. Mainly in the Torah which is also known today as the Old Testament... yet the Jews do not believe in hell. Why?

Because they haven't studied the Hebrew bible. So when the Beast shows up as identified in the book of revelation - and they see fire called down from heaven - other miracles performed by this False Messiah - they will be deceived because they do not know the scriptures that warned of what he would do. The one thing they do know is that if someone claims to be God they are dealing with a false prophet. So when he declares himself to be G-d Almighty they will reject him and realize their mistake. Meanwhile he will go on an unprecedented slaughter of christians, demanding they take his mark ( the chip ) and demanding they be beheaded because they refuse to bow down and worship him. That is the one world religion coming that Abrahams adopted children - the Christians will reject and choose to be put to death instead. Why can't the Jews see the truth about hell?

They only see what they want to see out of the scriptures. Being right is more important than seeking to know the truth. Jesus said, You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. So the problem is not on His end - it is on the end of those who reject him and end up with folks such as Jim Jones or this future Messiah they are now waiting for!

We must take in the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD on a matter - not pick and choose what fits what "we want" to believe. You see? Jesus makes clear in John 7:18 that he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory which is why you see religions with prophets who elevated themselves to God status - you see false teachers abounding claiming "they are" the Messiah.. and soon you shall see One come on the scene who will deceive even the very elect if it were possible! Scriptures warn us of this anti - Christ and the day is fast approaching that Deceiver will reveal himself on the earth. I won't be bowing down to any man, any prophet, any false god - My knee is bowed to Jesus Christ - King of Kings and Lord of Lords and my tongue confesses Him as Lord. Have a nice day. - Jeri

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. People should be pointing others to JESUS. He holds the answers and the Holy Spirit who is the author and revelator of the scriptures is the one who reveals scripture and will teach you. The bible says the Holy Spirit is our teacher - if a pastor teaches something that cannot be found in the word of God you have no duty to believe him or listen. Instead you should leave. Listening to a lie leads to believing a lie... that is how people end up in cults and with lunatics such as Jim Jones. Do not marvel over it. Jesus warned us these things would happen. Read the bible.

I'm sure you're a perfectly nice person. Still, I find it rather irritating that your base place of assumption is that I've never read the Bible. I spent more than three decades in an Assembly of God church. I don't actually need you proselytizing at me.

The post I am responding to asked someone how many people he had following them. It was an irrational question, for the reason I gave. You didn't need to write a multi-paragraph teal deer in response.
Live by my rules (that I believe are GOD's rules, meaning basically that me and GOD are the same thing) otherwise you will suffer in hell after you die!


Amazing how many spokespersons for GOD there is on this board, isn't it?

And even though they do not all say the same thing(even though they are often are in direct disagreement with each other), they are all somehow official spokesperson for the supreme diety.

What hubris.

Quite reminds me of 2012, when God told everybody in the GOP clown car that they were meant to run.

While I agree with you that it is a shame that people would use God to further their own selfish ambitions, BdBoop, remember that we are not called to judge others but to pray for them. Let God deal with them.

On the other hand, when I think of the term "Politician" I imagine a prostitute dressed in a suit - which disguises what he or she truly is.. Other than that I find no difference - How could any politician tell the truth and still get elected? It is impossible in this hour. The only thing you can do is pray for them.
Yeah, I'm not getting it. I mean how many people did Jim Jones have following him. And why was that a good thing.

Jim Jones deceived those people because they didn't know what the bible said, BDBoop. Had they known what the Word of God declares - they could never have been deceived like that.

The scriptures declare that God said, My people perish for lack of knowledge. What was he speaking of? He was speaking of their lack of knowledge concerning what the scriptures say. For instance - I believe there are over 400 scriptures in the Word of God that identify or refer to hell and describe it in vivid detail.. Mainly in the Torah which is also known today as the Old Testament... yet the Jews do not believe in hell. Why?

Because they haven't studied the Hebrew bible. So when the Beast shows up as identified in the book of revelation - and they see fire called down from heaven - other miracles performed by this False Messiah - they will be deceived because they do not know the scriptures that warned of what he would do. The one thing they do know is that if someone claims to be God they are dealing with a false prophet. So when he declares himself to be G-d Almighty they will reject him and realize their mistake. Meanwhile he will go on an unprecedented slaughter of christians, demanding they take his mark ( the chip ) and demanding they be beheaded because they refuse to bow down and worship him. That is the one world religion coming that Abrahams adopted children - the Christians will reject and choose to be put to death instead. Why can't the Jews see the truth about hell?

They only see what they want to see out of the scriptures. Being right is more important than seeking to know the truth. Jesus said, You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. So the problem is not on His end - it is on the end of those who reject him and end up with folks such as Jim Jones or this future Messiah they are now waiting for!

We must take in the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD on a matter - not pick and choose what fits what "we want" to believe. You see? Jesus makes clear in John 7:18 that he that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory which is why you see religions with prophets who elevated themselves to God status - you see false teachers abounding claiming "they are" the Messiah.. and soon you shall see One come on the scene who will deceive even the very elect if it were possible! Scriptures warn us of this anti - Christ and the day is fast approaching that Deceiver will reveal himself on the earth. I won't be bowing down to any man, any prophet, any false god - My knee is bowed to Jesus Christ - King of Kings and Lord of Lords and my tongue confesses Him as Lord. Have a nice day. - Jeri

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through the Son. People should be pointing others to JESUS. He holds the answers and the Holy Spirit who is the author and revelator of the scriptures is the one who reveals scripture and will teach you. The bible says the Holy Spirit is our teacher - if a pastor teaches something that cannot be found in the word of God you have no duty to believe him or listen. Instead you should leave. Listening to a lie leads to believing a lie... that is how people end up in cults and with lunatics such as Jim Jones. Do not marvel over it. Jesus warned us these things would happen. Read the bible.

I'm sure you're a perfectly nice person. Still, I find it rather irritating that your base place of assumption is that I've never read the Bible. I spent more than three decades in an Assembly of God church. I don't actually need you proselytizing at me.

The post I am responding to asked someone how many people he had following them. It was an irrational question, for the reason I gave. You didn't need to write a multi-paragraph teal deer in response.

Forgive me, BdBoop. I misunderstood you. You said I'm not getting it - referred to Jim Jones as if you were questioning how could that happen and therein my reply. I do apologise for my long reply. Not all of us are christians here or ex christians some are Jews, some have never heard the Scriptures before, some are not believers at all and I'm answering for all to understand how could Jim Jones get away with such a thing? It was to me an excellent question. I believe you are a nice person also, BDBoop. Have a nice day. - Jeri

My family was invited to an Assembly of God church and they stopped going to church after that. I spent two or three years there and left when I got the chance.

After that, the problem is that I went looking online for pastor's qualifications from the Assembly of God church and it was always based on how many people they could attract and I didn't see anything about doctrinal qualifications.

There is a new term called theotainment. In order to attract big crowds, Churches are turning into entertainment centers instead of being the Church.

You walked away from a system. I wanted something real so I never left God or stopped looking for better places that worship Him.

She walked away from the system because she is part of the true Bride of Jesus Christ - that is what I see. Many have left the churches because they saw that the hirelings and wolves had only one thing in mind. To devour the people and therein destroy the faith of the people. I'm glad to see her faith is still intact. She may not think it is... but it is! Have a nice day, Chuck. I have to go now. - Jeri
She walked away from the system because she is part of the true Bride of Jesus Christ - that is what I see. Many have left the churches because they saw that the hirelings and wolves had only one thing in mind. To devour the people and therein destroy the faith of the people. I'm glad to see her faith is still intact. She may not think it is... but it is! Have a nice day, Chuck. I have to go now. - Jeri

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

If I dumped a puzzle out on the floor, assembling doesn't mean bringing a rake and bringing the pieces together like that. They're supposed to fit together.

I read the Bible for three years before going to church much so I joined a person before I ever gave my allegiance to any man.

I read a book called "Biblical Eldership: Restoring the Eldership to Its Rightful Place in Church" by Alexander Strauch and I think that Churches should read this book.

I think that more Christians should be involved in an equality of elders because one man is not supposed to Lord over the Church and in order to have a healthy church without wolves, it becomes that by being involved so if we're not healthy then the Church won't be healthy.

After reading that book, I actually put a good Church on the shelf.
The church is not the answer for everybody.

Furthermore, nor is the Bible. There are many people of faith who would rather work out their own beliefs without input from another human.

Why would that be a problem for anyone.
The church is not the answer for everybody.

Furthermore, nor is the Bible. There are many people of faith who would rather work out their own beliefs without input from another human.

Why would that be a problem for anyone.

It's not a problem at all to our Creator who created the delusions of this world and made His sinful people believe in false gods that the Romans and Jews built ( buildings ) and false ideas that they added to the prophecies and their new testament.

However, it is a problem for Christians who can't understand the only true gospel I preach to them.
The church is not the answer for everybody.

Furthermore, nor is the Bible. There are many people of faith who would rather work out their own beliefs without input from another human.

Why would that be a problem for anyone.

It's not a problem at all to our Creator who created the delusions of this world and made His sinful people believe in false gods that the Romans and Jews built ( buildings ) and false ideas that they added to the prophecies and their new testament.

However, it is a problem for Christians who can't understand the only true gospel I preach to them.

I forgot to post the scriptures on hell. Before I do, let me suggest something to you - You might want to have a look at those and consider what you are doing on this board. You need deliverance. You are not the Messiah. Jesus Christ is. I'll be praying for you.
The church is not the answer for everybody.

Furthermore, nor is the Bible. There are many people of faith who would rather work out their own beliefs without input from another human.

Why would that be a problem for anyone.

There is no strength in that. There is no power in that.

When Katrina hit, our church loaded up a tractor trailer worth of goods and responded and they sent a feeding truck that could feed 1,000 people an hour that fed the national guard, police officers and other people.

Other Churches went down there and rebuilt houses.

During the Great Depression, Churches were under pressure to take the money that Christians gave towards evangelism and put it towards hospitals and many of our country's hospitals are Presbyeterian Hospital, Methodist Hospital, St. Mary's, etc.

The Salvation Army works to give people clothing and there are so many clothes now that they go to Africa.

In the city, they feed the homeless and help people get their GED. They operate soup kitchens.

80% or more of the feeding programs around the world are Christian.

The Church does their part and other people seek to destroy the Church but without the Church, the country would be worse off.

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