Nikki Haley: "I will vote for Donald Trump."

Eventually, GOP politicians always come crawling back to kiss the ring and beg Orange Jesus for forgiveness.

Nikky Haley, to me, had a reputation for being an opportunist with loose convictions and someone who will sway whichever direction she needs to in order to gain power. I was skeptical, but hopeful that she would finally break free from that reputation and actually stand up for something that she believes in. Nope, that's not the case. Back to the reality where she's going to make a fool of herself and kiss Trump's ass to beg for a cabinet position. Disappointing, but not surprising.

With that said, her flip-flopping on Trump doesn't necessarily mean that her supporters will follow her. She's looking out for herself while her supporters just really, really don't like Trump.
Cockholster Kamala called Pedo Joe a racist, now she nuzzles his shriveled nuts.
Say what you will about Liz Cheney but that lady has a set of iron balls. She would rather give up her seat in Congress than support the orange douchebag.

You idiots don't know it yet but Liz Cheney is the future of the Republican party. It will be fun to see you retards singing her praise next year when the orange loser is history.
She didn‘t give up her seat. She got her wide, pasty white, dimpled ass kicked in an election, Simp.
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Haley's announcement today shows that she's ok with Trump's:
Coup attempt on J6.

His theft of top sectet documents.

Paying hush money to a pornstar that he bedded.


His attacks on DOJ, The FBI, our Intel community.

Praise of murderous dictators.

His lies.

His attacks on minorities.

Atacks on the free press.

Nice job, Nikki. Hopefully, your supporters will realize what you're REALLY all about, especially after you betrayed them. Now you want them to vote for Trump & toss their values aside like you did?
This is hilarious. She sent you over the edge. You are unhinged. :auiqs.jpg:
So just how stupid are all you Democrats who voted for her in the primaries, thinking you were going to overwhelm Donald Trump?


I don't think she "endorsed" him, but said she will vote FOR him:

“I will be voting for Trump,” Haley, Trump’s former U.N. ambassador, said during an event at the Hudson Institute in Washington.

“Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech,” Haley added. “Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they’re just going to be with him. And I genuinely hope he does that.”
It isn't about her.
It isn't. The 20% of the Republican part that is anti Trump will vote for whatever establishment candidate is the flavor of the month. Or RFK jr. Or they'll sit home on election day. Either way, a decent percentage of the Republican vote being in open revolt of your candidate isn't a good thing no matter what Haley does. :laugh:
It isn't. The 20% of the Republican part that is anti Trump will vote for whatever establishment candidate is the flavor of the month. Or RFK jr. Or they'll sit home on election day. Either way, a decent percentage of the Republican vote being in open revolt of your candidate isn't a good thing no matter what Haley does. :laugh:
FYI, we're not anti-Trump, but want the stupid fuck to "act" more presidential and pick up some of Nikki's policies.
They were voting AGAINST Trump you dope. She caved and is now a nobody
My wife and I voted for Nikki dumbass.
We're not anti-Trump, but want Trump to act more presidential and reach out to Nikki Voters.
Nikki should be able to leverage her 15%-20% of GOP voters.
If not, Trump didn't learn that every vote counts.

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