No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

In the days with “morals” kids still go pregnant. The solution then was shotgun marriages and abusive mother/baby homes.
Well, if a guy is going to impregnate a girl he damn will better take responsibility. That's what the 'shot gun' wedding story is all about. Today, however, men are absolved from any responsibility with the condoned killing of that little 'mistake.' Pro aborts take stories like that and pretend they were more pervasive than they really were in order to push their baby murdering, dismembering and selling baby parts agenda.
The sperm and egg move, consume, excrete, etc., so are alive already.
And rarely, an ovum can duplicate its DNA and develop into a full newborn.
The rarity does alter the fact it does happen.
The reason it happens is that at one time, all organisms reproduced asexually, so that capability can never totally disappear.

Save it I know better
No one ‘supports’ abortion.

It’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while supporting a woman’s right to privacy and right to choose.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of the state to compel women to give birth against their will; the issue of abortion and the role of the state concerning privacy rights are separate and unrelated – it’s dishonest to attempt to conflate the two.
Typical Democrat double-talk jibberish, Supporting women choosing to have an abortion is supporting abortion, It is supporting mass murder.

When women give birth, it is NOT against their will. They gave their will/consent when they had sex unprotected. The right of the pre-born person to LIFE, supercedes the right of privacy of the pregnant woman.
So is a sperm and an ovum.
We kill humans all the time.
When we invaded Iraq, with "Shock and Awe", we murdered about half a million innocent human beings.
We murdered about 3 million in Vietnam.
No, a sperm cannot develop into a human being on it's own, neither can an ovum. The rest of your post is simply irrelevant to the subject at hand. If you want to discuss homicide or wars start another thread.
I had to think this one over for quite a while. In fact, I debated it in my mind for about a month before deciding on a policy. Finally, I am seeing this a bit more complex than most people (especially Democrats) are seeing it.

Florida Congresswoman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, has said that abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. FALSE! I don't mean to pick on Debbie Wasserman Shultz, because there are thousands of people (mostly Democrats) who say the same thing. The fact is, abortion is a matter between 3 entities. The woman, her doctor, and the person attempting to be born.

Who has the choice between birth and abortion, should be determined by who has the most at stake. For the doctor, it's a paycheck. For the expectant woman, it is a matter of convenience, while for the developing baby, it is a matter of life and death. Bases on that, it is the fetus who should have the right to choose, no one else.

Those who support abortion, under the most liberal circumstances, should think about this. What if some months before you were born, your mother decided to abort YOU. Can you say now that you are in favor of that abortion ? If you say no, then you are in agreement with thousands of adults whose parents contemplated aborting them some decades ago. 100% of the respondents surveyed, chose life.
The fact is, abortion is a matter between 3 entities. The woman, her doctor, and the person attempting to be born.

Let me stop you right there. The left doesn't believe it's a person. In fact, they seem to give no value to it until the moment it is delivered.
The sperm and egg move, consume, excrete, etc., so are alive already.
And rarely, an ovum can duplicate its DNA and develop into a full newborn.
The rarity does alter the fact it does happen.
The reason it happens is that at one time, all organisms reproduced asexually, so that capability can never totally disappear.
Well yes, in fact there are organisms that can either reproduce asexually or actually change their sex but, equating that to modern human beings is pretty loony.
I love how you pretend to have this informed, nuanced opinion on abortion but you pretend the only motivation women have to get an abortion is “convenience”. Right somehow the woman’s health isn’t ever a motivation nor is it because she was raped or incest. She only wants to do it because of “convenience”.

If a baby is born as a result of incest, there is a very good chance that baby will not live for more than a few months.

You are a fucking moron.
YOU are the moron. You could have ASKED me if I support abortion in cases of rape or incest, or in case of serious danger to the woman's health. It so happens I DO support abortion in those cases, and I'll go even further than that. I also support abortion (in early stages) when ultrasounds reveal severe deformities in the fetus.

In these cases, though we should remember that to abort these PEOPLE, a human life is being taken (even if it was from rape), and it is with regret, or at least should be.
FALSE! analogy. I did not make anybody be homeless or starving, but the woman DID make there be a living person inside of her. (which she could have taken action to prevent that)
Like using protection? Or in the case of rape? What about that? Protection fails, rape happens, should abortion be legal in those instances?
Compelling women to give birth against their will is neo-fascist and authoritarian.

Increasing the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty is neo-fascist and authoritarian.

The right’s war on women continues.
They gave their will to give birth when they had sex.

And it isn't the state that is gaining anything, It is the pre-born PERSON who is gaining their LIFE. Would YOU be OK with giving up yours ?

It is not the right's war on women. It is the right's PROTECTION of the pre-born, and the left's war on them.
Understand people

The GOP bends to the likes of the loons posting above.

They WILL push hard for a nationwide ban on reproductive rights if they gain Congress.

Do not let that happen
Do not let it happen that innocent babies are killed by leftist lunatics, who will do anything to pacify people (no matter how degenerate), to vote for them.
YOU are the moron. You could have ASKED me if I support abortion in cases of rape or incest, or in case of serious danger to the woman's health. It so happens I DO support abortion in those cases, and I'll go even further than that. I also support abortion (in early stages) when ultrasounds reveal severe deformities in the fetus.

In these cases, though we should remember that to abort these PEOPLE, a human life is being taken (even if it was from rape), and it is with regret, or at least should be.
Lol why the fuck would I ask you that after you make this post complaining about abortion? Am I supposed to be a mind reader?

See you should consider a woman’s health in any case, really.
95-99% of the time it is out of pure selfishness.
I just read about a study that showed just that. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the proper names involved, but I'll research it, and put it in a future post.

Found it: Post 245 - thank you to Leo123.

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I find it hard to believe that these often stated thoughts took you a month to arrive at. Frankly if this is the level of deep and penetrating thought on the Right I weep for the Conservative movement.

These conclusions of yours are not deep. In fact they are so shallow it is barely a damp sidewalk.
If you have anything of concrete substance to say, let's hear it.
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I completely agree. My religion simply dictates if you want an abortion get one, if you don't want an abortion then don't get one.

My God would never try to dictate what women can do with their bodies.
It's not a question of what they do with "their" bodies. It's a question of what they do with ANOTHER PERSON'S BODY...and that person's LIFE.
Yes it is a woman's choice. As usual, you make light of a woman's decision. You are a pathetic asshole. The way to end abortions is to provide support to women and recognize that a abortion is sometimes necessary. Not at the point of a gun.
"Sometimes" it's necessary, but the overwhelming majority of abortions are NOT necessary, and are a trade-off of the woman's convenience, for the LIFE of the person inside her.

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