No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

You can’t 100%. But you can reduce unwanted pregnancies with mandatory fact based sex ed, easily available, cheap contraception, and as a last resort safe legal abortion with some restrictions.
You had a good post going there until you said > " safe legal abortion with some restrictions."
Why don’t you let women make that decision for themselves?
It's not their decision to make. The decision rightfully belongs to the pre-born person (fetus), and their decisions are 100% in favor of being born.
Pay attention to this creep folks.

He’s telling you where Congress is going to go if they take power
So not wanting to be among the murderers, makes one a "creep", huh ? This is the voice of the deranged left.
And frankly. what could be more "creepy" than pulling a living body out of a womb. I get the shakes just thinking about it.
Totally and completely wrong.
A fetus is no more "alive" than any sperm or ovum is.
The fact it has more potential to become a life, if irrelevant.
The fact is it is not yet conscious, so does not at all care if it lives or dies, any more than a sperm or ovum does.
And if you believe in religion at all, then you do not care about the shell of a physical body, but the immortal soul, which also does not care what shell you decide to abort or not.
There is no one who cares at all if the shell they were in was aborted.
They either are religious and believe their soul would go into the next one, or they are not religious and believe that shell had not yet developed any consciousness to care.

The reality is that if you do not believe in abortion, then you should be trying to keep every sperm and ovum alive.
What a stupid and deranged perspective. It is posts like this that show us how far out in the lunatic fringe the left really is.

A fetus most certainly is alive. He/she meets the biological criteria for life. He/She grows by reproducing cells. He/he turns nutrients into energy through metabolism. And he/she can respond to stimuli. Fetuses can be seen moving about in such a way as to comfort themselves. and when being aborted they pull back fiercely, in resistance to the abortion.

Many nutjob Democrats support abortion even as late as 9 months, when the pre-born person is indistinguishable from the post-born. Many even support killing living babies up to 28 days old.
Pretending to speak for someone elese, like a fetus, is just plain evil.
No fetus would want to harm their mother, and would vastly prefer to be aborted.
Wow. Who said anything about harming mothers ? Talk about unhinged. Pheeeew! For you edification, nobody is "pretending" to speak for anyone. In studies of thousands of adults whose mothers contemplated aborting them, 100% said they would NOT want to have been aborted.

OK, THAT is not a person.
But THIS IS (even in the early embryonic stages) a person. This is not a difficult concept.

Not only are humans disposable, (the constant illegal wars started by the US prove that), but since we have a reproductive rate of prey that is no longer appropriate since we have switched to becoming predators, we have to kill off the vast majority of the over production we are creating.
Otherwise we will destroy all life on the planet Earth, and cause total extinction.
There is nothing more selfish than over populating the planet into extinction.
You think too much.
Lol why the fuck would I ask you that after you make this post complaining about abortion? Am I supposed to be a mind reader?

See you should consider a woman’s health in any case, really.
You would ask it, so you could go into your posts knowing what you're talking about.
And as I have said repeatedly now, I DO consider a woman’s health.

Now go wash your mouth out with soap.
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I also asked about abortion in the case of failed contraception. What about then?
Then abortion = murder. With contraception, you take your chances. There is always abstinence, masturbation, vasectomy. All are preferable to murder - except to Democrat ghouls.
A fetus is no more "alive" than any sperm or ovum is.
Objectively false, retard.

Sperm cells are not their own organism with their own body. Sperm cells are living cells sure, but they are just part of a man’s body then get cast off. Sperm cells and egg cells are not organisms.

At every stage of life from zygote forward, that is a distinct and new organism of our species with his or her own body.
Then abortion = murder. With contraception, you take your chances. There is always abstinence, masturbation, vasectomy. All are preferable to murder - except to Democrat ghouls.
Under your logic it's still murder when done after rape, you're just okay with that murder.
So is a sperm and an ovum.
We kill humans all the time.
When we invaded Iraq, with "Shock and Awe", we murdered about half a million innocent human beings.
We murdered about 3 million in Vietnam.
I do not know if morality can be legislated. Both genders destroy unborn life on very vast scale.
Totally and completely wrong.
A fetus is no more "alive" than any sperm or ovum is.
It is much closer to actual life. Both genders are guilty of destruction of potential life.

Nevertheless, I am not sure if it is right to legislate morality.

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