No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

Abortion is a great sin, but it should not be prohibited by the laws.

Almost no Nation legislates religion.
Do you feel this way about all murder? Just a sin, but a legally acceptable expression of religion? I mean I have to sacrifice the beating hearts of my enemies for the sun to rise, and I had to make the blood eagle to enter Valhalla.
Well, if a guy is going to impregnate a girl he damn will better take responsibility. That's what the 'shot gun' wedding story is all about. Today, however, men are absolved from any responsibility with the condoned killing of that little 'mistake.' Pro aborts take stories like that and pretend they were more pervasive than they really were in order to push their baby murdering, dismembering and selling baby parts agenda.
B.S. It was much easier for men to avoid responsibility before abortion and they did. Girls got labeled sluts and boys walked free. Then you sent your “sluts” away to your wonderful mother baby homes.
Do you feel this way about all murder? Just a sin, but a legally acceptable expression of religion? I mean I have to sacrifice the beating hearts of my enemies for the sun to rise, and I had to make the blood eagle to enter Valhalla.
The view of when life begins is primarily based on religion.
But there was the stigma attached there also. Unwed pregnancies should still be shameful and discouraged. Unfortunately, people like YOU encourage and yes, enable fornication and promiscuity.
Really? You have no idea what I encourage so we will leave it at that.

But your misogynistic stigma? Stuff it.

But you aren't the only one involved. What if you were the fetus ?

Would you choose LIFE or "choice" (which includes your death)
If I were the fetus….a blastocyst…an embryo…I would have no awareness, no concept of life, death, present, past or future. I wouldn’t care.
I don't think you worded that right.

I think what you mean to say is life ends for the woman at fertilization.
I think now what I want to say is just: "Catsnmeters is fucking retarded."

And then I reiterate the same unassailable scientific fact that anyone who passed the 5th grade should know already.
I think now what I want to say is just: "Catsnmeters is fucking retarded."

And then I reiterate the same unassailable scientific fact that anyone who passed the 5th grade should know already.
I didn't mean to get you all thrown into a rage lol.

Some posters are so sensitive.
That's not the actual issue.

The issue is does a human zygote have legal rights that supersede the rights of the woman whose body is hosting it?
There is no conflict of rights between parents and kid.

The kid has rights, the parents have responsibilities to take care of their kid.

Nothing needs to "supersede" anything. You never had and will never have the "right" to hire someone to kill another innocent human being, especially your own kid. Anyone who says otherwise is deranged and damaged, and probably a danger to others.
There is no conflict of rights between parents and kid.

The kid has rights, the parents have responsibilities to take care of their kid.

Nothing needs to "supersede" anything. You never had and will never have the "right" to hire someone to kill another innocent human being, especially your own kid. Anyone who says otherwise is deranged and damaged, and probably a danger to others.
There are.

If a woman takes a home pregnancy test and discovers she is indeed pregnant there is no legal obligation for her to notify anyone. She is free to engage in any number of behaviors that will end the pregnancy and no one would ever know.

Now according to you that woman committed some type of murder but since it can never be proven you have no case.

So does the human zygote have all the rights of a person who has been delivered from the womb?
There are.

If a woman takes a home pregnancy test and discovers she is indeed pregnant there is no legal obligation for her to notify anyone.

She is free to engage in any number of behaviors that will end the pregnancy and no one would ever know.
And that person would deserve prosecution in a court of law for murder.
So does the human zygote have all the rights of a person who has been delivered from the womb?
How does a human being have the rights of all human beings?

What an odd question.

And that person would deserve prosecution in a court of law for murder.

How does a human being have the rights of all human beings?

What an odd question.
Legally a fetus does not have the same compliment of rights as a born person. You can try to deny that but it is a fact.

So tell me what do you propose as a mechanism so the state can know which women are pregnant and which aren't?
There are.

If a woman takes a home pregnancy test and discovers she is indeed pregnant there is no legal obligation for her to notify anyone. She is free to engage in any number of behaviors that will end the pregnancy and no one would ever know.

Now according to you that woman committed some type of murder but since it can never be proven you have no case.

So does the human zygote have all the rights of a person who has been delivered from the womb?
It is now up to the various states to decide if and when the developing zygote(s) attains these rights.
Legally a fetus does not have the same compliment of rights as a born person. You can try to deny that but it is a fact.

Human rights are the basis for government and law and our government is violating their human rights with this prejudicial and bigoted standard of allowing them to be murdered without consequence. That is a fact.

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