No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

It is now up to the various states to decide if and when the zygote(s) attains these rights.
No it is only up to the states if abortion is legal or not. There is no way for the government to know if a woman is pregnant or not.
Human rights are the basis for government and law and our government is violating their human rights with this prejudicial and bigoted standard of allowing them to be murdered without consequence. That is a fact.

If you want to deny current law and its interpretation by the Supreme Court then this discussion is useless.

So what mechanism do you propose to implement so the government knows which women are pregnant and which aren't?
No it is only up to the states if abortion is legal or not. There is no way for the government to know if a woman is pregnant or not.
"By removing the federal constitutional protection of abortion rights, the Court will lay a pathway for anti-abortion state officials to be as extreme as they can in limiting abortion access, including equating the life of a pregnant person with that of their fetus. States like Oklahoma have already been chomping at the bit to pass just such a fetal “personhood” law.

These “personhood” bills are modeled on the “Human Life Amendment” and have been introduced into Congress and state legislatures hundreds of times since Roe became the law in 1973. The bill seeks to amend the Constitution to consider a fertilized egg to be the equivalent of a human being from the moment of conception, entitling it to full protection of the law. We are now seeing an increase in attempts to introduce such fetal “personhood” laws at the state level, with five states introducing these bills this year. "

"By removing the federal constitutional protection of abortion rights, the Court will lay a pathway for anti-abortion state officials to be as extreme as they can in limiting abortion access, including equating the life of a pregnant person with that of their fetus. States like Oklahoma have already been chomping at the bit to pass just such a fetal “personhood” law.

These “personhood” bills are modeled on the “Human Life Amendment” and have been introduced into Congress and state legislatures hundreds of times since Roe became the law in 1973. The bill seeks to amend the Constitution to consider a fertilized egg to be the equivalent of a human being from the moment of conception, entitling it to full protection of the law. We are now seeing an increase in attempts to introduce such fetal “personhood” laws at the state level, with five states introducing these bills this year. "

So then how does the state know which women are pregnant or not?

What is the mechanism that will be implemented?
So then how does the state know which women are pregnant or not?

What is the mechanism that will be implemented?

Instant toilet testing? Good for the WOD too!

Seriously, though, that is impossible, but laws like that are grounds for outlawing contraceptives that block the little suckers from attaching to mom's womb.
I had to think this one over for quite a while. In fact, I debated it in my mind for about a month before deciding on a policy. Finally, I am seeing this a bit more complex than most people (especially Democrats) are seeing it.

Florida Congresswoman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, has said that abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. FALSE! I don't mean to pick on Debbie Wasserman Shultz, because there are thousands of people (mostly Democrats) who say the same thing. The fact is, abortion is a matter between 3 entities. The woman, her doctor, and the person attempting to be born.

Who has the choice between birth and abortion, should be determined by who has the most at stake. For the doctor, it's a paycheck. For the expectant woman, it is a matter of convenience, while for the developing baby, it is a matter of life and death. Bases on that, it is the fetus who should have the right to choose, no one else.

Those who support abortion, under the most liberal circumstances, should think about this. What if some months before you were born, your mother decided to abort YOU. Can you say now that you are in favor of that abortion ? If you say no, then you are in agreement with thousands of adults whose parents contemplated aborting them some decades ago. 100% of the respondents surveyed, chose life.
I do believe I will go with the Supreme Court before it went trumpy nuts.... and the laws that will get us back there. 15 weeks or life of the mother...duhhh....
Killing someone else is not just choosing to do what you want with your own body, you lying dipshit.
Is it because you believe there is a "god?"
And maybe this "god" has picked YOU to be it's "soldier" in some earthly morality war?
Because that's pretty silly isn't it?

But maybe....just maybe this imaginary friend in the sky of yours HAS chosen you to fight it's battles for it.

Why this one?

The FACTS (evidence) would suggest that "God" (assuming he/she/it exists) doesn't really give a flying-fuck about babies....or children.

There are an estimated 1 billion children living in poverty worldwide.
That's BILLION...with a "b."
Where is this "god"....and YOU (as he/she/its emissary-messenger-soldier) for THESE babies?
What are YOU and your god doing to save the children already born in the world but whose short lives are only misery and pain?

Let me guess...."thoughts and prayers" right?

Not so very interested in the already born and suffering children huh?
Yet you think every embryo and fetus needs your "protection" right?
Even if it's not yours....even if it doesn't concern you, affect you.....basically is NONE of YOUR fucking business...
because it's not YOUR fucking body OR decision to make!

What it's really about is controlling women like livestock.
It's about power over women's choices and bodies.

So basically you and "god" think every little "baby" deserves to be born.
What then?

Well according to what we're actually seeing on the planet god's not much of a father.

Pretty much the poster child for deadbeat dads!


I do believe I will go with the Supreme Court before it went trumpy nuts.... and the laws that will get us back there. 15 weeks or life of the mother...duhhh....
Here's what a pre-born baby looks like at only 11 weeks (a whole month BEFORE your 15 weeks) - fully developed arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers , toes, eyes, ears, nose, mouth. And you're OK with killing this PERSON.


Would it have been OK with you to abort, if it had been your mother and YOU ?
Nevertheless, most Biblical laws can not be legislated. Even in Israel, Laws of Judaism are not legislated. Even in Russia, Orthodox Christianity is not legislated.
In the US morality is legislated, and it will continue to be.
Is it because you believe there is a "god?"
I’m an atheist, you dumb fuck.

But maybe....just maybe this imaginary friend in the sky of yours HAS chosen you to fight it's battles for it.

See above. Wow, are you ever off base. The rest of your religious claptrap is irrelevant to me and dismissed. I give less than two shits about your edgelord status. You strike me as a zealous and militant atheist, which is the dumbest way to go about it.

estimated 1 billion children living in poverty worldwide
So just kill them all, that is your solution, is it? You’re straight trash, bro.

Even if it's not yours....even if it doesn't concern you, affect you.....basically is NONE of YOUR fucking business...
Murder is everyone’s business, retard.

because it's not YOUR fucking body OR decision to make!
Your kid’s body is not your body, retard.

What it's really about is controlling women like livestock.
It's about power over women's choices and bodies.
You’re delusional and stupid. No, it’s about banning violence against innocent human beings.

Now take your edgelord “sky fairy” antics and cram them somewhere dark and moist. They mean nothing to me.
If I were the fetus….a blastocyst…an embryo…I would have no awareness, no concept of life, death, present, past or future. I wouldn’t care.
So you don't care NOW, if you had been aborted when you were that embryo ? Don't are NOW if you had not been born ?

People whose mothers contemplated abortion, all say they care - and support the life they have.
Make sure you tell all the women in your life about your "morality".
Of course. I don't need coaching for that.

And make sure that you tell all the women in YOUR life about YOUR morality.
Of murder.
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Legally a fetus does not have the same compliment of rights as a born person. You can try to deny that but it is a fact.

So tell me what do you propose as a mechanism so the state can know which women are pregnant and which aren't?
When they go to have an abortion.
No, Jesus said He is the ONLY way to G-d.
Which, it seems pretty self-serving on Jesus's part.
He wants to build a church. He wants to be the head of it.
Ergo.....he makes it a requirement of 'his church'.....that if you want to get to salvation, he is the only gatekeeper.
Ummm, I don't think so.
That is looney. That is sort like those old robber-barons who attempted set up monopolies.
Their way could be the only way.

Now, Jesus's teachings can have utility and they can help a human society function better and more equitably for all. And, after all, THAT is what religion was developed help human societies function better, to function more safely for the humans within 'em. And there are a lot ways to skin that cat. A lot of ways to meet what one thinks is the expectations of their religion. For whatever religion is in vogue in that geography.

But, this 'exclusionary' God thingy makes that type of God sound like a hypocrite and a mean-spirited spirit.
You can create that kind of a God for you and your family. Nothing stopping you from that.

But, maybe a God that is a bit more user-friendly, more inclusive, and cooperative could help human society better.

Just sayin'.

There's the problem. That poster thinks that knot of interactive cells is a fully-realized, fully aware, fully conscious, fully functioning human capable of choice.
It ain't.
Someday it may be. That's not a bad thing.
But not at conception or for months after that occurrence.
As one poster above helpfully memed.....that knot of cells is like an acorn. Someday it may be a tree and produce fruit or lumber or shade. But until that ain't.

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