No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

Really? You have no idea what I encourage so we will leave it at that.

But your misogynistic stigma? Stuff it.

No, we WON'T leave it at that. Ireland had the right idea. Teen pregnancies should be shunned and shamed. This discourages promiscuity. but as a far Left "anything goes" whackjob, people like you would rather teens fucking any way but loose and if they get knocked up? Say we'll even kill your baby so you can continue to be selfish brats.
Which, it seems pretty self-serving on Jesus's part.
He wants to build a church. He wants to be the head of it.
Ergo.....he makes it a requirement of 'his church'.....that if you want to get to salvation, he is the only gatekeeper.
Ummm, I don't think so.
That is looney. That is sort like those old robber-barons who attempted set up monopolies.
Their way could be the only way.

Now, Jesus's teachings can have utility and they can help a human society function better and more equitably for all. And, after all, THAT is what religion was developed help human societies function better, to function more safely for the humans within 'em. And there are a lot ways to skin that cat. A lot of ways to meet what one thinks is the expectations of their religion. For whatever religion is in vogue in that geography.

But, this 'exclusionary' God thingy makes that type of God sound like a hypocrite and a mean-spirited spirit.
You can create that kind of a God for you and your family. Nothing stopping you from that.

But, maybe a God that is a bit more user-friendly, more inclusive, and cooperative could help human society better.

Just sayin'.


There's the problem. That poster thinks that knot of interactive cells is a fully-realized, fully aware, fully conscious, fully functioning human capable of choice.
It ain't.
Someday it may be. That's not a bad thing.
But not at conception or for months after that occurrence.
As one poster above helpfully memed.....that knot of cells is like an acorn. Someday it may be a tree and produce fruit or lumber or shade. But until that ain't.
No, G-d's Holy and Just nature precludes anyone from entering His Kingdom unless they are born again. His Standards don't change at the whim of popular culture.
B.S. It was much easier for men to avoid responsibility before abortion and they did. Girls got labeled sluts and boys walked free. Then you sent your “sluts” away to your wonderful mother baby homes.
You are conflating 2 different things here. Maternity homes exist today to help women who have unplanned pregnancies but do not want to kill their developing child. Here is an example:

Our home in Council Bluffs, Iowa, provides a safe haven for pregnant mothers in a Christian family atmosphere. It is located on a small, quiet acreage where women can live free of charge in a family setting during their pregnancy while we help them learn the skills they will need to succeed when they are on their own again. While they live with us, we provide for their basic needs, including food, shelter, counseling, spiritual guidance and other support. We help our mothers receive life skills training and counseling, get the medical care they need, finish high school or go to college, work towards their career goals, and follow the dreams they have for their lives. While living with us, mothers are key members of our family, and help with household tasks and cooking, while having time for reflection and meditation.

You are trying to tie these to a different time with different beliefs during the Victorian age. Today, the media does not cover the availability of these places to women who wish not to kill their offspring because abortion has become a political football and a media circus. I find it interesting that you would degrade such places and promote yanking a developing human being from the womb.
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No, we WON'T leave it at that. Ireland had the right idea. Teen pregnancies should be shunned and shamed. This discourages promiscuity. but as a far Left "anything goes" whackjob, people like you would rather teens fucking any way but loose and if they get knocked up? Say we'll even kill your baby so you can continue to be selfish brats.
People like punished, destroyed and killed those young mothers and their babies. It clearly did not discourage anything or those institutions would not have lasted long. It is nothing more than your religious misogyny.
So you don't care NOW, if you had been aborted when you were that embryo ? Don't are NOW if you had not been born ?

People whose mothers contemplated abortion, all say they care - and support the life they have.
No. I don’t. I wouldn’t have existed in that life.
I had to think this one over for quite a while. In fact, I debated it in my mind for about a month before deciding on a policy. Finally, I am seeing this a bit more complex than most people (especially Democrats) are seeing it.

Florida Congresswoman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, has said that abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. FALSE! I don't mean to pick on Debbie Wasserman Shultz, because there are thousands of people (mostly Democrats) who say the same thing. The fact is, abortion is a matter between 3 entities. The woman, her doctor, and the person attempting to be born.

Who has the choice between birth and abortion, should be determined by who has the most at stake. For the doctor, it's a paycheck. For the expectant woman, it is a matter of convenience, while for the developing baby, it is a matter of life and death. Bases on that, it is the fetus who should have the right to choose, no one else.

Those who support abortion, under the most liberal circumstances, should think about this. What if some months before you were born, your mother decided to abort YOU. Can you say now that you are in favor of that abortion ? If you say no, then you are in agreement with thousands of adults whose parents contemplated aborting them some decades ago. 100% of the respondents surveyed, chose life.

Why is it, all of you forget the father? They may not care, maybe they aren't interested, or maybe they are unaware.

Nobody who believes in fairness between the sexes, can say with a straight face-----------> that if a woman decides to abort, it is her choice; but yet if they decide to deliver, the man has to pay with no recourse!

People on the Left, need to explain how this is a reasonable societal contract. YOU are taking mens rights away!

What we need is a male BIRTH CONTROL pill, and watch the women scream like hell.

Want to make billions? Then produce one! The males who don't want to take it, then let them be as dumb as a box of rocks. Let them be in control of a society, that has already labeled them as masochists.

And yet, it has been reported that this drug has already been produced. The problem as reported is that the Western world is already short of babies; so they avoid it, will not report on it, and in fact, hide it from most free people because of the implications.

Is it true? I can NOT say conclusively that it is. But one thing I can tell you is that if it is, you are being denied CHOICE as a male, while being allowed CHOICE, as a female! How fair is that to you as a male?

In essence, society gives you no choice in anything. And because of your desire to reproduce as a man, they have decided on BOTH sides to deny you any rights, to take your child, or insure there is no child.

Maybe it is time you say no...........hell no!
You are conflating 2 different things here. Maternity homes exist today to help women who have unplanned pregnancies but do not want to kill their developing child. Here is an example:

Our home in Council Bluffs, Iowa, provides a safe haven for pregnant mothers in a Christian family atmosphere. It is located on a small, quiet acreage where women can live free of charge in a family setting during their pregnancy while we help them learn the skills they will need to succeed when they are on their own again. While they live with us, we provide for their basic needs, including food, shelter, counseling, spiritual guidance and other support. We help our mothers receive life skills training and counseling, get the medical care they need, finish high school or go to college, work towards their career goals, and follow the dreams they have for their lives. While living with us, mothers are key members of our family, and help with household tasks and cooking, while having time for reflection and meditation.

You are trying to tie these to a different time with different beliefs during the Victorian age. Today, the media does not cover the availability of these places to women who wish not to kill their offspring because abortion has become a political football and a media circus. I find it interesting that you would degrade such places and promote yanking a developing human being from the womb.
I support this:

A woman’s right to make her own choice over her body, health and whether or not to have a child.

Safe, unobstructed, legal abortion with some restrictions.

Free or low cost over the counter contraceptives and Plan B.

Mandatory science based sex ed : how to to be responsible, know your rights, say no, but because stuff happens if you are going to have sex, how to be safe.

Because woman have a choice and I would rather have them choose life, do everything possible to help support that choice including low cost child care so they can work if they need to. I support things like what you just posted. And I support public funding for as well.

I doubt many if any rightists would agree and GMC (General Mills Cereal?) General would far prefer the punative mother/baby homes.
Well if you read carefully, Leo123 said "a fetus is on their way to life". Sounds to me he is saying it is not yet a kid, it is not yet a person, and I agree.
I have always said a fetus is a developing human life. Abortion kills that potential. IMO that is taking a life really. You can throw all the semantics you want at it but that's the truth. If you kill a pregnant woman and her fetus you could be charged with a double homicide in more than 30 states.
People like punished, destroyed and killed those young mothers and their babies. It clearly did not discourage anything or those institutions would not have lasted long. It is nothing more than your religious misogyny.

No. I don’t. I wouldn’t have existed in that life.
Nope the Truth. Sex is meant for one place ONLY. And that is the marriage bed between a husband and wife-male and female He created them.
I support this:

A woman’s right to make her own choice over her body, health and whether or not to have a child.

Safe, unobstructed, legal abortion with some restrictions.

Free or low cost over the counter contraceptives and Plan B.

Mandatory science based sex ed : how to to be responsible, know your rights, say no, but because stuff happens if you are going to have sex, how to be safe.

Because woman have a choice and I would rather have them choose life, do everything possible to help support that choice including low cost child care so they can work if they need to. I support things like what you just posted. And I support public funding for as well.

I doubt many if any rightists would agree and GMC (General Mills Cereal?) General would far prefer the punative mother/baby homes.
No abortion is safe, and you and the rest of your diseased ilk would support outright infanticide up to three years old if it inconveniences the mother.

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