No Women: You Do NOT Have the Right To Choose

the bible does support it in Numbers 5:12-31
But in the context of a fetus, not child.
Yeah. Not sure if you are referencing the same thing but the Christian Bible has a recipe for abortion in it for using against women who may have gotten pregnant via an affair.

Perhaps churches should allow abortion as long as people who want an abortion pay and let the church do it...sort of like for divorce which is also a sin.
Yeah. Not sure if you are referencing the same thing but the Christian Bible has a recipe for abortion in it for using against women who may have gotten pregnant via an affair.

Perhaps churches should allow abortion as long as people who want an abortion pay and let the church do it...sort of like for divorce which is also a sin.
the bible has been hand copied so many times by scribes, we cant be sure whats original, vs whats changed either by copying mistake or intentional changes.
If women and men chose personal responsibility the abortion numbers would halve or more.

It's not rocket science
There really are very few explanations for the fact that they keep making babies to abort. Either they are too stupid or too lazy to avoid unwanted pregnancy or they like murdering unborn children, which means that they have sold their souls to the devil, and need to be dispatched to hell as soon as possible.
Make no mistake ladies

Republicans think you should NOT Have a choice in this matter.
Of course the woman has a choice. The father also should have a say. But in almost every case, the doctor is just a tool to kill an unwanted baby. And a fetus with a heartbeat is a living being, capable of feeling pain and acting in the interest of their own self-preservation. So if you want to terminate a pregnancy, do it before it develops a heartbeat, otherwise, in my eyes, you're killing a baby.
There really are very few explanations for the fact that they keep making babies to abort. Either they are too stupid or too lazy to avoid unwanted pregnancy or they like murdering unborn children, which means that they have sold their souls to the devil, and need to be dispatched to hell as soon as possible.

I have no idea what an abortion costs but I'd think protection is much cheaper
I have no idea what an abortion costs but I'd think protection is much cheaper
Well, if you work for Amazon or any of a number of other "woke" corporations, you don't have to pay for the murder or even travel costs if you have to travel to another state to commit it. Get knocked up and get an all expenses paid vacation. What a deal for an ignorant, narcissistic, immoral slut.
Actually yes they do! They have the right to:
  • Not choose to have unprotected sex.
  • Get spaded if they don't want babies but still want to have unprotected sex.
  • Insist the man uses birth control or gets a vasectomy.
  • Stick with celibacy and masturbation.
  • Wait till they are married to have sex like people used to do for 2000 years.
  • Stick with oral sex.

But once actually pregnant, you are now responsible for another human life depending on you unless for some reason it threatens the mothers life or was perhaps rape or incest.

Spaded? You're an idiot.
Well, if you work for Amazon or any of a number of other "woke" corporations, you don't have to pay for the murder or even travel costs if you have to travel to another state to commit it. Get knocked up and get an all expenses paid vacation. What a deal for an ignorant, narcissistic, immoral slut.

Be better just to learn personal responsibility

Throw that at baby killers and they're flummoxed
Got any credible evidence of that?

If so, feel free to share it.
Walker acknowledges he wrote the check.
If you want to deny that the check was for the abortion, then you have that crazy right. But we all know it was, get well card with check inclosed.
Was he sending her a get well card for some other reason? C'mon.

Walker acknowledges that the baby born after the abortion is in fact his.
She says, I know you hate this, never believe the woman, that HW begged her to get a 2nd abortion.
Walker acknowledges he wrote the check.
If you want to deny that the check was for the abortion, then you have that crazy right. But we all know it was, get well card with check inclosed.
Was he sending her a get well card for some other reason? C'mon.

Walker acknowledges that the baby born after the abortion is in fact his.
She says, I know you hate this, never believe the woman, that HW begged her to get a 2nd abortion.
What part of this ^^^^^ are you disliking?
Defend yourself.

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