Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

I disagree. I didn't start with faith. I started with logic and objectivity. The faith came later. You speak of evidence but what evidence are you expecting to find? The only evidence is indirect evidence. And you have rejected every single piece of indirect evidence. So it's a fair question to ask of you... what evidence are you looking for exactly? Because I don't believe you are genuine in that. You don't even have a reasonable perception of God, so I am wondering how in the hell you can say honestly that you have made a reasonable effort.
In John, Jesus went around performing miracles so people would know who he was. The apostles also performed miracles to convince people to convert. Where is my miracle?

Nope. That's not it at all. In fact, that is a rather poor attempt at answering it and shows just how much contempt you have for wisdom and knowledge that you can't help but keep your feelings from clouding your objectivity.
So what is your answer?
The universe has created many things, it is you who ascribe something special to intelligence or self-awareness. The solar system existed for billions of years and was doing just fine without us.

Are we the crown of creation? It has nowhere to go from here?

You are welcome to your opinion, and I'm free to reject it.

The answer is, we don't know. Plain and simple. You are free to speculate but that is all you are doing.
Sure the universe has created many things. It has increased in complexity since day 1 and continues to do so. Consciousness is the most complex thing created by the evolution of space and time and unless you can think of something more complex, it is the purpose of the universe. Your continued ignorance about you being part of the universe is becoming comical.

It's comical that you have zero opinions other than to disagree with the ones that have been presented to you. By definition, your plea of ignorance automatically disqualifies you from arguing as an authority on what you believe the universe is not.
In John, Jesus went around performing miracles so people would know who he was. The apostles also performed miracles to convince people to convert. Where is my miracle?

So what is your answer?
Which is exactly why you have never discovered God. You only love what he could do for you. You don't love him for who he is.

My answer will only make sense to you if you actually read the account. Everyone sees God as sleeping when they are in their storms of life, but he's there. In fact, you literally just proved that when you asked for your miracle.
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and the mind can deceive you and has caused me to doubt in the past, but my heart has never faltered.
The fact you feel the need to post the topic says you’re a liar who’s desperate to know God.

which, the mind can deceive one - or that their heart has never faltered ...

- for the w-man, a christian, it must be a faltering heart would be their excuse for being a sinner.
Consciousness obviously evolved since it is here. It is the evolution of an individual's consciousness that I disputed.
You are funny. That stinging you are feeling is pride. Fuck pride. It only hurts, it never helps. ~MARSELLUS WALLACE
How exactly does the periodic table create anything?
That is your strawman, not mine.

If you evaporate sea water you'll get crystals of salt. Each crystal will contain trillions of atoms that, without any supernatural intervention, for regular patterns base solely on natural forces. Snowflakes are another good example.
Which is exactly why you have never discovered God. You only love what he could do for you. You don't love him for who he is.
Because I don't know who he is, he's never told me.

My answer only will make sense to you if you actually read the account. Everyone sees God as sleeping when they are in their storms of life, but he's there. In fact, you literally just proved that when you asked for your miracle.
Theology is not the same as wisdom.
That is your strawman, not mine.

If you evaporate sea water you'll get crystals of salt. Each crystal will contain trillions of atoms that, without any supernatural intervention, for regular patterns base solely on natural forces. Snowflakes are another good example.
Periodic table

Tell us the recipe of creating a Concerto from that.
Because I don't know who he is, he's never told me.

Theology is not the same as wisdom.
That's a textbook example of an external locus of control. It's God's fault.

Jesus didn't teach theology. You place more road blocks in front of you than anyone I know. You are outsmarting yourself with your own cleverness. It's not so much that you are invested in what you believe as it is that you are invested with your inability to be wrong about anything even when presented with overwhelming evidence that you are.
In John, Jesus went around performing miracles so people would know who he was.
I don't believe that was the case at all. That is a very superficial interpretation and just coincidentally one that just so happens to match your bias. In other words, you see it that way because that's how you want to see it. Unfortunately for you it doesn't explain why on some instances Jesus said tell no one and on others he said tell everyone.

You see for me, that was something which obviously needed explaining. But to you, you just took the part that matched your preconceived narrative without ever recognizing the inconsistency. So you have never put any effort into understanding it. I did. Objectively. You didn't because once you found what you were looking for you stopped looking. Think of your disbelief as car keys. Once you find what you are looking for to support your nonbelief, you stop looking. I don't. I look at it all.
Herd instinct has value for the race.
Sure but it's what the herd does that matters because that's what determines functional advantage. Saying herd is functional advantage in and of itself ignores the reality of cause and effect.

Belief in a higher power has been the overwhelming dominant position in every society since the beginning of man for good reason. Even the atheistic communist regimes of the 20th century could not extinguish it through force and intimidation. Darwin would certainly have something to say about that.

Again functional advantage equals continued existence.
I "feel" that's a silly thing to say.
That's nice. Some people aren't in tune with it. You might be one of those. For any given trait there will be a distribution. On one end of the spectrum are the ones who have the talent and on the other end of the spectrum are the ones who don't. You might be one of those.
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My kids, a hot cup of coffee, lunch with my girlfriend, taking the Porsche down a twisty but vacant road, turning leaves, the daylilies in my front yard, watching my cat chase it's tail... How long a list do you want?
Divorced, huh?
Well, when you think about it, they and anyone who attacks religions are all correct, in that the "other religion(s)" is, indeed, a false pile of myths.

So what you are saying is a virtue, in a way.
That's ridiculous. Apparently you believe you must tear someone else down to build yourself up. That just isn't the case.

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