Nobody has phucked the Republican Party over more than Republicans have.

We have just seen a perfect demonstration of why the Republicans are so easily able to hoax the retard herd.

They BEG to be lied to. They DESERVE to be lied to.
Can you remember one threat they made, then executed the action they threatened to take?
Yes. The unspeakably duplicitous betrayal of everything the Senate once stood for by blocking the nomination of Merrick Garland. The thwarting of the will of the voting public by blocking Obama's legislative agenda (and more recently bills on gun control) for political purposes. Refusing to bring to the floor of the Senate for votes the hundreds of pieces of legislation passed by the House. The refusal to sign on to a bi-partisan letter before the 2016 election warning the public of Russia's interference in the election. Those are a few that come to mind.
Signing off on trillion dollar deficits. Signing off on the largest government spending budget in US history. Signing off on a far left protectionist tariff war. Failing to come up with an Obamacare replacement after ten years, hoaxing the rubes for all that time, making it blazingly obvious they sold us down the river to single payer healthcare decades ago.
If you cared about deficits....and you don' wouldn't vote for democrats....the purse strings are pulled in the congress...but you know that don't you?....

So, you are saying that most of the debt added under Obama was the fault of the Rebpus who controlled at least one part of congress for 6 of his 8 years...and the nearly 2 trillion added under Trump's first 2 years was all on the Repubs since they controlled it all.

Yet you are blindly loyal to them...odd.
I have posted more about the debt than all of you combined
Only to try and turn us Trump voters against Trump....but you don't care about debt as long as the freebies won't work....we Trump voters have never been more in his corner after Pelosi's theatrics....
We have just seen a perfect demonstration of why the Republicans are so easily able to hoax the retard herd.

They BEG to be lied to. They DESERVE to be lied to.
Did you keep your healthcare plan jackass?....
I have posted more about the debt than all of you combined
Only to try and turn us Trump voters against Trump....but you don't care about debt as long as the freebies won't work....we Trump voters have never been more in his corner after Pelosi's theatrics....
Bullshit. I've been posting about the debt since coming to this forum.

You don't get to make up lies. You are a hypocritical asshole.
The party of nutless wonders can’t get out of their own way...Do they EVER follow through on any of the tough guy shit they talk? Can you remember one threat they made, then executed the action they threatened to take?
I’m thoroughly convinced they gave the Left their nuts.
Such as....?
We have just seen a perfect demonstration of why the Republicans are so easily able to hoax the retard herd.

They BEG to be lied to. They DESERVE to be lied to.
Did you keep your healthcare plan jackass?....
Indeed I did, dumbass. I'm retired military.

But I see you are assuming I was/am in favor of Obamacare. You fucked up again.

You are just digging that hole deeper and deeper because another common trait among you hypocrites is that you make faulty assumptions and can't admit you fucked up.

Well, you just fucked up again, dumbass.

From 2012:

I want you to remember in 2019 that you were told today that ObamaCare is going to bankrupt your state.

By that time, Obama will be retired on the golf course, laughing his ass off. And when your fellow citizens get slammed with a higher state tax bill, and your fellow citizens find their state benefits abruptly cut back, you should probably know that Obama will have a lot of Secret Service protection. And he will need it.

That is Obama's way. Shower you with free gifts and pushing the costs out until long after he is gone. Just so you will swallow his c**k and vote for him.

Remember. 2019. You were warned way ahead of time. You were warned today.
So, you are saying that most of the debt added under Obama was the fault of the Rebpus who controlled at least one part of congress for 6 of his 8 years
Nope but they didn't stand strong....the GOP is afraid of skin color....
We are now seeing an even bigger display of how the GOP is able to hoax the rubes. The GOP depends on their supporters having no integrity. It is hugely important to any con artist that the rubes never admit they were had.
So, you are saying that most of the debt added under Obama was the fault of the Rebpus who controlled at least one part of congress for 6 of his 8 years
Nope but they didn't stand strong....the GOP is afraid of skin color....

So...just to recap...when there is a Repub POTUS it is congress' fault, but when there is Dem POTUS it is his fault.

And you pretend not to be a mindless partisan drone!

Too funny
Indeed I did, dumbass. I'm retired military
So what? am I....but I don't use that government plan.....don't you have a subsequent plan?....from work? or Obama care? would be rare indeed to rely only on your MHS....
So, you are saying that most of the debt added under Obama was the fault of the Rebpus who controlled at least one part of congress for 6 of his 8 years
Nope but they didn't stand strong....the GOP is afraid of skin color....

So...just to recap...when there is a Repub POTUS it is congress' fault, but when there is Dem POTUS it is his fault.

And you pretend not to be a mindless partisan drone!

Too funny
Please reread my post...if you still can not comprehend it get back to me....
We have just seen a perfect demonstration of why the Republicans are so easily able to hoax the retard herd.

They BEG to be lied to. They DESERVE to be lied to.
Did you keep your healthcare plan jackass?....

and my doctor.

you didn't?
You are a liar....
This is awesome. We can see in real time why the Republican party is so easily able to hoax the rubes. They actually willingly participate in allowing themselves to be hoaxed!

They BEG to be lied to. They DESERVE to be lied to.
We have just seen a perfect demonstration of why the Republicans are so easily able to hoax the retard herd.

They BEG to be lied to. They DESERVE to be lied to.
Did you keep your healthcare plan jackass?....

and my doctor.

you didn't?
You are a liar....

Not at all. I am a retired Marine, I have had Tricare for Retirees since Jun of 2009. I will never lose it nor get rid of it.

I have had the same PCM since 2009 when I moved to the location I now live in.
Indeed I did, dumbass. I'm retired military
So what? am I....but I don't use that government plan.....don't you have a subsequent plan?....from work? or Obama care? would be rare indeed to rely only on your MHS....
You really need to quit while you're behind, you lying hypocritical idiot.
You are the liar...I nailed are a you only rely on your MHS?....
Indeed I did, dumbass. I'm retired military
So what? am I....but I don't use that government plan.....don't you have a subsequent plan?....from work? or Obama care? would be rare indeed to rely only on your MHS....
You really need to quit while you're behind, you lying hypocritical idiot.
You are the liar...I nailed are a you only rely on your MHS?....

Why would a retiree rely on the MHS?

Do you not have TriCare?

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