NRA Children's Museum

Yet here is a video of someone buying a gun no questions asked.


That's how it's supposed to be. How it was until 1968. Did gun crime go up or down after we stopped children buying guns? Did gun crime go up or down after we stopped felons from buying guns? Did either yield a positive impact on gun crime? Of course not. Criminals don't follow the law.
Conservatives don’t even have the courage, decency, or integrity to at least consider solutions to gun crime and violence that don’t involve the regulation of firearms.
Responsibility is on the buyer to only purchase in his own state. If the seller knows the buyer is from out of state, he can't make the sale but there's no requirement that the seller get proof.

What would have been best, though, in this case would have been for the 13-year-old boy to get Mom's Sears Catalog and order it directly for delivery by mail to his doorstep.
Ass opposed to the leftist lies about how the NRA is causing gun crime?

So what is the "issue"? The issue is that some people break laws. Like that food court shooting in the Indiana mall: That entire mall was a "No Weapons" zone. And thanks to the tireless work of the NRA, there was a legally-armed gun owner who immediately put a stop to the shooting.

So what would have been your "solution" to prevent that shooting from taking place? It was already illegal for anyone to carry a weapon into that mall. Maybe your solution would be to make the posted sign bigger? Use bigger letters or brighter colors, so the criminal shooter would have seen it?
The left will claim that the mass shooting was not stopped because, by their definition, 4 dead is a mass shooting even though one of the dead was the shooter.

Damn Right, We’re Coming for Your Guns

"Our government needs to take the guns, at least the ones that are built specifically for killing large numbers of human beings in a short period of time."

"Hell, Yes, I'm Going to Take Your AR-15!" Extreme Positions Steal Spotlight in Dem Debate – InsideSources

“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47."

Given half a chance, the left would outlaw provate gun ownership. The only reason they haven't tried is they know they'd be shot dead.

The left absolutely hates guns. That's something which can't even be debated. They hate guns, and they hate those of us who own them, despite the fact that the vast majority of us have never committed a crime...
Guns aren’t going to be ‘banned,’ guns aren’t going to be ‘confiscated.’

Nothing but lies and demagoguery from the right.
Do you believe that someone taking a single hit off a joint and being caught by a cop should be sufficient for someone to lose their 2nd Amendment rights?
Don't you? You've come out openly in favor of free people losing their 2nd Amendment protections of their God-given right to keep and bear arms. If they violate the law they lose their rights, right?
What liberals could do if they really care about gun violence is put criminals or underage people in jail when we catch them with a gun they are not legally allowed to have

I think mandatory non-waivable 3 years in jail is about right

That will do more to reduce gun violence than anything else
Wrong. Even their rights to keep and bear arms are protected by the Constitution. If you want to do something about gun crime, then do something about crime. Or are you OK if a liquor store is robbed with a baseball bat or a knife?

Put criminals in miserable jails for long periods of time. Armed robbery (regardless of the arm) 10 years first offense; 20 for the second, life for the third. Rape - 20 years first offense (that's a compromise because my preference is death for first offense). Child rape - death penalty first offense. Child molestation, including posession of child porn: life in prison, no parole.

That's how you stop crime, regardless of what weapon is used.
Hence the NRA’s unwarranted opposition to UBCs which have nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

Why should I have to pay for a background check if I want to sell a shotgun to Bubba, who lives right next door? Or for that matter, if I find a gun at a garage sale? Are we supposed to drive somewhere and undergo a background check before completing the transaction?

You do know that it's perfectly legal for private individuals to sell one of their personal firearms to another private individual, right? The only stipulations are that you don't knowingly sell one to a minor or a felon, both of which have been known to lie on the Form 4473 when purchasing one from a dealer. Even the drug addict Hunter Biden did that when he illegally purchased a pistol in 2018.
Wrong. Even their rights to keep and bear arms are protected by the Constitution. If you want to do something about gun crime, then do something about crime. Or are you OK if a liquor store is robbed with a baseball bat or a knife?
The immediate issue is gun violence

If you lock up criminals who carry guns that will reduce crime overalls as well as gun violence

But i agree that many Soros funded DAs in deep
blue cities are soft on all criminals
And lobby Congress to make sure anyone can buy any weapon they want no questions asked.

The problem is when you allow States to ask "questions" you get the shit in NY where they pile paperwork on and on to discourage people from getting weapons.

The NRA supports instant background checks to make sure a person isn't a felon or otherwise disqualified via due process from owning a firearm.
What liberals could do if they really care about gun violence is put criminals or underage people in jail when we catch them with a gun they are not legally allowed to have

I think mandatory non-waivable 3 years in jail is about right

That will do more to reduce gun violence than anything else

But the opposite is practiced nowadays. The progressive agenda of non-prosecution of illegal carry is driving a lot of gun crime.

This is Philly where a former BLM lawyer was elected District Attorney and he has mounted a program that declines or simply withdraws charges on PROHIBITED people who were caught illegally carrying a gun. As the dropped / withdrawn rate reached over 70%, the tally of shootings rose to over 225 A MONTH!


As convictions and guilty pleas on gun charges drop, shootings rise . . . Note that the cops are still making the arrests for illegal carry in proportion and conjunction with the rise in gun criminals shooting people, but the DA is declining prosecution:


A recent study on the practice has said that approx. 75 homicides a year can be attributed to the non-prosecution policy (screengrab):

Gee, sounds like a loophole to me.

Who is responsible for allowing it? The NRA (in part).

It is just hilarious that the dickless wonders who support this type of thing pretend that the NRA had nothing to do with it.

The democrats are in control of the House, the Senate and the Oval Office.

Why have they done nothing to address that?

Don't blame the NRA, blame democrats...
But the opposite is practiced nowadays. The progressive agenda of non-prosecution of illegal carry is driving a lot of gun crime.

This is Philly where a former BLM lawyer was elected District Attorney and he has mounted a program that declines or simply withdraws charges on PROHIBITED people who were caught illegally carrying a gun. As the dropped / withdrawn rate reached over 70%, the tally of shootings rose to over 225 A MONTH!

As convictions and guilty pleas on gun charges drop, shootings rise . . . Note that the cops are still making the arrests for illegal carry in proportion and conjunction with the rise in gun criminals shooting people, but the DA is declining prosecution:

A recent study on the practice has said that approx. 75 homicides a year can be attributed to the non-prosecution policy (screengrab):

View attachment 671534
Its an insane policy that only Tweener apologists like Mac1958 could approve of

Because more gun violence gives libs the excuse they seek to take all the guns
Thats a private seller and considered a private transaction. The guy is not a FFL dealer.
Perfectly legal transaction. No "loopholes" required.

Perfectly legal thanks to the NRA. Bin Laden could have made the same purchase...right? Sure.

Also I appreciate you confirming this loophole exists only hours after you said it didn't. You're the most useful of useful idiots.
The democrats are in control of the House, the Senate and the Oval Office.

Why have they done nothing to address that?

Don't blame the NRA, blame democrats...
You do not know the way the Senate works, apparently.

That having been said...the Democrats should have been more aggressive on every front.
The National Rifle Association spent $1.6 million during the first half of the year lobbying members of the House and Senate against laws that would enact stricter background checks for people looking to buy guns, according to disclosure reports.

One of the dozens of bills targeted by the NRA is H.R. 8, a bipartisan proposal that passed the Democratic-controlled House in February and has yet to be taken up by the Republican-controlled Senate. The second-quarter filing shows that NRA lobbyists continued their efforts against the bill after its passage in the House. The lobbyists also looked to make changes to the Background Check Expansion Act from Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut.

And context….

Left wing asshats like you want universal background checks…not to stop criminals from getting guns…criminals use straw buyers or steal their guns…… want universal background checks so you can use them to demand gun registration…..the actual thing that you want and need to later ban and confiscate guns
The problem is when you allow States to ask "questions" you get the shit in NY where they pile paperwork on and on to discourage people from getting weapons.

The NRA supports instant background checks to make sure a person isn't a felon or otherwise disqualified via due process from owning a firearm.
Yeah, here's the problem when you don't





So the kid's social media history is clearly showing, to put it mildly, alarming signs. He's buying body armor and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. He's not going to school and is fired from his job.

None of that would show up on a criminal background check.... But clearly the pattern listed above is a Hollywood story board of a film where the final scene would be a school shooting.

Should the authorities have taken the time to go through the non-criminal history of this gunman detailed above (and this is just what I cut and pasted from the article--there is MUCH MUCH MORE)? I'm sure you'll say no because, hell, it would mean one less weapon being sold. And we can't have that now, can we?


And context….

Left wing asshats like you want universal background checks…not to stop criminals from getting guns…criminals use straw buyers or steal their guns…… want universal background checks so you can use them to demand gun registration…..the actual thing that you want and need to later ban and confiscate guns


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