OK Right Wingers. Time to put your money where your mouth is on the Bathroom thing..

The left continue to be anti science. They think you can be any object you want just by thinking it. Male, female, dog, dragon, lamppost.
They don't know what X and Y chromosomes are.
I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children

How would you know it has a dick? You keep saying dangly bit but cant tell us how you would find that out

Dude I'm tired of you commenting the same shit over and over. When answered you ignore it and go right back to asking the same shit. It's been pointed out to you twice now. Stop
You haven't answered HOW though.

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I wasn't talking to you...now was I? Scram

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I will even go so far as to say, if you had a dangly bit added or removed, then fine. Having spent two decades cleaning up after people who stand to pee, I'm not eager to have them sharing my bathroom just because they didn't always stand to pee.
But if all you've got is a haircut and new clothes, then I don't want to hear about your delusions.

Catch one with a dangly bit in the same restroom as our daughters and HE may walk out without the dangly bit. I'm not playing this game, keep it away from our children
So you would attack and hurt a transwoman out of ignorant fear?
How.. bigoted of you.

So do you have the same standard if you see a Catholic Priest walk into the mens restroom and you know your child is in there?

Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple

Right...so you'll support the passing of laws that require this individual use the restroom with your daughters instead.


You're so smart...and such a protector of children!

Hey SassyGunSlinger...how many children have been attacked by transsexual women who were using a public restroom to pee? Now compare that to the number of children attacked and harmed by Catholic Priests. (Or the longest Republican Speaker of the House for that matter)

GFY ya old slag

Awww, better luck next time

Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
Question, do you read what you write?

You are accusing me, an innocent person of being a danger and a criminal because of... my penis? The thing I'm actively working to remove.
Because I, like any other human being, must need use the restroom from time to time. You threaten me, you denigrate my character, you insult my person. Based on ignorance, fear and hatred.

History teaches us that sort of mentality leads to VERY bad things.

I get you want to protect children from bad actors. Guess what? So do I! I have a daughter, and a son. I agree with you that the bathroom laws are TOO permissive, we need to set some standards before you can just march on into the ladies restroom.

This attitude, this angry "If you go into a ladies room with your penis you'll regret it!" shit is NOT HELPING. All you are doing is fostering irrational hate of innocent PEOPLE.

The LGBT Crowd is far too in your face and rambunctious, they push too hard and flaunt their arrogance. That has to stop. However, the flip side, people like you are NO BETTER.

There is middle ground. If you're a Transwoman (or man), and are under care from a licensed doc (as I am) and your transition has reached the point where outwardly you present female and are headed towards living full time as the Gender you moving towards you get a card. Kinda like the ones handicapped folks get for service dogs. These cards protect the rights of the disabled who need service dogs and the rights of businesses to keep out bad actors.

Same here, I'd gladly have such a card. This way, should someone feel threatened by my presence in the restroom, and authorities become involved I can prove "Hey, I belong here, sorry you felt uneasy"

Let's stop that "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" mentality people, on BOTH SIDES.
Don't worry too much. The country is fundamentally supportive of your lifestyle and freedom to be who you are. The moronic states that are creating a problem will lose their idiotic battle to be jerks and in a short time will just be another example of their stupidity.
It's not a lifestyle lol. It is a mental illness. But you are correct, Americans support a lot of bullshit.
Your opinion on whether the subject is a mental illness in not based on prevalent and accepted scientific data, rather, it is based on selective religious and emotional feelings. No doubt, you can find links to support your opinion, but the key word is "accepted". That means accepted by the overwhelming body of professionals in the field of mental illness. But the key to making your assessment not credible it the fact that mental illness at various levels does not have the authoritative power to deny civil rights to an American citizen unless it poses a clear and present physical danger to the person or other people. There is no evidence that the subject of this discussion indicates such danger.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does
It's not complicated bruh.

If you have a dick you go in the men's room. If not you don't.

Simple? Will you be volunteering for the penis check then?
We will be relying on people like you, people without honor, to be honest. It's a dice roll, I know.
Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
Question, do you read what you write?

You are accusing me, an innocent person of being a danger and a criminal because of... my penis? The thing I'm actively working to remove.
Because I, like any other human being, must need use the restroom from time to time. You threaten me, you denigrate my character, you insult my person. Based on ignorance, fear and hatred.

History teaches us that sort of mentality leads to VERY bad things.

I get you want to protect children from bad actors. Guess what? So do I! I have a daughter, and a son. I agree with you that the bathroom laws are TOO permissive, we need to set some standards before you can just march on into the ladies restroom.

This attitude, this angry "If you go into a ladies room with your penis you'll regret it!" shit is NOT HELPING. All you are doing is fostering irrational hate of innocent PEOPLE.

The LGBT Crowd is far too in your face and rambunctious, they push too hard and flaunt their arrogance. That has to stop. However, the flip side, people like you are NO BETTER.

There is middle ground. If you're a Transwoman (or man), and are under care from a licensed doc (as I am) and your transition has reached the point where outwardly you present female and are headed towards living full time as the Gender you moving towards you get a card. Kinda like the ones handicapped folks get for service dogs. These cards protect the rights of the disabled who need service dogs and the rights of businesses to keep out bad actors.

Same here, I'd gladly have such a card. This way, should someone feel threatened by my presence in the restroom, and authorities become involved I can prove "Hey, I belong here, sorry you felt uneasy"

Let's stop that "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" mentality people, on BOTH SIDES.
Don't worry too much. The country is fundamentally supportive of your lifestyle and freedom to be who you are. The moronic states that are creating a problem will lose their idiotic battle to be jerks and in a short time will just be another example of their stupidity.
It's not a lifestyle lol. It is a mental illness. But you are correct, Americans support a lot of bullshit.
Your opinion on whether the subject is a mental illness in not based on prevalent and accepted scientific data, rather, it is based on selective religious and emotional feelings. No doubt, you can find links to support your opinion, but the key word is "accepted". That means accepted by the overwhelming body of professionals in the field of mental illness. But the key to making your assessment not credible it the fact that mental illness at various levels does not have the authoritative power to deny civil rights to an American citizen unless it poses a clear and present physical danger to the person or other people. There is no evidence that the subject of this discussion indicates such danger.
I'm not religious ya moron. God is as much a fraud as this is a MENTAL CONDITION.
Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
Question, do you read what you write?

You are accusing me, an innocent person of being a danger and a criminal because of... my penis? The thing I'm actively working to remove.
Because I, like any other human being, must need use the restroom from time to time. You threaten me, you denigrate my character, you insult my person. Based on ignorance, fear and hatred.

History teaches us that sort of mentality leads to VERY bad things.

I get you want to protect children from bad actors. Guess what? So do I! I have a daughter, and a son. I agree with you that the bathroom laws are TOO permissive, we need to set some standards before you can just march on into the ladies restroom.

This attitude, this angry "If you go into a ladies room with your penis you'll regret it!" shit is NOT HELPING. All you are doing is fostering irrational hate of innocent PEOPLE.

The LGBT Crowd is far too in your face and rambunctious, they push too hard and flaunt their arrogance. That has to stop. However, the flip side, people like you are NO BETTER.

There is middle ground. If you're a Transwoman (or man), and are under care from a licensed doc (as I am) and your transition has reached the point where outwardly you present female and are headed towards living full time as the Gender you moving towards you get a card. Kinda like the ones handicapped folks get for service dogs. These cards protect the rights of the disabled who need service dogs and the rights of businesses to keep out bad actors.

Same here, I'd gladly have such a card. This way, should someone feel threatened by my presence in the restroom, and authorities become involved I can prove "Hey, I belong here, sorry you felt uneasy"

Let's stop that "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" mentality people, on BOTH SIDES.
Don't worry too much. The country is fundamentally supportive of your lifestyle and freedom to be who you are. The moronic states that are creating a problem will lose their idiotic battle to be jerks and in a short time will just be another example of their stupidity.
It's not a lifestyle lol. It is a mental illness. But you are correct, Americans support a lot of bullshit.
Your opinion on whether the subject is a mental illness in not based on prevalent and accepted scientific data, rather, it is based on selective religious and emotional feelings. No doubt, you can find links to support your opinion, but the key word is "accepted". That means accepted by the overwhelming body of professionals in the field of mental illness. But the key to making your assessment not credible it the fact that mental illness at various levels does not have the authoritative power to deny civil rights to an American citizen unless it poses a clear and present physical danger to the person or other people. There is no evidence that the subject of this discussion indicates such danger.
And you do not have a civil right to enter the wrong bathroom just because your mentally challenged lol.
I've answered this before

We don't discriminate against ugly women or insane men

Easy enough for you?

Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out

How will you know who has a penis? Will you be head ball inspector?

LOL ever registered a child for school , theres a box for gender. I suppose if you lie and mark down that Johnny is a girl, that's on you, but at some point the school may find out otherwise.

So you'll have people with ID checks and registration papers to use the bathrooms?
Just another insane issue created to divide us..

Liberals always take the irrational stand and everybody else uses common-sense.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does
It's not complicated bruh.

If you have a dick you go in the men's room. If not you don't.

Simple? Will you be volunteering for the penis check then?
We will be relying on people like you, people without honor, to be honest. It's a dice roll, I know.

So your plan is unenforceable? Which is nothing?

Thats a pretty cool story bro
I'm not religious ya moron. God is as much a fraud as this is a MENTAL CONDITION.
So you're just straight willfully ignorant. You deny God, you deny Science, you go with your gut instinct.

Well have fun with that.
We have already determined you're not of sound mind or judgment so spew all the nonsense you like. I gave you links yesterday that showed you your own mental illness is just that. Not a surprise that you would ignore them. Now go worry about today's lipstick choice freak
I've answered this before

We don't discriminate against ugly women or insane men

Easy enough for you?

Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out

How will you know who has a penis? Will you be head ball inspector?

LOL ever registered a child for school , theres a box for gender. I suppose if you lie and mark down that Johnny is a girl, that's on you, but at some point the school may find out otherwise.

So you'll have people with ID checks and registration papers to use the bathrooms?
Just another insane issue created to divide us..

Liberals always take the irrational stand and everybody else use common-sense.

And you, unable to take the bait, are falling for the divide right now. Everyone has their role, I guess
I've answered this before

We don't discriminate against ugly women or insane men

Easy enough for you?

Gotta pecker, it's in the men's room with you, got none, stay the hell out

How will you know who has a penis? Will you be head ball inspector?

When a women sees someone in the ladies room with a penis, then we'll know and have the creep arrested.
How is a woman going to see that...with stalls? Surely you are not suggesting that women become vigilante Peeping Toms.....this is the RW vision of America?
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does
It's not complicated bruh.

If you have a dick you go in the men's room. If not you don't.

Simple? Will you be volunteering for the penis check then?
We will be relying on people like you, people without honor, to be honest. It's a dice roll, I know.

So your plan is unenforceable? Which is nothing?

Thats a pretty cool story bro
It's simply not possible to police all the liberal freaks that exist. Sadly we have to rely on your honesty.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does
It's not complicated bruh.

If you have a dick you go in the men's room. If not you don't.

Simple? Will you be volunteering for the penis check then?
We will be relying on people like you, people without honor, to be honest. It's a dice roll, I know.

So your plan is unenforceable? Which is nothing?

Thats a pretty cool story bro
It's simply not possible to police all the liberal freaks that exist. Sadly we have to rely on your honesty.

Exactly! Now you just described why your entire plan is bullshit. Congrats on following the bread crumbs! :smiliehug:
Why would I attack a priest in a men's restroom? Reread your comment....then realize how stupid it is.

I do not want some dude dressed up like a woman using the restroom with our daughters. It's that simple
You don't why? Because you think they might maybe be a sexual predator based on your personal fears of a few bad actors.

Are not there quite a few bad actors in the ranks fo Catholic priest when it comes to young boys?

I'm just using your logic: There might be a guy pretending to be trans who might do something to a girl in a restroom, ergo all pre-op trans must stay out.

Okay, well we KNOW there are young boys that have been molested by Catholic Priests, yet you have no concern about them....

Conclusion, you're irrational in your fears and inconsistent in your logic.
Or...doesn't care about Catholic Priests molesting children.
Maybe she don't want her young daughter seeing a grown mans penis?

Why do people like you miss the damn obvious?
Apparently, you think that Bi-Catfish will have her young daughter peeking over or under stall doors to see how people pee.
Dude, wear your dress and pumps into a restroom where our daughters are at.....I promise you that you will rue the day you do
History is replete with with examples of irrational fear driving people to do horrible things to innocent people. Fortunately, this gal is armed. So if you or any or your other irrational bigoted friends want to do anything, go ahead, make my day.

So is this one....now run along. I'm weary of you trying to convince me you are normal. Oh and you're not a "gal".....dude
Well, we know about what YOU think is normal, Bi-Catfish.....trolling the Bi "looking for love" sites.
It's not complicated bruh.

If you have a dick you go in the men's room. If not you don't.

Simple? Will you be volunteering for the penis check then?
We will be relying on people like you, people without honor, to be honest. It's a dice roll, I know.

So your plan is unenforceable? Which is nothing?

Thats a pretty cool story bro
It's simply not possible to police all the liberal freaks that exist. Sadly we have to rely on your honesty.

Exactly! Now you just described why your entire plan is bullshit. Congrats on following the bread crumbs! :smiliehug:
Well at least you admit that relying on people like you to be honest is bullshit. That's a start I suppose
No one cares about tarted up Trans. It's the predator who takes advantage of the opportunity presented by these laws. Like the guy who slapped on a padded bra and a dress so he could set up his cameras.

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