Our next Civil War will be over abortion

I suspect if we ever found the gay gene, there'd be a lot of "Christians' getting abortions.

View attachment 243225
This never happens!

The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion.

"The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion."

and YOU will become more PRO-abortion....

I'll take that bet.

As it is, pro aborts are far more likely to kill their own children with abortions than pro lifers are. Yet, I fight to defend THEIR children. Same as I do for blacks and other minorities.

The Gay thing only matters to You.

It is my opinion, based on the statements made by so many conservatives, that if a fetus could be diagnosed and shown to be GAY, MOST conservatives would either abort it BEFORE it was born or sometime soon after.

Can't have an "abomination" messing up the country, right?

Roy Moore, conservative christian republican
senate candidate in last election
supported by trump
stated that he believes that homosexuality should be a crime, gays should be locked up, and quite possibly executed (to save on taxes).....

Well, it's your opinion so it must be true no matter what. Right?

It is my opinion

Based on LOTS of observations.

I stand by it.

It is CORRECT to me.

I have no doubt that YOU believe YOUR insane and deranged opinions are "correct"


do you have opinions that you know are incorrect but you insist on embracing them anyway?

I doubt it.

So why attack me for exercising the same rights as you?

I know why....
So you again don't understand the words being said.
Sure I do. For years, many on the right have fought against Roe v. Wade, saying abortion should be left up to the states to decide, not the federal government.

Now here we have a state doing exactly that, and rightards are lambasting the state for doing that.

So now I see they were lying when they said, let the states decide. What they really meant was, let the states decide as long as states decide to outlaw abortion.

Amazingly enough, "leave it up to the states" does not mean "We won't have any input into state decisions". If you were assuming that, then that teaches you not to make assumptions.

And it's not a lie because you assumed something we never said.
No one said anything about not having any input in state decisions.

Yeah, actually, you did. You're pissing and ranting because "You said you wanted it to be a state issue, and when a state decides, you object to their choice! That means you lied about wanting it to be a state issue!" Whether you were smart enough to understand the meaning and import of your words or not, that is essentially what they were.

That means what it says ... righties are pissed at the decision the state made — it does not say they’re pissed because they didn’t have input; which, by the way, they did have input. Their input was at the polls, electing legislators who represent them. So there’s no way possible I said righties are passed because they had no input in the decision.


Your statements DO mean what they say . . . and what they say is that you think if conservatives say something should be decided by the state rather than the federal government, that means they have to just shut up and be happy with the decision. Otherwise, they "lied" about wanting it to be a state decision.

Thanks for the pointless digression into "I didn't say they were pissed because they didn't have input." It was nice of you to clarify that point, but since that point was never actually made, or even hinted at, it seems suspiciously like you're inventing an argument you can win, because you know you lost the original one and you're too dishonest to just admit it.

And by the way, if you ever even once in your two-faced, hypocritical life consider your "input was at the polls when the legislators were elected" when it comes to laws you DON'T like, I might actually listen seriously to this BS for a whole five seconds before laughing at it. Might. But since you and I both know that you don't stop screeching to even draw a new breath when the elected legislators pass laws you disagree with, I'm not even going to bother pretending you're not a joke.
Abort anyone with a genetic defect, like Downs syndrome, or carries the Gay gene.

I suspect if we ever found the gay gene, there'd be a lot of "Christians' getting abortions.

View attachment 243225
This never happens!

The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion.

"The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion."

and YOU will become more PRO-abortion....

Based on what evidence? The fact that YOU decide right and wrong based on what advantages your political agenda, and so you just assume that everyone else is amoral and selfish like you?
Abort anyone with a genetic defect, like Downs syndrome, or carries the Gay gene.

I suspect if we ever found the gay gene, there'd be a lot of "Christians' getting abortions.

View attachment 243225
This never happens!

The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion.

"The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion."

and YOU will become more PRO-abortion....

I'll take that bet.

As it is, pro aborts are far more likely to kill their own children with abortions than pro lifers are. Yet, I fight to defend THEIR children. Same as I do for blacks and other minorities.

The Gay thing only matters to You.

It is my opinion, based on the statements made by so many conservatives, that if a fetus could be diagnosed and shown to be GAY, MOST conservatives would either abort it BEFORE it was born or sometime soon after.

Can't have an "abomination" messing up the country, right?

Roy Moore, conservative christian republican
senate candidate in last election
supported by trump
stated that he believes that homosexuality should be a crime, gays should be locked up, and quite possibly executed (to save on taxes).....

Oh, WELL, if Roy Moore said it, then that's certainly "so many conservatives" . . . oh, wait, no. Roy Moore's only one guy, isn't he? And correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't actually officially represent anyone but himself, does he? Yeah, huh, it's almost like you decided what you wanted to think we believed, and then shot off your ignorant mouth about it as though it were fact . . . to the extent you even know what that word means.
I suspect if we ever found the gay gene, there'd be a lot of "Christians' getting abortions.

View attachment 243225
This never happens!

The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion.

"The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion."

and YOU will become more PRO-abortion....

I'll take that bet.

As it is, pro aborts are far more likely to kill their own children with abortions than pro lifers are. Yet, I fight to defend THEIR children. Same as I do for blacks and other minorities.

The Gay thing only matters to You.

It is my opinion, based on the statements made by so many conservatives, that if a fetus could be diagnosed and shown to be GAY, MOST conservatives would either abort it BEFORE it was born or sometime soon after.

Can't have an "abomination" messing up the country, right?

Roy Moore, conservative christian republican
senate candidate in last election
supported by trump
stated that he believes that homosexuality should be a crime, gays should be locked up, and quite possibly executed (to save on taxes).....

Well, it's your opinion so it must be true no matter what. Right?

It's a lot easier for the less-intelligent like him to win arguments if they have them against imaginary conservatives in their heads than against real conservatives and their actual statements.
The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion.

"The flip side of that coin is that if we are ever to find the "gay gene" pro aborts lime you are suddenly going to start their own war against abortion."

and YOU will become more PRO-abortion....

I'll take that bet.

As it is, pro aborts are far more likely to kill their own children with abortions than pro lifers are. Yet, I fight to defend THEIR children. Same as I do for blacks and other minorities.

The Gay thing only matters to You.

It is my opinion, based on the statements made by so many conservatives, that if a fetus could be diagnosed and shown to be GAY, MOST conservatives would either abort it BEFORE it was born or sometime soon after.

Can't have an "abomination" messing up the country, right?

Roy Moore, conservative christian republican
senate candidate in last election
supported by trump
stated that he believes that homosexuality should be a crime, gays should be locked up, and quite possibly executed (to save on taxes).....

Well, it's your opinion so it must be true no matter what. Right?

It is my opinion

Based on LOTS of observations.

I stand by it.

It is CORRECT to me.

I have no doubt that YOU believe YOUR insane and deranged opinions are "correct"


do you have opinions that you know are incorrect but you insist on embracing them anyway?

I doubt it.

So why attack me for exercising the same rights as you?

I know why....

You have the right to be wrong in your opinions same as everyone else does.

However, your opinions will no more make my reality than mine can make yours.

With that said, let me know when you are ready to debate something other than opinions.

Liberalism with the women have broke the universal law and brought the death sentence for a nation. This big imbalance of the old and young

What crazy cult are you in? this sounds like cult mumbo-jumbo.

Incidently, there is no reason to think that men are more logical than women. Look at "conservative" men, including the ones currently in DC. They can't think their way out of a paper bag.There is no logic there.
That poster sounds like he's been reading a lot of INCEL stuff.

Look at the data men at the higher level is much better than women

Incel. ??? What is that ??

This is easy to understand because of logic

Without logic one is blind to understand
Hilarious!. Some years ago in South Dakota the state voted on a bill to make abortion illegal in all circumstances.
Everyone assumed it was going to pass. Then people started coming out and saying how much money are you willing to give up to take care of someone else’s kids? Money that you need to take care of your own kids? Suddenly the bill didn’t pass. People voted against it once that fact was put out there in the public discourse.
Remember, republicans only want to take care of the fetus, once the kid is born they Don’t give a sh!t.
Look at the higher level of the sat math test scores to see the logic difference and a bigger difference at the higher level

Coming soon is a logic test for voters at the high level most will be men
Women will be losing voting rights because of more easy to fool and elect crooks that destroys the nation
Abortion has caused Europe to replace their killed young by lower IQs Muslims

Same as America running in Hispanics who made their country
Va tells its find to kill babies over putting them up for adoption even after birth

They say if the woman's MENTAL is right. Then it can be killed

That woman's mental can be solved by giving it to others. But no. They want to kill it

Outrageous and women's voting rights are hanging on s thread
I don't think that these folks ever had a plan as to where they were going to take these babies.Ask them who is going to raise these babies and who is going to pay for this and they run out of the room, and then nothing but silence.I don't think that they ever had a clue. They certainly never offered anything to the public.
I don't think that these folks ever had a plan as to where they were going to take these babies.Ask them who is going to raise these babies and who is going to pay for this and they run out of the room, and then nothing but silence.I don't think that they ever had a clue. They certainly never offered anything to the public.

Your post would have been more realistic and sensible if you had stopped with, "I don't think."

I would explain why questions like, "Well, if we don't kill the babies, what do we do with them?" get met with silence, but let's face it: you don't have the brain capacity to even comprehend the words.
Va was proposing to kill born babies if the mothers mental gets bothered

How about instead of 10 mins but 10 years can a woman kill it if she has mental pain??

Outrageous stupidity !!!
It seems va has voted against this insane abortion bill

But 3 voted for this

And New York has this already

Trump should call out the military on New York to stop the murdering of Americans
Women will be losing voting rights because of more easy to fool and elect crooks that destroys the nation

excuse me. I think that you are male and voted for people like trump and pence, who are obvious trash. The orange whore/conman and a sexually obsessed pervert who probably could not get it up if he wanted to???

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