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Our President lies again

andaronjim lies and lie and lies, and America is great right now.

Don't need no Trump to be great.
Obama tried to destroy america, thank God Hillary isn't president to finish the job.
how'd he try to destroy America? and with 70+% of americans giving their unwavering approval of him, how did he fail?
You do realize that 70% of 30% of US citizens is about 21% of the total citizenry. Polls that showed how the slimy, crooked vagina candidate had a commanding lead up to the election are the same ones who went to the large cities of Californification and NYMexico, so how accurate do you think those polls are? We the People showed that when you live by the polls you die by the polls.. Dumbass...
The polls were right.

Clinton got three million more votes than the legitimate and illegitimate ones cast for Trump.

More than 11 MILLION more voted against him than for him.

He stole the election in MI, MN, and WI.
And until the media gets back to the Russian ties......
When the Russian ties to Trump's campaign are released in full by the FBI and intel agencies, Trump will have to resign within 24 hours or be arrested.
andaronjim lies and lie and lies, and America is great right now.

Don't need no Trump to be great.
Obama tried to destroy america, thank God Hillary isn't president to finish the job.
Only a goober thinks BHO tried to destroy America, Good heavens the confusion is strong in jknowgood.
He even stated he wanted to transform america, not my fault you are blind.
To complete the obliteration of the bad part of the 1950s and 1960s was the right thing to do.
Lol, Obama took race relations back to the 50's and 60's. So you think that was the right thing to do?
Why didn't the OP call out Obama on his lies? Interesting how a simple letter of the alphabet makes everything OK

Same old...same old
All Presidents lie

No President in history has lied to the extent Trump does. Not just on major policy issues but all aspects of his life. He lies about the size of his inaugural crowd, 5 million illegals voting, the weather, his height, his weight, the size of his penis, his education, Obama spying on him, his popularity, his wealth......

There is no topic on which Trump is honest
Oh my Obama even lied about being conceived at Selma. He knowingly lied strait to your face and you bought it. Gruber described you perfectly.
Let me get this straight, you want to compare Obama to Trump when it comes to lies? And you can say that shit with a straight face, can ya? Next?
Has Trump lied about where he was conceived? Obama did.
After spending over a year proclaiming what a "disaster" Obama's Iran nuclear agreement is and how it does not keep us safe, Trump declares that Iran is complying with the terms of the deal after just 90 days

Trump administration: Iran complying with nuclear deal

The Trump administration has notified Congress that Iran is complying with the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated by former President Barack Obama, and says the U.S. has extended the sanctions relief given to the Islamic republic in exchange for curbs on its atomic program.

What Donald did, your president, was tap into the bubble that Fox news and Rush created during the Obama years...a world of anxieties, ignorance, racism, white frustration and white poverty. He took these people down a path of great white hope and change....and then, LIKE EVERY DAMNED REPUBLICAN HAS DONE AND CONTINUES TO DO, IS CON YOU INTO A VOTE AND THEN DO NOTHING FOR YOU. Republicans continue to be all talk and never any action, because they lack ideas, they lack purpose and they lack a sense of urgency in districts that consists solely of ignorant white people.

It sure would have been nice if the MSM and others on the left, would have diligently exposed Obama's numerous lies as they do Trump's lies.

...apparently many Americans can't see the obvious distortion.
That's because they sit drooling in front of of their TVs and let leftists tell them what to think.
One thing is certain, when Trump lies, he only hurts the ones he love...you stupid white ignorant pink mf's with no jobs, no healthcare and no brains.

Easy now bud....why all the hostile Al Sharpton rhetoric?
Dudn't cho mama teesh you to neva bite da han dat fees you?
We might cancel your EBT card if you keep this shit up. OR someone here may start posting some truthful, hurtful productivity data broken down by race...You wouldn't want that would you? You like being able to pretend that "your people" are positive contributors...right?
Lighten up buddy.
andaronjim lies and lie and lies, and America is great right now.

Don't need no Trump to be great.
Obama tried to destroy america, thank God Hillary isn't president to finish the job.
how'd he try to destroy America? and with 70+% of americans giving their unwavering approval of him, how did he fail?
Hillary ran on Obama's legacy, he even came out and made the case for it. So your religious beliefs don't line up with reality.
Trump is obsessed with muslims and terrorist....a speakin point that clearly keeps whites in a state of panic. And as long as he keeps the mindless idiots in a state of fear, it takes their pea brained minds off of jobs, wages, affordable healthcare, the Mexican wall and on the continuing lies he puts out daily. I've never seen anyone so intent on conning a group of people who clearly had his back and who he himself lets down day after day after day. Ignorant white loyalty should canned and sold on the open market. A brand the Trumps truly created as America's first
I have an idea, why don't you go to Boston and talk to those that were affected by the Muslim Brothers. Or go to San Fran and talk to the farther of the daughter who was shot by the illegal. Yep the left are definitely sociopathic as they have no remorse for those affected by those who shouldn't be here.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Now watch them try to marginalize the events by saying that US citizens do it also. Shouldnt we deal with our own problems 1st before we have other illegals commit crimes also? Not in the liberal La-La-Land.
Why don't you go to Sandy Hook and speak about the lack of common sense gun-control laws?
What law could have prevented Sandy Hook?
A law that makes it a felony to allow a lunatic access to your guns. At the very least that kid's mother should be in prison.
Trump is obsessed with muslims and terrorist....a speakin point that clearly keeps whites in a state of panic. And as long as he keeps the mindless idiots in a state of fear, it takes their pea brained minds off of jobs, wages, affordable healthcare, the Mexican wall and on the continuing lies he puts out daily. I've never seen anyone so intent on conning a group of people who clearly had his back and who he himself lets down day after day after day. Ignorant white loyalty should canned and sold on the open market. A brand the Trumps truly created as America's first
I have an idea, why don't you go to Boston and talk to those that were affected by the Muslim Brothers. Or go to San Fran and talk to the farther of the daughter who was shot by the illegal. Yep the left are definitely sociopathic as they have no remorse for those affected by those who shouldn't be here.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Now watch them try to marginalize the events by saying that US citizens do it also. Shouldnt we deal with our own problems 1st before we have other illegals commit crimes also? Not in the liberal La-La-Land.
Why don't you go to Sandy Hook and speak about the lack of common sense gun-control laws?
What law could have prevented Sandy Hook?
A law that makes it a felony to allow a lunatic access to your guns. At the very least that kid's mother should be in prison.

He tired and convicted her.

Hard to escape the 'prison' he put her in.

Trump is a fucking joke.
The system that only gave us Hillary or Trump is a fucking joke.
Hillary was a much better candidate. Sad so many couldn't look past her gender.
Hillary was a much better candidate
As far as Democrats go.
O'Malley was a much better candidate,
Webb was a much better candidate,
even Bernie was a much better candidate.

But Hillary had THE NAME.

unfortunately, that's ALL she had..

(other than a warehouse of baggage)

and her gender had NOTHING to do with that
Baggage mostly of made up BS by republicans They are good at that
I hope the rest of the world sees that we the people did not vote this monster in. That he does not represent who we are, that we resist at every chance

Too funny. I'm afraid "we the people" did vote him in, and it is you people who are the odd players out. Resist as you like, but you will not prevail.

I hope the world just thinks of us as their friend who got way too drunk and is being an asshole, needs a little help walking, and will regret this when were sober.

The globalist kumbaya is over. Time marches on and all that.
3 million +

(you're the odd balls out)

Electoral College. You'll never dispense with it.

Those pesky Constitutional rules, eh? What will you do when California is repatriated?
I should be gotten rid of, it is out of date and no longer serves its purpose.

No, the system works just fine. Perhaps the Democrats should not have nominated a shitty candidate with more baggage than an airport.
more than half of what republicans accused her of ,and maybe more was pure BS Repub ah's feared her presidency and threw all their bs at her
andaronjim lies and lie and lies, and America is great right now.

Don't need no Trump to be great.
Obama tried to destroy america, thank God Hillary isn't president to finish the job.
how'd he try to destroy America? and with 70+% of americans giving their unwavering approval of him, how did he fail?
You do realize that 70% of 30% of US citizens is about 21% of the total citizenry. Polls that showed how the slimy, crooked vagina candidate had a commanding lead up to the election are the same ones who went to the large cities of Californification and NYMexico, so how accurate do you think those polls are? We the People showed that when you live by the polls you die by the polls.. Dumbass...
The polls were right.

Clinton got three million more votes than the legitimate and illegitimate ones cast for Trump.

More than 11 MILLION more voted against him than for him.

He stole the election in MI, MN, and WI.
Notice how stupid he is again. The most people in the most states voted against the vagina candidate, just because the illegals voted for her in the 2 corrupt states doesn't mean she wins. Now I have to play the butthurt video again.

Trump is obsessed with muslims and terrorist....a speakin point that clearly keeps whites in a state of panic. And as long as he keeps the mindless idiots in a state of fear, it takes their pea brained minds off of jobs, wages, affordable healthcare, the Mexican wall and on the continuing lies he puts out daily. I've never seen anyone so intent on conning a group of people who clearly had his back and who he himself lets down day after day after day. Ignorant white loyalty should canned and sold on the open market. A brand the Trumps truly created as America's first
I have an idea, why don't you go to Boston and talk to those that were affected by the Muslim Brothers. Or go to San Fran and talk to the farther of the daughter who was shot by the illegal. Yep the left are definitely sociopathic as they have no remorse for those affected by those who shouldn't be here.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Now watch them try to marginalize the events by saying that US citizens do it also. Shouldnt we deal with our own problems 1st before we have other illegals commit crimes also? Not in the liberal La-La-Land.
Why don't you go to Sandy Hook and speak about the lack of common sense gun-control laws?
What law could have prevented Sandy Hook?
A law that makes it a felony to allow a lunatic access to your guns. At the very least that kid's mother should be in prison.

He tired and convicted her.

Hard to escape the 'prison' he put her in.


She paid but unfortunately so did twenty babies.

Just as sex offender cannot be within a certain distance of a school, lunatics should never have access to any kind of weapons.
andaronjim lies and lie and lies, and America is great right now.

Don't need no Trump to be great.
Obama tried to destroy america, thank God Hillary isn't president to finish the job.
how'd he try to destroy America? and with 70+% of americans giving their unwavering approval of him, how did he fail?
You do realize that 70% of 30% of US citizens is about 21% of the total citizenry. Polls that showed how the slimy, crooked vagina candidate had a commanding lead up to the election are the same ones who went to the large cities of Californification and NYMexico, so how accurate do you think those polls are? We the People showed that when you live by the polls you die by the polls.. Dumbass...
The polls were right.

Clinton got three million more votes than the legitimate and illegitimate ones cast for Trump.

More than 11 MILLION more voted against him than for him.

He stole the election in MI, MN, and WI.
Notice how stupid he is again. The most people in the most states voted against the vagina candidate, just because the illegals voted for her in the 2 corrupt states doesn't mean she wins. Now I have to play the butthurt video again.

At least hillary knew how to put her hand over her heart and IF she was going to send a message to NK the fleet wouldn't be going to Australia Looney Tunes is the new WH song
Electoral College. You'll never dispense with it.

Those pesky Constitutional rules, eh? What will you do when California is repatriated?
I should be gotten rid of, it is out of date and no longer serves its purpose.
Wrong. It worked beautifully. Believe me. We don't need big city libs running (ruining) the country. The founders set it up for a reason and that reason still exists. You'll never get 3/4ths of the states to agree to let CA and NY call the shots.
Why not? We're the smartest,,,,,look at the last 2 morons republicans gave us Thought no one could beat GWB and then you did You gave us a madman, trump

GWB was and is a stealth Democrat. He freely admitted he is no conservative. He was however not crazy, as were Gore and Kerry.
W was no dem. Cut it out.

He was a statist and profligate spender. Fits the bill.
It sure would have been nice if the MSM and others on the left, would have diligently exposed Obama's numerous lies as they do Trump's.

...apparently many Americans can't see the obvious distortion.

Obama didn't really lie to the American public. Not on a daily basis like Trump. Obama is an honest, decent man, unlike the orange-faced baboon. What a sour miserable man he is - always glowering, and looking angry.

He's rich, has a beautiful, intelligent and elegant wife, has everything he has ever asked for but he' still angry, insecure and certain that everyone around him is out to get him. What a loser!
I have an idea, why don't you go to Boston and talk to those that were affected by the Muslim Brothers. Or go to San Fran and talk to the farther of the daughter who was shot by the illegal. Yep the left are definitely sociopathic as they have no remorse for those affected by those who shouldn't be here.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job Now watch them try to marginalize the events by saying that US citizens do it also. Shouldnt we deal with our own problems 1st before we have other illegals commit crimes also? Not in the liberal La-La-Land.
Why don't you go to Sandy Hook and speak about the lack of common sense gun-control laws?
What law could have prevented Sandy Hook?
A law that makes it a felony to allow a lunatic access to your guns. At the very least that kid's mother should be in prison.

He tired and convicted her.

Hard to escape the 'prison' he put her in.


She paid but unfortunately so did twenty babies.

Just as sex offender cannot be within a certain distance of a school, lunatics should never have access to any kind of weapons.
lunatics should never have access to any kind of weapons.
Lotsa luck, and I mean that.

But if countries that have banned firearms can't keep them out, how do you propose any law we make to be effective?
It sure would have been nice if the MSM and others on the left, would have diligently exposed Obama's numerous lies as they do Trump's.

...apparently many Americans can't see the obvious distortion.

Obama didn't really lie to the American public. Not on a daily basis like Trump. Obama is an honest, decent man, unlike the orange-faced baboon. What a sour miserable man he is - always glowering, and looking angry.

He's rich, has a beautiful, intelligent and elegant wife, has everything he has ever asked for but he' still angry, insecure and certain that everyone around him is out to get him. What a loser!
Too funny. I'm afraid "we the people" did vote him in, and it is you people who are the odd players out. Resist as you like, but you will not prevail.

The globalist kumbaya is over. Time marches on and all that.
3 million +

(you're the odd balls out)

Electoral College. You'll never dispense with it.

Those pesky Constitutional rules, eh? What will you do when California is repatriated?
I should be gotten rid of, it is out of date and no longer serves its purpose.

No, the system works just fine. Perhaps the Democrats should not have nominated a shitty candidate with more baggage than an airport.
more than half of what republicans accused her of ,and maybe more was pure BS Repub ah's feared her presidency and threw all their bs at her
it's not easy being a woman in politics...

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