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Our real problem is white rage

all the things being said about LaKoota and the guy doesnt have enough self respect to comment about the slurs against him in a thread...HE STARTED.....but then what can you say about a guy who thinks Dean is a great American.....:dunno:

white rage^

White rage? Hmmmmm....does it count when I get pissed at the mex dudes when they cut my grass to short? Our does it only work when black people piss me off?

Mostly about penis envy.:evil:

Zimmerman brothers are strange and scary. Robert Zimmerman is the psycho who compared Trayvon Martin to a baby killer.

George Zimmerman's brother tweets picture comparing Trayvon Martin to teen accused of shooting baby and warns about the 'dangers of black teens' | Mail Online
Duhkota is just pissed off because Zimmerman's innocence by a court of Law ruins her and her progressive flunkies chances of resurrecting the gun control argument. She'll just have to hope for more dead school children to stand on the backs of. The Zimmerman trial wasn't about race... It was about renewing the push for more gun control... Nothing more. Liberals never cared about Trayvon Martin, they cared about an opportunity to renew their assault on our second amendment Rights. And I feel sorry for people who haven't figured that out yet.

George Zimmerman and Sean Hannity, during a 2012 Fox News interview. (Credit: Fox News, screenshot composite by Salon)

For all the warnings about supposed black riots, don't forget who exploded throughout the George Zimmerman affair.

If there is no justice, there can be no peace. But in the American South it seems white folks suddenly believe that decorum and charm are a proper response to unspeakable acts of violence and unconscionable injustice.

The day before a jury delivered an acquittal in the murder trial of George Zimmerman, Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger and Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith gave a national press conference to appeal for a peaceful reaction to the verdict — regardless of its outcome.

Eslinger, who is white, said, “We will not tolerate anyone who uses this verdict as an excuse to violate the law.”

The veiled threat of an aggressive police response to imaginary civil unrest belies the very logic that led to Trayvon Martin’s death to begin with. For, you see, African-Americans are never protected or served by the law enforcement apparatus — yet they are always subject to its military might.

Sanford police coyly “tolerated” the actual killing of an unarmed black child, but yet refuse to “tolerate” any anger expressed for the acquittal of his murderer.

This is the new Jim Crow realized.

It bears reminding that it was Sanford’s police who first allowed Zimmerman to walk away uncharged — his gun in tote. The story of self-defense seemed logical to them given the brown body lying on the ground. It was their decision not to investigate the case as a crime that led to public outcry, rallies and marches. It is only because of their total failure to do their jobs that the world now knows the name and face of Trayvon Martin.

The complete incompetence (or indifference) of Sanford police is why certain evidence that could have more easily convicted Zimmerman was inadmissible at trial — the most glaring example being their failure to perform a toxicology test on Zimmerman the night he shot Martin. Had they done so, it would have revealed whether he was under the influence of either illegal substances, alcohol or the two prescriptions drugs he had admittedly been taking — Temazepan and Adderall — the side effects of which include hallucinations, insomnia and aggressive behavior.

Instead, Sanford police let Zimmerman walk away, quietly into the night, as he did again yesterday. But the same police now threaten a quick and forcible response to any violence perpetrated in reaction to injustice their own department has engendered.

This arrogant call to remain calm in the face of such fatal injustice reveals a basic disregard for the humanity of black people. It is this fundamental disconnect — an unwillingness or inability to see African-Americans as fully realized human beings — that allows whites to blindly ignore the need for equal treatment and equal justice.

It is this warped mentality that led George Zimmerman to murder an unarmed child, feel no remorse and say it was “God’s plan.”

Human beings are allowed to be angry. They are allowed to emote fear, love, joy, relief, pride and pain. Perhaps if the white women on this jury could see a murdered child — as opposed to a “black” child — they would instinctively know that Trayvon was afraid of Zimmerman, confused by this man following him in the dark, and perhaps they could intuit Trayvon screaming for his life. There is, after all, no other way to see the facts of this case — beyond a reasonable doubt or otherwise.

But neither justice nor humanity are colorblind in the eyes of American law. The nation’s sociopolitical consciousness remains plagued by a three-fifths compromise that devalues the lives of black people in general, and black boys and men in particular.

And when the criminal justice system — in the hands, as it was, of two white defense attorneys, two white prosecutors and a mostly white jury presided over by a white judge — choose to disregard the life of an innocent black teenager, it can hardly be a surprising result. Trayvon Martin was profiled not just by Zimmerman on the night he was killed, but by the very people charged with adjudicating justice on behalf of his senseless death.

For African-Americans this is not new. The paradox of being implicitly excluded from the guarantee of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness has been reiterated and reinforced by public policy and social malaise for centuries. President Barack Obama is not immune — as he’s become the target of incessant “white rage”: race-baiting attacks, prejudice and bias even prior to his election. The Republican Party and its neo-Confederate Tea Party wing has been committed to invalidating his political and legislative legacy as much as the Zimmerman jury invalidated the civil rights of Trayvon. The disparate precedent set, therefore, becomes all the more insulting when we’re told to simply shut up and bear it.

Trayvon Martin, and all of us by proxy, has been weighed in the balances and found guilty of his own murder. The sentence is death without parole.

More: Our real problem is white rage - Salon.com - BY EDWARD WYCKOFF WILLIAMS

The Zimmerman trial has sadly reminded me of something I try not to think much about - many whites are ugly and vicious - and downright fucking ignorant and stupid. They seem to thrive on turmoil and violence. I have been shocked by the many ugly racist comments and posts - and by certain posters who keep pushing their hate agenda - over and over and over again...

I think the thing you need to keep reminding yourself of is this, Lakhota:


That is mostly why they are here...because this place tolerates (I'd actually go so far as to say coddles) racists and racism.

I'm actually getting sick of this place because so much of it is now nothing but racist tripe.

the Zimmerman case dominates the board and most other issues (issues that really matter to Americans) are largely being ignored now.

I can tolerate racists and think they need a place to spew their POV< but this place is so overrun by their hateful posts that honestly I AM looking for a new place to post...one where the primary issue of concern for most posters is NOT race.

George Zimmerman and Sean Hannity, during a 2012 Fox News interview. (Credit: Fox News, screenshot composite by Salon)

For all the warnings about supposed black riots, don't forget who exploded throughout the George Zimmerman affair.

If there is no justice, there can be no peace. But in the American South it seems white folks suddenly believe that decorum and charm are a proper response to unspeakable acts of violence and unconscionable injustice.

The day before a jury delivered an acquittal in the murder trial of George Zimmerman, Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger and Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith gave a national press conference to appeal for a peaceful reaction to the verdict &#8212; regardless of its outcome.

Eslinger, who is white, said, &#8220;We will not tolerate anyone who uses this verdict as an excuse to violate the law.&#8221;

The veiled threat of an aggressive police response to imaginary civil unrest belies the very logic that led to Trayvon Martin&#8217;s death to begin with. For, you see, African-Americans are never protected or served by the law enforcement apparatus &#8212; yet they are always subject to its military might.

Sanford police coyly &#8220;tolerated&#8221; the actual killing of an unarmed black child, but yet refuse to &#8220;tolerate&#8221; any anger expressed for the acquittal of his murderer.

This is the new Jim Crow realized.

It bears reminding that it was Sanford&#8217;s police who first allowed Zimmerman to walk away uncharged &#8212; his gun in tote. The story of self-defense seemed logical to them given the brown body lying on the ground. It was their decision not to investigate the case as a crime that led to public outcry, rallies and marches. It is only because of their total failure to do their jobs that the world now knows the name and face of Trayvon Martin.

The complete incompetence (or indifference) of Sanford police is why certain evidence that could have more easily convicted Zimmerman was inadmissible at trial &#8212; the most glaring example being their failure to perform a toxicology test on Zimmerman the night he shot Martin. Had they done so, it would have revealed whether he was under the influence of either illegal substances, alcohol or the two prescriptions drugs he had admittedly been taking &#8212; Temazepan and Adderall &#8212; the side effects of which include hallucinations, insomnia and aggressive behavior.

Instead, Sanford police let Zimmerman walk away, quietly into the night, as he did again yesterday. But the same police now threaten a quick and forcible response to any violence perpetrated in reaction to injustice their own department has engendered.

This arrogant call to remain calm in the face of such fatal injustice reveals a basic disregard for the humanity of black people. It is this fundamental disconnect &#8212; an unwillingness or inability to see African-Americans as fully realized human beings &#8212; that allows whites to blindly ignore the need for equal treatment and equal justice.

It is this warped mentality that led George Zimmerman to murder an unarmed child, feel no remorse and say it was &#8220;God&#8217;s plan.&#8221;

Human beings are allowed to be angry. They are allowed to emote fear, love, joy, relief, pride and pain. Perhaps if the white women on this jury could see a murdered child &#8212; as opposed to a &#8220;black&#8221; child &#8212; they would instinctively know that Trayvon was afraid of Zimmerman, confused by this man following him in the dark, and perhaps they could intuit Trayvon screaming for his life. There is, after all, no other way to see the facts of this case &#8212; beyond a reasonable doubt or otherwise.

But neither justice nor humanity are colorblind in the eyes of American law. The nation&#8217;s sociopolitical consciousness remains plagued by a three-fifths compromise that devalues the lives of black people in general, and black boys and men in particular.

And when the criminal justice system &#8212; in the hands, as it was, of two white defense attorneys, two white prosecutors and a mostly white jury presided over by a white judge &#8212; choose to disregard the life of an innocent black teenager, it can hardly be a surprising result. Trayvon Martin was profiled not just by Zimmerman on the night he was killed, but by the very people charged with adjudicating justice on behalf of his senseless death.

For African-Americans this is not new. The paradox of being implicitly excluded from the guarantee of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness has been reiterated and reinforced by public policy and social malaise for centuries. President Barack Obama is not immune &#8212; as he&#8217;s become the target of incessant &#8220;white rage&#8221;: race-baiting attacks, prejudice and bias even prior to his election. The Republican Party and its neo-Confederate Tea Party wing has been committed to invalidating his political and legislative legacy as much as the Zimmerman jury invalidated the civil rights of Trayvon. The disparate precedent set, therefore, becomes all the more insulting when we&#8217;re told to simply shut up and bear it.

Trayvon Martin, and all of us by proxy, has been weighed in the balances and found guilty of his own murder. The sentence is death without parole.

More: Our real problem is white rage - Salon.com - BY EDWARD WYCKOFF WILLIAMS

The Zimmerman trial has sadly reminded me of something I try not to think much about - many whites are ugly and vicious - and downright fucking ignorant and stupid. They seem to thrive on turmoil and violence. I have been shocked by the many ugly racist comments and posts - and by certain posters who keep pushing their hate agenda - over and over and over again...

I think the thing you need to keep reminding yourself of is this, Lakhota:


That is mostly why they are here...because this place tolerates (I'd actually go so far as to say coddles) racists and racism.

I'm actually getting sick of this place because so much of it is now nothing but racist tripe.

the Zimmerman case dominates the board and most other issues (issues that really matter to Americans) are largely being ignored now.

I can tolerate racists and think they need a place to spew their POV< but this place is so overrun by their hateful posts that honestly I AM looking for a new place to post...one where the primary issue of concern for most posters is NOT race.

anyone chaining you down? to have you people be the judge of who is racist on this board is laughable...and the only ones I see RAGING and who is always bringing up RACE are the lakhotas... and then damn if other's have a different opinion on this case and have the NERVE to speak out about it..then that makes them a racist
some of you should look in mirror you will see one big hypocrite

here's a question for you idiots, How can anyone be a racist in this case when the two people in it one was black and the other was a Hispanic?
that is how idiotic some of you are...you act like people can't separate their race and judge the case on just TWO individuals involved..you are the frikken RACIST
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Duhkota is just pissed off because Zimmerman's innocence by a court of Law ruins her and her progressive flunkies chances of resurrecting the gun control argument. She'll just have to hope for more dead school children to stand on the backs of. The Zimmerman trial wasn't about race... It was about renewing the push for more gun control... Nothing more. Liberals never cared about Trayvon Martin, they cared about an opportunity to renew their assault on our second amendment Rights. And I feel sorry for people who haven't figured that out yet.

MANY of the white protesters out there dont even know what they are protesting and a lot of them are just being Politically Correct....
You scream RACISM at the drop of a hat. Don't like Obama? You're racist (couldn't be the fact that he's a HORRIBLE President). Don't like the fact that Holder turns a blind eye to the New Black Panther Party trying to intimidate voters? You're racist. Don't like the fact that there is a 47% increase in food stamps; that unemployment is at 7.6% and stagnant; that there is 17 TRILLION dollars in national debt; that the education system is a JOKE; it's only because you are a RACIST and you are suffering from WHITE RAGE!!!!!

You know I don't care about your labels. If I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, I'm a homophobe. If I believe that Obamacare is one of the worst pieces of legislation in the past 75 years, it's because I hate the poor, am racist AND a homophobe.

Liberals whine and wring their hands and they screach and point their fingers at people who have the absolute nerve to disagree with them and they try to stifle the debate by throwing derogatory labels into the mix. Well guess what sparky? I am not going to sit down and shut up. I am going to keep it up and I and those who believe like I do are going to change things so that your left-wing utopia remains your very own little wet dream.

So you can keep pointing your boney little finger at me and continue to scream RACIST, and HOMOPHOBE, and anything else your little ignorant closed mind can come up with, because I don't care.
I AM A CONSERVATIVE and I believe in the principles that the founding fathers enumerated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I am an AMERICAN and I absolutely REFUSE to go where you want me to go, stand where you want me to stand or believe what you want me to believe. And I am a Christian. There is NO OTHER GOD but Christ. I answer only to Him. Certainly not to you or your ilk...

You are excused...
The real problem with white rage is that it hasn't happened yet and that needs to change.

White conservatives need to get pissed off and fight back!

I'm personally tired of all theses morons playing the victim. You want to play victim? I can help!

Zimmerman brothers are strange and scary. Robert Zimmerman is the psycho who compared Trayvon Martin to a baby killer.

George Zimmerman's brother tweets picture comparing Trayvon Martin to teen accused of shooting baby and warns about the 'dangers of black teens' | Mail Online

I noticed you did not defend the pathetic article in your OP that others here exposed as being a dishonest pile of waste.

I think even the judges at the Salem Witch Trials were much more open-minded and fair than you and your leftist spin doctors at the Daily Beast and Salon.

Any rebuttal to all the crimes statistics that prove you wrong?
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Zimmerman brothers are strange and scary. Robert Zimmerman is the psycho who compared Trayvon Martin to a baby killer.

George Zimmerman's brother tweets picture comparing Trayvon Martin to teen accused of shooting baby and warns about the 'dangers of black teens' | Mail Online
The sick mother fucker will be on the rush limbaugh show soon.

I may then be forced to watch that show for the first time.

Let me know how that works out for you since he is only on the radio.:razz:

Zimmerman brothers are strange and scary. Robert Zimmerman is the psycho who compared Trayvon Martin to a baby killer.

George Zimmerman's brother tweets picture comparing Trayvon Martin to teen accused of shooting baby and warns about the 'dangers of black teens' | Mail Online

I noticed you did not defend the pathetic article in your OP that others here exposed as being a dishonest pile of waste.

I think even the judges at the Salem Witch Trials were much more open-minded and fair than you and your leftist spin doctors at the Daily Beast and Salon.

Any rebuttal to all the crimes statistics that prove you wrong?

I wonder if robert zimmerman is wearing a bullet proof vest.

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