Paris Climate Accord and anti Trump alliance is crumbling

The Future of Solar Energy in Texas

I had my entire speech written, then we had an election. Actually, not true. I didn’t have my remarks written before the election, but it would not have mattered. Because solar energy is not only here to stay regardless of politics, solar energy is now shaping politics because every politician I know likes jobs. Nationally solar created 1 out of every 33 new jobs last year. The 7500 people working in solar in Texas today is a larger number than the number of people who operate the coal fired power plants in Texas. That means that almost everyone knows someone who works in the solar industry, and almost every Congressman has someone in their district who works in solar. Its personal now, and its votes. And all that means the future of solar is bright.

Right now, Texas coal-fired power plants burn a lot of Wyoming coal. I say we should bring those mining jobs back to Texas and turn them into sun miners instead of coal miners, and shut those coal plants down. And by the way, ERCOT agrees that the coal plants will be shut down by 2030 or earlier, and replaced with solar plants. The only thing ERCOT got wrong is the speed of price reduction in solar, which will make coal uneconomical sooner. No government agency has ever accurately predicted how fast the price of solar will decline, we always beat the projections.

Solar is now even cheaper than wind, and both are cheaper than dirty coal.
As the switch to renewables is made on the basis of economics, coal will die as a source of electrical generation in the US. This will occur no matter what the stance of this administration is. In other words, we will achieve the goals of the Paris Accord no matter what the fat senile old orange clown does or says. He is irrelevant on this subject.
Whatever, FakeyJakey :eusa_hand:. The results will be obvious fairly soon.

There will be no chance of denying the winning. :party:

Sniveling, bed wetting parrots like fakey will still be able to deny it. They live in a false reality, they have to in order to keep their programming from being compromised. If they had a frontal lobe and the capacity to think, they wouldn't be bed wetting regressive parasites.

I'll bet fakey checks under his bed for Putin before he gets in it.
Other than Gorsuch and a House victory on government health care, what has the winning entailed. Sessions is recused, Comey replaced, Trump a proven liar (release the tapes!), no tax reform, no infrastructure bill, no wall, EOs held up in the courts. Yep, Trump has created his own swamp.
Coal use is dying out in steelmaking as well. No new blast furnace has been built in the USA since 1965, and the old ones are being retired. They're inefficient and require making massive amounts of steel with each batch, which requires expensive inventories be kept. The new arc furnaces, which don't use coke, are more efficient and more nimble.
Trump is still asking, "When is the winning going to start."

Whatever, FakeyJakey :eusa_hand:. The results will be obvious fairly soon.

There will be no chance of denying the winning. :party:
IF long range patterns play out, were in for an early fall and winter. Temperatures above 7,000 feet are below the thirty year average by 17 degree F. Snow melts are way behind and the massive amounts of snow in the Rockies are not melting very fast.. Expecting to see the first time in over 90 years that full snow melt does not occur.. Some long range projections show a very cold winter..
Trump is still asking, "When is the winning going to start."

Whatever, FakeyJakey :eusa_hand:. The results will be obvious fairly soon.

There will be no chance of denying the winning. :party:
IF long range patterns play out, were in for an early fall and winter. Temperatures above 7,000 feet are below the thirty year average by 17 degree F. Snow melts are way behind and the massive amounts of snow in the Rockies are not melting very fast.. Expecting to see the first time in over 90 years that full snow melt does not occur.. Some long range projections show a very cold winter..

It has been unseasonably cool here. Not today, but last week. I remember all my life this time of the year was like today.
That's on the east side of the Rockies and the melt is picking up.

On the west side we have been in a 100 year historic melt that has our rivers running high.
Bucking Trump, These Cities, States and Companies Commit to Paris Accord

Representatives of American cities, states and companies are preparing to submit a plan to the United Nations pledging to meet the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions targets under the Paris climate accord, despite President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement.

The unnamed group — which, so far, includes 30 mayors, three governors, more than 80 university presidents and more than 100 businesses — is negotiating with the United Nations to have its submission accepted alongside contributions to the Paris climate deal by other nations.

“We’re going to do everything America would have done if it had stayed committed,” Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor who is coordinating the effort, said in an interview.

Just because we now have the dumbest son of a bitch every to sit in the Oval Office does not mean that we, the citizens of this great nation, cannot give hime the finger and go our own way. There is nothing at all seditious about cutting our GHG emissions and installing cheaper energy.

Let's hope the property owners in those cities have equal love in their hearts when they the Global Warming Scam line item on their tax bills. Methinks they may, rather, have murder in their hearts.
IF long range patterns play out, were in for an early fall and winter. Temperatures above 7,000 feet are below the thirty year average by 17 degree F.

There's not point in asking for links, because everyone knows you're just making shit up, like you always do.

Snow melts are way behind and the massive amounts of snow in the Rockies are not melting very fast.

Snow coverage is currently below average in North America. It's above average in Russia, but you were specifically talking about North America.

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

Sucks that reality keeps smacking you down so hard, eh?
That's on the east side of the Rockies and the melt is picking up.

On the west side we have been in a 100 year historic melt that has our rivers running high.

I can't speak for the rivers but the rising bullshit level IS obvious.
Bucking Trump, These Cities, States and Companies Commit to Paris Accord

Representatives of American cities, states and companies are preparing to submit a plan to the United Nations pledging to meet the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions targets under the Paris climate accord, despite President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement.

The unnamed group — which, so far, includes 30 mayors, three governors, more than 80 university presidents and more than 100 businesses — is negotiating with the United Nations to have its submission accepted alongside contributions to the Paris climate deal by other nations.

“We’re going to do everything America would have done if it had stayed committed,” Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor who is coordinating the effort, said in an interview.

Just because we now have the dumbest son of a bitch every to sit in the Oval Office does not mean that we, the citizens of this great nation, cannot give hime the finger and go our own way. There is nothing at all seditious about cutting our GHG emissions and installing cheaper energy.

Well, let's just cross-reference some of those names and places with the ICLEI list, shall we?

ICLEI Members | ICLEI Global

I'm betting many areas are in both lists. Coincidence? Hardly.

This is 4 years old because they hide their member list now:

Quoting the NYT shit-rag which lost all credibility is one thing, but exaggerating the article and leaving out entire sections where even the NYT admits that it is just another one of Bloomberg`s pipe dreams is a whole other matter and crossed the line that separates fake news from outright and blatant lies.
Nowhere in the article does it say "and more than 100 businesses" as OldRocks has been quoting it.
The line in the NYT is: "Hewlett-Packard, Mars and dozens of other companies."
If it`s only "dozens" then I wonder why the NYT, which likes to boast names only these 2...but who cares how many peanut vendors make up the rest.
What OldRocks does not like to share with us in this thread is the part where the NYT laments that Bloomberg got snubbed by the IPCC:
"It was unclear how, exactly, that submission to the United Nations would take place. Christiana Figueres, a former top United Nations climate official, said there was currently no formal mechanism for entities that were not countries to be full parties to the Paris accord."
Of course OldRocks will defend his lies and exaggerations by pointing out that "a former top official" commenting on Bloomberg`s proposal is not a snub by the IPCC even though it speaks volumes that nobody of significant stature at the IPCC even offered any comment.
Considering the idiotic stuff on Bloomberg`s agenda like outlawing large soft drinks and salted snacks during his tenor may have played a role in it why Bloomberg`s pledge did not make it by the IPCC email spam filter.
Then at the bottom of the page is a follow up article with the title:
Why Are These CEOs Still Standing With Trump on Climate?
Which deflates the rest of what was in this hot air balloon.
Mind you they all pay lip service to climate change the same way it has to be done in a totalitarian regime that does not tolerate dissent, or know full well what you can not say, but would like to, to a fag who pulls up at a drive through to harass the girl who has to serve him
That's on the east side of the Rockies and the melt is picking up.

On the west side we have been in a 100 year historic melt that has our rivers running high.
The east side of the Rockies is known for glaciers... guess what is coming back...

The melt is from record snow falls... but you cant put one and one together...
That's on the east side of the Rockies and the melt is picking up.

On the west side we have been in a 100 year historic melt that has our rivers running high.
The east side of the Rockies is known for glaciers... guess what is coming back...

The melt is from record snow falls... but you cant put one and one together...
That's why we are going to have another record hot summer. Stop babbling.
Isolating Trump: Merkel's G-20 Climate Alliance Is Crumbling - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
Liberals have to come up with a new sound byte to replace the one they have been using against Trump, claiming that Syria is the only other country to disregard the Paris Climate accord.
Gemany`s Angela Merkel has been working hard to isolate Pres.D.J.Trump and was in for some major disappointments after Canada, Britain, Japan and Italy indicated that they will not join her in the endeavor to make Trump a bogeyman of world history.
And the list of countries that prefer to side with Trump is growing.
"Der Spiegel" is worse of a left wing shit-rag-"news" paper than the NYT and has been defaming President Trump with at least 3 articles per day since he was elected.
A paper like "Der Spiegel" does not report anything which contradicts their leftard narrative unless they ran out of options and can`t hide the truth any longer from the public who knew the real news
long before the fake news is forced to finally admit it....which may never be the case on this side of the Atlantic ocean.
But no matter, Trump apparently knows how to squeeze his opponents for the best possible deal in any situation:
"Trudeau had apparently changed his approach to Trump and seemed concerned about further provoking his powerful neighbor to the south."
And all it took was not wimping out, not give a shit about political correctness and wait till your opponent wimps out...I LOVE IT !!!!
Trump is playing chicken in a Mack truck with chicken-littles
Eva Braun Resurrected

Ungulate Burqal had a part in the Quentin Tarantino trailer Werewolf Women of the SS.

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