Pentagon memo shows the lies of the Jan. 6 committee and the Soviet Show trial it is...MIlley said security was taken care of.

You play a good game, but that's it.
Just a facade.
You can NEVER back up any statement with Fact or Truth.

Do you feel inadequate? You Should.
What fact are you looking for? I’m always accommodating
You play a good game, but that's it.
Just a facade.
You can NEVER back up any statement with Fact or Truth.

Do you feel inadequate? You Should.
by the way, I play your guys games, hearsay is now fact
There is nothing in there where the FBI declares her a criminal, accuses her of a crime, or recommends criminal charges. A complete exoneration, well as much of one as Trumpybear got from Barr. LOL.
There is nothing in there where the FBI declares her a criminal, accuses her of a crime, or recommends criminal charges. A complete exoneration, well as much of one as Trumpybear got from Barr. LOL.
Did you look up the word intent? If you did and then read the findings, the fbi does not determine intent, that’s for the DOJ to do. So, as Comey overstepped his authority he stated he found criminal activity!
Lol, Trump said peacefully let your voice be heard. But Schumer said Kavanaugh will pay and a guy was arrested trying to kill him. Schumer needs to be locked up.

Um, not really seeing the two things as being related. The guy was mentally ill, and in a moment of lucidity, turned himself in before he did any harm.

Hey, maybe we should lock up all the Republicans who made it easy for crazy people to get guns and hard for them to get mental health treatment.

Why did Nancy refuse the help?

Maybe she had a reasonable expectation that Trump wouldn't do what he did. Frankly, none of the other 44 guys staged a coup to stay in power. Not even the guy who was forced to resign.
None of the previous 45 Presidents ever rigged the election like Biden and his minions either

Trump's own people told him the election was fair... and he fired them for not telling them what he wanted to hear.

Well this is your joint chief, who is worried about klansmen in the military, all 5 of them..........and wanting to pay for soldiers to cut of body parts when they could send them to the Taliban to do it for free.

Five Klansmen in the military is too many. As far as Gender Confirmation Surgery (yes, I'm calling it that to piss you off), do you have any idea how hard it is to get the military to sign off on that?

Of the 243 gender reassignment surgeries performed on military personnel since 2016, 50 took place between Jan. 1, 2016 and Dec. 31, 2017, and 193 occurred from Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2019 -- the two years after President Donald Trump announced via Twitter that he would bar transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military.

Exactly what did Trump say that called on his followers to "storm the capitol"? I know you're going to deflect from what he actually said, so get to it. You're one of the most prolific liars on the board.

So he just called them all there, riled them up for an hour or two, and then wondered why they stormed the Capitol.
Trump's own people told him the election was fair... and he fired them for not telling them what he wanted to hear.

Five Klansmen in the military is too many. As far as Gender Confirmation Surgery (yes, I'm calling it that to piss you off), do you have any idea how hard it is to get the military to sign off on that?

Of the 243 gender reassignment surgeries performed on military personnel since 2016, 50 took place between Jan. 1, 2016 and Dec. 31, 2017, and 193 occurred from Jan. 1, 2018 to Dec. 31, 2019 -- the two years after President Donald Trump announced via Twitter that he would bar transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military.

So he just called them all there, riled them up for an hour or two, and then wondered why they stormed the Capitol.

They didn't storm the capitol......the Trump supporters were allowed into the building by capitol police, they wandered the halls and took selfies....the FBI and their paid agents, as well as blm and antifa, started fighting with the police outside.......
Um, not really seeing the two things as being related. The guy was mentally ill, and in a moment of lucidity, turned himself in before he did any harm.

Hey, maybe we should lock up all the Republicans who made it easy for crazy people to get guns and hard for them to get mental health treatment.

Maybe she had a reasonable expectation that Trump wouldn't do what he did. Frankly, none of the other 44 guys staged a coup to stay in power. Not even the guy who was forced to resign.
It’s sad how you lost your respect for humanity
Good thing I don’t
Sure you do.
In spite of overwhelming and incontrovertible PROOF that dozens of cops were attacked, assaulted, bloodied, pepper-sprayed, spit on, and disrespected by Trump's clueless, anti-American moron mob in trying to defend The Capitol, you are perfectly comfortable to make excuses for the morons by blaming the victims and spreading hair-brain3d, half-baked conspiracy theories about how the cops are the "real" criminals that let the morons into the building.

You're a cop hater.
Probably hate your own country as well.
It's just a given that MAGAT types are never the brightest bulbs on the tree for sure, but it stretches belief that they would be scaling walls and busting windows with fire extinguishers to gain entry if Capitol Police were in fact holding doors open around the corner to help them enter.

I mean, that would be REALLY REALLY stupid.

Wouldn't it?
Neat! Now run along and continue post in every single thread about the hearings.
Silly Farty still imagines people take directions from him. Lol.

I post in threads that for one reason or another have captured my passing interest. Stupid threads about the “meaningful” hearings are kind of a rich vein. I mean, I get to read the bombastic yet obviously delusional posts of all manner of libtard, such as you.

Dance monkey. Dance. Amuse me.

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