People who blame Islam, are cowards!

If I lived in a country that killed people for being gay, and killed their women for getting raped, and were generally barbaric to it's citizens, I would hope that there was a country or a people that would stand up for humanity.

In fact if I were unfortunate enough to live in a country like that, I would like to start a revolution against such a government. I admire the hell out of the Iranian people that have and still work for real freedom from their theocratic and barbaric regimes. With no help from us

But what if it weren't that clear cut? And even if that was the way you saw it, don't you think some of your neighbors might resent the interference of outsiders? However well-intended their actions might be?

I don't know, I do know that having insiders trying to destroy your country from the inside sucks.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder, eh?
But what if it weren't that clear cut? And even if that was the way you saw it, don't you think some of your neighbors might resent the interference of outsiders? However well-intended their actions might be?

I don't know, I do know that having insiders trying to destroy your country from the inside sucks.

Hmmm.... makes you wonder, eh?

It is not like I haven't thought of that all by my little ole self a time or two :neutral:
You seem to operating under the mistaken idea that what you say matters.

Hint: It doesn't.

And before you get all pissy, what I say doesn't matter, either.

But you'll still get all pissy. :lol:
If questions scare you, there's nothing I could say that would change that reality.

It's a simple question; you either answer it, or you don't.

If you don't, it doesn't matter what your excuse is, the fact of the matter is, you wouldn't answer a simple little question.
If I lived in a country that killed people for being gay, and killed their women for getting raped, and were generally barbaric to it's citizens, I would hope that there was a country or a people that would stand up for humanity.
What's humane about another country coming in and bombing the shit out of your citizens?
al queida are nazis as is the Muslim brotherhood-----your post makes no sense The stinking sluts of both al queida and the muslim brotherhood worship adolf abu ali just as much as they worship the rapist pig of arabia
Then why are we supporting (and funding) al Qaeda in Syria?
You seem to operating under the mistaken idea that what you say matters.

Hint: It doesn't.

And before you get all pissy, what I say doesn't matter, either.

But you'll still get all pissy. :lol:
If questions scare you, there's nothing I could say that would change that reality.

It's a simple question; you either answer it, or you don't.

If you don't, it doesn't matter what your excuse is, the fact of the matter is, you wouldn't answer a simple little question.
Questions don't scare me. Neither do cartoons make me want to kill people.

And I don't make excuses for terrorism.

loincloth you pegged out the meter...:D
I'm an Irish Catholic, Islam is not my dance.

B/S you got yo nose so far up their ass you can smell their breath...:D

B/S you got yo nose so far up their ass you can smell their breath...:D

You think that about anyone who won't goosestep to your own bigoted prejudices.

When you fuck with people and they decide to respond, it won't be because of a difference in religion. It's because you couldn't keep your fuckin' nose out of someone else's business.
Lionboy just shit on American queer

BecauseUDon'tKnow, you just stuck yo nose up his ass. You never prove anything, no links or any kind of information,
you just run yo mouth like a goats ass in poppy season...:D

And Loincloth you started the B/S on some of my other threads so STFU, deal with it.
Hey take yo little dog with ya...:D
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And Loincloth you started the B/S on some of my other threads so STFU, deal with it.
Hey take yo little dog with ya...:D
The BS was actually started with your jerkoff threads blaming Islam for everything under the sun. The reality is you scapegoat muslims because you don't have the balls to be a responsible adult.

You're a god-damn American who thinks he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants. You get a hard on when we bomb brown people. All that American exceptionalism crap.

What you need to do, is grow a pair and stop watching so much Walker, Texas Ranger.

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