People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

On the one hand, you have an "eat the rich" party that taxes and spends.

On the other hand, you have a "be afraid all the time" party that borrows and spends.

This will NEVER change as long as you keep playing along with them.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.
The problem is not people who don't vote. The problem is the voters who settle for assholes. The problem is this whole "lesser of two evils" bullshit that gave us two consecutive imbeciles in the White House, and several Congresses in a row that are comprised of cowards, psychopaths, liars, hypocrites and thieves.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot "lesser evil" politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.

If you don't like the two main parties you could vote Green Party, Libertarian or US Taxpayer party.

You do not deserve to live in this country.
What makes you think that Libertarian voters would have voted for the GOP en mass?They more then likely would have just stayed home as well. I agree with your definition of insanity and it also applies to voting for the same two parties and expecting them to address our most pressing issues.
No Losertarian has ever won anything of any consequence. So much for that theory!
On the one hand, you have an "eat the rich" party that taxes and spends.

On the other hand, you have a "be afraid all the time" party that borrows and spends.

This will NEVER change as long as you keep playing along with them.
Barrow and spend and eat the rich, you just described a democrat. or at least as long as obama has been president. How much did he barrow from China?
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.
The problem is not people who don't vote. The problem is the voters who settle for assholes. The problem is this whole "lesser of two evils" bullshit that gave us two consecutive imbeciles in the White House, and several Congresses in a row that are comprised of cowards, psychopaths, liars, hypocrites and thieves.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot "lesser evil" politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.

If you don't like the two main parties you could vote Green Party, Libertarian or US Taxpayer party.

You do not deserve to live in this country.
I should vote for even worse propellerheads? I don't think so!
On the one hand, you have an "eat the rich" party that taxes and spends.

On the other hand, you have a "be afraid all the time" party that borrows and spends.

This will NEVER change as long as you keep playing along with them.
Barrow and spend and eat the rich, you just described a democrat. or at least as long as obama has been president. How much did he barrow from China?
Tell us about the budget surpluses of the Bush years.

Then go and turn on any right wing hack media web site or propaganda 24 hour "news" channel and tell me they aren't all about whining and being afraid all the time.
On the one hand, you have an "eat the rich" party that taxes and spends.

On the other hand, you have a "be afraid all the time" party that borrows and spends.

This will NEVER change as long as you keep playing along with them.

Then lets revolt! Stop being a passive lemming.
If it weren't for us liberals minimum wage would be $1 a hr, there would be no middle class and we would not only still be in Iraq we'd still be in Viet Nam. LOL.
Wrong. That's why you're a liberal. You've ignored the marketplace. Part of the marketplace is paying employees enough to keep them coming back. If you don't your competitor scoops them up and you die.
It isn't going to be easy. Nothing worth fighting for ever is though. Their should be no sacred cows when trimming our budget.

Is America worth fighting for, mdk?

Clinton & his pansy left democrats so drastically cut the defense budget, that in the two weeks following 9/11 when elements of America's three Ranger battalions were marshaling for deployment to Afghanistan, some of them were sent scouring the landscape for 9 mm ammunition for their Smith & Wesson sidearms, because there wasn't nearly enough at US army bases to equip a battalion of Rangers about to go to war. Thank God for Walmart, huh? They had plenty in their distribution center. No wonder the pansy left hates Walmart with a seething frenzy. The standard requisitioning process for ammunition would have taken weeks, if not months.

This criminal shortcoming in readiness was the result of Clinton's "budget surplus". Rape the nation's ability to defend itself, rape military readiness, and presto, the democrats call it a "budget surplus". I call it treason.







People who don't vote are not a problem. Freedom also means the freedom to opt out.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.
The problem is not people who don't vote. The problem is the voters who settle for assholes. The problem is this whole "lesser of two evils" bullshit that gave us two consecutive imbeciles in the White House, and several Congresses in a row that are comprised of cowards, psychopaths, liars, hypocrites and thieves.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot "lesser evil" politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.

If you don't like the two main parties you could vote Green Party, Libertarian or US Taxpayer party.

You do not deserve to live in this country.

In case you really DON'T know are a kook.

A kook that is advocating persecution and expulsion to anyone who disagrees with him.

LOL......go play in the street.
The problem is brainless parrots guzzling down the piss and chowing down on the manufactured bullshit being fed to them by their predatory hack media outlets. Mindless copy-and-paste zombies, reinforcing their confirmation biases into self-delusional breaks from reality.

Even after you show them unequivocal evidence they are being lied to, they line up for more piss and bullshit to consume and regurgitate from the same sources!

The only other time I can recall seeing mass numbers of people willfully blinding themselves, and so utterly hostage to their desire to believe the evil fucks who are taking advantage of their gullibility, is in the world of believers in the paranormal.
Unfortunately there are more self proclaimed "conservatives" than there are "liberals" in America.

Unfortunately? No, we can thank our stars for this otherwise many of us would be sitting in Gulags.

If it weren't for us liberals minimum wage would be $1 a hr, there would be no middle class and we would not only still be in Iraq we'd still be in Viet Nam. LOL.

No shit for brains, if it wasn't for statist bed wetters like you, we never would have entered WW1, we never would have a tax policy that punishes industriousness and innovation, we wouldn't have a minimum wage at all because an individual would be able to earn his wage through merit, we wouldn't have companies sending factories overseas, we would have foreign investors building factories here rather than in China, and we wouldn't have more babies killed by their own parents than China.
The problem is brainless parrots guzzling down the piss and chowing down on the manufactured bullshit being fed to them by their predatory hack media outlets. Mindless copy-and-paste zombies, reinforcing their confirmation biases into self-delusional breaks from reality.

Even after you show them unequivocal evidence they are being lied to, they line up for more piss and bullshit to consume and regurgitate from the same sources!

The only other time I can recall seeing mass numbers of people willfully blinding themselves, and so utterly hostage to their desire to believe the evil fucks who are taking advantage of their gullibility, is in the world of believers in the paranormal.

I ain't fraid of no ghosts.
I've always said that other than the vote, the rich completely own our country and government. The only thing we have is our vote. But only 40% of the voting population voted on Tuesday. You can bet that every rich person in America voted on Tuesday. You can bet that all the Republicans that voted in 2012 and 2008 showed up to vote in the 2010 and 2014 midterms. Clearly. Look at how Republicans win every midterm with low turnout but lose the general elections. You can even count 2000 and 2004 because those years were close enough for Bush to steal. But that's another conversation. Point is, basically the richest Americans are all voting every 2 years and the masses only vote every 4 years in the general elections. The blacks. The under 30's. You only have yourselves to blame. I'm done caring about you if you don't even care enough to show up and vote every 2 years. You don't think it makes a difference? It makes all the difference in the world. Stupid fucking Americans.
The problem is not people who don't vote. The problem is the voters who settle for assholes. The problem is this whole "lesser of two evils" bullshit that gave us two consecutive imbeciles in the White House, and several Congresses in a row that are comprised of cowards, psychopaths, liars, hypocrites and thieves.

When you vote, you are telling your idiot "lesser evil" politician he or she is doing something right. You are encouraging them to keep behaving like the evil motherfuckers they are.

When you don't vote, you are telling them they don't deserve your vote. You are telling them your vote is way too important to spend on a shitbird like them.

So go ahead and whore yourselves to the people who feed you bullshit and who care more about secular power than the good of the country.

I will not. My vote has to be EARNED.

If you don't like the two main parties you could vote Green Party, Libertarian or US Taxpayer party.

You do not deserve to live in this country.

In case you really DON'T know are a kook.

A kook that is advocating persecution and expulsion to anyone who disagrees with him.

LOL......go play in the street.

In all fairness I would encourage him to have a retroactive self abortion, but that's because I believe in choice.
Had the American people wanted something done in Washington D.C., they would have voted out the Republicans and voted in the Democrats.
:itsok: Aw.... the little feller needs cookie.

I voted Republican Friend. I voted to stop the madness - not to add to it. I had a hard enough time getting my governor re-elected here in Florida. I voted to stop Obama's ACA, stop amnesty, abolish regulations that stifle business and employment and cause companies to leave our shores, stop the persecutions by the IRS, curtail the ever expanding entitlements, restore America at the forefront of nations in the world, restore the military, secure our borders, increase energy production, etc..

I didn't vote for even more red tape and regulation.

Sounds exactly like the right wing talking points that led us to the 2007 Great Recession.

What are the regulations that stifle business and employment and cause companies to leave our shores? You mean unions and paying employees a fair wage? Those kinds of regulations?

The highest corporate tax rate among industrialized nations is the largest contributor. We are now having to sell our coal to overseas markets because of EPA regulations. Most of our electronics installed in new vehicles are being done in Mexico. Yes, unions caused us to bailout General Motors and Chrysler. Unions have cost a lot of states to almost go under, Wisconsin for instance.

I never had a problem with wages. When I realized If I got more training I could earn more, I went and got the training. When I realized I could make more money the way my boss was making more money, I started my own business. What you make for yourself and your family is up to you and is not the responsibility of anyone else.

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