poll says blacks more racist then whites

If racism means being preoccupied with race and seeing everything through the lens of race and assuming that blacks start at a disadvantage, then it isn't even close.
Ok, you said that and then....

Of course that is a result of the true white racists, the "progressives".

Don't break your nose punching yourself in the face.
Few Asian progressives. The majority of American Asians are conservative and way more polite than Black progressives.
Most Asians vote for Democrats.

Anyway, I'm sorry us progressives are making life awkward for you. I mean, you can't even yell out the n-word anymore without someone getting pissed off.
Chris Rock is hilarious. What's your point? He can say the n-word and people look at you weird when you try to do the same thing?
Is this video racist? Watch the entire video and tell me if it's racist or not.
Even something spun as positive like "schools should allow for X amount of black students" is still racist because it says they deserve advantages just for being black and non blacks should have opportunities taken away because they aren't black. They say they want to be treated equal, but always want to be treated special because they are black.

To them everything is racist. Systemic racism is why they are poor ghetto trash, it's racist why they have bad credit, it's racist why they have to wait in line, it's racist why do bad in school. While they all completely ignore the fact we had a black president twice, we have black supreme court judge, there are black doctors and lawyers, even a poor ghetto born bill Cosby managed to go to college and become successful. They also ignore the millions of poor, broke, dumb white people in the same situation.

They will have people burn, loot, riot, steal, destroy property, and attack people on their name for years.

Yeah blacks are far more racist than whites. Fuck em, they want to be equal I say it's time we start treating them equal. We need to end this stupid white guilt bullshit and treat them actually equal, meaning we stop pandering to them and walking on eggshells.
In other words, let's keep everything in a way so that I keep my privilege and keep everything to my advantage. Racism never existed in this country, they have had equality every since the first one walked off in chains for committing a crime on the boat.

You make racist statements about black folks, but you are not a racist are you? Everybody knows that black folks who go to college have never faced any racism, as a matter of fact if racist find out you have a college degree then those blacks are off limits just ask Dr. King. White folks are poor and broke because black folks stop them from opportunities they would have had if not for Affirmative Action. Smfh.
Is this video racist? Watch the entire video and tell me if it's racist or not.
It's racial, that's for sure. Chris Rock talks about black people that act bad and he calls them the n word. He also talks about white people that act badly. Never does he imply all black or all white people act a certain way. So, you tell me.
Says you. You're one little loud squeaky shrill racist. All the people with common sense here agree with me.
No all the racist on here agree with you, because that is what you have done for years is try to label black folks who call you out for your racism a racist. Dr. King was called a racist among other things. Thurgood Marshall was called a racist by trash like you.
These findings parallel surveying done in 2013, although Americans were even more likely at that time to identify blacks as the most racist group.

Among adults who think racism refers only to discrimination by whites, 36% consider most white Americans racist versus 21% who feel that way about most black Americans. Sixteen percent (16%) of these adults say most Hispanic-Americans are racist, and 19% feel most Asian-Americans are racist.
Democrats (21%) are more likely than Republicans (10%) and those not affiliated with either major party (12%) to see racism as referring only to discrimination by white people. Democrats see whites as the most racist group of Americans. Republicans and unaffiliated adults view blacks as the most racist.


Many republicans are racist, thats why they suppress the minority group from voting.

that why it says this.
Americans believe blacks are more racist than whites, Hispanics and Asians in this country.
You misstated the report. You should have typed, "Amongs YOUNG adults who think racism refers......Not just Adults...Be more careful...
Anyone who doesn't know this has never even visited a major city in their lives.
Blacks are still homophobic today as well. And trans? Don't even go there.
But shhhh.... not supposed to talk about this.
Right, but do you find it amazing that the folks who complain and whine the most about gay and trans folks are right wing conservatives. Just look at the threads on this forum.
It's racial, that's for sure. Chris Rock talks about black people that act bad and he calls them the n word. He also talks about white people that act badly. Never does he imply all black or all white people act a certain way. So, you tell me.
He calls Black people that act badly "N__gg_rs". Is that racist or not?

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