Poll: Which court will overturn Trump's conviction for his NDA?

Which court will reverse the conviction of Trump for having an NDA?

  • The NY State Court Of Appeals

  • The US Supreme Court

Results are only viewable after voting.

Laughing.....so much for your source's accuracy in predicting legal outcomes.

Just one Turley turd after another, failed predictions, failed analysis, failed claims.

And this is your source, buddy! Time to start cutting and pasting some other articles you've never read.
Try to follow along. The State suggested that maybe possibly Trump had “intended” to violate FECA by filing a “falsified” business record.

It’s not that NY violated the law. Their claim was that maybe Trump has intended to. But the thing is, NY has no jurisdiction to prosecute a federal “other” crime.

No. He protests election interference when it is being done to him.

His complaint is serious. And legitimate.

You don’t get to speak for the SCOTUS.

And your belief doesn’t control anything.

Poor, Liability, Trump wasn't charged with violating a federal crime. :itsok:
Poor, Liability, Trump wasn't charged with violating a federal crime. :itsok:
What was the crime they used to resurrect dead misdemeanors?

Bring a link to the court transcript stating the statute.
You're engaging with the equivalent of diseased livestock. They're dumber than a frozen fence pole.

My money is on the Supremes.

And well before the election.

I'm still waiting for any of you to offer a credible basis for the Supreme court to overturn a State criminal trial on falsifying business records.
Laughing.....so much for your source's accuracy in predicting legal outcomes.

Just one Turley turd after another, failed predictions, failed analysis, failed claims.

And this is your source, buddy! Time to start cutting and pasting some other articles you've never read.
You are jumping the gun, Simp.

None of these are decided. Ever heard of the appeals process? Apparently not since you don't think the SC hears cases decided in state courts. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He asked you on what grounds would the activist sc use to intervene.

Dumbfuck can't cite any grounds so he's trying to avoid answering the actual question and instead, keep repeating the lie that Skylar said the SCOTUS doesn't get involved in state cases.

And Dumbfuck is sooo stupid, he thinks nobody noticed.

I'm still waiting for any of you to offer a credible basis for the Supreme court to overturn a State criminal trial on falsifying business records.
Already done.
Dumbfuck can't cite any grounds so he's trying to avoid answering the actual question and instead, keep repeating the lie that Skylar said the SCOTUS doesn't get involved in state cases.

And Dumbfuck is sooo stupid, he thinks nobody noticed.

Keep exposing your ignorance. It's what you do best.
Read the thread, Simp.

The thread where you STILL have yet to give us a credible basis for the Supreme Court to overturn a NY criminal trial on the falsification of business records?

With you throwing up Johnathan Turley as your primary source, a man who has been spectacularly wrong on essentially every aspect of this trial. He was wrong on the strength of the case, he was wrong on the 'constitutional headwinds', he was wrong on the case not being a slam dunk (conviction on all charges after barely a day of deliberation), wrong on how strong evidence in Trump's civil trial was going to be (spoiler alert, Trump lost completely).

Laughing....but this time Turley is right?

But hey, many someone can tell us what credible basis the Supreme Court would use for overturning a State criminal case on the falsification of business records.
Ask the hack Merchan.. He is the one who gave the jury the option.......among many others since the prosecution never identified the underlying crime that resurrected dead misdemeanors.

He didn't give them any such option on the charge of violating § 175.10.
Already done.

Not even close. The first article you linked to didn't even mention the Supreme Court. The second brought up how 'sacrosanct' the Supreme Court is about unanimous jury verdicts.

Um, Nost? The jury verdict was unanimous. TWICE.

So what else have you got?

Anyone else want to try a shot at this? Nostra is clearly out of his depth.
Maybe they can understand a meme?

jack smith piece of shit 882.jpg
Laughing.....so much for your source's accuracy in predicting legal outcomes.

Just one Turley turd after another, failed predictions, failed analysis, failed claims.

And this is your source, buddy! Time to start cutting and pasting some other articles you've never read.
Turley, and legal experts from NPR, Newsweek, and Politico.

Sorry sport, you just keep losing and losing and losing.

Tell us again how the SC doesn't hear cases decided in state courts. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :itsok: :itsok:
There are a myriad of reasons, as have been discussed by legal experts for weeks.

You claimed they couldn't rule on it because it is a state case. This exposes what a colossal moron you are.
And you don’t have an answer
Not even close. The first article you linked to didn't even mention the Supreme Court. The second brought up how 'sacrosanct' the Supreme Court is about unanimous jury verdicts.

Um, Nost? The jury verdict was unanimous. TWICE.

So what else have you got?

Anyone else want to try a shot at this? Nostra is clearly out of his depth.
Once again for the really stupid............EVERY CASE the SC hears from a criminal jury trial was decided by a unanimous jury, you raving moron.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The fact you keep bleating UNANIMOUS JURY tells everyone just how stupid you are.
Who made illegal campaign contributions? And why did the FEC say nothing was worth a fine, much less a trial?

Cohen and Pecker. Despite whatever thd FEC had to say, the DoJ convicted and incarcerated Cohen for it and cut a deal with Pecker.

So yeah, crimes were committed which Trump's business records covered up.

Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
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Guilty as charged.
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Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged.

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