POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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Not surprisingly, the Trumpsters are behaving EXACTLY like the Regressive Left does after a terrorist attack.

Weak, lame excuses. "Uh, he was just a crazy person, and that's it". Then, deflect, pivot, attack the other side.

As I always say, it's amazing how similar the behaviors of the two ends can be. Peas in a pod. Mirror images.
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I'd be disappointed if President Trump didn't "tone it down" provided he waited until after Pelosi, Waters & Comrades have toned down theirs and TV has stopped with the feigned beheadings. It's going to be one hell of a long wait......
Why do they have to be first? Why can't Trump be a leader on this?

The left long for the good old days when they could lie and say anything they want and nobody called them out.
Not surprisingly, the Trumpsters are behaving EXACTLY like the Regressive Left does after a terrorist attack.

Weak, lame excuses. "He was just a crazy person, and that's it". Then, deflect, pivot, attack.

As I always say, it's amazing how similar behaviors of the two ends can be. Peas in a pod.
None of us here did this shit..............you want us to Apologize for what.......we didn't do a dang thing..........We have no need to apologize for anything........

You demand we don't defend ourselves are call out lying Media........You can demand all you want......we are ignoring you...........The left needs to tone their asses down............They caused this shit...........and yeah.......ONE CRAZY dude did this.................

Your saying Trump did this is utter garbage..........the left has been doing and saying crazy shit for 2 years.....and they didn't think someone would finally go postal against them.......

Brain Damage.
Not surprisingly, the Trumpsters are behaving EXACTLY like the Regressive Left does after a terrorist attack.

Weak, lame excuses. "He was just a crazy person, and that's it". Then, deflect, pivot, attack.

As I always say, it's amazing how similar behaviors of the two ends can be. Peas in a pod.
let Me ask you something.

Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
Let Me ask you something. Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
Not surprisingly, the Trumpsters are behaving EXACTLY like the Regressive Left does after a terrorist attack.

Weak, lame excuses. "He was just a crazy person, and that's it". Then, deflect, pivot, attack.

As I always say, it's amazing how similar behaviors of the two ends can be. Peas in a pod.
let Me ask you something.

Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?

That's exactly what they want. The left hate that their lies and twisted half truths are openly challenged and mocked by president Trump.
Let Me ask you something. Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
We've turned the other cheek too many times...........the left has used these tactics for a long time.....We are tired of turning the other cheek..........

Novel idea ......the left PEACEFULLY protests.......and stop attacking others just because of their views.........we shouldn't have to defend ourselves............physically............

And the Dems need to stop throwing gas on a fire as they have for so long..........they do it to stir the pot..........why the hell aren't they thrown out of office...............

They have NO RIGHT to interfere with the lives of those on the other side by harassing and threatening them just for going out to get something to eat for Christ sake......

Rhetoric...........the leftist rhetoric did this.........Not Trump.........he mocks ........because he refuses to be PC over the issue..................

The Crazy is going to jail for the rest of his life..........case dismissed.
Not surprisingly, the Trumpsters are behaving EXACTLY like the Regressive Left does after a terrorist attack.

Weak, lame excuses. "Uh, he was just a crazy person, and that's it". Then, deflect, pivot, attack.

As I always say, it's amazing how similar the behaviors of the two ends can be. Peas in a pod. Mirror images.
It is tit-for-tat which will likely increase in intensity and just might lead to a full blown revolution. I suspect the Ruling Class wants a revolution.
Not surprisingly, the Trumpsters are behaving EXACTLY like the Regressive Left does after a terrorist attack.
Weak, lame excuses. "Uh, he was just a crazy person, and that's it". Then, deflect, pivot, attack.
As I always say, it's amazing how similar the behaviors of the two ends can be. Peas in a pod. Mirror images.
It is tit-for-tat which will likely increase in intensity and just might lead to a full blown revolution. I suspect the Ruling Class wants a revolution.
The worst part of this is, we're obediently walking right into it.

Sheep to slaughter.
Not surprisingly, the Trumpsters are behaving EXACTLY like the Regressive Left does after a terrorist attack.
Weak, lame excuses. "Uh, he was just a crazy person, and that's it". Then, deflect, pivot, attack.
As I always say, it's amazing how similar the behaviors of the two ends can be. Peas in a pod. Mirror images.
It is tit-for-tat which will likely increase in intensity and just might lead to a full blown revolution. I suspect the Ruling Class wants a revolution.
The worst part of this is, we're obediently walking right into it.

Sheep to slaughter.
Well it is man’s “default state” to kill each other, often over ginned up divisions promoted by the Ruling Class. It has happened many times throughout history.

It is clear the progressive ruling class didn’t accept the results of the 2016 election and have pushed for violence. The right is responding with violence. So, here we go spiraling down.
Let Me ask you something. Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
You have it wrong. This is the ONLY way. For every reasonable attempt to stand up against the nutcase left, they escalate it. So, the only real answer here is to escalate it to the point they start backing away.

No holds barred from here on out. They get nasty, we get 10 times nastier. The way you describe has been tried and it failed. The gloves come off.
Let Me ask you something. Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
You have it wrong. This is the ONLY way. For every reasonable attempt to stand up against the nutcase left, they escalate it. So, the only real answer here is to escalate it to the point they start backing away.

No holds barred from here on out. They get nasty, we get 10 times nastier. The way you describe has been tried and it failed. The gloves come off.
I don't know what the goal is.

What is the long term goal of this behavior? What would it look like, to you?
Let Me ask you something. Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
You have it wrong. This is the ONLY way. For every reasonable attempt to stand up against the nutcase left, they escalate it. So, the only real answer here is to escalate it to the point they start backing away.

No holds barred from here on out. They get nasty, we get 10 times nastier. The way you describe has been tried and it failed. The gloves come off.
I don't know what the goal is.

What is the long term goal of this behavior? What would it look like, to you?
Which shows Me you don't get it.

Put it this way.

When you push and push and push until they are against the wall, then try to push them through the wall, there is no goal. Just destroy them.

That is how far they have pushed.
The republicans crave violence. Trump gives them what they want—validation of their cravings in all forms.
Republicans, eh?

Lets see the left and their peaceful ways.

Any vids of the Tiki Torch guys shouting Nazi propaganda?

No, but I have plenty of the left burning shit and rioting over a college speech.

Of course you do. When someone whom you align with politically mails bombs, mows down people in a church, or with their car...you excuse it. When someone whom you do not align with starts a fire...you're outraged.

It's called intellectual dishonesty and you're the star pupil.

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