POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start

In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!

So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.

The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.

Okay...at the time of the racist comment, was the wall being litigated in front of that judge?
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!

So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.

The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
What does either of those things have to do with Trump University?

It has to do with his ability to be objective and fair.

Outside of your racism, do you have any evidence that judge is objective and fair?
In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!

So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.

The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.

Okay...at the time of the racist comment, was the wall being litigated in front of that judge?

If the judge could not be objective, then the comment was not racist but accurate.

INdeed, if Trump has reasonable reason to believe the judge would not be objective, then the comment was not racist.

And you and all your lib buddies are race baiting assholes.
So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.

The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
What does either of those things have to do with Trump University?

It has to do with his ability to be objective and fair.

Outside of your racism, do you have any evidence that judge is objective and fair?

Being a member of a racist organization with a stated goal that the President is opposed to, is such evidence.

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

Didn't Joe Biden say something about taking Trump out behind the barn or something and giving him a beating?

Oh but right, he's just "Uncle Joe". It's funny or ignored or insightful or whatever when a Democrat does it

What you are witnessing, Mac, is Republicans--courtesy of Trump--finally not cowering when the Leftists want to shove their double standards in our faces.
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
You have it wrong. This is the ONLY way. For every reasonable attempt to stand up against the nutcase left, they escalate it. So, the only real answer here is to escalate it to the point they start backing away.

No holds barred from here on out. They get nasty, we get 10 times nastier. The way you describe has been tried and it failed. The gloves come off.
I don't know what the goal is.

What is the long term goal of this behavior? What would it look like, to you?
Which shows Me you don't get it.

Put it this way.

When you push and push and push until they are against the wall, then try to push them through the wall, there is no goal. Just destroy them.

That is how far they have pushed.
I'm just asking about the goal of this kind of behavior.

I have to imagine you think it will ultimately change hearts & minds and create consistent electoral victory for the GOP.


No...it's designed to awaken the inner bigotry of people who claim to be neutral. People like yourself.
Line 2 of my sig is for liars like you.

You fundamentalists appear to be congenitally incapable of honesty.

But your behaviors sure are fascinating, so, thanks.
The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
What does either of those things have to do with Trump University?

It has to do with his ability to be objective and fair.

Outside of your racism, do you have any evidence that judge is objective and fair?

Being a member of a racist organization with a stated goal that the President is opposed to, is such evidence.

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass.
He is not a member of a racist organization

Joining the Republican Party is joining a racist organization
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
What does either of those things have to do with Trump University?

It has to do with his ability to be objective and fair.

Outside of your racism, do you have any evidence that judge is objective and fair?

Being a member of a racist organization with a stated goal that the President is opposed to, is such evidence.

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass.
He is not a member of a racist organization

Joining the Republican Party is joining a racist organization
All current politicians are the same no matter what side they pick. Even grade schoolers know this to be true. Dumbass
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
What does either of those things have to do with Trump University?

It has to do with his ability to be objective and fair.

Outside of your racism, do you have any evidence that judge is objective and fair?

Being a member of a racist organization with a stated goal that the President is opposed to, is such evidence.

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass.
He is not a member of a racist organization

Joining the Republican Party is joining a racist organization

The Dems love to attack "old white men" so that makes them not only racist, but ageist and sexist as well.
No need to tone down anything. We should ramp it up.
Because...we haven't had people killed yet (aside from Charlottesville)

Try Oklahoma City
What's your point?

Oklahoma City was a right wing bomb attack

You said aside from Charlottesville

Radical RW Terrorists are a bigger threat than Muslims
Na, not really
The most violent people on the planet are progressives, second only to Muslims...
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
What does either of those things have to do with Trump University?

It has to do with his ability to be objective and fair.

Outside of your racism, do you have any evidence that judge is objective and fair?

Being a member of a racist organization with a stated goal that the President is opposed to, is such evidence.

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass.
He is not a member of a racist organization

Joining the Republican Party is joining a racist organization

La Raza stands for The Race.

You know that.

The GOP is not racist. That is just you being an asshole, and I have asked you repeatedly why you are doing that.

Why are you being an asshole?
You have it wrong. This is the ONLY way. For every reasonable attempt to stand up against the nutcase left, they escalate it. So, the only real answer here is to escalate it to the point they start backing away.

No holds barred from here on out. They get nasty, we get 10 times nastier. The way you describe has been tried and it failed. The gloves come off.
I don't know what the goal is.

What is the long term goal of this behavior? What would it look like, to you?
Which shows Me you don't get it.

Put it this way.

When you push and push and push until they are against the wall, then try to push them through the wall, there is no goal. Just destroy them.

That is how far they have pushed.
I'm just asking about the goal of this kind of behavior.

I have to imagine you think it will ultimately change hearts & minds and create consistent electoral victory for the GOP.


No...it's designed to awaken the inner bigotry of people who claim to be neutral. People like yourself.
Line 2 of my sig is for liars like you.

You fundamentalists appear to be congenitally incapable of honesty.

But your behaviors sure are fascinating, so, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I have zero idea what you're talking about.

But your comment the other day about the Democrat National Committee being the place to contribute to the migrants headed northward is all we need to know about your bigotry, your supposed "impartiality" and your incapability of honesty.

I'm glad I occupy an out-sized space in your head. You really shouldn't obsess so much about what others think about you.

PS: You're welcome.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

Why should he do that... with suckups like you willing to tolerate ANYTHING he does as long as your stocks are doing well, he can pretty much say any awful shit he wants and get away with it.

The thing is, Trump isn't the disease, he's a symptom of a GOP who have realized that all their ideas are kind of stupid, but they can get votes riling up the hate of the stupids.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

If the Fake News Media turns it down, they can expect the Trumpster to do the same.

Remember, President Trump's attacks are all in response to the Media's attacks on him. They've always had it in their power stop the "incivility" but have chosen not to.

President Trump only expects the Lame Stream media to treat him with the same respect and deference that they gave to B. Hussein O. IOW, ask him soft ball questions about "how charmed he is with being president" or "Do you prefer boxers or briefs, Mr. President" and sing him "to sir with love" to show their devotion to him and his presidency.

Until they do, he'll fight back. Trump is the historic First Billionaire ever to rule America, and historic men like this need respect.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

I honestly have no idea what he’ll do but since you’ve categorized who’ll vote Mango I guess I won’t be voting in your poll.
I don't know what the goal is.

What is the long term goal of this behavior? What would it look like, to you?
Which shows Me you don't get it.

Put it this way.

When you push and push and push until they are against the wall, then try to push them through the wall, there is no goal. Just destroy them.

That is how far they have pushed.
I'm just asking about the goal of this kind of behavior.

I have to imagine you think it will ultimately change hearts & minds and create consistent electoral victory for the GOP.


No...it's designed to awaken the inner bigotry of people who claim to be neutral. People like yourself.
Line 2 of my sig is for liars like you.

You fundamentalists appear to be congenitally incapable of honesty.

But your behaviors sure are fascinating, so, thanks.

I have sigs turned off so I have zero idea what you're talking about.

But your comment the other day about the Democrat National Committee being the place to contribute to the migrants headed northward is all we need to know about your bigotry, your supposed "impartiality" and your incapability of honesty.

I'm glad I occupy an out-sized space in your head. You really shouldn't obsess so much about what others think about you.

PS: You're welcome.
You keep posting to me. You keep "laughing" at my posts.

If you want to think that means that you're in my head, okay.

But you could just stop posting to me, and we'd never communicate.
No need to tone down anything. We should ramp it up.
Because...we haven't had people killed yet (aside from Charlottesville)

Try Oklahoma City
What's your point?

Oklahoma City was a right wing bomb attack

You said aside from Charlottesville

Radical RW Terrorists are a bigger threat than Muslims
What about the left wing terrorist that shot up the Republican ball team?

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