POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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A good Leader, leads
Trump is leading from the front not from behind like that last idiot did....
he's not leading or a Nation's Leader in any... way, shape, or form.... He wouldn't now how to be a GOOD Leader if it smacked him in the face.... :rolleyes:

Calling you lefties out on your bs, is a good start.
Acting like you, is not being a leader.... ;)

That's simply monkey see, monkey do.
The republicans crave violence. Trump gives them what they want—validation of their cravings in all forms.
Republicans, eh?

Lets see the left and their peaceful ways.

Any vids of the Tiki Torch guys shouting Nazi propaganda?

No, but I have plenty of the left burning shit and rioting over a college speech.

Of course you do. When someone whom you align with politically mails bombs, mows down people in a church, or with their car...you excuse it. When someone whom you do not align with starts a fire...you're outraged.

It's called intellectual dishonesty and you're the star pupil.

I don't align with those people moron. However, you fucks DO align with the crazies in the streets burning shit.
Let Me ask you something. Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
You have it wrong. This is the ONLY way. For every reasonable attempt to stand up against the nutcase left, they escalate it. So, the only real answer here is to escalate it to the point they start backing away.

No holds barred from here on out. They get nasty, we get 10 times nastier. The way you describe has been tried and it failed. The gloves come off.
I don't know what the goal is.

What is the long term goal of this behavior? What would it look like, to you?
Which shows Me you don't get it.

Put it this way.

When you push and push and push until they are against the wall, then try to push them through the wall, there is no goal. Just destroy them.

That is how far they have pushed.
I'm just asking about the goal of this kind of behavior.

I have to imagine you think it will ultimately change hearts & minds and create consistent electoral victory for the GOP.

Let Me ask you something. Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
You have it wrong. This is the ONLY way. For every reasonable attempt to stand up against the nutcase left, they escalate it. So, the only real answer here is to escalate it to the point they start backing away.

No holds barred from here on out. They get nasty, we get 10 times nastier. The way you describe has been tried and it failed. The gloves come off.
I don't know what the goal is.

What is the long term goal of this behavior? What would it look like, to you?
Which shows Me you don't get it.

Put it this way.

When you push and push and push until they are against the wall, then try to push them through the wall, there is no goal. Just destroy them.

That is how far they have pushed.


So, by your logic, by your wanting to ratchet up the anger 10X (your figure), shouldn't you expect a 20X blowback?

Do you think this is a winning strategy?
The republicans crave violence. Trump gives them what they want—validation of their cravings in all forms.
Republicans, eh?

Lets see the left and their peaceful ways.

Any vids of the Tiki Torch guys shouting Nazi propaganda?

No, but I have plenty of the left burning shit and rioting over a college speech.

Of course you do. When someone whom you align with politically mails bombs, mows down people in a church, or with their car...you excuse it. When someone whom you do not align with starts a fire...you're outraged.

It's called intellectual dishonesty and you're the star pupil.

I don't align with those people moron. However, you fucks DO align with the crazies in the streets burning shit.

Sure you do. You're justifying the bomber's actions right here; right now.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

For anyone who wants an education how not to handle the Left, just look to Megyn Kelly. There she is, never meant to say anything racist and crying her eyes out apologizing trying to get others to see how she is not really a racist.

She then lost her show, and thrown into the Paula Dean pile of ruin to rot.

The Left only cares about destroying people for its own political gain and has no capacity for remorse or forgiveness.

Now should Trump follow Megyn's path? Only if he is truly the idiot the Left makes him out to be.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

For anyone who wants an education how not to handle the Left, just look to Megyn Kelly. There she is, never meant to say anything racist and crying her eyes out apologizing trying to get others to see how she is not really a racist.

She then lost her show, and thrown into the Paula Dean pile of ruin to rot.

The Left only cares about destroying people for its own political gain and has no capacity for remorse or forgiveness.

Now should Trump follow Megyn's path? Only if he is truly the idiot the Left makes him out to be.

Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start
Let Me ask you something. Do you think that we should just sit back and take it as we did in the past?
No, not if you don't want to. Sticking up for yourself is a good thing, usually.

But someone has convinced you that this is the only way to do it. That Trump acting like an ignorant, spoiled child, attacking & insulting everything in his path, tossing around so much hyperbole and so many platitudes that his words are completely worthless, is the smart way to do it.

If you're willing to put up with what he has said and done, and if you're willing to put with what his words create, great, that's up to you. But that doesn't make this the smart approach.

It's all your call, not mine.
You have it wrong. This is the ONLY way. For every reasonable attempt to stand up against the nutcase left, they escalate it. So, the only real answer here is to escalate it to the point they start backing away.

No holds barred from here on out. They get nasty, we get 10 times nastier. The way you describe has been tried and it failed. The gloves come off.
I don't know what the goal is.

What is the long term goal of this behavior? What would it look like, to you?
Which shows Me you don't get it.

Put it this way.

When you push and push and push until they are against the wall, then try to push them through the wall, there is no goal. Just destroy them.

That is how far they have pushed.
I'm just asking about the goal of this kind of behavior.

I have to imagine you think it will ultimately change hearts & minds and create consistent electoral victory for the GOP.


No...it's designed to awaken the inner bigotry of people who claim to be neutral. People like yourself.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

For anyone who wants an education how not to handle the Left, just look to Megyn Kelly. There she is, never meant to say anything racist and crying her eyes out apologizing trying to get others to see how she is not really a racist.

She then lost her show, and thrown into the Paula Dean pile of ruin to rot.

The Left only cares about destroying people for its own political gain and has no capacity for remorse or forgiveness.

Now should Trump follow Megyn's path? Only if he is truly the idiot the Left makes him out to be.

Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start

In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life. Such race baiting is disgraceful. I have never heard Trump use the word Negro, but CNN can call black people token negroes that support Trump and Harry Reid can say that Obama won the election because he was light skinned and did not have a negro accent?

I don't think so kiddo.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

He's going to do what works. .
He's going to Tone It Up.
And yes it will work again.

Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

For anyone who wants an education how not to handle the Left, just look to Megyn Kelly. There she is, never meant to say anything racist and crying her eyes out apologizing trying to get others to see how she is not really a racist.

She then lost her show, and thrown into the Paula Dean pile of ruin to rot.

The Left only cares about destroying people for its own political gain and has no capacity for remorse or forgiveness.

Now should Trump follow Megyn's path? Only if he is truly the idiot the Left makes him out to be.

Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start

In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

For anyone who wants an education how not to handle the Left, just look to Megyn Kelly. There she is, never meant to say anything racist and crying her eyes out apologizing trying to get others to see how she is not really a racist.

She then lost her show, and thrown into the Paula Dean pile of ruin to rot.

The Left only cares about destroying people for its own political gain and has no capacity for remorse or forgiveness.

Now should Trump follow Megyn's path? Only if he is truly the idiot the Left makes him out to be.

Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start

In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!

So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

For anyone who wants an education how not to handle the Left, just look to Megyn Kelly. There she is, never meant to say anything racist and crying her eyes out apologizing trying to get others to see how she is not really a racist.

She then lost her show, and thrown into the Paula Dean pile of ruin to rot.

The Left only cares about destroying people for its own political gain and has no capacity for remorse or forgiveness.

Now should Trump follow Megyn's path? Only if he is truly the idiot the Left makes him out to be.

Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start

In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!
The judge was obviously corrupt. There are quite a few activist judges. That judge is a member of the Latino Lawyers Association, which is for open borders.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.
Trump is a spoiled man-child

He is incapable of controlling his impulses
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

For anyone who wants an education how not to handle the Left, just look to Megyn Kelly. There she is, never meant to say anything racist and crying her eyes out apologizing trying to get others to see how she is not really a racist.

She then lost her show, and thrown into the Paula Dean pile of ruin to rot.

The Left only cares about destroying people for its own political gain and has no capacity for remorse or forgiveness.

Now should Trump follow Megyn's path? Only if he is truly the idiot the Left makes him out to be.

Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start

In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!

So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.

The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
For anyone who wants an education how not to handle the Left, just look to Megyn Kelly. There she is, never meant to say anything racist and crying her eyes out apologizing trying to get others to see how she is not really a racist.

She then lost her show, and thrown into the Paula Dean pile of ruin to rot.

The Left only cares about destroying people for its own political gain and has no capacity for remorse or forgiveness.

Now should Trump follow Megyn's path? Only if he is truly the idiot the Left makes him out to be.

Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start

In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!

So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.

The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
Perhaps stop inciting violance and saying inflammatory, racist things. That would be a start

In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!

So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.

The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
What does either of those things have to do with Trump University?
In other words, stop offending people like you?

I don't think so.

And no, I've never heard Trump a racist word in my life.
He said a judge could not do his job because he was Hispanic.

Trump doubled-down on the controversial remarks during the campaign and told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his Mexican heritage in addition to "an inherent conflict of interest" because of the proposal to build a border wall.--Fox News.

Quick, to the Rationalization Mobile!

So if you were a Mexican judge would you have bias for Mexicans like yourself trying to cross the border? You may suppress your bias because you know it is the right thing to do but I think he has a point.

After all, we just got done seeing a bunch of Left wing judges say that Trump's travel ban was racist, even though it did not involve race and even though Obama did the same thing previously. They obviously were unable to control their bias.

The problem with your racism is that there is no end. Why stop with race?

I guess only Luthern Orthodox judges are acceptable by Luthern Orthodox plaintiffs?

Or perhaps, if you're a guy from California on trial, you should insist on a judge with liberal political leanings?

Are these valid concerns?

Nobody forced Trump to lodge racist complaints. Nobody is forcing you to defend him. He did so because he is a racist. You are defending him for the same reason I suppose.
The judge you're referring to is a Member of the Latino Lawyers Association and La Raza Lawyers Association. They're both for open borders.
What does either of those things have to do with Trump University?

It has to do with his ability to be objective and fair.

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