POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

Why should he tone anything down.....since the democrats refuse to even acknowledge the incitement to violence they have engaged in since before he was elected?
POTUS Trump has absolutely NO INTENTION of bringing this nation together.

POTUS Trump will continue to divide America like a French whore right down the 'middle'

I'm fairly confident Trump has 'knocked' a few whores while married to his three wives :206:
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Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

I think a lot of Republicans that held their noses and voted for Trump thought that others would be able to control him, and that he would come around to acting "Presidential." It's clear by now after two years that no one can control him, nor will he ever be Presidential.

Michelle Obama really couldn't have said it better. "The Presidency doesn't change who you are, it reveals who you are."

This country has elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. You can listen to this op-ed that is corroborated in Bob Woodward's new book Fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video


Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

No doubt their are avid trump supporters who love everything he says, but the majority of conservatives see him for what he is- the only alternative to Hellary. My vote for him has served its purpose, 2 new, young conservative justices. Now will Nikki Haley please toss her name in the hat for 2020.
Nikki Haley? Because of her brain?

I’ve never seen her brain, but I do like looking at where it’s packaged.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.

Will Trump tone it down now?
Not a chance in hell...he’ll remain retaliatory and continue verbally bitchslapping LefTards, exposing the nutless in D.C. and shaming the filthy fucks of the MSM.
I heard Trump said..........when you see their people at a movie theatre get in their faces.........at a gas station......at their homes.......wherever you see them get in their faces and say you are not welcome here....................

Wait a minute..................Trump didn't say that............Maxine Water Head did............it's all confusing these days........but that rhetoric didn't possibly cause Pandora's box to be opened and out came a Crazy...........It can ONLY BE TRUMP'S FAULT because Dems are ANGELS SENT FROM HEAVEN............So Peaceful and Graceful.......when you see them walk if you look closely there is a Halo above their heads........

My god............what were we thinking.......if only if we were as Great and Peaceful as them the world would be a UTOPIA........all bow before the left........and their Peaceful nature.......
I'd be disappointed if President Trump didn't "tone it down" provided he waited until after Pelosi, Waters & Comrades have toned down theirs and TV has stopped with the feigned beheadings. It's going to be one hell of a long wait......
Why do they have to be first? Why can't Trump be a leader on this?
Nope.........You are Fake news...........
Will Maxine Water Head tone down her rhetoric...........nope.
A question is fake news?

Good gawd.
Good God..........Some people are dumb asses that can't see someone Mocking someone........No wonder the OP had a lobotomy..........derp
You folks are trained to scream FAKE NEWS at anything you don't like, so it's a little tough to tell when you're being serious.
I heard Trump said..........when you see their people at a movie theatre get in their faces.........at a gas station......at their homes.......wherever you see them get in their faces and say you are not welcome here....................

Wait a minute..................Trump didn't say that............Maxine Water Head did............it's all confusing these days........but that rhetoric didn't possibly cause Pandora's box to be opened and out came a Crazy...........It can ONLY BE TRUMP'S FAULT because Dems are ANGELS SENT FROM HEAVEN............So Peaceful and Graceful.......when you see them walk if you look closely there is a Halo above their heads........

My god............what were we thinking.......if only if we were as Great and Peaceful as them the world would be a UTOPIA........all bow before the left........and their Peaceful nature.......

It is a tactic repeated over and over, yet many Americans still don’t see it.

The progressive ruling class, which includes all the D party and much of the R party, has instigated violence since their candidate lost in 2016. They refuse to accept the people’s choice because they are the chosen ones. Yet they blame their opponents of doing exactly what they are and have been doing.
I'd be disappointed if President Trump didn't "tone it down" provided he waited until after Pelosi, Waters & Comrades have toned down theirs and TV has stopped with the feigned beheadings. It's going to be one hell of a long wait......
Why do they have to be first? Why can't Trump be a leader on this?
Well...........let's see........he condemned it...........the FBI nailed his ass............and the left demands that he say nothing with nonstop Trump is the Devil Incarnate...............for freaking 2 years.........he should sit there and take it......

Dream the hell on...........the left and their media deserves to be mocked ........they earned it...........You want civility then stop going to movie theatres, rallies, restaurants and getting in people's faces for not agreeing with you.

The Left Constant attacks on those who disagree caused this shit...........and the left demands we stand down...............they need to STFU and stop their crap and then we might actually give a shit what they demand.
Nope.........You are Fake news...........
Will Maxine Water Head tone down her rhetoric...........nope.
A question is fake news?

Good gawd.
Good God..........Some people are dumb asses that can't see someone Mocking someone........No wonder the OP had a lobotomy..........derp
You folks are trained to scream FAKE NEWS at anything you don't like, so it's a little tough to tell when you're being serious.
You can't tell because you are an Idiot...........Now see that was a serious post........see the difference..........

You can demand all you want.........but the left is attacking people just trying to eat............those eating there should just sit there and take it..........BS.........

Riddle me this.........someone comes into a restaurant and you have a Obama hat on.....YOU that is........rips it off your head........grabs your soda and throws it in your face............What are you gonna do...........hmmmm

Well I'll tell you what I'm gonna do........I'm going to beat the living hell out of that creature and make sure he understands that he never wants to do that again............you get the point bro.

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