POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

Will Trump tone down the rhetoric now?

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Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.
Donald Trump has always been an asshole.

Trump wants what is best for Trump.

He could are less about a tiny little man like you. He lies to you. Dupes you into voting for him.

He borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars, gave you a few bucks took millions for himself & you are so happy. How fucking stupid are you?

His polices on trade and immigration are what we want.

He seems to be giving a good faith effort on most of it.

The rest of your post is just you being an asshole.
Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.
Donald Trump has always been an asshole.

Trump wants what is best for Trump.

He could are less about a tiny little man like you. He lies to you. Dupes you into voting for him.

He borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars, gave you a few bucks took millions for himself & you are so happy. How fucking stupid are you?

Who is duped? You're the one sitting with his limp dick in his hand and still bitching because your girl lost an election two years ago.

Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.
Donald Trump has always been an asshole.

Trump wants what is best for Trump.

He could are less about a tiny little man like you. He lies to you. Dupes you into voting for him.

He borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars, gave you a few bucks took millions for himself & you are so happy. How fucking stupid are you?

As I’ve said numerous times….in our system, you have 2 choices. So I can see where you would vote for Trump instead of Clinton on election day. I disagree with it but if you can’t vote for one and you don’t want to just throw your vote away, you vote for the other who has a chance.

What baffles me is that the constant lying is not only accepted but defended after he was elected.
24 hours of "hmm isn't this convenient timing. Must be the Democrats behind it."

That is not what a cover up is, you moron.
It is a type of cover up. Just as the echo chamber convinced so many of you that Sandy Hook was a hoax, they had you convinced this was a Democrat scheme. Many of you still believe it.

A cover up is when people who have access to information, work to prevent that information from getting out, or to put out of lie about what happened.

THe people in question, did not know anything, and were sharing their honest opinions and guesses about what had happened.

It is not credible that you are too stupid to not know this, thus you must be a liar.
Now you are defending your buddies that lied about what happened spewing their rodiculous theories.

If they did not know, they should save STFU.

You don't know what is going on in their/our heads, yet you don't shut the fuck up about what you think is going on there.

So how the fuck do you justify saying that other people should be more restrained?

Oh, because you are an asshole. Got it.

My point stands.

No cover up. YOu support violence against your enemies.

Every sign pointed to a right winger. You & your buddies started with conspiracy theories. You hero Rush Limbaugh leading the pack.

The bombs were fake, the packaging was so obvious, They wanted then to get found Blah blah blah.

You assfucks are still going at it., Because he can't be that the fat assed orange POS that you worship actually almost got people killed.
support Trump
I don't support violence.

YOU DO. You support Trump.
Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.
Donald Trump has always been an asshole.

Trump wants what is best for Trump.

He could are less about a tiny little man like you. He lies to you. Dupes you into voting for him.

He borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars, gave you a few bucks took millions for himself & you are so happy. How fucking stupid are you?

Who is duped? You're the one sitting with his limp dick in his hand and still bitching because your girl lost an election two years ago.


Trump is killing America. Of course you don't care.
I'd be disappointed if President Trump didn't "tone it down" provided he waited until after Pelosi, Waters & Comrades have toned down theirs and TV has stopped with the feigned beheadings.

It's going to be one hell of a long wait......
A good Leader, leads.
Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.
Donald Trump has always been an asshole.

Trump wants what is best for Trump.

He could are less about a tiny little man like you. He lies to you. Dupes you into voting for him.

He borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars, gave you a few bucks took millions for himself & you are so happy. How fucking stupid are you?

As I’ve said numerous times….in our system, you have 2 choices. So I can see where you would vote for Trump instead of Clinton on election day. I disagree with it but if you can’t vote for one and you don’t want to just throw your vote away, you vote for the other who has a chance.

What baffles me is that the constant lying is not only accepted but defended after he was elected.

How has he lied? He's not only delivering on everything he promised me, but a whole bunch of things he never mentioned.

Obama on the other hand, was far more a liar.
Tone what down?.....its hard to keep such winning under wraps....
Why should Trump tone anything down? With the left saying to confront people at gas stations, department stores, anywhere they find them. Saying that the left should "kick" the right. etc. Hillary herself saying that there will be no peace until the left wins back office. Saying you can't be civil with the opposing political party.

The left wanted a fight and now they got one and now they're crying like babies.

Don't start what you can't finish.

Th man is an asshole. He wants what he wants & fuck everyone else.

Not hardly. He's only an "asshole" because your girl lost and because he's thwarted your little liberal plans to turn this country into a third-world shithole. Trump wants what is best for this country and fuck everyone and everything else.
Donald Trump has always been an asshole.

Trump wants what is best for Trump.

He could are less about a tiny little man like you. He lies to you. Dupes you into voting for him.

He borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars, gave you a few bucks took millions for himself & you are so happy. How fucking stupid are you?

Who is duped? You're the one sitting with his limp dick in his hand and still bitching because your girl lost an election two years ago.


Trump is killing America. Of course you don't care.

He's not "killing America", just your convoluted version of what America should be. And that's a good thing.
That is not what a cover up is, you moron.
It is a type of cover up. Just as the echo chamber convinced so many of you that Sandy Hook was a hoax, they had you convinced this was a Democrat scheme. Many of you still believe it.

A cover up is when people who have access to information, work to prevent that information from getting out, or to put out of lie about what happened.

THe people in question, did not know anything, and were sharing their honest opinions and guesses about what had happened.

It is not credible that you are too stupid to not know this, thus you must be a liar.
Now you are defending your buddies that lied about what happened spewing their rodiculous theories.

If they did not know, they should save STFU.

You don't know what is going on in their/our heads, yet you don't shut the fuck up about what you think is going on there.

So how the fuck do you justify saying that other people should be more restrained?

Oh, because you are an asshole. Got it.

My point stands.

No cover up. YOu support violence against your enemies.

Every sign pointed to a right winger. You & your buddies started with conspiracy theories. You hero Rush Limbaugh leading the pack.

The bombs were fake, the packaging was so obvious, They wanted then to get found Blah blah blah.

You assfucks are still going at it., Because he can't be that the fat assed orange POS that you worship actually almost got people killed.
support Trump
I don't support violence.

YOU DO. You support Trump.

1. Not every sign pointed to a right winger.

2. Suspecting a lefty trying to make the right look bad, is not much of a stretch. It was certainly possible/.

3. Sorry, you blurred together with BlackFlag who openly supports violence.

4 I do not support violence. I do support self defense, which mail bombs are not.
Yes, I know. For many, this is not a credible question because Trump doesn't say anything wrong, he never says anything wrong, nothing he says is wrong, and there is nothing wrong what he says. You can vote Mango.

For the rest of us, what are the chances he'll be noticeably more careful with his words? I'm voting for we'll see a temporary change, then back to normal.
He has a sense of humor not like a thin lips progressive. It was funny about a reporter getting his ass thrown over a Senators shoulder. He would tone it down if Hilly or Mad Max and others would and if the progressive ambush gang would knock it off. I don't think they will. They don't like the cards they are holding so it under the table until the elections are done. Then they will continue until 2020 then they will have started with paid street riots. Stupid people will do anything for a price. Just like Hookers they can be bought.
Will Trump tone down what? op?

Trump has absolutely NOTHING to tone down!

No if you talk about the fake media to tone it down....well.....there you certainly have a point! :wink:
It is a type of cover up. Just as the echo chamber convinced so many of you that Sandy Hook was a hoax, they had you convinced this was a Democrat scheme. Many of you still believe it.

A cover up is when people who have access to information, work to prevent that information from getting out, or to put out of lie about what happened.

THe people in question, did not know anything, and were sharing their honest opinions and guesses about what had happened.

It is not credible that you are too stupid to not know this, thus you must be a liar.
Now you are defending your buddies that lied about what happened spewing their rodiculous theories.

If they did not know, they should save STFU.

You don't know what is going on in their/our heads, yet you don't shut the fuck up about what you think is going on there.

So how the fuck do you justify saying that other people should be more restrained?

Oh, because you are an asshole. Got it.

My point stands.

No cover up. YOu support violence against your enemies.

Every sign pointed to a right winger. You & your buddies started with conspiracy theories. You hero Rush Limbaugh leading the pack.

The bombs were fake, the packaging was so obvious, They wanted then to get found Blah blah blah.

You assfucks are still going at it., Because he can't be that the fat assed orange POS that you worship actually almost got people killed.
support Trump
I don't support violence.

YOU DO. You support Trump.

1. Not every sign pointed to a right winger.

2. Suspecting a lefty trying to make the right look bad, is not much of a stretch. It was certainly possible/.

3. Sorry, you blurred together with BlackFlag who openly supports violence.

4 I do not support violence. I do support self defense, which mail bombs are not.
A cover up is when people who have access to information, work to prevent that information from getting out, or to put out of lie about what happened.

THe people in question, did not know anything, and were sharing their honest opinions and guesses about what had happened.

It is not credible that you are too stupid to not know this, thus you must be a liar.
Now you are defending your buddies that lied about what happened spewing their rodiculous theories.

If they did not know, they should save STFU.

You don't know what is going on in their/our heads, yet you don't shut the fuck up about what you think is going on there.

So how the fuck do you justify saying that other people should be more restrained?

Oh, because you are an asshole. Got it.

My point stands.

No cover up. YOu support violence against your enemies.

Every sign pointed to a right winger. You & your buddies started with conspiracy theories. You hero Rush Limbaugh leading the pack.

The bombs were fake, the packaging was so obvious, They wanted then to get found Blah blah blah.

You assfucks are still going at it., Because he can't be that the fat assed orange POS that you worship actually almost got people killed.
support Trump
I don't support violence.

YOU DO. You support Trump.

1. Not every sign pointed to a right winger.

2. Suspecting a lefty trying to make the right look bad, is not much of a stretch. It was certainly possible/.

3. Sorry, you blurred together with BlackFlag who openly supports violence.

4 I do not support violence. I do support self defense, which mail bombs are not.
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SMug marxist scum.
Trump supporters be like "You get back what you dish out".
Democrats initiated the violent speech starting two years ago with "I have thoughts of bombing the White House and Trump must be killed". More recently Maxine Waters and her maniacal rant about getting up in Republicans faces saying they're not welcome here.
Lol, so the 8 years before that just suddenly stopped existing?
Trump supporters be like "You get back what you dish out".
Democrats initiated the violent speech starting two years ago with "I have thoughts of bombing the White House and Trump must be killed". More recently Maxine Waters and her maniacal rant about getting up in Republicans faces saying they're not welcome here.
Lol, so the 8 years before that just suddenly stopped existing?

We were very critical of Obama. We did not advocate violence against him or his supporters.

Try to be less delusional.
Trump supporters be like "You get back what you dish out".
Democrats initiated the violent speech starting two years ago with "I have thoughts of bombing the White House and Trump must be killed". More recently Maxine Waters and her maniacal rant about getting up in Republicans faces saying they're not welcome here.
Lol, so the 8 years before that just suddenly stopped existing?

We were very critical of Obama. We did not advocate violence against him or his supporters.

Try to be less delusional.
Democrats advocating violence:

It seems the left has a short memory. Should we remind them of this?

Yea let me tell you, the liberals are such a peaceful party.


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