Post debate bounce?

I just checked RCP they have Romney at +1.3 before the debate it was Romney + 1.5 no real change here so far.
vp Debate made little different either way. Unless obama produces best performance of his life on tuesday , mitt romney will be the 45th president of the united states of america.

Ordinarily VP debates don't affect anything. This one was different. Biden was so over the top that no VP has ever behaved that way in a debate before. obama's old reliable was women. Biden lost that for him. Now obama has a much harder debate performance because he has to distance himself from Biden. obama has a tendency to respond to criticism by being condescending and mocking. If he retreats into this kind of defensive posture he'll be "just like Biden".

If you honestly think that Biden was over the top, then you have to concede that Romney was also over the top, as their tactics and behavior were very similar.
Nope but i have a right to post on them. Their are people from other countries on here to.. Are you saying they have no rights to talk about us election

why in your world have i not right to express what happens. British reporters may be paid but they are doing it because they want to.

you have a very narrow view of the world if you think only americans can talk about the election.

The British government does not recognize the right to freedom of speech. So even your own government does not acknowledge a right for you to post on this bulletin board.

WTF are you talking about? Are you trying to kick anyone who isn't an american off this website? Letting your true conservative colors fly. You shouldn't be so threatened by the opinions of others so as to invoke this arbitrary and defenseless position you have.

If anything, outside opinions should be seen as highly valuable. Unless of course, you presume to contain the truth about everything.
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Do any of you really believe that a debate organized by leftwing media won't cherry pick the 'spontaneous' questions from people who will be called on to ask questions during a town hall type debate? Do you honestly think Obama won't get questions he can really shovel out the sh*t to and look good? Do you honestly think Romney won't get the best effort at 'gotcha' questions? Do you really believe those asking the questions of both candidates won't be Democratic operatives?

I really REALLY hope I am dead wrong about that. But I've been watching these things for awhile now. And I am not encouraged that we will see anything real happening next week. Nevertheless, I expect Obama to stumble without a teleprompter, and I expect Romney to behave and look presidential. Both have pretty good track records on that now.

(And you'll notice that Obama brags about his wonderfulness. Romney never does when it comes to his personal life.)
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vp Debate made little different either way. Unless obama produces best performance of his life on tuesday , mitt romney will be the 45th president of the united states of america.

Ordinarily VP debates don't affect anything. This one was different. Biden was so over the top that no VP has ever behaved that way in a debate before. obama's old reliable was women. Biden lost that for him. Now obama has a much harder debate performance because he has to distance himself from Biden. obama has a tendency to respond to criticism by being condescending and mocking. If he retreats into this kind of defensive posture he'll be "just like Biden".

If you honestly think that Biden was over the top, then you have to concede that Romney was also over the top, as their tactics and behavior were very similar.

How many times did Romney interrupt obama? How many times did Romney laugh?

You need to watch the two debates again. Romney gave obama a well reasoned lecture and obama stood there with his head down.
True if that Dan Quayle/ Lloyd Bentsen VP debate could not change a elections course none can.
yep and bush won still after that. They are their to fire up base that is all. Presidential debates are important ones.

i imagine most conservatives think election is won and i understand why you think that.

No I wouldn't think that this election is way to close for that I do think Obama has to score a decisive victory in one the these last two debates though or this could be a Romney win.

obama has to score well in the next debate. It's his last chance. By the last debate obama will be dismissed.
Ordinarily VP debates don't affect anything. This one was different. Biden was so over the top that no VP has ever behaved that way in a debate before. obama's old reliable was women. Biden lost that for him. Now obama has a much harder debate performance because he has to distance himself from Biden. obama has a tendency to respond to criticism by being condescending and mocking. If he retreats into this kind of defensive posture he'll be "just like Biden".

If you honestly think that Biden was over the top, then you have to concede that Romney was also over the top, as their tactics and behavior were very similar.

How many times did Romney interrupt obama? How many times did Romney laugh?

You need to watch the two debates again. Romney gave obama a well reasoned lecture and obama stood there with his head down.

I realize you believe, however, that is not what I saw. First of all, people are allowed to laugh and smile because of incredulity at what is being said. You might think this obnoxious, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Romney interrupted the debate itself, by speaking when it was not his turn, and going overtime when he wasn't asked to get in as many jabs as possible. Obama tried not to retaliate by breaking the decorum, however, at one point, he was forced to to defend his position. Obama had a semblance of respect for the process of debate, whereas Romney took advantage of the weakness of the moderator. Meaning basically, if people aren't around to keep him in check, he will do whatever he can to get ahead. Some may think this a good quality for a president, and I'm sure is why he was successful as a business man, because he was willing to do what the next guy wasn't. And by this, I mean things that are morally repugnant. I don't think this is a good or admirable quality for anybody. People should desire to be good because it is good, not simply because someone is telling them what is good. Someone so lacking in a moral compass worries me. It is ironic that he believes in god, yet possess nothing of morality, as demonstrated in this tiny microcosmic example of the debate.
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The British government does not recognize the right to freedom of speech. So even your own government does not acknowledge a right for you to post on this bulletin board.

WTF are you talking about? Are you trying to kick anyone who isn't an american off this website? Letting your true conservative colors fly. You shouldn't be so threatened by the opinions of others so as to invoke this arbitrary and defenseless position you have.

If anything, outside opinions should be seen as highly valuable. Unless of course, you presume to contain the truth about everything.

Does the British government recognize the right to freedom of speech or not?
Do any of you really believe that a debate organized by leftwing media won't cherry pick the 'spontaneous' questions from people who will be called on to ask questions during a town hall type debate? Do you honestly think Obama won't get questions he can really shovel out the sh*t to and look good? Do you honestly think Romney won't get the best effort at 'gotcha' questions? Do you really believe those asking the questions of both candidates won't be Democratic operatives?

I really REALLY hope I am dead wrong about that. But I've been watching these things for awhile now. And I am not encouraged that we will see anything real happening next week. Nevertheless, I expect Obama to stumble without a teleprompter, and I expect Romney to behave and look presidential. Both have pretty good track records on that now.

(And you'll notice that Obama brags about his wonderfulness. Romney never does when it comes to his personal life.)

Call me an idealist but I imagine there may be slight manipulation but probably nothing too terrible. That being said I think the public is more likely to ask weaker questions that will allow the candidates to manipulate their answers far better. Where the last debate (and next week's debate) was about making strong points and backing them up, this debate will be more about who is a better schmoozer and bullshit artist; who can come off as "the guy who understands your problems and you would want to have a beer with". That's Obama territory right there.
Do any of you really believe that a debate organized by leftwing media won't cherry pick the 'spontaneous' questions from people who will be called on to ask questions during a town hall type debate? Do you honestly think Obama won't get questions he can really shovel out the sh*t to and look good? Do you honestly think Romney won't get the best effort at 'gotcha' questions? Do you really believe those asking the questions of both candidates won't be Democratic operatives?

I really REALLY hope I am dead wrong about that. But I've been watching these things for awhile now. And I am not encouraged that we will see anything real happening next week. Nevertheless, I expect Obama to stumble without a teleprompter, and I expect Romney to behave and look presidential. Both have pretty good track records on that now.

(And you'll notice that Obama brags about his wonderfulness. Romney never does when it comes to his personal life.)

Call me an idealist but I imagine there may be slight manipulation but probably nothing too terrible. That being said I think the public is more likely to ask weaker questions that will allow the candidates to manipulate their answers far better. Where the last debate (and next week's debate) was about making strong points and backing them up, this debate will be more about who is a better schmoozer and bullshit artist; who can come off as "the guy who understands your problems and you would want to have a beer with". That's Obama territory right there.

I expect Obama to get the "boxers or briefs?" questions and I expect Romney to get the "how can you care about people and lay off thousands when you were with Bain Capital?" questions. And I believe there will be people handpicked to ask those questions. But again, I hope you are right and I am wrong.
Do any of you really believe that a debate organized by leftwing media won't cherry pick the 'spontaneous' questions from people who will be called on to ask questions during a town hall type debate? Do you honestly think Obama won't get questions he can really shovel out the sh*t to and look good? Do you honestly think Romney won't get the best effort at 'gotcha' questions? Do you really believe those asking the questions of both candidates won't be Democratic operatives?

I really REALLY hope I am dead wrong about that. But I've been watching these things for awhile now. And I am not encouraged that we will see anything real happening next week. Nevertheless, I expect Obama to stumble without a teleprompter, and I expect Romney to behave and look presidential. Both have pretty good track records on that now.

(And you'll notice that Obama brags about his wonderfulness. Romney never does when it comes to his personal life.)

Call me an idealist but I imagine there may be slight manipulation but probably nothing too terrible. That being said I think the public is more likely to ask weaker questions that will allow the candidates to manipulate their answers far better. Where the last debate (and next week's debate) was about making strong points and backing them up, this debate will be more about who is a better schmoozer and bullshit artist; who can come off as "the guy who understands your problems and you would want to have a beer with". That's Obama territory right there.

I expect Obama to get the "boxers or briefs?" questions and I expect Romney to get the "how can you care about people and lay off thousands when you were with Bain Capital?" questions. And I believe there will be people handpicked to ask those questions. But again, I hope you are right and I am wrong.

oh yeah...I think that's probably right. :lol: I imagine the DNC will send in operatives in the audience to do just that (but I imagine the RNC will too), but I would be surprised to learn that the moderators know who they are and are in on it. Well.......maybe I wouldn't be all THAT surprised but I suppose I still have a little faith in the system. :lol:
Call me an idealist but I imagine there may be slight manipulation but probably nothing too terrible. That being said I think the public is more likely to ask weaker questions that will allow the candidates to manipulate their answers far better. Where the last debate (and next week's debate) was about making strong points and backing them up, this debate will be more about who is a better schmoozer and bullshit artist; who can come off as "the guy who understands your problems and you would want to have a beer with". That's Obama territory right there.

I expect Obama to get the "boxers or briefs?" questions and I expect Romney to get the "how can you care about people and lay off thousands when you were with Bain Capital?" questions. And I believe there will be people handpicked to ask those questions. But again, I hope you are right and I am wrong.

oh yeah...I think that's probably right. :lol: I imagine the DNC will send in operatives in the audience to do just that (but I imagine the RNC will too), but I would be surprised to learn that the moderators know who they are and are in on it. Well.......maybe I wouldn't be all THAT surprised but I suppose I still have a little faith in the system. :lol:

I honestly hope you are right, Phantom--I would very much love to regain my faith in the system--but after watching the hatchet job Biden AND the moderator did on Ryan Thursday night, it didn't help my opinion about the ability of the media to rig these things.

If I am right, and again I hope I am not, the post debate coverage will be showing a relaxed, congenial, likable, Obama yucking it up with the 'common man' and a more serious, and seemingly detached Romeny defending a 1 percenter's activities in the business world, something he won't be allowed to fully do in a format like that.
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You are in error. Myself and millions of Americans were so put off by Palin that we changed our votes.

So Palin is why you didnt vote for McCain or why you're not voting for Romney........I'm gonna have to have a Joe Biden chuckle on that one

Yes. I'm not voting for Romney because of Romney. I can't stand Mormans. Ryan is a weasle but he is secondary. I also actually like Obama. He is honest and trustworthy. I would vote for him just because he kept his word and killed Bin Ladin. That may not be important to many but to me it mattered...a lot. Having visited NY and stood on the top of the towers..some things just stick in one's mind. That same day I was in the crown of the Statue of Liberty. These were very meaningful events in my life. One of them was taken away. Obama avenged that one. Bush, whom I voted for failed. I did not take that failure well.

Honest and trust worthy.....good god.
I expect Obama to get the "boxers or briefs?" questions and I expect Romney to get the "how can you care about people and lay off thousands when you were with Bain Capital?" questions. And I believe there will be people handpicked to ask those questions. But again, I hope you are right and I am wrong.

oh yeah...I think that's probably right. :lol: I imagine the DNC will send in operatives in the audience to do just that (but I imagine the RNC will too), but I would be surprised to learn that the moderators know who they are and are in on it. Well.......maybe I wouldn't be all THAT surprised but I suppose I still have a little faith in the system. :lol:

I honestly hope you are right, Phantom--I would very much love to regain my faith in the system--but after watching the hatchet job Biden AND the moderator did on Ryan Thursday night, it didn't help my opinion about the ability of the media to rig these things.

If I am right, and again I hope I am not, the post debate coverage will be showing a relaxed, congenial, likable, Obama yucking it up with the 'common man' and a more serious, and seemingly detached defending a 1 percenter's activities in the business world, something he won't be allowed to fully do in a format like that.

That will certainly be the MSNBC spin. :lol:
I expect Obama to get the "boxers or briefs?" questions and I expect Romney to get the "how can you care about people and lay off thousands when you were with Bain Capital?" questions. And I believe there will be people handpicked to ask those questions. But again, I hope you are right and I am wrong.

oh yeah...I think that's probably right. :lol: I imagine the DNC will send in operatives in the audience to do just that (but I imagine the RNC will too), but I would be surprised to learn that the moderators know who they are and are in on it. Well.......maybe I wouldn't be all THAT surprised but I suppose I still have a little faith in the system. :lol:

I honestly hope you are right, Phantom--I would very much love to regain my faith in the system--but after watching the hatchet job Biden AND the moderator did on Ryan Thursday night, it didn't help my opinion about the ability of the media to rig these things.

If I am right, and again I hope I am not, the post debate coverage will be showing a relaxed, congenial, likable, Obama yucking it up with the 'common man' and a more serious, and seemingly detached defending a 1 percenter's activities in the business world, something he won't be allowed to fully do in a format like that.

The funniest part of the Debate was ole Joe whining:" Am I going to get to talk?"
oh yeah...I think that's probably right. :lol: I imagine the DNC will send in operatives in the audience to do just that (but I imagine the RNC will too), but I would be surprised to learn that the moderators know who they are and are in on it. Well.......maybe I wouldn't be all THAT surprised but I suppose I still have a little faith in the system. :lol:

I honestly hope you are right, Phantom--I would very much love to regain my faith in the system--but after watching the hatchet job Biden AND the moderator did on Ryan Thursday night, it didn't help my opinion about the ability of the media to rig these things.

If I am right, and again I hope I am not, the post debate coverage will be showing a relaxed, congenial, likable, Obama yucking it up with the 'common man' and a more serious, and seemingly detached defending a 1 percenter's activities in the business world, something he won't be allowed to fully do in a format like that.

The funniest part of the Debate was ole Joe whining:" Am I going to get to talk?"

Yeah, I caught that too, and the MSM has been avoiding that line like the plague. The post debate analysis showed Obama got 4 more minutes than Romney in the first debate, and in the VP debate the time taken by each person was pretty even; however, they counted the time allotted to Ryan while not counting the time that Biden was interrupting and talking over and drowning out Ryan. If they did it honestly in the amount of time each person had to talk, the time talking would have exceeded the hour and a half of the debate because both were talking at the same time so much of the time. And it wasn't Ryan doing the interrupting.
yep and bush won still after that. They are their to fire up base that is all. Presidential debates are important ones.

i imagine most conservatives think election is won and i understand why you think that.

No I wouldn't think that this election is way to close for that I do think Obama has to score a decisive victory in one the these last two debates though or this could be a Romney win.

obama has to score well in the next debate. It's his last chance. By the last debate obama will be dismissed.

I know you really need to believe that.

Bush lost all three debates, and there was even evidence he cheated in at least one of them with a secret receiver.

He still won re-election.

Romney still has one huge problem- the fact that he needs to get about 65% of the White Vote in order to win.

It ain't gonna happen.
Nope but i have a right to post on them. Their are people from other countries on here to.. Are you saying they have no rights to talk about us election

why in your world have i not right to express what happens. British reporters may be paid but they are doing it because they want to.

you have a very narrow view of the world if you think only americans can talk about the election.

The British government does not recognize the right to freedom of speech. So even your own government does not acknowledge a right for you to post on this bulletin board.
Amazed at the hatred of your post wow. Firstly my goverment not perfect but i don,t think they have a law last time i checked that you can,t post on internet message boards.

Secondly do you have promblem with someone posting on here because i am not american. If you do then you have very sad and limited view of the world.
thank you so much new politics for showing this limited view is not shared by all of people who post from other countries.

secondly yes british goverment does beleive in free speech. It does not look like you do though as you seem to not want me to have any views on here. how sad and narrow minded of you
thank you so much new politics for showing this limited view is not shared by all of people who post from other countries.

secondly yes british goverment does beleive in free speech. It does not look like you do though as you seem to not want me to have any views on here. how sad and narrow minded of you

REally, so its ok if you say negative shit about Islam?

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