Pot is a states issue

Of course I can, the States through their elected representatives decided what drugs would be illegal. The States also agreed to abide by those laws by accepting statehood. It's so simple a 3 year old can understand, one day you may reach that level of intellect.

What part of the Constitution allows the federal government to create a blanket ban on a substance across the board? None, that I can see and they can't justify using the Commerce Clause if the substance is cultivated and sold only within the state. Drug legalization falls under the Tenth Amendment, that amendment conservatives always say they support until states want to do something they don't like.

While I agree technically, the supreme court differs, they say the government can regulate everything form corn to marijuana even if it's grown for personal use and never enters into commerce, because it has a tangential effect on commerce. There are precedent cases on both corn and marijuana.
Anchorage is in the process of regulation negotiations on the muni level, state voted to legalize a year and a half ago. State left it to individual muni's as to legalize, leave it criminal, or maybe not legalize distribution, or "social bar" type stuff (we do that with alcohol too) The grower/distributor/pot bar folks and Anchorage muni had just about hammered out a working deal. Now we're back in the air again, though our reps are telling us President Trump isn't going to really enforce the pot thing Federally. We've been there before, back in 92 or whatever the Fed's forced us to criminalize or lose highway funds. I really hope President Trump doesn't do that to us again, the people here have always been pro pot, it's had an important value in the state since the 60s. Our growers in the valley have already gone through a season because the Anchorage Muni is dragging their feet about how much to tax and so-forth.

President Trump might lose Alaska in 2020 if he sicks the feds/withholds funds from us :/

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