Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

What the report said is that 44% consider themselves Republican while Democrat, Independents and Libertarians make up the majority at 54%, so Republican led businesses are not even in the majority.

Republicans are leading the charge to solving this immigration problem while Democrats are fighting us every step of the way from preserving their sanctuary cities to threatening the shutdown of government over the wall to stopping Kate's Law. Are there some Republicans that may hire illegals? Of course there are, but odd are the majority of them are not Republican.

Democrats have much more to gain from illegals than Republicans. And mind you, I have no problem with locking up or shutting down employers of companies that knowingly use them, and I don't care if it's a mom and pop lawn care company.

Well, Independents aren't Democrats, are they?

The elite have much more to gain from "Illegals" point blank.

While it's true that Democrats gain voters from importing immigrants, in general.

The fact of the matter is this whole ordeal was kind of started under Republican Reagan's Amnesty.

Can't say that it's only Democrats.

I personally don't vote anymore, because both parties are really, really becoming clown shows.

No, I never said it's mostly anybody, but face facts, conservatives are more likely to be law abiding citizens than liberals. We have instances of it nearly every day in this country.

Also the myth that Republicans own all the businesses in the country is something the Democrats came up with that for some reason seemed to stick with the public as truth. They use the lie to promote their utter hatred of the rich that draws support of other wealth envy people.

Yes, of course Democrats are more likely to be criminals, largely because the Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims etc. are Democrats here.

But, what about White Democrats vs White Republicans?

Actually, presumably White Republicans are slightly more criminal than White Democrats.

States like Montana, West Virginia, and Wyoming have sort of high "White Murder rates" even if states like New York, Connecticut, or Massachusetts have pretty low "White Murder rates" in comparison.

Statistically you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in the US. Also statistically whites overwhelmingly kill other whites and blacks overwhelmingly kill other blacks. So if whites have higher murder rates in some areas, it's because they live with other whites and the minority population pales in comparison.

My theory is that the "Frontiers people" or "Colonial Whites" are more aggressive than other "Whites" simply because they came fighting Bears, Native Americans, Wolves, cutting lumber, farming, owning slaves, etc.

It just happens to be such people are more Conservative because of gun rights to protect themselves, self sufficient taxation, and religious motives, and they just happen to live in places like Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, West Virginia, Alabama, etc.

As opposed to say New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Massachusetts where very few Whites are "Frontiers peoples" or "Colonial Whites"

I don't know about that. I would have to do some research. But for the entire country, whites are the least violent and criminal.
Unemployment is so low why are we worried about DACA kids taking jobs?

Because unemployment will not stay low forever. As history has shown, it's a rollercoaster. So when jobs are less plentiful, those DACA people will still be taking those badly needed jobs.
Well, Independents aren't Democrats, are they?

The elite have much more to gain from "Illegals" point blank.

While it's true that Democrats gain voters from importing immigrants, in general.

The fact of the matter is this whole ordeal was kind of started under Republican Reagan's Amnesty.

Can't say that it's only Democrats.

I personally don't vote anymore, because both parties are really, really becoming clown shows.

No, I never said it's mostly anybody, but face facts, conservatives are more likely to be law abiding citizens than liberals. We have instances of it nearly every day in this country.

Also the myth that Republicans own all the businesses in the country is something the Democrats came up with that for some reason seemed to stick with the public as truth. They use the lie to promote their utter hatred of the rich that draws support of other wealth envy people.

Yes, of course Democrats are more likely to be criminals, largely because the Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims etc. are Democrats here.

But, what about White Democrats vs White Republicans?

Actually, presumably White Republicans are slightly more criminal than White Democrats.

States like Montana, West Virginia, and Wyoming have sort of high "White Murder rates" even if states like New York, Connecticut, or Massachusetts have pretty low "White Murder rates" in comparison.

Statistically you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in the US. Also statistically whites overwhelmingly kill other whites and blacks overwhelmingly kill other blacks. So if whites have higher murder rates in some areas, it's because they live with other whites and the minority population pales in comparison.

My theory is that the "Frontiers people" or "Colonial Whites" are more aggressive than other "Whites" simply because they came fighting Bears, Native Americans, Wolves, cutting lumber, farming, owning slaves, etc.

It just happens to be such people are more Conservative because of gun rights to protect themselves, self sufficient taxation, and religious motives, and they just happen to live in places like Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, West Virginia, Alabama, etc.

As opposed to say New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Massachusetts where very few Whites are "Frontiers peoples" or "Colonial Whites"

I don't know about that. I would have to do some research. But for the entire country, whites are the least violent and criminal.

Nay, nay, Ray....

Modesty prevents me from naming the racial group with the highest income, highest educational attainment, and lowest criminal behavior.
No, I never said it's mostly anybody, but face facts, conservatives are more likely to be law abiding citizens than liberals. We have instances of it nearly every day in this country.

Also the myth that Republicans own all the businesses in the country is something the Democrats came up with that for some reason seemed to stick with the public as truth. They use the lie to promote their utter hatred of the rich that draws support of other wealth envy people.

Yes, of course Democrats are more likely to be criminals, largely because the Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims etc. are Democrats here.

But, what about White Democrats vs White Republicans?

Actually, presumably White Republicans are slightly more criminal than White Democrats.

States like Montana, West Virginia, and Wyoming have sort of high "White Murder rates" even if states like New York, Connecticut, or Massachusetts have pretty low "White Murder rates" in comparison.

Statistically you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in the US. Also statistically whites overwhelmingly kill other whites and blacks overwhelmingly kill other blacks. So if whites have higher murder rates in some areas, it's because they live with other whites and the minority population pales in comparison.

My theory is that the "Frontiers people" or "Colonial Whites" are more aggressive than other "Whites" simply because they came fighting Bears, Native Americans, Wolves, cutting lumber, farming, owning slaves, etc.

It just happens to be such people are more Conservative because of gun rights to protect themselves, self sufficient taxation, and religious motives, and they just happen to live in places like Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, West Virginia, Alabama, etc.

As opposed to say New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Massachusetts where very few Whites are "Frontiers peoples" or "Colonial Whites"

I don't know about that. I would have to do some research. But for the entire country, whites are the least violent and criminal.

Nay, nay, Ray....

Modesty prevents me from naming the racial group with the highest income, highest educational attainment, and lowest criminal behavior.

Asian Indians????
Poverty does not create crime. Look at China.

Yeah really, the majority Black Prince George's County, Maryland has an income level roughly 10 X higher than China, and roughly 20 X higher than India, yet the murder rate of Prince George's County, Maryland is about 5X higher than China, and about 3X higher than India.

What's really going on there, eh?
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated and unskilled conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???

Are you being bigoted against Native Americans??????
To you the Native American can't compete with the Immigrants??????

Would you like to turn Copenhagen, Denmark into something more like Islamabad, Pakistan?
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???

Are you being bigoted against Native Americans??????
To you the Native American can't compete with the Immigrants??????

Would you like to turn Copenhagen, Denmark into something more like Islamabad, Pakistan?
I did not mention Native Anericans. Trying to twist my words won’t work.
No one with at least half a brain suggests Kobenhavn should look like Islamabad.
Get real.
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???

Are you being bigoted against Native Americans??????
To you the Native American can't compete with the Immigrants??????

Would you like to turn Copenhagen, Denmark into something more like Islamabad, Pakistan?
I did not mention Native Anericans. Trying to twist my words won’t work.
No one with at least half a brain suggests Kobenhavn should look like Islamabad.
Get real.

So, Danes have the right to keep out Muslims, but Americans have no rights to keep out Hispanics???
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???

Are you being bigoted against Native Americans??????
To you the Native American can't compete with the Immigrants??????

Would you like to turn Copenhagen, Denmark into something more like Islamabad, Pakistan?
I did not mention Native Anericans. Trying to twist my words won’t work.
No one with at least half a brain suggests Kobenhavn should look like Islamabad.
Get real.
So, Danes have the right to keep out Muslims, but Americans have no rights to keep out Hispanics???
Who said that?
Why do you make up crap?
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???

Are you being bigoted against Native Americans??????
To you the Native American can't compete with the Immigrants??????

Would you like to turn Copenhagen, Denmark into something more like Islamabad, Pakistan?
I did not mention Native Anericans. Trying to twist my words won’t work.
No one with at least half a brain suggests Kobenhavn should look like Islamabad.
Get real.
So, Danes have the right to keep out Muslims, but Americans have no rights to keep out Hispanics???
Who said that?
Why do you make up crap?

So, we agree that if Great Danes allowed in 20 million Muslim people, it would become Great Danestan????
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???

Are you being bigoted against Native Americans??????
To you the Native American can't compete with the Immigrants??????

Would you like to turn Copenhagen, Denmark into something more like Islamabad, Pakistan?
I did not mention Native Anericans. Trying to twist my words won’t work.
No one with at least half a brain suggests Kobenhavn should look like Islamabad.
Get real.
So, Danes have the right to keep out Muslims, but Americans have no rights to keep out Hispanics???
Who said that?
Why do you make up crap?

So, we agree that if Great Danes allowed in 20 million Muslim people, it would become Great Danestan????
A superior solution would be to build new Cities, over there.
Are you being bigoted against Native Americans??????
To you the Native American can't compete with the Immigrants??????

Would you like to turn Copenhagen, Denmark into something more like Islamabad, Pakistan?
I did not mention Native Anericans. Trying to twist my words won’t work.
No one with at least half a brain suggests Kobenhavn should look like Islamabad.
Get real.
So, Danes have the right to keep out Muslims, but Americans have no rights to keep out Hispanics???
Who said that?
Why do you make up crap?

So, we agree that if Great Danes allowed in 20 million Muslim people, it would become Great Danestan????
A superior solution would be to build new Cities, over there.

Somewhere is a video which has Muslims living in the UK that yell "Denmark Go to Hell, U.S.A Go to Hell, Nuke Nuke Denmark, Nuke Nuke U.S.A" etc.

Are these the fruits of diversity?
I did not mention Native Anericans. Trying to twist my words won’t work.
No one with at least half a brain suggests Kobenhavn should look like Islamabad.
Get real.
So, Danes have the right to keep out Muslims, but Americans have no rights to keep out Hispanics???
Who said that?
Why do you make up crap?

So, we agree that if Great Danes allowed in 20 million Muslim people, it would become Great Danestan????
A superior solution would be to build new Cities, over there.

Somewhere is a video which has Muslims living in the UK that yell "Denmark Go to Hell, U.S.A Go to Hell, Nuke Nuke Denmark, Nuke Nuke U.S.A" etc.

Are these the fruits of diversity?
New Cities would do more to convince them than Any right wing, "protestations".
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated and unskilled conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???

As an immigrant, I can speak to that issue.

1. "that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated and unskilled conservatives."

That sentence clearly marks you as an imbecile.

2. Imbeciles, Leftists, Democrats, Liberals use the term 'immigrants' to cloud the issue, as they are attempting to hid the fact that the discussion is about illegal immigrants.

3. Democrats need....need.....illegal immigrants to vote for them as Americans have made known that they despise Democrats/Liberals.

And....they've been caught admitting it:

"A secret strategy memo from the Left’s most influential think tank warns that Democrats face electoral oblivion unless they immediately double-down on their support for the young illegal immigrants known as the DREAMers.

DREAMers are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” according to the memo dated Jan. 8.

Shielding DACA beneficiaries from enforced removal is so important to the left-wing agenda that Democrats have to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” states Palmieri’s memo.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” the memo states. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”

…they tend to be underachievers, less educated and less established than typical Americans.

According to the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies, about 24 percent of DREAMers are functionally illiterate and 46 percent possess only “basic” English ability. Only 49 percent have a high school diploma, even though a majority are now adults.”
Democrats Must Embrace DREAMers or Face Doom, Says Secret Left-Wing Memo

Now slither back into the sewer you squirmed out of.
If the democrats' future depends on the 'Dreamers,' they are in big-ass trouble.
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
I thought USA’s history is made by immigrants!
Name one famous “American” who does not have an immigrant in their ancestry.
Immigrants are usually hard working and expect less pay; that’s why many USA citizens don’t like them, especially uneducated and unskilled conservatives.

And does Trump not have an immigrant in his family???

Are you trying to make a point with that statement? Oh, so at one time when we needed more people here, that's the reason to open up the borders now?

At one time we needed the ice man to put blocks of ice in our coolers.
At one time we needed ditch diggers.
At one time we needed horse shoe makers.
At one time we needed people to set up bowling pins.

Nothing is forever because we have 320 million people here now, and that's more than enough.

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