Preparing for violence with Trump impending Indictment in NY

If Trump appears before a judge and jury, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near NYC. I foresee tens of thousands there with pitchforks and torches. There'll be guns aplenty. This time you won't see many flags and banners.
Then those freaks can all be arrested for breaking the NY gun laws.
No. Nobody sees what you mean. You don’t even realizing that you’re babbling. You dopey twat.

If you ever have anything intelligent to say, send up a flare.
See? Taking a shit. Doesn't even know the topic of the thread he opened. Has uncontrollable, vulgar outbursts and mood instability. Has problems articulating his thoughts in language. Has grade A hissy fits, then 3 minutes later forgets what he was having a fit about.

Traumatic brain injury. To the frontal lobe.

Longtime abuse of certan drugs can also cause this. Or a stroke.
See? Taking a shit. Doesn't even know the topic of the thread he opened. Has uncontrollable, vulgar outbursts and mood instability. Has problems articulating his thoughts in language. Has grade A hissy fits, then 3 minutes later forgets what he was having a fit about.

Traumatic brain injury. To the frontal lobe.

Longtime abuse of certan drugs can also cause this. Or a stroke.
Again, you retard, I didn’t open this thread.

Damn; you’re pathetic.

And by the way, your posts are all shit all the time.

Do you even remember where you left your brain when you put it down?
Trump did what he did. He fucked around on his wife with whores and then with the help of a large media outlet, he covered it up with bribes to keep the public from finding out, thereby affecting the outcome of the election. The large media outlet even went the extra mile by capturing and killing one of the whores' story with it's own money.

If Trump broke the law, he should be indicted. It's as simple as that.

But of course the tards don't care that a media outlet interfered in an election.

Oh, wait...

There's something radically wrong with you.
You know that right?

It's now official.:

BREAKING NEWS: Report just came in from Manhattan DA that they are planning to have Donald Trump handcuffed and arrested next week. If that happens, it will mark the end of America as we know it.— Matt Wallace (@MattWallace888) March 17, 2023
While this may be irrelevant to the political realities, I would wager that not one Leftist in ten could explain exactly what it is that Candidate Trump did that was illegal, and why it deserves incarceration.

Tangentially, how can anyone prove that the sole reason to pay off the Slut was to protect his political aspirations. Seriously?

With all the "crimes" that Lefties have been claiming Trump did for the past 8 years, this is what they come up with? Gimmeafukkinbreak.

There literally is no crime.
It's like the NWO shillbots AND NPCs are trying to incite violence.

They know their case is weak but that doesn't matter. They want to create an emergency to justify rounding up maga types.
If you find crimes against Biden and is 'crime-family' then charge them.
I'll support the jailing of ANY politician, as they are ALL criminals.
Now, YOU say the same about trump.

If they ever find real crimes against Trump, he should follow the law as with anyone else so long as it wasn't just born out of another witch hunt trying to keep him out of government while ignoring equal and worse crimes committed by many others.

The entire problem with government is one of corruption and apathy.

The entire popularity and reason for Trump is because he is outside Washington and their buddy system acting primarily for the people.

Let's start right now with the long list of massive crimes already committed AGAINST Trump, unthinkable disrespect and behavior against a president until the modern democrats came along.
Nine pages of idiocy over a rich guy paying hush money to cover up an alleged consenual affair. Yes I'm aware of the irony in me posting here and adding to it which is why I will now be going to watch NCCA basketball and the world baseball classic.
Nine pages of idiocy over a rich guy paying hush money to cover up an alleged consenual affair. Yes I'm aware of the irony in me posting here and adding to it which is why I will now be going to watch NCCA basketball and the world baseball classic.

While keeping the Epstein-Clinton pedophile names top secret.
This third world country is entirely fucked up.
If they ever find real crimes against Trump, he should follow the law as with anyone else so long as it wasn't just born out of another witch hunt trying to keep him out of government while ignoring equal and worse crimes committed by many others.

The entire problem with government is one of corruption and apathy.

The entire popularity and reason for Trump is because he is outside Washington and their buddy system acting primarily for the people.

Let's start right now with the long list of massive crimes already committed AGAINST Trump, unthinkable disrespect and behavior against a president until the modern democrats came along.

The same people did kill JFK for similar reasons.
Of course back then they actually tried to hide it.
Now it's just right out in the open.
All this means is that Trump’s arrest will be a piece of political theater for the ages, and that’s altogether fitting, as it will be the culmination of America’s long decline into banana republic status. The arrest of Trump, particularly while Hunter Biden, Old Joe, Nancy “Insider Trading” Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton, along with a host of other Leftists, remain uninvestigated, will demonstrate that America is now a place where corrupt governing officials use the full weight of the law to persecute and prosecute opposition leaders and silence dissent.

He is right.


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