President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

the bible was just a signal to his base that he is still one of them...

and that he is on THEIR side....

I'm surprised he wasn't holding a pig.....(a white supremacist signal)

and shouldn't he include references to 13%? and 109?...soon to be 110?
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

The reason for starting the thread is obvious. To see If and how Trump supporters defend actions that OP deemed inappropriate. The real question is why people enter the thread and avoid answering simple questions.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

the bible was just a signal to his base that he is still one of them...

and that he is on THEIR side....

I'm surprised he wasn't holding a pig.....(a white supremacist signal)

and shouldn't he include references to 13%? and 109?...soon to be 110?

Sure, and from what I can tell, they bought the whole thing.

As I just mentioned, this isn't about him. It's about them.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

Oh, okay. Here are responses I gave earlier to another Trumpster who was also trying to change the subject by putting me on the defensive:

First would you like to explain the point of your post? What was the goal?
First, as always, I wanted to observe the thought processes and behaviors of the Trumpsters in their responses, if any of them had the balls to actually answer the questions. I knew their support for him would be unequivocal and obedient and pure, but the behaviors are always fascinating. I have not been disappointed.

Second does anyone believe you are a devout Christian or that you have anything but a sneering disdain for Christians?
Oh, no. I don't claim to be Christian. I admit that I don't know how the hell we got here, and it seems pretty egotistical for people to believe they do. I do have a sneering disdain for Christians (or any other religious group) who clearly only use their "religion" as a weapon, who cherry-pick their religion, and who make zero effort to treat others with respect and dignity. They are a living, breathing insult to decent people who are sincere in their faith.

Your “imagination” don’t know what “real Christians” think. It is completely alien to you.
Tough to say. I believe that religion provides decent, humble people with answers, strength, comfort and guidance. For those of you who I believe are less serious, I think it's just a tribal thing.

And no, I don't remember you saying that, sorry.

Except I immediately admitted that he was just using the Bible as a prop, which is the complete opposite of what you expected to see, and indeed still seem to think you saw.

Your blindness on that, brings up the obvious question, what else did you blind yourself to?

I didn't read your post. The most I will usually do is skim.

Perhaps I'm blind to everything. Who knows!

Whatever you'd like. I don't care. Sorry.

So, for all you know, you are wrong about what the other side is saying. since you admit that you don't listen to what they actually say/said.

You ignore what they say, make up the answers, and then make fun of them based on the answers you made up in your head.

Mmm, and you pretend that we are the problem.

On message boards, sure.

So there's no reason for you to keep whining and humping my leg.


No rational reason, that is for sure.

But I have this irrational faith in the power of human reason and the Truth.

So I will be continuing to call you out, when your behavior is obviously....

in need of being called out.

Though, did you note I was gone for a while? I might be getting over this need to speak to you people.

YOu might be winning. Maybe I am giving up on the concepts of Reason and the Debate of Ideas.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

Oh, okay. Here are responses I gave earlier to another Trumpster who was also trying to change the subject by putting me on the defensive:

First would you like to explain the point of your post? What was the goal?
First, as always, I wanted to observe the thought processes and behaviors of the Trumpsters in their responses, if any of them had the balls to actually answer the questions. I knew their support for him would be unequivocal and obedient and pure, but the behaviors are always fascinating. I have not been disappointed.

Second does anyone believe you are a devout Christian or that you have anything but a sneering disdain for Christians?
Oh, no. I don't claim to be Christian. I admit that I don't know how the hell we got here, and it seems pretty egotistical for people to believe they do. I do have a sneering disdain for Christians (or any other religious group) who clearly only use their "religion" as a weapon, who cherry-pick their religion, and who make zero effort to treat others with respect and dignity. They are a living, breathing insult to decent people who are sincere in their faith.

Your “imagination” don’t know what “real Christians” think. It is completely alien to you.
Tough to say. I believe that religion provides decent, humble people with answers, strength, comfort and guidance. For those of you who I believe are less serious, I think it's just a tribal thing.

And no, I don't remember you saying that, sorry.

Wow, imagine that. Direct answers to direct questions. Well done... too bad others won’t follow the example
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

Oh, okay. Here are responses I gave earlier to another Trumpster who was also trying to change the subject by putting me on the defensive:

First would you like to explain the point of your post? What was the goal?
First, as always, I wanted to observe the thought processes and behaviors of the Trumpsters in their responses, if any of them had the balls to actually answer the questions. I knew their support for him would be unequivocal and obedient and pure, but the behaviors are always fascinating. I have not been disappointed.

Second does anyone believe you are a devout Christian or that you have anything but a sneering disdain for Christians?
Oh, no. I don't claim to be Christian. I admit that I don't know how the hell we got here, and it seems pretty egotistical for people to believe they do. I do have a sneering disdain for Christians (or any other religious group) who clearly only use their "religion" as a weapon, who cherry-pick their religion, and who make zero effort to treat others with respect and dignity. They are a living, breathing insult to decent people who are sincere in their faith.

Your “imagination” don’t know what “real Christians” think. It is completely alien to you.
Tough to say. I believe that religion provides decent, humble people with answers, strength, comfort and guidance. For those of you who I believe are less serious, I think it's just a tribal thing.

And no, I don't remember you saying that, sorry.

Except I immediately admitted that he was just using the Bible as a prop, which is the complete opposite of what you expected to see, and indeed still seem to think you saw.

Your blindness on that, brings up the obvious question, what else did you blind yourself to?

I didn't read your post. The most I will usually do is skim.

Perhaps I'm blind to everything. Who knows!

Whatever you'd like. I don't care. Sorry.

So, for all you know, you are wrong about what the other side is saying. since you admit that you don't listen to what they actually say/said.

You ignore what they say, make up the answers, and then make fun of them based on the answers you made up in your head.

Mmm, and you pretend that we are the problem.

On message boards, sure.

So there's no reason for you to keep whining and humping my leg.


No rational reason, that is for sure.

But I have this irrational faith in the power of human reason and the Truth.

So I will be continuing to call you out, when your behavior is obviously....

in need of being called out.

Though, did you note I was gone for a while? I might be getting over this need to speak to you people.

YOu might be winning. Maybe I am giving up on the concepts of Reason and the Debate of Ideas.

Well, as long as we have you around to keep us up to speed on The Truth, we'll find a way to survive, I'm sure.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

The reason for starting the thread is obvious. To see If and how Trump supporters defend actions that OP deemed inappropriate. The real question is why people enter the thread and avoid answering simple questions.

1. am I the only one that answered the question?

2. The obvious answer is that they don't expect their answers to be treated seriously or honestly. Especially as Mac1958 admitted that he does not pay attention to what people say,when they "talk".
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

Oh, okay. Here are responses I gave earlier to another Trumpster who was also trying to change the subject by putting me on the defensive:

First would you like to explain the point of your post? What was the goal?
First, as always, I wanted to observe the thought processes and behaviors of the Trumpsters in their responses, if any of them had the balls to actually answer the questions. I knew their support for him would be unequivocal and obedient and pure, but the behaviors are always fascinating. I have not been disappointed.

Second does anyone believe you are a devout Christian or that you have anything but a sneering disdain for Christians?
Oh, no. I don't claim to be Christian. I admit that I don't know how the hell we got here, and it seems pretty egotistical for people to believe they do. I do have a sneering disdain for Christians (or any other religious group) who clearly only use their "religion" as a weapon, who cherry-pick their religion, and who make zero effort to treat others with respect and dignity. They are a living, breathing insult to decent people who are sincere in their faith.

Your “imagination” don’t know what “real Christians” think. It is completely alien to you.
Tough to say. I believe that religion provides decent, humble people with answers, strength, comfort and guidance. For those of you who I believe are less serious, I think it's just a tribal thing.

And no, I don't remember you saying that, sorry.

Wow, imagine that. Direct answers to direct questions. Well done... too bad others won’t follow the example

And it's so easy. But they're so afraid to be honest that they just pucker up.

Happens every time.
President Trump is not a devout Christian. He's a devout American.

Christianity and America have a history together as old as America. They're inseparable.

That's what President Trump understands.
He is a devout asshole

Are you aware of the fact that you have no actual complaints of substance on his recent job performance?

Like having one third of the Coronavirus deaths in the world?

If you believe the obviously inflated guess numbers. Which no one does. Not even you.
These are the officially reported numbers of deaths as reported daily by the state health departments.

You claim they are fake?

Of course. The official guidlines were designed to encourage guesses and financial incentives were offered for higher numbers. So, we can be sure of one thing. THe official numbers are garbage.
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross Bible.”

And this observation appeared in John Thomas Flynn’s As We Go Marching, published in 1944:

But when fascism comes it will not be in the form of an anti-American movement or pro-Hitler bund, practicing disloyalty. Nor will it come in the form of a crusade against war. It will appear rather in the luminous robes of flaming patriotism; it will take some genuinely indigenous shape and color, and it will spread only because its leaders, who are not yet visible, will know how to locate the great springs of public opinion and desire and the streams of thought that flow from them and will know how to attract to their banners leaders who can command the support of the controlling minorities in American public life. The danger lies not so much in the would-be Fuhrers who may arise, but in the presence in our midst of certainly deeply running currents of hope and appetite and opinion. The war upon fascism must be begun there.

So, using that logic, if I post pictures of Biden with a flag and/or going to church, you will disavow him as a possible fascist?

LOL!! Just kidding. I know you didn't mean anything by your words.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

The reason for starting the thread is obvious. To see If and how Trump supporters defend actions that OP deemed inappropriate. The real question is why people enter the thread and avoid answering simple questions.

1. am I the only one that answered the question?

2. The obvious answer is that they don't expect their answers to be treated seriously or honestly. Especially as Mac1958 admitted that he does not pay attention to what people say,when they "talk".

You are one of the better more on topic trump supporters to converse with. Read through the thread and 90% completely avoid the topic. So why even join the conversation? To distract? I believe that’s called trolling. I agree with some
Of what you said. Trump used the church and bible as a prop. I don’t think he is sincere or cares about Christian values more than the fact that he has political support from the group so he will pander to them.

I don’t agree that he was trying to calm the nation. Somebody from his admin probably proposed the photo op and he thought it would make him look good. But on the other side he is perpetuating the Conflict through what everybody knows is divisive Partisan rhetoric and extreme actions to flex his muscles and appear to be a tough guy
President Trump is not a devout Christian. He's a devout American.

Christianity and America have a history together as old as America. They're inseparable.

That's what President Trump understands.
He is a devout asshole

Are you aware of the fact that you have no actual complaints of substance on his recent job performance?

Like having one third of the Coronavirus deaths in the world?

If you believe the obviously inflated guess numbers. Which no one does. Not even you.
These are the officially reported numbers of deaths as reported daily by the state health departments.

You claim they are fake?

Of course. The official guidlines were designed to encourage guesses and financial incentives were offered for higher numbers. So, we can be sure of one thing. THe official numbers are garbage.

Got proof or just wild conspiracy nonsense?
President Trump is not a devout Christian. He's a devout American.

Christianity and America have a history together as old as America. They're inseparable.

That's what President Trump understands.
He is a devout asshole

Are you aware of the fact that you have no actual complaints of substance on his recent job performance?

Like having one third of the Coronavirus deaths in the world?

If you believe the obviously inflated guess numbers. Which no one does. Not even you.
These are the officially reported numbers of deaths as reported daily by the state health departments.

You claim they are fake?

Of course. The official guidlines were designed to encourage guesses and financial incentives were offered for higher numbers. So, we can be sure of one thing. THe official numbers are garbage.
Who manages and reports this great conspiracy? Is every medical facility in on it or is it just a few people at the top?
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross Bible.”

And this observation appeared in John Thomas Flynn’s As We Go Marching, published in 1944:

But when fascism comes it will not be in the form of an anti-American movement or pro-Hitler bund, practicing disloyalty. Nor will it come in the form of a crusade against war. It will appear rather in the luminous robes of flaming patriotism; it will take some genuinely indigenous shape and color, and it will spread only because its leaders, who are not yet visible, will know how to locate the great springs of public opinion and desire and the streams of thought that flow from them and will know how to attract to their banners leaders who can command the support of the controlling minorities in American public life. The danger lies not so much in the would-be Fuhrers who may arise, but in the presence in our midst of certainly deeply running currents of hope and appetite and opinion. The war upon fascism must be begun there.
There is a history of brash, pugilistic, nationalistic leaders of European ancestry who have captured the imagination of millions by promising to rid them of people who are undesirable, in an effort to save the country.

As they say, history doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.

It's not about the leader, it's about the followers.

Of course, there is a current reality of massive immigration, legal and llegal, that is straining both our ability to absorb the new population, on both economic and cultural grounds and the fault lines inflamed by such tension, is part of the issue that is killing people in the streets today.

But better, to smear good people today, with a broad brush based on surface similarities with other people in other situations in other times and other countries.
President Trump is not a devout Christian. He's a devout American.

Christianity and America have a history together as old as America. They're inseparable.

That's what President Trump understands.
He is a devout asshole

Are you aware of the fact that you have no actual complaints of substance on his recent job performance?

Like having one third of the Coronavirus deaths in the world?

If you believe the obviously inflated guess numbers. Which no one does. Not even you.
These are the officially reported numbers of deaths as reported daily by the state health departments.

You claim they are fake?

Of course. The official guidlines were designed to encourage guesses and financial incentives were offered for higher numbers. So, we can be sure of one thing. THe official numbers are garbage.

Got proof or just wild conspiracy nonsense?

I read the guildlines asking for guesses, and I've heard of the money offered if the report of "convid" is made.

You offer large sums of money with no one watching for truth, or even hint of punishment is caught, and people will take advantage.
President Trump is not a devout Christian. He's a devout American.

Christianity and America have a history together as old as America. They're inseparable.

That's what President Trump understands.
He is a devout asshole

Are you aware of the fact that you have no actual complaints of substance on his recent job performance?

Like having one third of the Coronavirus deaths in the world?

If you believe the obviously inflated guess numbers. Which no one does. Not even you.
These are the officially reported numbers of deaths as reported daily by the state health departments.

You claim they are fake?

Of course. The official guidlines were designed to encourage guesses and financial incentives were offered for higher numbers. So, we can be sure of one thing. THe official numbers are garbage.
Who manages and reports this great conspiracy? Is every medical facility in on it or is it just a few people at the top?

I said nothing of a "conspiracy". My statement was clear. That you have to invent a strawman, is just your brain, knowing that I am right, and you searching for ways to avoid admitting it to yourself.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

The reason for starting the thread is obvious. To see If and how Trump supporters defend actions that OP deemed inappropriate. The real question is why people enter the thread and avoid answering simple questions.

1. am I the only one that answered the question?

2. The obvious answer is that they don't expect their answers to be treated seriously or honestly. Especially as Mac1958 admitted that he does not pay attention to what people say,when they "talk".

You are one of the better more on topic trump supporters to converse with. Read through the thread and 90% completely avoid the topic. So why even join the conversation? To distract? I believe that’s called trolling. I agree with some
Of what you said. Trump used the church and bible as a prop. I don’t think he is sincere or cares about Christian values more than the fact that he has political support from the group so he will pander to them.

I don’t agree that he was trying to calm the nation. Somebody from his admin probably proposed the photo op and he thought it would make him look good. But on the other side he is perpetuating the Conflict through what everybody knows is divisive Partisan rhetoric and extreme actions to flex his muscles and appear to be a tough guy

"Pander" is just spin. He has no political enmity with the Religious Right, that way liberals like Hillary, or Biden does.

He is willing to work with them, and they are wiling to work with him. Nothing wrong with that. If it seems wrong to you, you need to check your assumptions.

What is the most extreme thing he has supposedly done to " perpetuate" the conflict?
This was a fine post. Most of the Trump supporters here know full well that this was an outlandish political ploy. The real question is will some of Trump’s more reluctant and more thoughtful supporters, including some of his truly religious ones, turn against him for this act of impiety and cynicism. I’m not a religious Christian, but I have a lot of respect for those who really try to live a life based on love. I just watched a Dallas police chief praying with protesters he was just about to arrest for violating a curfew. No arrests made. The power of prayer and human solidarity.
This was a fine post. Most of the Trump supporters here know full well that this was an outlandish political ploy. The real question is will some of Trump’s more reluctant and more thoughtful supporters, including some of his truly religious ones, turn against him for this act of impiety and cynicism. I’m not a religious Christian, but I have a lot of respect for those who really try to live a life based on love. I just watched a Dallas police chief praying with protesters he was just about to arrest for violating a curfew. No arrests made. The power of prayer and human solidarity.

At worst, carrying a bible as a symbol of being "one of them" could be seen as disrespectful.

Contrast that, to the hate that most liberal leadership and ideology regularly shows to Christians, and Trump's support from the Religious Right is going to be just fine, as well it should be.

You are working to divide people. Trump is not the problem here. Religious people are not the problem here. Hell, excessive force using cops are not the problem.

Antifa and their Dem allies are the problem here. The hysteria and hate on the left, is what is burning our cities down.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

the bible was just a signal to his base that he is still one of them...

and that he is on THEIR side....

I'm surprised he wasn't holding a pig.....(a white supremacist signal)

and shouldn't he include references to 13%? and 109?...soon to be 110?

Sure, and from what I can tell, they bought the whole thing.

As I just mentioned, this isn't about him. It's about them.

they see in him the HUMAN GARBAGE that they know themselves to be!

"wow! trump says all the rotten disgusting things that I want to say!"

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