President Trump pardons Dinesh D'souza...goodbye Mr Obama's legacy

President Trump announced Thursday he will pardon conservative filmmaker Dinesh Dā€™Souza, who was convicted of making an illegal campaign contribution in 2014.
Trump to give ā€˜full pardonā€™ to Dinesh Dā€™Souza

And of course when you are an idiot who worships criminal Obama and Clinton you would realize how wrong this incident was. D'nesh and Martha Steward were wrongly prosecuted .

Obana's Cintons' Bush have committed more crimes and for the exact same thing they " ACCUSE" Denesh of .

Obama is sickening just like the Democratic mental pricks of society are.

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'FLASHBACK: Documents Show Federal Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison Time For Dinesh D'Souza'

(WOW...this sounds SO familiar.... Oh yeah, like what Comey and his FBI did to acquire FISA warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate and his team during an election...)

"According to court documents, federal prosecutors working on behalf of (CENSURED CRIMINAL) Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of (IN)Justice misled U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman in the case against conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh Dā€™Souza during their pursuit of 10-to-16 months of prison time for a federal felony charge."

What we have here is a documented trend regarding Democrats / liberals / Obama's criminal administration going after Conservatives.

SSDD...rinse, repeat...and they never get held accountable for their criminal behavior.

Katie Pavlich - Documents: Federal Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison Time For Dinesh D'Souza
'FLASHBACK: Documents Show Federal Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison Time For Dinesh D'Souza'

(WOW...this sounds SO familiar.... Oh yeah, like what Comey and his FBI did to acquire FISA warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential candidate and his team during an election...)

"According to court documents, federal prosecutors working on behalf of (CENSURED CRIMINAL) Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of (IN)Justice misled U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman in the case against conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh Dā€™Souza during their pursuit of 10-to-16 months of prison time for a federal felony charge."

What we have here is a documented trend regarding Democrats / liberals / Obama's criminal administration going after Conservatives.

SSDD...rinse, repeat...and they never get held accountable for their criminal behavior.

Katie Pavlich - Documents: Federal Prosecutors Misled Judge in Pursuit of Prison Time For Dinesh D'Souza
and then there is this article about the lying left.

Chevron wins $38m from Environmentalists behaving badly: extortion, fraud, witness tampering, corrupt practices Ā« JoNova

"Gibraltar Supreme Court Awards Chevron $38 Million Against Ecuadorian Conspirators
[May 25th, 2018] SAN RAMON, Calif.ā€“(BUSINESS WIRE)ā€“May 25, 2018ā€“ The Supreme Court of Gibraltar has issued a judgment against Pablo Fajardo, Luis Yanza, Ermel Chavez, Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia (the ā€œFrontā€) and Servicios Fromboliere for their role in a conspiracy to procure and attempt to enforce a fraudulent Ecuadorian judgment against Chevron. The court awarded Chevron Corporation$38 million in damages and interest and issued a permanent injunction against the defendants, preventing them from assisting or supporting the case against Chevron in any way.

Donziger and Fajardo, an Ecuadorian lawyer, were found by a U.S. Federal Court to have engaged in extortion, money laundering, wire fraud, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations, witness tampering and obstruction of justice. The Front, which has long been involved in peddling a dishonest public relations campaign against Chevron aimed at extorting a settlement from the company, and Servicios Fromboliere, an Ecuadorian law firm established by Fajardo, are both shareholders in Amazonia and part of the extensive web of obscure entities established by the participants in the fraud against Chevron to attempt to hide their misconduct and profit from it."
I'm not in favor of this pardon at all. He needs to serve his time regardless of how light the sentence is.
Trump couldn't give a lesser shit what you think. You will not hold him accountable.

Another left wing nut trying to change the direction after proving him to be an idiot, oh well.

Obama didn't give a shit what you thought and one held Obama accountable, new President, same old shit, it's just not your choice of President, so you bitch now instead of defending, the right nuts are defending instead of bitching, you extremists are both idiots.
"Dinesh was the subject of a political prosecution, brazenly targeted by the Obama administration bc of his political views. And heā€™s a powerful voice for freedom, systematically dismantling the lies of the Leftā€”which is why they hate him. This is Justice." - Lyin Ted
From what i know about the conviction, he should be rotting in a cell!

what you know ain't so.

D'Souza was jailed for political reasons by Smug Obama!
He broke campaign finance laws

So did Hillary and the entire top officals of the Dem. National Committee
Cool. Lets have no accountability for anyone.
it's what we mostly have when this type of thing happens don't you think? seems you are barking at the wrong side.
From what i know about the conviction, he should be rotting in a cell!

what you know ain't so.

D'Souza was jailed for political reasons by Smug Obama!
He broke campaign finance laws

So did Hillary and the entire top officals of the Dem. National Committee
Cool. Lets have no accountability for anyone.

We already have that, For nearly 40 years now in Washington.
From what i know about the conviction, he should be rotting in a cell!

what you know ain't so.

D'Souza was jailed for political reasons by Smug Obama!
He broke campaign finance laws

So did Hillary and the entire top officals of the Dem. National Committee
Cool. Lets have no accountability for anyone.

We already have that, For nearly 40 years now in Washington.
So that makes it ok.
"i believe in accountability if i score political points!!"
"Hatā€™s off to the president, whoā€™s going to pardon Dinesh Dā€™Souza. His prosecution and imprisonment by a hack Democrat prosecutor was outrageous. And there arenā€™t many GOP presidents whoā€™d have the guts to do this, either." - Wacky Mark Levin
what you know ain't so.

D'Souza was jailed for political reasons by Smug Obama!
He broke campaign finance laws

So did Hillary and the entire top officals of the Dem. National Committee
Cool. Lets have no accountability for anyone.

We already have that, For nearly 40 years now in Washington.
So that makes it ok.
"i believe in accountability if i score political points!!"

On the contrary, just stating a fact.
We have not been a Democratic Republic for a good 40 years now.
We are gradually, little by little, becoming a Plutocratic Corporatocracy.
Which is interesting, because every book/movie I know that is set in the future... a corporatocracy is almost always the government.

And worth noting, all of this constant useless back and forth rock throwing by the two political party's and their sheep - is exactly what is destroying the Republic.
Time to change the Presidential pardon. Trump has abused it, turning it into a personal favor for criminals based on their political allegiance.

Typical Liberal thinking. You don't agree with it so we must abolish it - just like the electoral college.
D'Souza was a political prisoner. Most Americans think we don't have political prisoners here in the US. But we do. D'Souza made Hussein's 'Enemies List.' He made the list for making a documentary that didn't express worship for the Dictator Hussein. He was later targeted and prosecuted. So, good on Trump. And i wish D'Souza all the best.
Time to change the Presidential pardon. Trump has abused it, turning it into a personal favor for criminals based on their political allegiance.

Typical Liberal thinking. You don't agree with it so we must abolish it - just like the electoral college.
1 gives the President king like powers, the other is a broken and obsolete electoral system. Pardons should not be spectacles handed out as political gifts to criminals

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