PRESIDENT Trump Re-files Texas Court Case

Just a little nitpick ... SCOTUS only rejected immediate relief in the TX lawsuit ... the case can still be filed but will have to be docketed in the order it was received ... it was ruled that since TX can only file at SCOTUS, SCOTUS must let them file it ...

And certainly the electors in the states have standing.
The texas AG played a hail marry, in that only a state vs state case can originate in the US supreme court.

Any other plaintiffs have to start at the bottom. Which means years before it could reach the US supreme court. And of course by then, the case would be completely moot.

After January 6th, it's game over
Yeah, I think preserving the democracy means going with the person who got the most votes and not the runner up because a lot of you feel like he should have won.
This is a republic, not a democracy- FYI-a constitutional republic, stupid. Stop relying on talking points to make an invalid argument-

That is not entirely true. Our political system has aspects of both. It is not a pure democracy because representatives of the people vote on issues. It is a democracy in that voters vote for their representatives.
Well, if they do, perhaps they'll finally get it through their thick heads that they aren't going to be able to overthrow the government with their FUCKING AR'S.
Silver lining

You mean like a handful of bed wetters did at CHAZ/CHOP held the cops at bay with a few rifles and horrible hygene?

Well, if they do, perhaps they'll finally get it through their thick heads that they aren't going to be able to overthrow the government with their FUCKING AR'S.
Silver lining

You mean like a handful of bed wetters did at CHAZ/CHOP held the cops at bay with a few rifles and horrible hygene?

Yeah, Pete, I'm sure the military would respond just like those cops to an armed insurgency. Uh huh.
Trump's base doesn't matter. They never have.
So when did you abolish the Constitution? I hadn't heard that news.

And do you mean you personally abolished it, in your own mind?
Or this is legally fait accompli now? Just so everyone knows what you
have decreed.
“the epoch times”


"CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, Rueters, Huffington Post, newYork Times etc etc etc"


There is a problem with unadulterated news on Reuters?
WHO KNEW? :laugh:

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You forgot the rule. If you're not an obedient, mindless Trumpster, you're a radical pinko Nazi Venezuelan Maoist Fascist socialist Chinese Hitler commie.
You keep saying this, but the USA is a democratic republic. Notice which word comes first?
The US is a constitutional republic- I don't care what your failed education tells you- we have a republic, which is not democratic and we have a constitution which never referenced deomocratic-
I didn't mention the Constitution.
No where in that document is democratic mentioned- it is in fact a representative gov't with 3 checks and balances to maintain republic and repel democratic.
Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani

President Donald Trump’s legal team is planning on filing retooled lawsuits, his lawyer said Saturday.

“We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said during an appearance on “War Room: Pandemic.”

Texas filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan, alleging the elections there were run contrary to the Constitution. The nation’s top court rejected the suit late Friday.

Trump’s team is going to file suits or has already filed in the four states as well as Arizona and Nevada. The suits will incorporate allegations in the complaint filed by Texas.

“If the state doesn’t have standing, surely the president of the United States has standing. And certainly the electors in the states have standing. So they will be bringing those very cases right in those courts, starting today,” Giuliani said. “And let’s see what excuse they can try to use to avoid having a hearing on that.”

Courts have been using the matter of standing to dodge facing the facts, he alleged, adding, “Nobody wants to face the reality that this election was stolen.”

Not a single court decision has had a hearing yet. They haven’t heard from a single witness. They haven’t looked at a single tape. They haven’t listened to a single recording. There are thousands of them. They haven’t even bothered to look at the tape in Atlanta, Georgia, which is dispositive. It shows an ongoing voter theft of 30,000 votes, enough to change the election.


The SCOTUS has already bowed to terrorism and will cower to the democrat Brown Shirts of ANTIFA.

The rule of law in America is over. The Constitution is over. There is no reason for a Supreme Court anymore, there is no law in this land.
Oh brother....suck it up. There will be another presidential election in four years.
Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani

You gotta love this guy. Democrats worst nightmare.

Trump will have 10X more energy out of office than Biden ever will in office.

I wonder if Joe will need crutches or a wheelchair to get to his inauguration.

Maybe they can do the whole thing in Joe's basement.
You forgot the rule. If you're not an obedient, mindless Trumpster, you're a radical pinko Nazi Venezuelan Maoist Fascist socialist Chinese Hitler commie.
You forgot those you side with threw out the first pitch in this game-
I didn't mention the Constitution.
No where in that document is democratic mentioned- it is in fact a representative gov't with 3 checks and balances to maintain republic and repel democratic.

"Ultimately, in a democracy, “regular free and fair elections open to citizens of voting age” are the norm.

This is certainly the case in America and each of its fifty states. So, clearly, the United States is, under the modern definition of the term, a democracy."

From: United States: Republic or Democracy?

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