President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

They are not "undocumented immigrants".

They are, at best "illegal immigrants".

And truthfully, "invaders" would be more accurate.

NOt wanting criminals to become citizens is not evidence of racism.

THat you present it as though it is, just decreases your credibility.
The United States is founded by immigrants, many of whom were undocumented. Some came recently, got married, paid taxes, had families, and stayed on the right side of the law. There can be a way of allowing these immigrants to become citizens of the country they love.

THe fact this nation was founded by people who came here from a distance, does not mean that we do not have the full and complete Rights of Sovereignty, including the right to decide who we wish to invite to joint us.

Indeed, it is utterly absurd to imply that it does mean that.

Sure, there are a hundred ways to over rule the democratically expressed Will of the People and give these people citizenship.

They are also hundreds of ways of NOT doing that.
Congress which claims to do the will of the people could make a law that allows amnesty for undocumented otherwise law-abiding people a path to citizenship. It must be wondered how representative of the people Congress actually is, rather than theoretically should be.

Well Congress is the will of the United States citizen more than it is the will of the people.
The Constitution says "We the People" not We the Citizens.

"We the People of the United States of America" - citizens, in other words.
How can you say that? He hasn't even been confirmed yet. All we know about him so far is that he is a Senator from the deep south who got denied as a Federal Judge because he was deemed too racist and couldn't be trusted to make fair decisions.

Not worried about what Democrats think. They're just being bitter wankers. Their undermining sabotage has begun. Compared to Hussein's corrupt AG's Holder and Lynch, Sessions is an angel.

Jesus fucking Christ... I'm not a Democrat. Why the fuck do you Trump Supporters NOT understand there is more than just Republicans and Democrats???

Is there?

Yeah... there are Libertarians, the Green Party, and Independents. I wrote an introduction thread because I got tired of being "labeled" incorrectly by so many Trump supporters. My beliefs do not fall under the tree of a single party, therefore I'm Independent and chose the candidate I vote for based on who best represents me. Unfortunately this election, all the candidates weren't worthy of being elected POTUS.

All irrelevant. I don't like the corrupt Two Party System, but it is the reality. It is only about Republican/Democrat.

No, no it is not. You have multiple people you can vote for, or vote for none at all if you don't feel if any of the candidates deserve your vote. I'm not going to list all my beliefs here again... you can go read my introduction thread, or whatever... but I'm not a Democrat.
You mean the same 2016 where the new AG just said grabbing a woman by the pussy isn't sexual assault? Go out to your local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy and see if you go to jail.

Says the moron that does not understand the meaning of the word "let".

Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."
It's on the recording, dumbass.

Hey derp derp... read the comments again. I wasn't talking about Trump's tape. I was talking about Sessions being asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy.
Here's Sessions' comment

“I don’t characterize that as sexual assault,” Sessions told The Weekly Standard in the spin room after Sunday night’s presidential debate. “I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant.”

He's obviously talking about Trump's comment, not the act of grabbing a woman's pussy.

How convenient you left out the question,

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.

Trump Idiots: Really, Is ‘Grabbing Them By The Pussy’ Even *Wrong*?
Hopefully, Sessions won't be a corrupt criminal like Hussein's Attorney Generals were. Holder and Lynch were by far the most corrupt Attorney Generals in US history. I doubt Sessions could be worse.

Heh and that is the same type of attitude that got Trump elected... "I can't vote for Hillary because she is just another Obama."

Eric Holder giving the weapons to drug cartels that were used to murder American Brian Terry. Loretta Lynch meeting privately with Bill Clinton to allow Hillary to skate. Corrupt scum. Sessions is a huge improvement.

How can you say that? He hasn't even been confirmed yet. All we know about him so far is that he is a Senator from the deep south who got denied as a Federal Judge because he was deemed too racist and couldn't be trusted to make fair decisions.

"Deemed" by a gang of douche bag Democrats. In other words, it was a decision that was absolutely meaningless.

And Strom Thurmond... why do you seem to leave him out? So how many on the committee were Democrat and how many were Republican? I know Joe Biden was one, and Ted Kennedy was one...

Democrats had enough members in the Senate to filibuster his nomination. That's all that matters.
Says the moron that does not understand the meaning of the word "let".

Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."
It's on the recording, dumbass.

Hey derp derp... read the comments again. I wasn't talking about Trump's tape. I was talking about Sessions being asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy.
Here's Sessions' comment

“I don’t characterize that as sexual assault,” Sessions told The Weekly Standard in the spin room after Sunday night’s presidential debate. “I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant.”

He's obviously talking about Trump's comment, not the act of grabbing a woman's pussy.

How convenient you left out the question,

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.

Trump Idiots: Really, Is ‘Grabbing Them By The Pussy’ Even *Wrong*?

It doesn't matter what the question is. His answer refers to the actual statement Trump made.
Heh and that is the same type of attitude that got Trump elected... "I can't vote for Hillary because she is just another Obama."

Eric Holder giving the weapons to drug cartels that were used to murder American Brian Terry. Loretta Lynch meeting privately with Bill Clinton to allow Hillary to skate. Corrupt scum. Sessions is a huge improvement.

How can you say that? He hasn't even been confirmed yet. All we know about him so far is that he is a Senator from the deep south who got denied as a Federal Judge because he was deemed too racist and couldn't be trusted to make fair decisions.

"Deemed" by a gang of douche bag Democrats. In other words, it was a decision that was absolutely meaningless.

And Strom Thurmond... why do you seem to leave him out? So how many on the committee were Democrat and how many were Republican? I know Joe Biden was one, and Ted Kennedy was one...

Democrats had enough members in the Senate to filibuster his nomination. That's all that matters.

Haha, always a spin.

On June 5, 1986, the Committee voted 10–8 against recommending the nomination to the Senate floor, with Republican Senators Charles Mathias of Maryland and Arlen Specter ofPennsylvania voting with the Democrats. It then split 9–9 on a vote to send Sessions' nomination to the Senate floor with no recommendation, this time with Specter in support. A majority was required for the nomination to proceed.[25] The pivotal votes against Sessions came from his home state's Democratic Senator Howell Heflin of Alabama. Although Heflin had previously backed Sessions, he began to oppose Sessions after hearing testimony, concluding that there were "reasonable doubts" over Sessions' ability to be "fair and impartial." The nomination was withdrawn on July 31, 1986.[15]

Sessions became only the second nominee to the federal judiciary in 48 years whose nomination was killed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.[19]

Jeff Sessions - Wikipedia

The bolded area should tell you something.
Show me where when he was asked about grabbing a woman in the pussy it says "let."
It's on the recording, dumbass.

Hey derp derp... read the comments again. I wasn't talking about Trump's tape. I was talking about Sessions being asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy.
Here's Sessions' comment

“I don’t characterize that as sexual assault,” Sessions told The Weekly Standard in the spin room after Sunday night’s presidential debate. “I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant.”

He's obviously talking about Trump's comment, not the act of grabbing a woman's pussy.

How convenient you left out the question,

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.

Trump Idiots: Really, Is ‘Grabbing Them By The Pussy’ Even *Wrong*?

It doesn't matter what the question is. His answer refers to the actual statement Trump made.

And anyone with two cents will tell you that Trump was referring to using his money and power to force women into "letting" him do it. That's not real consent. Ask Fox News how well that works out.
Ancient history, what does it matter?

And you guys have made accusations of racism completely meaningless.

So you're saying his comments were racist, and you just don't care? Got it.

Actually, I don't believe you take on it, I don't feel like researching ancient history to find out what exact lie you are telling, and I am ridiculing you a little because you lefties are always dismissing conservatives when we harp on past personal issues with liberals, like Bill.

Also, you lefties have no credibility to all anyone racist anymore.

All the information contained in you doing that, is that it is what in the Medical Field is called a Sign of LIfe.

ie I know that you are a living liberal. Because when liberals die is the only time they stop calling people racist.

Query: Have you ever called an animal racist? Or a plant? What about an inanimate object?

I'm not a fucking lefty. This just shows your lack of intelligence... AGAIN. You have attack me from post one, and you wonder why my responses to you are so rude? Again, just another example of your lack of intelligence. If I was writing a research study about your intelligence level, I'd have more than enough examples to pull a Neil Degrasse Tyson and get you demoted from being a human.

You show all the signs of being a lefty, like calling Sessions a racist.

Damn man... he was deemed too racist to be a fucking federal judge... so yeah I'm also calling him a racist. When he says is a white lawyer defends a Black person they are a race traitor... yeah that's fucking racist.
He was slandered by some black leftists and then denied the job by Senate Democrats. Apparently you believe politicians are incapable of dishonesty. That just goes to show what a giant economy sized dumbass you are.

Thomas figures, the lawyer who accused him of making racist remarks, was later indicted for bribing a witness.

DOJ Attorney Who Accused Jeff Sessions of Racial Remarks Was Later Indicted

In 1992, Figures, who had become a defense attorney, was indicted on federal charges for allegedly offering a $50,000 bribe to a convicted drug dealer who was set to testify against his client, according to a 1992 New York Times report.
The Snowflakes think all Conservatives are Racist, so we can expect the same accusations against any and all Trump picks.

Meanwhile, the DNC was the party exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Catholic, Anti-Semites!

Same ol' same ol' get busted doing something - accuse the Conservatives of doing it.

I calls 'em like I sees 'em, and both Sessions and Bannon have some racist attitudes in their pasts.

LOL! Sure they do.

You should read this.

You Are Still Crying Wolf
Good article. Like I said, I think we have to look at what Session has said and done since 1986, to be fair. Bannon is another story. If Dems have been crying wolf, what is actually happening is that now that there is a real concern in the room, no one is listening. Trump will have who he likes, and there's no stopping him. But it is not empty bellyaching when it comes to that guy.
Eric Holder giving the weapons to drug cartels that were used to murder American Brian Terry. Loretta Lynch meeting privately with Bill Clinton to allow Hillary to skate. Corrupt scum. Sessions is a huge improvement.

How can you say that? He hasn't even been confirmed yet. All we know about him so far is that he is a Senator from the deep south who got denied as a Federal Judge because he was deemed too racist and couldn't be trusted to make fair decisions.

"Deemed" by a gang of douche bag Democrats. In other words, it was a decision that was absolutely meaningless.

And Strom Thurmond... why do you seem to leave him out? So how many on the committee were Democrat and how many were Republican? I know Joe Biden was one, and Ted Kennedy was one...

Democrats had enough members in the Senate to filibuster his nomination. That's all that matters.

Haha, always a spin.

On June 5, 1986, the Committee voted 10–8 against recommending the nomination to the Senate floor, with Republican Senators Charles Mathias of Maryland and Arlen Specter ofPennsylvania voting with the Democrats. It then split 9–9 on a vote to send Sessions' nomination to the Senate floor with no recommendation, this time with Specter in support. A majority was required for the nomination to proceed.[25] The pivotal votes against Sessions came from his home state's Democratic Senator Howell Heflin of Alabama. Although Heflin had previously backed Sessions, he began to oppose Sessions after hearing testimony, concluding that there were "reasonable doubts" over Sessions' ability to be "fair and impartial." The nomination was withdrawn on July 31, 1986.[15]

Sessions became only the second nominee to the federal judiciary in 48 years whose nomination was killed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.[19]

Jeff Sessions - Wikipedia

The bolded area should tell you something.

A couple of spineless Northeast RINO Republicans voted against him. Big surprise there.
So you're saying his comments were racist, and you just don't care? Got it.

Actually, I don't believe you take on it, I don't feel like researching ancient history to find out what exact lie you are telling, and I am ridiculing you a little because you lefties are always dismissing conservatives when we harp on past personal issues with liberals, like Bill.

Also, you lefties have no credibility to all anyone racist anymore.

All the information contained in you doing that, is that it is what in the Medical Field is called a Sign of LIfe.

ie I know that you are a living liberal. Because when liberals die is the only time they stop calling people racist.

Query: Have you ever called an animal racist? Or a plant? What about an inanimate object?

I'm not a fucking lefty. This just shows your lack of intelligence... AGAIN. You have attack me from post one, and you wonder why my responses to you are so rude? Again, just another example of your lack of intelligence. If I was writing a research study about your intelligence level, I'd have more than enough examples to pull a Neil Degrasse Tyson and get you demoted from being a human.

You show all the signs of being a lefty, like calling Sessions a racist.

Damn man... he was deemed too racist to be a fucking federal judge... so yeah I'm also calling him a racist. When he says is a white lawyer defends a Black person they are a race traitor... yeah that's fucking racist.
He was slandered by some black leftists and then denied the job by Senate Democrats. Apparently you believe politicians are incapable of dishonesty. That just goes to show what a giant economy sized dumbass you are.

Thomas figures, the lawyer who accused him of making racist remarks, was later indicted for bribing a witness.

DOJ Attorney Who Accused Jeff Sessions of Racial Remarks Was Later Indicted

In 1992, Figures, who had become a defense attorney, was indicted on federal charges for allegedly offering a $50,000 bribe to a convicted drug dealer who was set to testify against his client, according to a 1992 New York Times report.

And? I never said politicians don't lie... but that guy wasn't the ONLY guy to testify against Sessions. Maybe you need to do some more research.
How can you say that? He hasn't even been confirmed yet. All we know about him so far is that he is a Senator from the deep south who got denied as a Federal Judge because he was deemed too racist and couldn't be trusted to make fair decisions.

"Deemed" by a gang of douche bag Democrats. In other words, it was a decision that was absolutely meaningless.

And Strom Thurmond... why do you seem to leave him out? So how many on the committee were Democrat and how many were Republican? I know Joe Biden was one, and Ted Kennedy was one...

Democrats had enough members in the Senate to filibuster his nomination. That's all that matters.

Haha, always a spin.

On June 5, 1986, the Committee voted 10–8 against recommending the nomination to the Senate floor, with Republican Senators Charles Mathias of Maryland and Arlen Specter ofPennsylvania voting with the Democrats. It then split 9–9 on a vote to send Sessions' nomination to the Senate floor with no recommendation, this time with Specter in support. A majority was required for the nomination to proceed.[25] The pivotal votes against Sessions came from his home state's Democratic Senator Howell Heflin of Alabama. Although Heflin had previously backed Sessions, he began to oppose Sessions after hearing testimony, concluding that there were "reasonable doubts" over Sessions' ability to be "fair and impartial." The nomination was withdrawn on July 31, 1986.[15]

Sessions became only the second nominee to the federal judiciary in 48 years whose nomination was killed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.[19]

Jeff Sessions - Wikipedia

The bolded area should tell you something.

A couple of spineless Northeast RINO Republicans voted against him. Big surprise there.

Ah... another excuse. Keep on going.
The Snowflakes think all Conservatives are Racist, so we can expect the same accusations against any and all Trump picks.

Meanwhile, the DNC was the party exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Catholic, Anti-Semites!

Same ol' same ol' get busted doing something - accuse the Conservatives of doing it.

I calls 'em like I sees 'em, and both Sessions and Bannon have some racist attitudes in their pasts.

LOL! Sure they do.

You should read this.

You Are Still Crying Wolf
Good article. Like I said, I think we have to look at what Session has said and done since 1986, to be fair. Bannon is another story. If Dems have been crying wolf, what is actually happening is that now that there is a real concern in the room, no one is listening. Trump will have who he likes, and there's no stopping him. But it is not empty bellyaching when it comes to that guy.
Bullshit. The attacks on Bannon are utterly baseless. There isn't a hint of anti-Semitism in his history.
Ancient history, what does it matter?

And you guys have made accusations of racism completely meaningless.

So you're saying his comments were racist, and you just don't care? Got it.

Actually, I don't believe you take on it, I don't feel like researching ancient history to find out what exact lie you are telling, and I am ridiculing you a little because you lefties are always dismissing conservatives when we harp on past personal issues with liberals, like Bill.

Also, you lefties have no credibility to all anyone racist anymore.

All the information contained in you doing that, is that it is what in the Medical Field is called a Sign of LIfe.

ie I know that you are a living liberal. Because when liberals die is the only time they stop calling people racist.

Query: Have you ever called an animal racist? Or a plant? What about an inanimate object?

I'm not a fucking lefty. This just shows your lack of intelligence... AGAIN. You have attack me from post one, and you wonder why my responses to you are so rude? Again, just another example of your lack of intelligence. If I was writing a research study about your intelligence level, I'd have more than enough examples to pull a Neil Degrasse Tyson and get you demoted from being a human.

You show all the signs of being a lefty, like calling Sessions a racist.

Damn man... he was deemed too racist to be a fucking federal judge... so yeah I'm also calling him a racist. When he says is a white lawyer defends a Black person they are a race traitor... yeah that's fucking racist.
He prosecuted and got the death penalty for the son of a KKK member. He filed suit to DEsegregate schools five times in Alabama. I think you should look at those things that have happened since the 70's and 80's.
Actually, I don't believe you take on it, I don't feel like researching ancient history to find out what exact lie you are telling, and I am ridiculing you a little because you lefties are always dismissing conservatives when we harp on past personal issues with liberals, like Bill.

Also, you lefties have no credibility to all anyone racist anymore.

All the information contained in you doing that, is that it is what in the Medical Field is called a Sign of LIfe.

ie I know that you are a living liberal. Because when liberals die is the only time they stop calling people racist.

Query: Have you ever called an animal racist? Or a plant? What about an inanimate object?

I'm not a fucking lefty. This just shows your lack of intelligence... AGAIN. You have attack me from post one, and you wonder why my responses to you are so rude? Again, just another example of your lack of intelligence. If I was writing a research study about your intelligence level, I'd have more than enough examples to pull a Neil Degrasse Tyson and get you demoted from being a human.

You show all the signs of being a lefty, like calling Sessions a racist.

Damn man... he was deemed too racist to be a fucking federal judge... so yeah I'm also calling him a racist. When he says is a white lawyer defends a Black person they are a race traitor... yeah that's fucking racist.
He was slandered by some black leftists and then denied the job by Senate Democrats. Apparently you believe politicians are incapable of dishonesty. That just goes to show what a giant economy sized dumbass you are.

Thomas figures, the lawyer who accused him of making racist remarks, was later indicted for bribing a witness.

DOJ Attorney Who Accused Jeff Sessions of Racial Remarks Was Later Indicted

In 1992, Figures, who had become a defense attorney, was indicted on federal charges for allegedly offering a $50,000 bribe to a convicted drug dealer who was set to testify against his client, according to a 1992 New York Times report.

And? I never said politicians don't lie... but that guy wasn't the ONLY guy to testify against Sessions. Maybe you need to do some more research.

All the evidence was pure hearsay by leftwingers. It was a typical Democrat lynching.
"Deemed" by a gang of douche bag Democrats. In other words, it was a decision that was absolutely meaningless.

And Strom Thurmond... why do you seem to leave him out? So how many on the committee were Democrat and how many were Republican? I know Joe Biden was one, and Ted Kennedy was one...

Democrats had enough members in the Senate to filibuster his nomination. That's all that matters.

Haha, always a spin.

On June 5, 1986, the Committee voted 10–8 against recommending the nomination to the Senate floor, with Republican Senators Charles Mathias of Maryland and Arlen Specter ofPennsylvania voting with the Democrats. It then split 9–9 on a vote to send Sessions' nomination to the Senate floor with no recommendation, this time with Specter in support. A majority was required for the nomination to proceed.[25] The pivotal votes against Sessions came from his home state's Democratic Senator Howell Heflin of Alabama. Although Heflin had previously backed Sessions, he began to oppose Sessions after hearing testimony, concluding that there were "reasonable doubts" over Sessions' ability to be "fair and impartial." The nomination was withdrawn on July 31, 1986.[15]

Sessions became only the second nominee to the federal judiciary in 48 years whose nomination was killed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.[19]

Jeff Sessions - Wikipedia

The bolded area should tell you something.

A couple of spineless Northeast RINO Republicans voted against him. Big surprise there.

Ah... another excuse. Keep on going.

"Excuse" for what, Democrat smear campaigns?
Actually, I don't believe you take on it, I don't feel like researching ancient history to find out what exact lie you are telling, and I am ridiculing you a little because you lefties are always dismissing conservatives when we harp on past personal issues with liberals, like Bill.

Also, you lefties have no credibility to all anyone racist anymore.

All the information contained in you doing that, is that it is what in the Medical Field is called a Sign of LIfe.

ie I know that you are a living liberal. Because when liberals die is the only time they stop calling people racist.

Query: Have you ever called an animal racist? Or a plant? What about an inanimate object?

I'm not a fucking lefty. This just shows your lack of intelligence... AGAIN. You have attack me from post one, and you wonder why my responses to you are so rude? Again, just another example of your lack of intelligence. If I was writing a research study about your intelligence level, I'd have more than enough examples to pull a Neil Degrasse Tyson and get you demoted from being a human.

You show all the signs of being a lefty, like calling Sessions a racist.

Damn man... he was deemed too racist to be a fucking federal judge... so yeah I'm also calling him a racist. When he says is a white lawyer defends a Black person they are a race traitor... yeah that's fucking racist.
He was slandered by some black leftists and then denied the job by Senate Democrats. Apparently you believe politicians are incapable of dishonesty. That just goes to show what a giant economy sized dumbass you are.

Thomas figures, the lawyer who accused him of making racist remarks, was later indicted for bribing a witness.

DOJ Attorney Who Accused Jeff Sessions of Racial Remarks Was Later Indicted

In 1992, Figures, who had become a defense attorney, was indicted on federal charges for allegedly offering a $50,000 bribe to a convicted drug dealer who was set to testify against his client, according to a 1992 New York Times report.

And? I never said politicians don't lie... but that guy wasn't the ONLY guy to testify against Sessions. Maybe you need to do some more research.
You have claimed the decision of the Senate committee is authoritative. You have to be either incredibly naive or incredibly dishonest to make such a claim.
It's on the recording, dumbass.

Hey derp derp... read the comments again. I wasn't talking about Trump's tape. I was talking about Sessions being asked if it was sexual assault to grab a woman by the pussy.
Here's Sessions' comment

“I don’t characterize that as sexual assault,” Sessions told The Weekly Standard in the spin room after Sunday night’s presidential debate. “I think that’s a stretch. I don’t know what he meant.”

He's obviously talking about Trump's comment, not the act of grabbing a woman's pussy.

How convenient you left out the question,

TWS: So if you grab a woman by the genitals, that’s not sexual assault?

SESSIONS: I don’t know. It’s not clear that he—how that would occur.

Trump Idiots: Really, Is ‘Grabbing Them By The Pussy’ Even *Wrong*?

It doesn't matter what the question is. His answer refers to the actual statement Trump made.

And anyone with two cents will tell you that Trump was referring to using his money and power to force women into "letting" him do it. That's not real consent. Ask Fox News how well that works out.

ROFL! You mean the fact that women are attracted to money and power makes Trump guilty of sexual assault?

You see what I mean about being a douche bag?
I calls 'em like I sees 'em, and both Sessions and Bannon have some racist attitudes in their pasts.

LOL! Sure they do.

You should read this.

You Are Still Crying Wolf
Good article. Like I said, I think we have to look at what Session has said and done since 1986, to be fair. Bannon is another story. If Dems have been crying wolf, what is actually happening is that now that there is a real concern in the room, no one is listening. Trump will have who he likes, and there's no stopping him. But it is not empty bellyaching when it comes to that guy.
Bullshit. The attacks on Bannon are utterly baseless. There isn't a hint of anti-Semitism in his history.
Didn't say there was. I have SEEN the articles on HIS website and don't tell me he's not responsible. Misogynist, anti-Muslim, homophobic. Yes, the articles about extreme conservatism, I know those are there, too, and they're fine in my book. The articles bashing and disrespecting and even threatening entire groups belong in the trash. They belonged in the trash, where he could have put them. Instead, he gave them front page. He would not have done that if he felt they way I feel about Muslims, women, gays. He would have stopped the editors who included those articles. He would have made it known Breitbart didn't stand for that. Bannon didn't do those things.
I calls 'em like I sees 'em, and both Sessions and Bannon have some racist attitudes in their pasts.

LOL! Sure they do.

You should read this.

You Are Still Crying Wolf
Good article. Like I said, I think we have to look at what Session has said and done since 1986, to be fair. Bannon is another story. If Dems have been crying wolf, what is actually happening is that now that there is a real concern in the room, no one is listening. Trump will have who he likes, and there's no stopping him. But it is not empty bellyaching when it comes to that guy.
Bullshit. The attacks on Bannon are utterly baseless. There isn't a hint of anti-Semitism in his history.
Didn't say there was. I have SEEN the articles on HIS website and don't tell me he's not responsible. Misogynist, anti-Muslim, homophobic. Yes, the articles about extreme conservatism, I know those are there, too, and they're fine in my book. The articles bashing and disrespecting and even threatening entire groups belong in the trash. They belonged in the trash, where he could have put them. Instead, he gave them front page. He would not have done that if he felt they way I feel about Muslims, women, gays. He would have stopped the editors who included those articles. He would have made it known Breitbart didn't stand for that. Bannon didn't do those things.
Your mischaracterizing the articles, of course. Attacking radical feminists doesn't make you a "misogynist." Milo Yiannopoulos, whom Bannon hired, is notoriously gay. He's also Jewish.

The accusations against Bannon don't hold water.

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