Pro-Abortionists are against regulations! Major decisions in Texas.

A phrase I keep hearing from democrats is businesses must be regulated...except for abortion clinics...

Fake conservatives complain about regulation and government interference into people's lives. And then want to make decisions about what goes into your body.
Thus about detaching something clinging deep inside a woman's body, in some cases to save your ger life. Funny how willfully describe it as simply, "simething that goes in"?

You do not know what an abortion is, do you?
Supreme Court closely divided on abortion case

If the case is not sent back but is decided on its merits, it seemed more likely that Kennedy would join the liberals in ruling that the law places an undue burden on abortion access without serving a necessary medical purpose. He acknowledged the state would face a "capacity problem" if only 10 clinics are left, as the law's challengers claim.

Kennedy also noted that the law has led to an increase in surgical abortions and a decrease in those induced by medication, exactly the opposite of national trends. "This may not be medically wise," he said.
Abortion is a medical procedure. I would agree it should be regulated like any other medical procedure of similar risk.

If you claim it is a unique procedure, as the Texas legislature seems to imply since they singled it out among all the other medical procedures, you need to be able to justify it and admit it is no longer about medicine and is now about politics/religion.
Abortion is not unique? How many men have abortions?
Unique to 1/2 the population? OK so what about all the other women's plumbing procedures? Are they all unique too?
These puritanical state governments work to eliminate safe, legal abortion (and indeed eliminating it is the only motive behind these fascist bills) over the past two decades, has made us the only developed country in the world in which the maternal death rate has steadily increased.
Abortion is a medical procedure. I would agree it should be regulated like any other medical procedure of similar risk.

If you claim it is a unique procedure, as the Texas legislature seems to imply since they singled it out among all the other medical procedures, you need to be able to justify it and admit it is no longer about medicine and is now about politics/religion.
Abortion is not unique? How many men have abortions?
Unique to 1/2 the population? OK so what about all the other women's plumbing procedures? Are they all unique too?
No different than hemmoroids?
Supreme Court closely divided on abortion case

If the case is not sent back but is decided on its merits, it seemed more likely that Kennedy would join the liberals in ruling that the law places an undue burden on abortion access without serving a necessary medical purpose. He acknowledged the state would face a "capacity problem" if only 10 clinics are left, as the law's challengers claim.

Kennedy also noted that the law has led to an increase in surgical abortions and a decrease in those induced by medication, exactly the opposite of national trends. "This may not be medically wise," he said.
But you dont want the government to nake rules?
These puritanical state governments work to eliminate safe, legal abortion (and indeed eliminating it is the only motive behind these fascist bills) over the past two decades, has made us the only developed country in the world in which the maternal death rate has steadily increased.
Not all countries have legalized abortion? You need to narrow you argument.
Abortion is a medical procedure. I would agree it should be regulated like any other medical procedure of similar risk.

If you claim it is a unique procedure, as the Texas legislature seems to imply since they singled it out among all the other medical procedures, you need to be able to justify it and admit it is no longer about medicine and is now about politics/religion.
Abortion is not unique? How many men have abortions?
Unique to 1/2 the population? OK so what about all the other women's plumbing procedures? Are they all unique too?
No different than hemmoroids?
Medical procedures for the removal of unwanted tissue. I see no difference so you'll have to explain. If you get into the 'it's a human being' argument you'll have to define how and when an egg and sperm become a human being and why you believe it (science? religion? other?)
These puritanical state governments work to eliminate safe, legal abortion (and indeed eliminating it is the only motive behind these fascist bills) over the past two decades, has made us the only developed country in the world in which the maternal death rate has steadily increased.
Not all countries have legalized abortion? You need to narrow you argument.

No other developed country has decreased access to abortion over the last two decades. No other developed country has seen it's maternal death rate increase steadily during that same time.

Medical procedures for the removal of unwanted tissue. I see no difference so you'll have to explain. If you get into the 'it's a human being' argument you'll have to define how and when an egg and sperm become a human being and why you believe it (science? religion? other?)
Unwanted tissue? Wow, you don't have to go far to prove your hypocrisy! I thought this was about a Life Saving Medical Procedure, how can some simple, unwanted, tissue be a life threatening medical condition?

You really have zero understanding what an abortion is used for, do you?
Hypocrisy is refusing to bring the Abortion office up to a standard that the term HealthCare could apply to.

1. Why do you need surgical standards for taking abortion pills?

2. Why are the standards only applicable to abortion providers, other types of doctors can perform surgeries outside of hospitals yet not have to meet the same standards.

Why do these other types of doctors who issue pills and perform surgeries not brought "up to a standard" at the same level?

When Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller stood to make the state's case, the liberal justices pounced. They argued that Texas legislators singled out abortion for tough medical standards not required for riskier procedures, such as colonoscopies and liposuction. They said the two restrictions serve no purpose and have not made abortions safer. And they said more clinic closures would leave the state unable to handle 5.4 million women of reproductive age.

"This is among the most safe, the least risk procedures, an early-stage abortion," said Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who arrived at the court the year after its decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey said states could impose restrictions that do not represent an "undue burden" on women seeking abortions. "So what was the problem that the Legislature was responding to?"

"Increasing the standard of care is valid," Keller said later, to which Justice Sonia Sotomayor responded: "It's valid only if it's taking care of a real problem."
Medical procedures for the removal of unwanted tissue. I see no difference so you'll have to explain. If you get into the 'it's a human being' argument you'll have to define how and when an egg and sperm become a human being and why you believe it (science? religion? other?)
Unwanted tissue? Wow, you don't have to go far to prove your hypocrisy! I thought this was about a Life Saving Medical Procedure, how can some simple, unwanted, tissue be a life threatening medical condition?

You really have zero understanding what an abortion is used for, do you?
One of us is confused, at most, only five percent of all abortions are done for the mother's physical or psychological health. Are you talking only about those or are you talking about ALL abortions?

Obviously since most abortions are not a Life Saving Medical Procedure it must be OK to do most in a clinic setting.
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Is this proposal of increased government regulation an example of that whole limited government tea party movement?
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Is this proposal of increased government regulation an example of that whole limited government tea party movement?
No, not at all. It is an example of the Texas Government stepping in to end the deaths of young woman at the hands of unscrupulous Democrat abortion doctors who spend more on their Mercedes Benz than their "office", which they call "clinics".
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Is this proposal of increased government regulation an example of that whole limited government tea party movement?
No, not at all. It is an example of the Texas Government stepping in to end the deaths of young woman at the hands of unscrupulous Democrat abortion doctors who spend more on their Mercedes Benz than their "office", which they call "clinics".

such as?
Wow is all I can say.
Listening to the News out of Texas today I was surprised that the people who claim to be saving a Women's life and health are protesting against Regulations that will require Doctors to perform abortions in a Hospital type of surgical room instead of a simple office.

Is this proposal of increased government regulation an example of that whole limited government tea party movement?
No, not at all. It is an example of the Texas Government stepping in to end the deaths of young woman at the hands of unscrupulous Democrat abortion doctors who spend more on their Mercedes Benz than their "office", which they call "clinics".

How many died in the year before the regulation?


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