Zone1 Protestantism is Rebellion


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
But the Catholic Church of today does not even closely resemble the Catholic Church as it existed during the Reformation.

It's time for the rebels to put away their weapons and rejoin the True Church.
But the Catholic Church of today does not even closely resemble the Catholic Church as it existed during the Reformation.

It's time for the rebels to put away their weapons and rejoin the True Church.
This division of yours seems to be a trend. Snickers?
Baptist being anti-establishment is imbedded in their Theology. I doubt any joining any other group.
ding, I'm going to put you on ignore.
I often disagree with ding myself, but I would never put him on ignore. He occasionally says something that makes me think. Just the other day, after one of his posts, I thought "I wonder who is feeding and taking care of that dumb SOB, he's obviously too dumb to do it for himself.
Jesus was a follower of John The Baptist, and the first church was founded in the Upper Room of the 2nd Temple, not in Rome; its first two 'Popes' were James the Lesser and Simon, Constantine didn't rewrite anything, King James didn't write the King James bible, scholars did, and the NT isn't obligated to cater to nutjobs. Most mainstream translations are in almost total agreement with each other; just ignore the loons running around claiming otherwise.
But the Catholic Church of today does not even closely resemble the Catholic Church as it existed during the Reformation.

It's time for the rebels to put away their weapons and rejoin the True Church.
It is time for other so inclined souls to emulate or join with their great leader , Lucifer , Prince of Light .
The pin prick sized company of Cult Goody and Goddy Land has had its few minutes of fame and found to have failed lamentably .
Let the next piece of Theatre commence .

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