PROVEN: Hillary Clinton DID COMPROMISE U.S. National Security

Also not true. You guys should get along well.
See you have to learn how to reply

what was also not true?

his post?
my saying you post nonsense?

I mean dude, I gave you an opportunity to say what was wrong about his post

you didn't

so I'll ask again, what is wrong about his post?
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?

She's not just a criminal, she's a Master Criminal with capital letters damn it!

Either that or the Retrumplicans are feckless fascist followers. The 2018 version of the Keystone Cops.

This is a great example of blabbering

but yes Cankles is a criminal.
Hey dipshit, what part of I hate Trump in texts by investigators do you not get?

you really are retarded....he lists tons of the report not the summary.

You can hate whoever you want, thats your private right so long as you conduct yourself PROFESSIONALLY at work.

IG has seen no evidence of bias in Strzok’s descision making in Clinton case and reported as much in black and white.

The email exchanges between him and his girlfriend show clear bias in decision making.

Which decision specifically? Because IG found ZERO in Clinton case.

Actually he didn't, he just couldn't document any. Then in congressional testimony he said that bias put a cloud over the whole damn thing. Go figure.

WTF? He couldn't document any because he didn't find any.
Then why isn't Strozk on Muller's team?
See you have to learn how to reply

what was also not true?

his post?
my saying you post nonsense?

I mean dude, I gave you an opportunity to say what was wrong about his post

you didn't

so I'll ask again, what is wrong about his post?
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?

She's not just a criminal, she's a Master Criminal with capital letters damn it!

Either that or the Retrumplicans are feckless fascist followers. The 2018 version of the Keystone Cops.

This is a great example of blabbering

but yes Cankles is a criminal.

I feel a great truthiness in what you say. I think it fair to say truthiness such as that helped the Russians and their Trumpybear.
how was he wrong? Do you ever get tired of posting nonsense, with no specific rebuttal of other's posts?
Also not true. You guys should get along well.
See you have to learn how to reply

what was also not true?

his post?
my saying you post nonsense?

I mean dude, I gave you an opportunity to say what was wrong about his post

you didn't

so I'll ask again, what is wrong about his post?
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?
The DNC media is known as respected world journalists outside your bubble, super duper. Nobody respects Fox Rush heritage Savage etc etc in the world except ignorant Chumps like you... Trump has about 10% approval around the world. So do you.
See you have to learn how to reply

what was also not true?

his post?
my saying you post nonsense?

I mean dude, I gave you an opportunity to say what was wrong about his post

you didn't

so I'll ask again, what is wrong about his post?
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?

She's not just a criminal, she's a Master Criminal with capital letters damn it!

Either that or the Retrumplicans are feckless fascist followers. The 2018 version of the Keystone Cops.

This is a great example of blabbering

but yes Cankles is a criminal.

Yes it's a conspiracy of the entire u.s. Justice System, you ridiculous super poop... 25 years of hate and Bs propaganda who needs evidence?
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?

She's not just a criminal, she's a Master Criminal with capital letters damn it!

Either that or the Retrumplicans are feckless fascist followers. The 2018 version of the Keystone Cops.

This is a great example of blabbering

but yes Cankles is a criminal.

Yes it's a conspiracy of the entire u.s. Justice System, you ridiculous super poop... 25 years of hate and Bs propaganda who needs evidence?

The clintons have been investigated a million times. You think they don't know it's coming? You morons are unbelievable... GOP robs you and the country blind while you obsess about phony scandals...
Also not true. You guys should get along well.
See you have to learn how to reply

what was also not true?

his post?
my saying you post nonsense?

I mean dude, I gave you an opportunity to say what was wrong about his post

you didn't

so I'll ask again, what is wrong about his post?
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?
The DNC media is known as respected world journalists outside your bubble, super duper. Nobody respects Fox Rush heritage Savage etc etc in the world except ignorant Chumps like you... Trump has about 10% approval around the world. So do you.
Where have you been? Under a rock. Are you F-ing nuts?

Yeah the same media that colluded with Cankles to screw Bernie, promoted BO 95% while condemning Trump 95%, and promotes the ruling class narrative while being controlled by a few billionaires.

Why do you support billionaires?
See you have to learn how to reply

what was also not true?

his post?
my saying you post nonsense?

I mean dude, I gave you an opportunity to say what was wrong about his post

you didn't

so I'll ask again, what is wrong about his post?
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?
The DNC media is known as respected world journalists outside your bubble, super duper. Nobody respects Fox Rush heritage Savage etc etc in the world except ignorant Chumps like you... Trump has about 10% approval around the world. So do you.
Where have you been? Under a rock. Are you F-ing nuts?

Yeah the same media that colluded with Cankles to screw Bernie, promoted BO 95% while condemning Trump 95%, and promotes the ruling class narrative while being controlled by a few billionaires.

Why do you support billionaires?
He's an idiot, ive spanked him enough....I just feel sorry for that trash
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?
The DNC media is known as respected world journalists outside your bubble, super duper. Nobody respects Fox Rush heritage Savage etc etc in the world except ignorant Chumps like you... Trump has about 10% approval around the world. So do you.
Where have you been? Under a rock. Are you F-ing nuts?

Yeah the same media that colluded with Cankles to screw Bernie, promoted BO 95% while condemning Trump 95%, and promotes the ruling class narrative while being controlled by a few billionaires.

Why do you support billionaires?
He's an idiot, ive spanked him enough....I just feel sorry for that trash
Sadly he is not the exception.

He will do well in an Orwellian society. He dances to the elite's tune...and is too dense to know it.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?
The DNC media is known as respected world journalists outside your bubble, super duper. Nobody respects Fox Rush heritage Savage etc etc in the world except ignorant Chumps like you... Trump has about 10% approval around the world. So do you.
Where have you been? Under a rock. Are you F-ing nuts?

Yeah the same media that colluded with Cankles to screw Bernie, promoted BO 95% while condemning Trump 95%, and promotes the ruling class narrative while being controlled by a few billionaires.

Why do you support billionaires?
He's an idiot, ive spanked him enough....I just feel sorry for that trash
Sadly he is not the exception.

He will do well in an Orwellian society. He dances to the elite's tune...and is too dense to know it.
All these democratic criminal masterminds getting away with murder LOL on the BS hate GOP propaganda machine LOL. GOP is now the fake news and conspiracy party...
Last edited:
If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?

She's not just a criminal, she's a Master Criminal with capital letters damn it!

Either that or the Retrumplicans are feckless fascist followers. The 2018 version of the Keystone Cops.

This is a great example of blabbering

but yes Cankles is a criminal.

Yes it's a conspiracy of the entire u.s. Justice System, you ridiculous super poop... 25 years of hate and Bs propaganda who needs evidence?

Lack of evidence is just further proof she is a Master Criminal.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?
The DNC media is known as respected world journalists outside your bubble, super duper. Nobody respects Fox Rush heritage Savage etc etc in the world except ignorant Chumps like you... Trump has about 10% approval around the world. So do you.
Where have you been? Under a rock. Are you F-ing nuts?

Yeah the same media that colluded with Cankles to screw Bernie, promoted BO 95% while condemning Trump 95%, and promotes the ruling class narrative while being controlled by a few billionaires.

Why do you support billionaires?
He's an idiot, ive spanked him enough....I just feel sorry for that trash
Sadly he is not the exception.

He will do well in an Orwellian society. He dances to the elite's tune...and is too dense to know it.
All these democratic criminal masterminds getting away with murder LOL on the BS hate GOP propaganda machine LOL. GOP is now the conspiracy party...
The R Party is a criminal party just like the D Party. There is little difference. Too bad you can't see this.

Yet, you cling to your silly belief the Ds are better. The MSM tells you this and you dutifully believe, while ignoring what your eyes can see.
The DNC media is known as respected world journalists outside your bubble, super duper. Nobody respects Fox Rush heritage Savage etc etc in the world except ignorant Chumps like you... Trump has about 10% approval around the world. So do you.
Where have you been? Under a rock. Are you F-ing nuts?

Yeah the same media that colluded with Cankles to screw Bernie, promoted BO 95% while condemning Trump 95%, and promotes the ruling class narrative while being controlled by a few billionaires.

Why do you support billionaires?
He's an idiot, ive spanked him enough....I just feel sorry for that trash
Sadly he is not the exception.

He will do well in an Orwellian society. He dances to the elite's tune...and is too dense to know it.
All these democratic criminal masterminds getting away with murder LOL on the BS hate GOP propaganda machine LOL. GOP is now the conspiracy party...
The R Party is a criminal party just like the D Party. There is little difference. Too bad you can't see this.

Yet, you cling to your silly belief the Ds are better. The MSM tells you this and you dutifully believe, while ignoring what your eyes can see.
Thanks for 911 through total incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and another corrupt bubble and bust GOP World depression, super duper. Every respected news media in the world agrees with me. Disrespecting our wonderful justice system because of typical emails bullshiting is typically ridiculous... So what corrupt bubble do you expect this time?
The DNC media is known as respected world journalists outside your bubble, super duper. Nobody respects Fox Rush heritage Savage etc etc in the world except ignorant Chumps like you... Trump has about 10% approval around the world. So do you.
Where have you been? Under a rock. Are you F-ing nuts?

Yeah the same media that colluded with Cankles to screw Bernie, promoted BO 95% while condemning Trump 95%, and promotes the ruling class narrative while being controlled by a few billionaires.

Why do you support billionaires?
He's an idiot, ive spanked him enough....I just feel sorry for that trash
Sadly he is not the exception.

He will do well in an Orwellian society. He dances to the elite's tune...and is too dense to know it.
All these democratic criminal masterminds getting away with murder LOL on the BS hate GOP propaganda machine LOL. GOP is now the conspiracy party...
The R Party is a criminal party just like the D Party. There is little difference. Too bad you can't see this.

Yet, you cling to your silly belief the Ds are better. The MSM tells you this and you dutifully believe, while ignoring what your eyes can see.
So does 90% of the world... They
Don't know you are brainwashed fools...
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?

She's not just a criminal, she's a Master Criminal with capital letters damn it!

Either that or the Retrumplicans are feckless fascist followers. The 2018 version of the Keystone Cops.

This is a great example of blabbering

but yes Cankles is a criminal.

Yes it's a conspiracy of the entire u.s. Justice System, you ridiculous super poop... 25 years of hate and Bs propaganda who needs evidence?

Lack of evidence is just further proof she is a Master Criminal.

It's a conspiracy!! The US justice system and the whole world against the lovely GOP and its excellent and highly respected media LOL
You can hate whoever you want, thats your private right so long as you conduct yourself PROFESSIONALLY at work.

IG has seen no evidence of bias in Strzok’s descision making in Clinton case and reported as much in black and white.

The email exchanges between him and his girlfriend show clear bias in decision making.

Which decision specifically? Because IG found ZERO in Clinton case.

Actually he didn't, he just couldn't document any. Then in congressional testimony he said that bias put a cloud over the whole damn thing. Go figure.

WTF? He couldn't document any because he didn't find any.

Yeah, keep ignoring what he said because it doesn't fit your propaganda. 5 of the 6 major players in the investigation are no longer in the FBI, the 6th was escorted out of the building last Friday. Name any other major investigation where that has happened.


Idiot, what part of NO BIAS in investigation discision making found do you not get? All the spin in the world can't can you past that black and white finding.

ZERO out 5 no longer in FBI were removed because of anything to do with Clinton investigation.

Least of all Comey who Trump EXPLICITLY and PUBLICLY said he fired because of Russia thing and what he didn't say was Comey refused to pledge him loyalty and refused to squash Flynn's case.

In Comey's official firing letter it does mention Clinton investigation - namely how Comey inapropriately deviated frrom DoJ policy to SCREW Clinton.

Amazing how you fools consistely live in the up-is-down never-land.
Last edited:
The email exchanges between him and his girlfriend show clear bias in decision making.

Which decision specifically? Because IG found ZERO in Clinton case.

Actually he didn't, he just couldn't document any. Then in congressional testimony he said that bias put a cloud over the whole damn thing. Go figure.

WTF? He couldn't document any because he didn't find any.

Yeah, keep ignoring what he said because it doesn't fit your propaganda. 5 of the 6 major players in the investigation are no longer in the FBI, the 6th was escorted out of the building last Friday. Name any other major investigation where that has happened.


Idiot, what part of NO BIAS in investigation discision making found do you not get? All the spin in the world can't can you past that black and white finding.

ZERO out 5 no longer in FBI were removed because of anything to do with Clinton investigation.

Least of all Comey who Trump EXPLICITLY and PUBLICLY said he fired because of Russia thing and what he didn't say was Comey refused to pledge him loyalty and refused to squash Flynn's case.

In Comey's official firing letter it does mention Clinton investigation - namely how Comey inapropriately deviated frrom DoJ policy to SCREW Clinton.

Amazing how you fools consistely live in the up-is-down never-land.

Yeah, you keep thinking that, now there's allegations that agents revised 302s which is a big no no. By FBI regs a 302 can only be revised with another 302 explaining an error on the original. Some folks my wind up with some obstruction charges or worse. So keep thinking about who might be upside down. More and more information is coming to light and the IG ain't done. But we are.

If it is not reported by NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO, etc....many Americans won't accept it.

These same Americans will do well in our Orwellian future.
Probably because it and the memo are GOP BS, doop. All investigated multiple times and nothing.... Except as propaganda to make Hillary lose.
If you don't think Cankles is a criminal, you are incapable of thinking. She is the worst of the worst. That is pretty bad when you KNOW that the entire political class are criminals.

...but partisans like you, are unable to see the truth. You reflexively believe whatever DNC media tell you.

You would never take your news from the Rs, why do you accept it from the Ds?

She's not just a criminal, she's a Master Criminal with capital letters damn it!

Either that or the Retrumplicans are feckless fascist followers. The 2018 version of the Keystone Cops.

This is a great example of blabbering

but yes Cankles is a criminal.

I feel a great truthiness in what you say. I think it fair to say truthiness such as that helped the Russians and their Trumpybear.

Hillary's criminality did help Trump win, but the Russians had nothing to do with it. On that, why would the Russians prefer someone that they could not control (trump) over Hillary who they had tons of material to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what they wanted?
The law was broken as soon as the information was removed from a secure place or system.

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material



DoJ after investigation and investigation of the investigation has concluded that no charges should be brought.

Now what the fuck do you little internet dwellers think you know that DoJ does not at this point about Clinton and her emails?

It's over, time to move on with your life.

To put it simply, I wouldn't want to overwhelm you puny brain, we know everything you chose to ignore.

The bitch set up a private server to avoid federal records keeping laws.

The bitch and her minions didn't send duplicates of their communication to the State Dept Archivist, as required by law.

The bitch and her minions removed classified information from their secure networks, a violation of law.

The bitch and her minions sent and received classified information over an unsecure network and stored classified information on that network, a violation of law.

The bitch communicated with the POTUS over an unsecure system, every communication with a president is classified automatically. Therefore both violated the law with regards to security.

Comey laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence while ignoring all the points of intent. Having the server to avoid records keeping laws, false exculpatory statements made by the bitch to congress, the destruction of records under a congressional order to preserve and the destruction of devices under order to preserve.

No we have the documented bias of the people in charge of the investigation.

Which explains why immunity was handed out like candy at Halloween, why subpoenas weren't issued and why a grand jury wasn't utilized, as in all other large scale investigations.

There are many more details, but you're not worth the effort when you're going to ignore it anyway.


Hey dummy, what part of NO BIAS found in treatment of Clinton case do you not understand?

IG Report is concluded and that’s what it found. Case was brought to a proper conclusion.

Game Over. There is no next act here. No review of the review. Get it through your thick head and move on.

Hey dipshit, what part of I hate Trump in texts by investigators do you not get?

you really are retarded....he lists tons of the report not the summary.

You can hate whoever you want, thats your private right so long as you conduct yourself PROFESSIONALLY at work.

IG has seen no evidence of bias in Strzok’s descision making in Clinton case and reported as much in black and white.

the IG conclusion defies common sense. Bias in decision making was obvious in the text exchanges by the guy running both the Clinton email investigation and the Russia investigation.
Hey dipshit, what part of I hate Trump in texts by investigators do you not get?

you really are retarded....he lists tons of the report not the summary.

You can hate whoever you want, thats your private right so long as you conduct yourself PROFESSIONALLY at work.

IG has seen no evidence of bias in Strzok’s descision making in Clinton case and reported as much in black and white.

The email exchanges between him and his girlfriend show clear bias in decision making.

Which decision specifically? Because IG found ZERO in Clinton case.

Actually he didn't, he just couldn't document any. Then in congressional testimony he said that bias put a cloud over the whole damn thing. Go figure.

WTF? He couldn't document any because he didn't find any.

everyone else who has seen the email exchanges considers them to be documentation of decision making bias. Strozk has been fired. If he did nothing wrong why was he fired?

It seems, to any intelligent observer, that the IG showed bias in its conclusions. That is as much of a problem as the original acts of high ranking FBI officials.

Trump is threatening the establishment cabal in both parties. That's what this is all really about.

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